2018/07/20 “Think Like A Trafficker” Brooke A. Ayars, PhD Sociology Arizona Western College & Northern Arizona University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSgTmcq-bBk [Nightline, 2015] …About Dr. Ayars… ◊PhD - Sociology [Oklahoma State University, 2005] ◊MA - Psychology [University of Houston, 1997] ◊BS – Applied Behavioral Sciences [Ohio State University, 1994] ◊Domestic Violence Pretrial Investigator / Court Casemanager, Chesterfiled County, VA [1999-2000] ◊Juvenile Mental Health Court Casemanager, Springfield, OH [2000-02] ◊Primary Treatment Therapist at American Legion Childrens’ Home, Ponca City, OK [2005-06] ◊Executive Director of Family Promise [Displaced Families], White County, GA [2013] ◊Lived and worked in Kingdom of Bahrain, Middle East for four years… ◊Studied in Cuernavaca, Mexico; San Jose, Costa Rica; Buenos Aires, Argentina ◊Current Research: Investigating ‘Social Dynamics of Strip Clubs’ along Mexican-American border in search of possible ‘sex slaves’ 1 2018/07/20 Regional Sex Trafficking Victims and Profits [2015] Kara, Siddharth [2017]. Sex Trafficking, Table 0.1, xii. “10 Countries Most Afflicted by Modern Slavery” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2FSPdgEguk [August, 2017] REGION VICTIMS PROFITS [billions] •South Asia 415,000 $5.7 •East Asia/Pacific 385,000 $6.2 •West Europe 170,000 $14.7 •Central/East 145,000 $6.3 Europe •Latin America 140,000 $4.1 •Africa 140,000 $1.9 •Middle East 105,000 $7.0 •North America 90,000 $6.2 TOTAL: 1,590,000 $52.1 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons: “Palermo Protocol” [United Nations, 2000] “…the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.” Link: https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=IND&mtdsg_no=XVIII-12- a&chapter=18&lang=en Your Logo or Name Here 2 2018/07/20 “A National Crisis?” •National Center for Missing and Exploited Children •FBI Deputy Assistant Director Chip Burrus, Innocence Lost Project …A growing concern in the United States because • Human trafficking is second largest global criminal enterprise… • On average, 16,000 people are trafficked into the United States via air, border crossings, and/or smuggled to key cities such as: Portland, Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, Atlanta, New Jersey… • Estimated 199,000 American youth are sexually exploited each year [Clawson, et al (2009). “Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States”; literature review]… • Nationally, 450,000 children run away from home each year while 1 in every 3 of these street kids will be lured by traffickers within 48 hours of leaving home [Connecticut Department of Children and Services, n.d.]… • Average age of entry into sex trafficking is 12-14 for girls and 11-13 for boys [i.e., estimates for minors] while roughly 76% of victims are female followed by males then transgendered youth… • The average pimp makes roughly $200,000 per year on one victim; victims are trafficked on average for seven years… •Belles, Nita [2015]. In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America, 24-25. Trafficking Victims Protection Act [TVPA], 2000 a] A commercial sex act induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or [Section 8a] b] …the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery [Section 8b] • ttps://polarisproject.org/current-federal-laws • https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/898Your Logo or Name Here 3 2018/07/20 7 International Sex Trafficking Sex Trafficking in the US • Highly organized and comprised of • Only 5% of the global sex trafficking multiple layers and players generally market… associated with large criminal networks [i.e., mafia]… • Why? Stricter laws that are enforced by • Extreme forms of coercion, threat, brutally, non-corrupt law enforcement and and torture are employed to ‘break and prosecuted by progressive courts…. deter escape’ of victims… ‘physical control!’ • Smaller networks that are more ‘localized’ and/or ‘individualized’ [i.e., 2- • Movement of women and children from 20+ persons]… impoverished villages in poor countries across porous borders with the assistance • The use of fraud and coercion are the of corrupt local law enforcement and lax preferred forms of solicitation… trafficking laws… ‘psychological control!’ • To ‘wealthier more populated’ destinations where they are auctioned, delivered upon • Emotional bonding, fear and humiliation, request, rented or sold… guilt, desensitization, normalization, and physical threats are used to create • To brothels, clubs, and fronted businesses ‘acceptance’ of sex industry lifestyle… MARGIE'S TRAVEL MARGIE'S that tend to ‘house’ large numbers of victims [i.e., 20-60+]… • Numerous local and national hotlines, • Escape is rare due to: family obligations, social services, and resources are language barriers, corrupt policing, bribes, available to rescued victims… cultural norms regarding violence towards women and children, lack of local “The ‘United States’ makes it difficult to services, cannot buy way out, and death… traffick victims into, across, or out of this M country!” 8 Anatomy of Sex Trafficking… • Kara, 2017; 5-15. •Royal, M. [2018]. The Pimp Guide. • Use of fraud, seduction, coercion, force, abduction, or sale of women and children… • Within national or across international borders by agents, recruiters, traffickers, and transporters from areas of high poverty, limited education, diminished employment opportunities, corrupt law, and poor social institutions… • To locations and venues primed for the sex industry: strip clubs, truck stops, massage parlors, apartments, hotels, private parties, and the streets where they must work to buy their way out… • By key players: mafia and organized networks, gangs, MARGIE'S TRAVEL MARGIE'S traffickers and pimps, bottom girls, macks and hustlers, facilitators, and tricks… • Via means of local advertisements, false-front businesses, M and the Internet. 4 2018/07/20 “Trafficking [i.e., in the US] more commonly involves survival sex of minors and ‘boyfriend’ pimps.” [Nichols, 83] RISK FACTORS: • ‘Runaways’ and foster care kids! • Kids hungry for ‘special’ attention and material items! • Victims of physical and sexual abuse during childhood… • Dysfunctional, broken families resulting in Characteristics of ‘Ideal Victim’ normalization of ‘worthlessness’… • Low self-esteem impacted by learned Kara, Siddarth [2017]. Sex Trafficking. helplessness and displayed as ‘dependent’ personality… Nichols, Andrea [2016]. Sex Trafficking in the United States. • LGBTQ+ youth… Royal, Mickey [2018]. The Pimp Game: Instructional Guide • Drug and alcohol dependencies… Your Logo or Name Here • Undocumented status… “If you wish to catch or trap prey, you must put yourself in its place and think like it would think!” [Royal, 2018, 85] Be Alert! • Schools / College Campuses • Local public places where vagrant youth might loiter: parks, motels, convenient stores, bus stops/stations, airports, business fronts, abandoned buildings and Locations to find ‘Ideal Victim’ homes Belles, Nita [2015]. In Our Backyard. • Large events: professional sports, concerts, fairs, bars & clubs… Dines, Gail [2010]. Pornland. • The Internet: Local Classified Ads Kara, Siddarth [2017]. Sex Trafficking. • The streets! Nichols, Andrea [2016]. Sex Trafficking in the United Your Logo or Name Here States. 5 2018/07/20 11 A Pimp’s Perspective… “A prime target is driven by her insecurities. A prime target is ‘lost.’ For example, her self-hate is the leash around her neck. Her insecurities are handcuffs. You find out what her insecurities are and use them against her. Next, find out what brings her pleasure, then use this knowledge to keep her weak, humble, loyal, and working! When determining proper bait to execute this, you must show them 30% of something familiar, 50% of something they want, and 20% of the ‘unknown.’ And finally, you don’t do anything for her without receiving sex. You have to get it into her head subconsciously that money and favors come from sex!” MARGIE'S TRAVEL MARGIE'S [M. Royal, 2018, 68-69] M “The Pimp Game” 12 The ‘Bottom Girl’s’ Contribution… The bottom girl is the most loyal and important of all the girls in the stable… she is the trafficker’s business partner, recruiter, and stabilizer! “Once you knock your bottom girl, she will go out and recruit ho’s for her pimp. He has absolute power over his bottom woman and MARGIE'S TRAVEL MARGIE'S has so absorbed her soul that he has an almost telepathic connection with her!” M Royal, 2018; 44-46. 6 2018/07/20 Know The Game! “Characteristics of Traffickers” “Traffickers and pimps are not born, but made!” • Violent childhood living in marginalized neighborhoods… • Socialized to criminal lifestyle and ‘groomed’ to be trafficker… • Victims of physical and sexual abuse including neglect…
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