bits of scenery and quaint negro characters were taken during the trip, The following gentlemen headed the excursion party : President William Man- deville, Vice-President Joseph A. Hincks, Secretary Charles E. Fermer, Treasurer Harry T. Howard. This department of Outing is specially devoted to para- ATHLETICS. graphs of the doings of members of organized clubs engaged in the reputable sports of the period, and also to the record- The fall handicap meeting of the Harvard Ath- ing of the occurrence of the most prominent events of the current season. On the hall-fields it will embrace Crick-t, letic Association was held November 5, on Holmes’ Baseball, Lacrosse and Football. On the bays and rivers, Field, Cambridge. Mass. The events were as fol- Yachting, Rowing and Canoeing. In the woods and streams, lows: Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. On the lawns, Archery, 100-yards run—First heat, O. K. Hawes, ‘92 (2 Lawn Tennis and Croquet. Together with Ice-Boating, 1 Skating, Tobogganing, Snowshoeing, Coasting, and winter yds.), first. Time, 10 /2s. Second heat, E. C. sports generally. Moen, ‘91 (scratch), first. Time, 10 2-5s. Final Secretaries of clubs will oblige by sending in the names of heat, O. K. Hawes, ‘92 (2 yds.), first. Time, IO their presidents and secretaries, with the address of the latter, together with the general result of their most noteworthy 2-5s. contests of the month. addressed, “Editor of Outing” Running broad jump-G. R. White (scratch), 239 Fifth Avenue, New York. first. Distance, 20 ft. 21/2 in. One-mile walk—C. T. R. Bates, ‘92 (30 sec.), 1 TO CORRESPONDENTS. first. Time, 8m. 1 /2s. J. E. Howe, ‘91 (scratch), All communications intended for the Editorial Depart- second. ment should be addressed to "The Editor," and not to any One-mile run—J. L. Dodge, ‘91 (100 yds.), first. person by name. Advertisements, etc., should be Time, 4m. 34s. A. M. White, ‘92 (100 yds.), sec- kept distinct, and addressed to the manager. Letters and inquiries from anonymous correspondents will not receive ond, attention. All communications to be written on one side of Running high jump-E. W. Dustan, ‘89 (3 in.), the paper only. first. Distance, 5 ft. 44o-yards run—T. J. Stead, ‘91 (10 yds.), first. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY. Time, 523/4s. W. H. Wright, ‘92, second. At a meeting of the Photographic Society of Phil- Half-mile run—G. L. Batchelder, ‘92 (40 yds.), adelphia, held recently, the executive committee of first. Time, 2m. 3s. the Interchange reported that it had selected from 220-yards run—S. Wells, Jr,, ‘91 (12 yds.), first. the slides of 1886-'87 two hundred specimens to be Time, 23 2-5s. O. K. Hawes, ‘92 (5 yds.), sec- sent to England in exchange for. the same number ond. to he sent to this country. The officers of the course were : Referee, G. B. Morrison, ‘83; Judges, J. D. Bradley, L. S., F. During the past year the Chicago Lantern Slide B. Lund, ‘88; Judge of Walking, H. H. Bemis, Club has added materially to its numbers. The fol- ‘87; Timekeepers, J. G. Lathrop, F. D. Fisher, lowing new memberswere admitted some time since : ‘86, J. T. Taylor, E. S. Wright, L. S.; Scorer, C. E. Bradbury, J. L. Atwater, E. H. Reed, G. H. Allston Burr, ‘89. Daggett, Charles Stadler, F. S. Osborn, B. D. Washington, and Wallace Fairbank. Three mem- The fall games of the Friends’ Central School, bers were added to the executive committee : Dr. Philadelphia, were held November 4, at the Uni- C. F. Matteson, E. J. Wagner, and G. A. Douglas. versity Grounds. Pole vault—Stuart, 7 ft. 5 in. The Society of Amateur Photographers of New One-mile run—Emerick, 6m. 13 3-5s. York gave a Smoking Concert, November 18, which Running high jump-Sill, 4 ft. 8 in. proved a very enjoyable affair. There was some Standing broad jump-Goldsmith, 9 ft. 2 in. good vocal and instrumental music, and after the Half-mile walk—Wilkeson, 4m. 271/2 s. concert was over, the audience had a “German- 100-yards run (juniors)—Final heat, Stuart, 11 American tea”—the tea having been brewed in a 4-5s. keg, after the manner of the German. Strange to Throwing baseball—Burrough, 1. say; on the conclusion of the repast there were 100-yards run (seniors)—Final heat, Goldsmith, several “kegs full,” after the manner of the Ameri- 11 4-5s. can. 44o-yards run—A’Becket, 1. The New Orleans Camera Club has recently Three-legged race—Burrough and Marter, 11 