University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Textile Society of America Newsletters Textile Society of America Winter 2011 Textile Society of America Newsletter 23:1 — Winter 2011 Textile Society of America Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/tsanews Part of the Art and Design Commons Textile Society of America, "Textile Society of America Newsletter 23:1 — Winter 2011" (2011). Textile Society of America Newsletters. 62. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/tsanews/62 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Textile Society of America at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Textile Society of America Newsletters by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Textile VOLUME 23 n NUMBER 1 n WINTER, 2011 Society of America Lillian Elliott Award Recipient: Sharon Kallis CONTENTS HE 2010 LIllIAN EllIOtt volunteers from the Stanley Park Kallis describes her role as Award was presented Ecology Society removed almost that of “a traveling catalyst,” a 1 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Tat the TSA Biennial five hectares of invasive material. new element in the environ- 2 Symposium 2010: TSA Award Symposium held this past The vines were dried and ment, spring-boarding the com- Winners October in Lincoln. The recipi- then netted, crocheted, or spool munity into seeing the local 3 From the President ent, Sharon Kallis of knitted into “nurse logs” and “bio landscape from a fresh perspec- 4 TSA Study Tours Vancouver, BC, has collaborated netting” to hold the eroding soil tive. Traditions of handwork, for the past few years with envi- in place long enough for new often springing directly out of 5 Symposium 2010 Photos ronmentalists, ecologists, and native growth to return. As the locale into which they are 6 TSA Member News community members to forge a these crafted elements gradually re-deployed by Kallis, underline 9 Symposium 2010: Reports by human/landscape relationship of decay and allow for a succes- a way of being present that is TSA Award Recipients stewardship and attention. sion of growth, the environment often divorced from our actual 12 Symposium 2010 Photos Her creative process is driven becomes a collaborator as well, experience of being in a place. by the twin desires to bring com- bringing the cycle full circle. Sharon Kallis has held resi- 13 Book Reviews munity involvement into the dencies in Canada, the US, and 16 Conference Reviews, Textile local manage- most recently Community News ment of invasive Catalonia, Spain, 17 Publication News species, and to working with 18 Calendar use ancient communities textile processes and woodlands. to turn the By learning harvested plant traditional mak- materials back ing processes into a form that from elders and will support the then re-inserting re-establishment them into the of native flora environment in THE TEXTILE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, and fauna. To this collaborative INC. PROVIDES an INTERnaTIOnaL this end she way, she encour- FORUM FOR THE EXCHanGE has worked most ages dialogue, anD DIssEMInaTION OF recently on the fosters commu- INFORMATION ABOUT “Ivy Project” at nication across TEXTILES WORLDWIDE, Stanley Park. different FROM ARTISTIC, CULTURAL, Sharon Kallis: collaborative project in a Vancouver park, 2009. “The Ivy The park was segments of the ECONOMIC, HISTORIC, Boat,” English ivy, assorted park maintenance branch waste. A total of 200 POLITICAL, SOCIAL, anD being over-run volunteers over four days participated in pulling ivy, building a structure, community, and TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVES. by English ivy, so and weaving the ivy boat. literally knits together the landscape and the The Brandford/Elliott Award people who inhabit it. for Excellence in Fiber Art, http://sharonkallis.com honoring the late and beloved The Lillian Elliott Award for fiber artists Joanne Segal Excellence in Fiber Art is pre- Brandford and Lillian Elliott. sented at the Textile Society of Donations in support of this America’s Biennial Symposium award may be sent to: Banquet by the Lillian Elliott Barbara Goldberg Award Board. It is a unique award, 74 Sargent Beechwood in that it supports the work of con- Brookline, MA 02445-7542 temporary fiber artists. [email protected] Recently the name of the –Fran Dorsey award was officially changed to Detail, The Ivy Boat. he 12TH BIENNIAL TSA nature (fireflies are an example), TSymposium received a her research team has created resounding “hurrah” from all prototypes of fabrics that absorb who attended. In addition to light, then give it off. These fab- inspiring speakers, the 250 rics can be used as light sources attendees could choose from and even as battery chargers. among 90 sessions and site sem- These new light-weight materi- inars, video presentations, pre- als require new energy-efficient and post-Symposium workshops design and manufacturing prac- and tours, and also find time to tices. Kennedy’s “Portable Light” visit the textile marketplace and project has