i ThiNK. ThE montforT acadEmy is a placE whErE ThE sTudy of brilliant miNds aNd profouNd idEas rEvEals ThE glory of god aNd ThE digNiTy of ThE humaN pErsoN. — lt col david petrillo, ph.d. Headmaster Rigorous Academics at montfort, students are not afraid to ask big and rhetoric that equips students with the questions. As the only classical secondary school intellectual tools to think rationally and commu- in the Archdiocese of New York, The Montfort nicate clearly. In addition to the Trivium courses, Academy offers its students an education that is every student takes four years of mathematics, rigorous, energizing, and authentically Catholic. science, literature, theology, and history, as well Montfort students delve into the traditions of as two years of Latin, fine arts, and a modern Western civilization and learn to use the wisdom language. of the past to shape a vision for their future. They A Montfort student understands that these learn to love the philosophers of antiquity and the academic disciplines are not disparate subjects theologians of the Middle Ages and to explore but related parts of a unified whole. Teachers creation with Euclid, Galileo, and Einstein. They encourage students to synthesize across the learn to interpret challenging texts, to construct curriculum, and students discover classes that logical arguments, and to identify sound reasoning. seem as unrelated as literature and chemistry They learn to think. are, in fact, different ways of understanding one The Montfort curriculum is organized around human reality – a human reality created and the Trivium, the classical series of grammar, logic, redeemed by the Triune God. i ThiNK. 9:1 174 40% Student-teacher ratio Current students Growth in the student body since 2014 a montforT acadEmy graduate knows how To Think; a pErsoN who caN Think caN do aNyThiNg. — Gerard hanley, M.d. Father of Christian ’10 (medical student) and Nick ’12 (engineering student) Authentically Catholic at the heart of a montfort education is the Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and the confidence that faith and reason work together: recitation of the Rosary are part of the weekly that a thirst for knowledge is not at odds with a Montfort schedule. Following in the footsteps of thirst for God, and that virtue is not at odds St. Louis de Montfort, the school maintains a with success. Montfort students know that their devotion to the Blessed Mother, to whom students academic work is for the greater glory of God daily consecrate themselves in morning prayer. and the betterment of man, that their human By immersing mind and spirit in all that is dignity is inherent and inalienable, and that good, true, and beautiful, Montfort instills in their eternal destiny is heaven. its students a profound love for Jesus Christ and As an independent Catholic school, The His Church. This love fills students with confi- Montfort Academy is faithful to the teachings of dence in the goodness of the human person and the Magisterium and is committed to forming inspires them to seek Our Lord in every person students according to the rich spiritual and they encounter. intellectual heritage of the Church. Teachers and students alike recognize the Eucharist as the source and summit of their lives. Mass, i know. 7 32 5 Required courses in philosophy School Masses each year Days per week morning Mass and theology is available montforT draws iN sTudents sEarchiNg for spiriTual wEalTh. — ellen JenninGs ’14 Building Character the montfort community is a family. Intimate perform manual labor through the St. Joseph the and supportive, Montfort is a place where every Worker Club, and the entire student body makes teacher knows the name of every student. It is a an annual pilgrimage to the March for Life in place where teachers emphasize character and Washington, D.C. students are not afraid to show they care. Whether When coupled with The Montfort Academy’s planning a checkmate, scoring a winning goal, or classical curriculum, these experiences move dismantling someone’s argument in philosophy students to take on a broad worldview. They class, a Montfort student strives to live by charity. organize international mission trips and take part That same charity is at the heart of true friend- in Montfort’s Study in Italy program, where they ships and inspires students to serve one another encounter the cradle of Western civilization and and those in need. explore their role in a global society. Montfort Montfort students regularly demonstrate their also hosts a Distinguished Speaker Lecture series desire to do good by living the corporal and through which leaders in government, journalism, spiritual works of mercy. They sing in the Schola medicine, and business engage students in at Mass, collect toys for needy children, and