Reproduced in PDF fonn in Feb. 2010 by the Communist Voice Organization (www.communistvoice.org). See pages 69-71 for who we are and something about our current views. The Workers' Advocate WORKERS OF. ALL COUNTRIES, UNITEI THEORETICAL ISSUE soc VOICE OF THE MARXIST-LENINIST PARTY OF THE USA March 20,1984 Volume 14, Number 3 Our differences. with the Part, of labor of Albania This special issue of The Workers' Advocate is de­ the PLA on various world issues. voted to documents examining the stand and views of Our Party has active revolutionary solidarity with the the Party of Labor of Albania towards controversial PLA. In the U.S. it is our Party that rallies the workers questions in the international Marxist-Leninist .move­ in the factories and the revolutionary activists in the ment. It includes resolutions from the Second Congress mass movements in support of socialist Albania. In the of our Party. It includes documents from the internal U.S. it is our Party that fignts against "three world­ discussion that our Party has carried on for several ism," Maoism, Soviet revisionism and liquidationism years now on certain stands from the PLA that have and that popUlarizes the contributions the PLA has worried us. And it includes a selection of excerpts from made to international communism. the news bulletin of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency Continued on next page (AT A) that gives some idea of the present outlook of See OUR DIFFERENCES RESOLUTION OF THE 2nd CONGRESS OF THE MLP,USA On the Role of the PLA in the ~ World Marxist-Leninist Movement The Second Congress expresses its revolutionary The Second Congress discussed the stands of the PLA solidarity with the Party of Labor of Albania and the fra­ on the vexed questions in the international Marxist­ ternal Albanian people. Socialist Albania stands defiant Leninist movement. Militant solidarity and fraternal in the midst of capitalist-revisionist encirclement. It is support does not mean mecQanically copying the stands today the only country in the world building socialism. of another party. On the contrary, proletarian inter­ Free of economic crisis, free of debt payments to the nationalism requires that all parties support what is international bankers, free of the aggressive military right and criticize what is wrong in the stand of other blocs, free of capitalists, landlords, racists and mili­ parties. Only thus can the parties truly learn from each tarists, Albania stands as an example of what the other's experience, and only thus can they be regarded working people can accomplish when they stand up in as truly linked in the revolutionary cause. In this revolution and persist on the socialist road. spirit, the Second Congress assessed both. the immortal The Party of Labor of Albania, as the only Marxist­ accomplishments of the PLA and the weaknesses in its Leninist party that is presently in power, has an impor­ present stands. tant position in the world Marxist-Leninist movement. Continued on page 8 OUR DIFFERENCES not seriously speak of support of socialism in Albania or Continued from front page of defense of the interests of the international Marxist­ Leninist movement unless one makes the most serious The Second Congress of our Party reaffirmed this and p~instaking study of the lessons taught by the his­ historic stand. It evaluated highly the historic contribu­ tory and views of the PLA, assimilating what is correct tions of the PLA. And it held that it is the responsibility and criticizing what is wrong. of all class conscious workers and communists to up­ Our differences with the PLA concern its stands on hold and defend socialist countries wherever they exist, current events and various of its views of the last and that socialist Albania is today the only genuinely several years on the strategy and tactics for the inter­ socialist country in the world. The Second Congress national Marxist-Leninist movement. held that the example of socialist life inspires the The opening years of the 1980' s have seen many workers aU around the world, showing that it is possible vexed questions and controversies arise inside the to live without exploiters, racists and militarists. international Marxist-Leninist movement. These dis­ But the Second Congress also stressed that defense agreements, taken as a whole, concern basic questions of socialism in Albania does not mean repeating every­ of revolutionary work and analysis. The powerful impe­ thing that the PLA says, good or bad. No, true defense tus developing in the international movement in the of socialism requires something far more arduous and · latter 1970's at the height of the struggle against far more valuable. It requires work to push forward the Chinese revisionism has been largely dissipated. The proletarian revolutionary movement. Lenin, ever the international Marxist-Leninist movement has not been stalwart champion of proletarian internationalism, able to fight with sufficient vigor