John B. Dunlop Collection

John B. Dunlop Collection No online items Inventory of the John B. Dunlop collection Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Staff Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 2008, revised through 2015 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: Inventory of the John B. Dunlop 81010 1 collection Title: John B. Dunlop collection Date (inclusive): 1967-2015 Collection Number: 81010 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: Russian Physical Description: 226 cubic foot boxes, 1 card file box.(226.0 Linear Feet) Abstract: Clippings and other printed matter, relating to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and to political conditions in post-Soviet Russia. Includes a 1968 official Soviet report (incomplete), summarizing results of the investigation of the Vserossiiskii sotsial-khristianskii soiuz osvobozhdeniia naroda, an anti-communist revolutionary organization in the Soviet Union. source: Dunlop, John B. Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access The collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1981 with numerous additional increments through the year 2015. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], John B. Dunlop collection, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Scope and Content of Collection Clippings and other printed matter, relating to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and to political conditions in post-Soviet Russia. Includes a 1968 official Soviet report (incomplete), summarizing results of the investigation of the Vserossiiskii sotsial-khristianskii soiuz osvobozhdeniia naroda, an anti-communist revolutionary organization in the Soviet Union. Arrangement Arranged in groups by chronological additions to the collection. Most increments are in alphabetical order. Subjects and Indexing Terms Russia (Federation) -- Politics and government -- 1991- Soviet Union -- Politics and government -- 1985-1991 Anti-communist movements -- Soviet Union Dunlop, John B. Vserossiĭskiĭ sot͡sial-khristianskiĭ soi͡uz osvobozhdenii͡a naroda box 1 Vserossiiskii sotsial-khristianskii soiuz osvobozhdeniia naroda. Official Soviet report (incomplete), summarizing results of the investigation of the Vserossiiskii sotsial-khristianskii soiuz osvobodzhdeniia naroda, an anti-communist revolutionary organization in the Soviet Union 1968 box 1 Baltics 1990-1991 box 1 Baltics 1992-1993 box 1 Coup 1990-1991 box 1 Coup 1991 box 2 Coup 1991 box 2 Coup aftermath 1991 box 2 Coup aftermath 1991-1992 box 2 Coup (new) 1992 box 2 Coup (new) 1992-1994 box 2 Next coup 1991-1996 box 2 Post-coup Union 1991 box 3 Post-coup Union 1991 Inventory of the John B. Dunlop 81010 2 collection box 3 Slavic Commonwealth 1991 box 3 Yeltsin, Boris 1987-1989 box 3 Yeltsin, Boris 1990-1991 box 3 Yeltsin, Boris 1991 box 4 Yeltsin, Boris, post-coup 1991 box 4 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1990 box 4 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1990-1991 box 4 Union treaty 1990-1991 box 4 Ecology 1988-1994 box 5 Ecology 1995-2009 box 5 Commonwealth of Independent States 1992-1993 box 5 Commonwealth of Independent States 1993-1998 box 5 Russian constitution 1993 box 5 Russian constitution 1993 box 5 Foreign affairs 1990-1991 box 6 Foreign affairs 1991-1992 box 6 Foreign affairs 1992-1995 box 6 Foreign affairs 1996 box 6 Foreign policy 1992-2000 box 7 Foreign policy 2001-2004 box 7 Russian Communist Party 1990-1991 (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) box 7 Russian compatriots 2007 box 7 Russian Congress 1992 box 7 Russian Congress 1992-1993 box 7 Russian conservatism 1993-2003 box 7 Russian banks 1994 box 7 Russian banks 1995-1999 box 7 Russian borders 1993-1999 box 7 Russian bureaucracy 1993-2006 box 7 Russian business 2000-2008 box 7 RSFSR Bureau 1989-1990 box 7 RSFSR laws 1989 box 7 RSFSR Writers' Union 1990 (Union of Russian Writers) box 8 RSFSR Writers Union 1991-1992 box 8 RSFSR Writers Union plenums 1988 and 1990 (Plenum of the Union of Russian Writers) box 8 RSFSR People's Deputies 1989 box 8 RSFSR Presidency and Congress of People's Deputies 1990-1991 box 8 Agreements with other republics 1990 box 8 State Council of Russia 1991 box 8 Heads of republics 1991 box 8 Nationalities question 1985-1988 box 8 