feed discussion on questions of civic responsibility. the hungry at a soup kitchen in the Bronx. Many i carE. 2,405 30 100% Volunteer hours contributed by Archaeological and historical sites Percentage of the student body who students in 2014 students visit during the Study in joyfully participate in community Italy program service projects throughout their high school years sTudents arE TaughT To apprEciate ThE enduriNg valuEs of TruTh, jusTicE, civiliTy, ordEr, modEraTioN, aNd prudencE. — nathan liebowitz, ph.d. History Teacher and Chess Moderator Achieving Excellence in all that they do, Montfort students strive Montfort students also develop and demon- to achieve excellence. Numerous extracurricular strate their leadership skills through athletics. activities offer them the chance to explore how the They bring intensity and enthusiasm into the skills and relationships they cultivate at Montfort arena of competition, and they leave that arena prepare them to engage the world well after knowing they competed with integrity and graduation. The Montfort Academy’s close-knit honor. Through Montfort’s soccer, cross-country, community and atmosphere of intellectual basketball, baseball, and softball programs, athletes curiosity foster an entrepreneurial spirit among learn that sportsmanship is about not only a strong the student body: many students take the initiative body but also a keen mind and a noble soul. in developing student-led clubs and activities, Whether in the classroom, under the stage and in recent years students have founded both lights, or on the baseball diamond, Montfort the St. Joseph the Worker and Swing Dancing students strive to achieve excellence by building clubs. Other popular activities include Robotics, meaningful relationships, developing character, Drama Club, Schola, Debate Team, Chess, Student and cultivating virtue. Council, and Astronomy Club. i sTRIVE. 5 2 1st Boys’ basketball Westchester Theatrical productions each year Place the girls’ basketball team won County Friendship Tournament in the 2014 and 2015 Westchester Championships Independent Athletic Association Tournament montforT allows miNds aNd spiriTs To blossom aNd To forgE ThEir owN way Through ThE juNglE of daily liviNg. — Michael dziedzic ’04 Curriculum trivium and philosophy science Grammar Biology Logic Chemistry Rhetoric Astronomy & Physics Philosophy AP or Research Elective theology modern languages Theology I – Old & New Testaments Italian I Theology II – Doctrinal & Sacramental Theology Italian II Theology III – Church History & Moral Theology Italian III Theology IV – Apologetics Italian IV Spanish I literature Spanish II Spanish III Ancient Literature Spanish IV British Literature Medieval and Renaissance Literature classical languages Modern Literature Latin I history Latin II Latin III The Great Conversation: The History of i ExplorE. Latin IV Western Thought Greek I Western Civilization in a Global World Greek II United States History Government and Economics additional courses mathematics Art History Chess Integrated Algebra Chivalry Geometry Christian Womanhood Algebra II/Trigonometry Computer Applications Pre-Calculus Computer Programming Calculus Etymology Health Education advanced placement courses Music History AP Biology Physical Education AP Calculus AB SAT/ACT Preparation AP Chemistry Senior Seminar AP Government and Politics Senior Thesis AP Language and Composition AP Latin AP Literature and Composition the montfort academy is chartered by the Board AP Physics of Regents of the State University of New York and AP United States History is the only classical Catholic secondary school in the Archdiocese of New York. Accepted since the montfort academy’s founding, 100% of graduates have been accepted into four-year colleges and universities, including the following: Assumption College College of William and Mary Ave Maria University Drexel University Baylor University Eckerd College Belmont Abbey College Fordham University Benedictine College Franciscan University of Steubenville Binghamton University Georgetown University Boston College Indiana University Boston University Iona College Carleton College Ithaca College Catholic University of America (Honors Program) Lassel College Christendom College Loyola College of Maryland Clark University Macaulay Honors College College of Mt. St. Vincent Manhattan College College of the Holy Cross Manhattanville College New York Institute of Technology NYU Tisch School of the Arts Ohio State University Providence College (Honors Program) Quinnipiac University i compete. $2.9M Roanoke College Academic scholarship funding earned by the 18 graduates Rochester Institute of Technology of the Class of 2015 Sacred Heart University Salve Regina University
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