against the diverse taught that: rightist, revisionist and liquidationist forces that seek to "There is one, and only' one, kind of real inter­ destory it; in fact, liquidationist and petty-bourgeois nationalism, and that is - working wholeheartedly nationalist views have had some influence inside the for the development of the revolutionary move­ international Marxist:Leninist movement. How the ment and the revolutionary struggle in one's own present controversies are resolved will affect for some country, and supporting (by propagand~, sym­ time to come whether the international Marxist­ pathy, and material aid) this struggle, this, and Leninist movement regains its revolutionary mo­ only this, line, in every country without excep­ mentum or suffers further setbacks. tion. " (From pt. 16 of "The Tasks of the Prole­ In this situation the PLA has been, in the early tariat in Our Revolution, Draft Platform for the 1980's, advocating wrong answers to the controversial Proletarian Party," Collected Works, Vol. , 24, questions in the international Marxist-Leninist move­ p.75) ment. It has retreated from its militant stand of the lat­ It is clear that such internationalist work to build the ter 1970's. In the latter 1970's the PLA defied the pres­ revolutionary movement mqst be conscious work. This sure of the imperialist-revisionist world and of Chinese requires that every Marxist-Leninist party, every com­ revisionist blackmail in order to open up the period of munist, every class conscious worker and revolutionary the worldwide condemnation ~f the "three worlds" activist, study for themselves the basic questions of theory and Maoism. The major publicatiohs of the PLA political strategy and tactics and support what is had an electrifying effect on the international Marxist­ revolutionary and criticize what is mistaken. One can- Leninist movement. Althought even then there were The ,Workers' Advocate Theoretical-Political Newspaper of the Central Committee of the MARXIST-LENINIST PARTY, USA o Editorial correspondence: The Workers' Advocate Ontario Street Station Chicago, IL 60611 o Orders and subscriptions: Marxist-Leninist Publications Ontario Street Station Chicago, IL 60611 o Rates: From vendor: 25e Via first class mail: . 75e for single copy $4.50 for six issues $9.00 for 12 issues ISSN 0276-363X 2 • certain weaknesses in the stands of the PLA, neverthe­ views must be accepted on faith, and no parties whose less the PLA played a leading role in urging the entire only role is to applaud at the prompting of others. world movement forward. But now, in the early years Instead all parties and Marxist-Leninist communists ofthe 1980's, the PLA has failed to carry the struggle around the world must take full and conscious part in against revisionism through to the end. As a result, its settling the questions of revolutionary strategy and views and actions have degenerated. tactics. Therefore, it is necessary to soberly evaluate the Our Party is working in various ways to strengthen present weaknesses in the stands of the PLA as part of the international Marxist-Leninist movement. We have the struggle to resolve the differences within and thrown ourselves heart and soul into fighting the vari­ strengthen the international Marxist-Leninist move­ ous revisionist currents; we have enthusiastically car­ ment. ried news about the views and activities of other par­ Our Party has tried repeatedly to clarify the issues at ties and fervently supported the revolutionary move­ stake through private discussions with the PLA, but ment in their countries; we have taken part in or sup­ this has proved unsuccessful. The PLA has been unwill­ ported the various international meetings and rallies; ing to have discussions on a true basis of equality and un­ we have worked hard to develop contact at various willing to ponder seriously criticisms of itself. We have levels with other parties; and we have pondered the also kept close watch on how other Marxist-Leninist controversial issues as they have arisen. The Second parties were dealing with the controversial issues. At Congress of our Party came to the conclusion that, in the Second Congress of our Party, we summed up years order to help resolve these issues, it is essential to of paying special attention to the question of the norms speak openly and publicly on our views of the present of relations between parties. We studied the Leninist stands of the PLA. This issue of The Workers' Advocate teachings on this question and we evaluated the recent is devoted to opening this discussion. experience of the international Marxist-Leninist move­ ment. Our general conclusions are contained in the On the Present World Situation resolution entitled "On the Relations Between the Marxist-Leninist Parties." Furthermore, the Second The world situation in the early 1980's has its own Congress also held that, at this time, the Leninist particular characteristics.
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