S6098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 23, 2019 H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on SA 1049. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an TEXT OF AMENDMENTS the table. amendment intended to be proposed to SA 1032. Ms. BALDWIN (for herself and Mr. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 967. Ms. ROSEN (for herself and MORAN) submitted an amendment intended to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) submitted an to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- dered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed to posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, SA 1050. Ms. KLOBUCHAR submitted an amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed to SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making SA 1033. Mr. TILLIS (for himself and Mr. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY appropriations for the Departments of BURR) submitted an amendment intended to to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- Commerce and Justice, Science, and be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed dered to lie on the table. by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; SA 1051. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an Related Agencies for the fiscal year which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed to ending September 30, 2020, and for SA 1034. Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY other purposes; which was ordered to CARPER, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. CARDIN) sub- to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- lie on the table; as follows: mitted an amendment intended to be pro- dered to lie on the table. At the appropriate place in title IV of divi- posed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SA 1052. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an sion C, insert the following: SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which amendment intended to be proposed to PROHIBITION OF USE OF FUNDS TO DIVERT was ordered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1035. Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- FUNDS FROM THE SOUTHERN NEVADA PUBLIC JONES) submitted an amendment intended to dered to lie on the table. MANAGEMENT ACT SPECIAL ACCOUNT be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed SA 1053. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an SEC. 4llll. None of the funds made by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; amendment intended to be proposed to available by this Act may be used to rescind which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY or divert funds from the special account es- SA 1036. Ms. SMITH submitted an amend- to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- tablished under section 4(e)(1)(C) of the ment intended to be proposed to amendment dered to lie on the table. Southern Nevada Public Land Management SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill SA 1054. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–263; 111 Stat. 2345) H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on amendment intended to be proposed to for any purpose not authorized under that the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY Act. SA 1037. Ms. HIRONO submitted an amend- to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- ment intended to be proposed to amendment dered to lie on the table. SA 968. Ms. ROSEN submitted an SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill SA 1055. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making SA 1038. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- INHOFE) submitted an amendment intended dered to lie on the table. appropriations for the Departments of to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- SA 1056. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an Commerce and Justice, Science, and posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, amendment intended to be proposed to Related Agencies for the fiscal year supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY ending September 30, 2020, and for SA 1039. Mr. KAINE submitted an amend- to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- other purposes; which was ordered to ment intended to be proposed to amendment dered to lie on the table. lie on the table; as follows: SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill SA 1057. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on amendment intended to be proposed to At the appropriate place in title II of divi- the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY sion D, insert the following: SA 1040. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- SEC. 2ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other amendment intended to be proposed to dered to lie on the table. provision of this Act, the amount made amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1058. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an available for the Neighborhood Reinvest- to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed to ment Corporation under the heading ‘‘PAY- dered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY MENT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD REINVESTMENT SA 1041. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- CORPORATION’’ under the heading ‘‘NEIGHBOR- amendment intended to be proposed to dered to lie on the table. HOOD REINVESTMENT CORPORATION’’ under amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1059. Mrs. FEINSTEIN submitted an title III of this division shall be increased by to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed to $2,000,000. dered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of SA 1042. Ms. DUCKWORTH submitted an to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- this Act, the amount made available for the amendment intended to be proposed to dered to lie on the table. Office of Administration under the heading amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1060. Mr. CARDIN submitted an amend- ‘‘ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICES’’ under to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- ment intended to be proposed to amendment the heading ‘‘MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRA- dered to lie on the table. SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill TION’’ under this title shall be decreased by SA 1043. Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on $2,000,000. JONES) submitted an amendment intended to the table. be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed SA 1061. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO submitted SA 969. Ms. ROSEN (for herself and by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; an amendment intended to be proposed to Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1044. Ms. SMITH (for herself, Mr. to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed to BROWN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. KAINE, Mr. dered to lie on the table. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. WARNER, and Mr. CARDIN) submitted an SA 1062. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO submitted SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making amendment intended to be proposed by her an amendment intended to be proposed by appropriations for the Departments of to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- her to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- Commerce and Justice, Science, and dered to lie on the table. dered to lie on the table. Related Agencies for the fiscal year SA 1045. Mr. HEINRICH submitted an SA 1063. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself ending September 30, 2020, and for amendment intended to be proposed to and Mr. PORTMAN) submitted an amendment amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY intended to be proposed to amendment SA other purposes; which was ordered to to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. lie on the table; as follows: dered to lie on the table. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the On page 230, line 17, strike ‘‘$1,357,182,000’’ SA 1046. Mr. HEINRICH submitted an table. and insert ‘‘$1,358,182,000 (of which $4,088,000 amendment intended to be proposed to SA 1064. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO submitted shall be for activities under section 5(d)(2) of amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY an amendment intended to be proposed to the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act (Public Law to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY 106–506; 114 Stat. 2353; 130 Stat. 1786))’’. dered to lie on the table. to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- On page 263, line 9, strike ‘‘$136,244,000’’ and SA 1047. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and Mr. dered to lie on the table. insert ‘‘$135,244,000’’.
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