taken a number of sketches of an “outing” along 4-5s. the line of the Northeastern railroad. Some pretty One-mile bicycle race—Mode, 3m. 38 2-3s. 372 OUTING FOR JANUARY. Putting the shot—Meredith, 27 ft. g in. competed for a staked bet or other monetary consid- Running broad jump—Dumont, 18 ft. 4 in. eration or under a fictitious name, or who has never, Hurdle race—Dickeson, 22 2-5s. directly or indirectly, either in competition or as an Tug-of-war-Class of ‘89, 1, by 3 inches. instructor, or as an assistant or through any con- nection whatever with any form of athletic games The Athletes of the Gaelic Club of Ireland left obtained any financial consideration, either directly for home on the City of Rome, October 31. The or indirectly; who has never sold or pledged any trip to this country did not prove a great financial prize or token won or obtained through connection success. with athletics, or whose membership in any athletic organization is of no pecuniary benefit to himself, The first annual games of the Outing Athletic directly or indirectly. Club were held on the grounds of the Brooklyn Ath- letic Association, November 6. The attendance was large, the management good, the track in fine con- The games of the Manhattan Athletic Club, No- dition, and the racing events were closely contested vember 6, were of a high order. Four new records and interesting. Nearly six hundred people wit- were made, two on the running path and two on the nessed the sports, which resulted as follows : field. The cinder-path was in excellent condition. 100-yards professional race, handicap—E. Herline, Arthur George and G. L. Young, the champion Wilmington (51/2 yds.) first; Steve Farrell, Rock- cross-country runners of England, gave exhibitions ville, Conn., second. Time, 10 1-5s. of their style. Conneff and Mitchell, the Irish 120-yards run, handicap (amateur)-Thomas Lee, runner and the weight thrower, made new records. N. Y. Y. M. C. A., first; N. Linicus, Olympic A. C., The following is a summary of the events: second. Time, 121/2s. 100-yards run—First heat : F. Westing, M. A. C. Running high jump, handicap-M. O. Sullivan, (scratch), and A. F. Copeland, M. A. C. (2 yds.), a Pastime A. C., first; R. K. Pritchard, Staten dead heat, in IO 2-5s. Second heat: J. S. Wie- Island A. C., second, Height, 5 ft. 5 in., handicap 1 ners, Jr., M. A. C. (9 yds.), first, in 10 4-5s. Third 5 in.; second, 5 ft. 8 /2 in. heat: H. Shipman (41/2 yds.), first, in 10 4-5s. One-mile walk, handicap—W. F. Pollman, Pas- Fourth heat: J. C. Devereaux, M. A. C. (5 yds.), time A. C., first (40 sec.); J. B. Keating second. first, in 10 4-5s. Fifth heat: W. M. Macdermott, Time, 7m. 1-5s. M. A, C. (7 yds.), first, in 10 4-5s. Final heat: Half-mile run, handicap—A. Aspengein, Pros- Macdermott first, Devereaux second, Copeland pect Harriers (42 yds.), first; W. H. Moore, N. Y. third; time, 10 1-5s. It was a fine race, and less A. C. (45 yds.), second. Time, 2 m. 2 3-5s. than 18 inches divided the four men at the finish. 350-yards run, handicap-R. R. Houston, I. H. Two-mile walk—E. D. Lange, M. A. C. (scratch), (20 yds.), first; W. E. Hughes, Pastime A. C., first, time 14m. 45 2-5s.; F. Fillistrand, W. S. A. second. Time, 39 4-5s. C. (80 sec.), second, in 16m. 21s.; F. A. Ware, M. Running broad jump, handicap-S. D. See, 1 A. C. (25 sec.), third, not timed. (36 in.), Brooklyn A. C., first, 18 ft. 9 /2 in.; W. Throwing 16-lb. hammer—M. W. Ford, Brooklyn Neuman, Olympic A. C. (30 in.), second. (25 feet), first, at 78 ft. II in.; J. S. Mitchell, M. A. One-mile run, handicap—P. C. Petrie, Olympic C. (scratch), second, at 101 ft. 4 in.; F. L. Lam- A. C. (43 yds.), first; E. Hjertberg, Olympic A. C., brecht, M. A. C. (scratch), third, at 101 ft. 3 in. (35 yds.), second. Two-mile run—T. P. Conneff, M. A. C. (scratch), 220-yards hurdle race, handicap-A. Brown, Pas- first, in 9m. 43s.;. A. Sheridan, W. S. A. C. (175 time A. C. (8 yds.), first; W. H. Struse, S. I. A. C., 1 yds.), second; T. Owens, W. S. A. C. (205 yds.), second. Time, 27 /2s. third; won easily. Conneff made I mile in 4m. Putting the 16-lb, shot, handicap—W. Neuman, 48s.; 11/4 miles, 6m. 3 4-5s.; 11/2 miles, 7m. 19s., Olympic A. C. (6 ft.), first; Alf. Ing, Y. M. C. A. 3 3 1 and 1 /4 miles, Sm. 32 2-5s. His time at 1/4 miles (I ft.), second. Distance, 31 ft. 4 /2 in. supplants P.
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