The Bundeswehr Memorial In memory of those of the Bundeswehr who died for peace, right and freedom Bundeswehr The Bundeswehr Memorial In memory of those of the Bundeswehr who died for peace, right and freedom The call for bravery includes being prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice: if need be, one’s own life. 2 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL Content Why a Memorial? 5 Architecture 9 The Location 9 The Aesthetic Language of the Construction 15 The Materials 19 The Bronze Shell 21 The Cella 25 The Names of the Dead 31 The Dedication 35 Tradition and the Culture of Remembrance 39 How the Memorial Evolved 43 The Bundeswehr Memorial – Public Commemoration and Private Mourning 51 Editorial Details 56 CONTENT 3 Identity disc: upon entry into military service, every soldier is issued with an identity disc which permits quick and reliable identification. 4 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL Why a Memorial? The Memorial marks an important milestone The Bundeswehr Memorial makes it clear in Bundeswehr history. For the first time, that the defence of peace, right and free­ there is a central site for the commemo­ dom cannot be compared with any other ration of military and civilian Bundeswehr profession. In no other career is the ques­ members who lost their lives in the course tion of life and death of such existential of their service to the Federal Republic of importance as in military service. Germany. Since the Bundeswehr was established in The soldiers of the Bundeswehr are bound 1955, more than 3,100 of its members have by their solemn pledge and their official been killed: our soldiers who were killed in oath to bravely defend the rights and conflict prevention and crisis management freedom of the German people. Military operations in the cause of peace as well as service involves, if necessary, risking life and all the Bundeswehr members who lost their limb and, ultimately, the obligation to kill lives in or as a result of tragic accidents, in battle. This all­embracing duty of loyalty whether during training, exercises, in traffic constitutes the core of military service. accidents or air crashes. WHY A MEMORIAL? 5 6 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL For their part, state and society, which This symbol is a visible token of the special demand this service, are under a special ties of loyalty between the Federal Republic obligation to provide personal support and of Germany and the deceased soldier. In financial security to relatives of soldiers addition, the Bundeswehr holds a funeral who died in the course of their service to service to pay its last respects to those who the Federal Republic of Germany. were killed in missions abroad or during their duty at home. Moreover military and civilian personnel who have lost their lives for the protection This is an important token of solidarity, of peace and freedom deserve public which can provide helpful support for the respect and commemoration. bereaved in a situation that shakes their very existence. But in order to commemo­ That is why the Federal Institutions Flags rate the dead it is necessary not only to draged over the mortal remains of soldiers adhere consistently to rituals but also to who were killed while exercising their designate certain places for this and make official duties. them known. Funeral service: comrades pay their last respects to fallen soldiers. WHY A MEMORIAL? 7 At the Bendler Block: the arrival of the bronze shell marks the beginning of the decisive construction phase. 8 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL Architecture – The Location The site of the Memorial in Berlin, at the The urban area in which the Memorial is official seat of the Federal Ministry of situated is characterized by its structural Defence, is the expression of a political diversity. Embassies, representations of decision. All fundamental decisions by the the Laender, museums as well as office and Government and Parliament regarding the service buildings make this a privileged Bundeswehr are made in Berlin. At the location that is also easily accessible by Bendlerblock, the Berlin seat of the Federal public transport. As part of this ensemble, Ministry of Defence, these decisions are the Memorial is neither exposed on a then implemented for the Bundeswehr. prominent urban stage nor hidden in a The site of the Memorial in the immediate backyard. It stands its ground with a proximity of the legislative and executive certain matter­of­factness without being powers indirectly highlights the fact that obtrusive. This also reflects the self­image the Bundeswehr is bound by the Consti­ of the Bundeswehr, which holds its posi­ tution and the democratic political will tion in state and society with confidence takes precedence. yet does not claim a special role for its members. ARCHITECTURE – THE LOCATION 9 At the same time, the Memorial fits well Following the failed coup d'état, Colonel into the architectural context of the