evolved to use the bookstore, and the numerous energy-harvesting textiles to pro- contemporary and historic tex- vide clean energy to parts of the tile exhibitions in both Lincoln world where electricity is scarce. Founding Presidents Awardees Deborah Barkun, Nancy Feldman, and Claire and Omaha. Odland with Pat Hickman (far left) and Ruth Scheuing (far right). The Keynote Speaker, Sheila TSA Award and and Nancy Feldman for Feldman and Odland use an Kennedy, Principal Architect at Scholarship Winners “Shipibo Textile Practices, 1952- ethnographic film made in 1959 KVA Ltd., Boston, opened the 2010” and Deborah Barkun to work forward and backward proceedings with a stimulating The Founding Presidents and Jools Gilson-Ellis for in time, enhancing their Shipibo presentation about her work Award for the best paper submit- “Choreographed Cartography: textile research. Authors of the with energy-harvesting textiles. ted to the Symposium lineup Translation, Feminized Labor, winning papers shared a mone- Inspired by bioluminescence in was shared this year by two sets of presenters: Claire Odland and Digital Literacy in half/ tary award and received complei- angel’s ‘The Knitting Map.’” mentary symposium registration. These two jointly authored winning papers reflected the Student/New Professional theme of the Symposium by con- Scholarship Winners: Five necting space and technologies scholarships in the form of in innovative ways. Barkun and complementary Symposium reg- Gilson-Ellis, for example, connect istrations were awarded this year knitting with Global Positioning to: Blaire Ort Gagnon, Jillina Systems and other interactive Gryzlak, Rebecca Cross, Cathy current mapping technologies. Morley, and Sasha Wallinger. More information on the TSA Student and New Professional Awards and Scholarships can be Scholarship recipients: Cathy found on the TSA website at: Morley, Rebecca Cross, Blaire Gagnon, Jillina Gryzlak, and Sasha http://textilesociety.org/awards Rabin Wallinger with TSA President Ruth Scheuing. Photo: Karen Searle 2 Tsa NEwsLETTER tsa board OF directors Workshop Scholarship and Pat Hickman, who as Past which will be published shortly OFFICERS Recipients: Carla Tilghman President, has been instrumental in its new format on the PRESIDENT received scholarship support in providing a smooth transition. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ruth Scheuing to attend “Jacquard: A Loom I would also like to recog- Libraries Digital Commons, an TEL 604/254-6322 [email protected] of Opportunity” led by Julie nize the ongoing work by Task open-access archive service of Holyoke. Scholarships to the Representatives, who continue the University of Nebraska. VICE PRESIDENT Elena Phipps workshop “Investigation of to provide services to TSA: I encourage you to look at TEL 212/349-4485 Natural Dyes: Reds and Purples” Newsletter and Directory Editor the TSA website. Updating it, [email protected] with Dominique Cardon and Karen Searle, Bibliography within our financial abilities, is RECORDING SECRETARY Elena Phipps, supported by The Editor Marlys McGuire, Website one of the things I would like Roxane Shaughnessy Reed Foundation, were awarded Coordinator Susan Powers, to accomplish during my term. TEL 416/599-5321 ext. 2226 to Nell Goss and Masumi and Listserv Manager Lydia The way we all use websites and [email protected] Kataoka. A scholarship to the Fraser. I am looking forward to online technologies is expanding TREasURER Mary Littrell Feltmaking workshop with Janice working with Jill D’Alessandro very fast, and we need to see TEL 970/491-5811 Arnold and Chris Martens as the new R.L. Shep Ethnic how we can best use it to show- [email protected] was awarded to Heather Clark Textiles Book Award Chair; case TSA and to enhance the DIRECTOR OF INTERnaL RELATIOns Hillard. and, last but by no means least, working relationship between the Mary Anne Jordan The recipients of the Student/ the new Co-Chairs of the TSA Board and our members. TEL 785/864-3919 [email protected] New Professional Scholarships 13th Biennial Symposium in Our next Board meeting DIRECTOR OF EXTERnaL RELATIOns and the Workshop Scholarships Washington, DC, 2012: Sumru will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Michele A. Hardy have submitted reports on the Belger Krody and Cecilia Mar. 4-6. We hope to see some TEL 403/220-4137 Symposium events that they Gunzburger Anderson. of you, if you live in the Toronto [email protected] considered personal highlights. Much of these two months area, on that occasion. PasT PRESIDENT Their reports begin on page 9 of have been spent in winding I welcome any suggestions Patricia Hickman TEL 845/947-8735 this issue and will conclude in the down the work from the you may have and look forward [email protected] Spring/Summer issue. Symposium in Lincoln, NE. You to hearing from all of you about DIRECTORS AT-LARGE will find reports elsewhere in the the things we do well, and about Gerry Craig Newsletter about this event that what TSA needs to do better.
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