capi­ Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and tal's other memorials: several memorials his aide­de­camp First Lieutenant Werner from the time of the German Empire, the von Haeften, Infantry General Friedrich Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe Olbricht and Colonel Albrecht Ritter Mertz and the New Guardhouse (Neue Wache) von Quirnheim were executed in the court­ as the Central Memorial to Victims of yard of the Bendler Block during the night War and Tyranny are in the vicinity of the of 20 to 21 July 1944. Bundeswehr Memorial. The Bundeswehr Memorial is quite sepa­ The German Resistance Memorial Centre, rate from it and, whilst being nearby, the housed in a side wing of the Bendler Block, Bundeswehr Memorial is still appropriately close to the Bundeswehr Memorial is of far away from the German Resistance special significance. Memorial Centre. Its distance from the courtyard of the Bendler Block underlines This is one of the most important sites of the fact that the Bundeswehr Memorial remembrance of the revolt of conscience neither affects nor qualifies the importance against the criminal national­socialist of 20 July for the Bundeswehr's under­ regime. Military resistance against Adolf standing of tradition. On the contrary, the Hitler is a cornerstone of the Bundeswehr's choice of its location again clearly demon­ understanding of tradition. strates that the Memorial’s lines of tradi­ tion connect with Bundeswehr history. 10 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL The location of the Memorial fits in well Therefore, the Memorial can be entered with the existing architecture. The centre either from the premises of the Federal one of the five flagpoles on the slightly Ministry of Defence or from the public raised forecourt marks the centre line of highway. Thus representing the interface the parade ground. During the military between the Armed Forces and society, it ceremonies that take place here, move­ constitutes another vital element of the ments are oriented towards the centre line Bundeswehr's self­image. and the flags. It is here that the Memorial creates a new visual boundary to the The open access to both sides provides parade ground. At the same time, the for great flexibility in use, allowing for both Memorial is integrated into the spatial and public and private commemoration and spiritual context of the Federal Ministry mourning. Individual, private commemo­ of Defence. ration and public remembrance during military ceremonies are thus equally A key aspect of the Memorial's architec­ possible. ture is its location at the interface of the public­civilian and the official­military Finally, this simple yet flexible concept also area. It is situated right on the boundary finds its expression in the structure and between the site of the Bendler Block and the symbolic meaning of the Memorial's the publicly accessible Hildebrandstrasse. architecture. ARCHITECTURE – THE LOCATION 11 12 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL ARCHITECTURE – THE LOCATION 13 14 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL Architecture – The Aesthetic Language of the Construction The appeal of the concept created by Anyone who takes a close look will imme­ the renowned Munich architect Professor diately recognize the balanced proportions. Andreas Meck, which was selected by a Both the Memorial as a whole and the committee following a competition, lies in room of silence (cella) are based on the its plain and clear symbolism. It establishes ideal proportions of the golden ratio, con­ a direct link between the Bundeswehr and sidered to be the epitome of aesthetics and society, symbolizing the particularity of harmony. The golden ratio is based on an military service and the risk of losing life ideal ratio between two segments of a line, and limb and emphasizes the fact that with the ratio of the larger segment to the the Bundeswehr is irrevocably bound smaller one being equal to the ratio of the to respect the provisions of the German sum of the segments to the larger one. constitution. This simple and impressive structure makes the aesthetics of the Memorial easily per­ The Bundeswehr Memorial is a rectangular ceptible. building measuring 32 by 8 metres and 10 metres in height, and is made of reinforced concrete parts that are encased in perfo­ rated bronze sheets. Its shape and size fit in with the Bendler Block, which is oppo­ site the Memorial, and the parade ground that lies between the two structures. ARCHITECTURE – THE AESTHETIC LANGUAGE OF THE CONSTRUCTION 15 16 THE BUNDESWEHR MEMORIAL In its entirety, the Memorial is conceived as The flexibility of access that is provided for a synthesis of the arts which can be viewed underlines this claim. An easily operated from inside, too. The spartan and precise sliding wall element closes either the side use of materials and effects creates a place of the building facing the street or the side that touches the hearts of the visitors and facing the parade ground.
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