Nationalities question 1988-1991 box 8 Russian crime 1990-1993 box 8 Russian crime 1993-1995 box 9 Chernomyrdin, Viktor 1992-1997 box 9 Soiuz (group) 1990-1991 box 9 Soiuz chastnykh sobstvennikov 1990 box 9 Soiuz dukhovnogo vozdozhreniia 1989 box 9 Soiuz nezavsimykh pistalei 1991 box 9 Soiuz ob'edinennykh kooperatorov 1990 box 9 Soiuz ofitserov 1992 box 9 Soiuz potomkov rossiiskogo dvorianstva 1991 box 9 Soiuz pravoslavnykh grazhdan 2003 box 9 Soiuz predpinimatelei Rossii 1990-1991 box 9 Soiuz rossiiskikh gorodov 1990-1991 box 9 Soiuz rossiiskogo kupechestva 1990 box 9 Soiuz russkikh 1994 Inventory of the John B. Dunlop 81010 3 collection box 9 Soiuz russkogo naroda 2004 box 9 Soiuz vozrozhdeniia Rossii 1993 box 9 Solomentsev, M. S. 1987 box 9 Soloukhin, Vladimir 1984-2004 box 9 Kozyrev, Andrei 1990-1993 box 9 Kozyrev, Andrei 1994-1996 box 9 Russia-what is it? 1989-1993 box 10 Russia-what is it? 1993-1994 box 10 Khasbulatov, Ruslan 1991-1992 box 10 Khasbulatov, Ruslan 1993-1995 box 10 Economic agreement 1993 box 10 Economic integration 1993 box 10 Economy 1989-1991 box 10 Economy 1991-1994 box 11 Economy 1994-1999 box 11 Demokraticheskaia platforma 1990 box 11 Demokraticheskaia platforma 1990 box 11 Demokraticheskaia Rossiia 1990-1995 box 11 Demokraticheskii forum 1990 box 11 Demokraticheskii soiuz 1990 box 11 Demokraticheskii vybor 1993-1996 box 11 Shakhnazarov, Georgii 1990-1994 box 11 Shalamov, Varlam 1987-1988 box 11 Shatrov, Mikhail 1986-1989 box 11 Shelepin, Aleksandr 1991 box 11 Shenin, Oleg 1991-1994 box 11 Shevardnadze, Eduard 1990-1995 box 11 Russian KGB 1990-1992 box 12 Russian KGB 1993-1996 box 12 Russian Komsomol 1989-1994 box 12 Russian land 1995 box 12 Russian language 1990-2004 box 12 Poltoranin, Mikhail 1992-1995 box 12 Popov, Gavriil 1988-1995 box 12 Fateev, Valerii 1998 box 12 FBR 2003 box 12 Fear 2000 box 12 Fed', Nikolai 1989 box 12 Federal Assembly 1993-1994 box 12 Federal Assembly 1994-1996 box 12 Sakharov, Andrei 1989 box 13 Sakharov, Andrei 1990 box 13 Sarnov, Benedikt 1989 box 13 Saudi Arabia 1999-2008 box 13 Serbia 1989-1995 box 13 Serbia 1995 box 13 Barkashov, Aleksandr 1989-1998 box 13 Barkashov, Aleksandr 1998 box 13 Ziuganov, Gennadii 1994-1997 box 14 Ziuganov, Gennadii 1998 box 14 Zhirinovskii, Vladimir 1993-1994 box 14 Zhirinovskii, Vladimir 1994-1998 box 14 Referendum 1993 box 14 Referendum 1993 box 14 Russian crime 1995-1996 box 15 Russian crime 1997-1998 box 15 North Ossetia 1998-2008 Inventory of the John B. Dunlop 81010 4 collection box 15 North Caucasus Military District 1995-1998 box 15 Nosov, Evgenii 1989-2002 box 15 Novaiia Rossiia 2003 box 15 Novgorod 1997-2002 box 15 Novocherkassk 1998 box 15 Novodvorskaia, Valeriia 1991-2007 box 15 Novoe Russkoe Dvorianstvo 1991 box 15 Novorossiia (Ukraine) 1990-1991 box 15 Novorossiisk 1992-2001 box 15 Narodnaiia partiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii 2003 box 15 Narodno-trudovoi soiuz (NTS) 1991-2000 box 15 Nuclear issues 1992-1993 box 15 Nuclear issues 1993-1998 box 15 Starkov, Vladislav 1989-1998 box 15 Starodubtsev, Vasilii 1990-2003 box 15 Starovoitov, Vasilii 1997 box 15 Starovoitova, Galina 1989-1991 box 15 Starovoitova, Galina 1992-1999 box 15 St. George 2000 box 15 St. Petersburg 1991-1999 box 15 Stabiliziatsionyi Fond 2006-2007 box 15 Stadniuk, Iurii 1991 box 15 Stagnation 2001-2004 box 15 Stankevich, Sergei 1990-1994 box 15 Sovetskaia Rossiia 1988-1992 box 16 Sovetskii Voin 1989 box 16 Soviet debts 1998 box 16 Solov'ev, Vladimir 1989 box 16 Space program 1992-2002 box 16 SPAG 2005 box 16 SPAS 1991-2007 box 16 Spetsnaz 2000-2002 box 16 Spinmeisters 2004 box 16 Sports 1999-2007 box 16 Soiuz pravykh sil (SPS) 2000-2008 box 16 Belarus 1988-1993 box 16 Belarus 1994-1996 box 16 A, miscellaneous box 16 Academy of Sciences box 16 Adamovich, Ales', writer box 16 Afanas'ev, Iurii 1988-1995 box 16 Afanas'ev, Viktor, Academician box 16 Afghanistan 1984-1999 box 17 Afghanistan 2000-2003 box 17 Africa box 17 Aid box 17 Aitmatov, Chingiz 1967-1991 box 17 Akhmadulina, Bella box 17 Akhmatova, Anna box 17 Akhromeev, Sergei, Marshal box 17 Argumenty i fakty, newspaper box 17 Armenia 1988-1997 box 17 Armenia 1998-2001 box 17 Astaf'ev, Mikhail box 17 Astaf'ev, Viktor 1986-2002 box 18 Avtorkhanov, Abdurakhman box 18 Azerbaijan 1989-1999 Inventory of the John B. Dunlop 81010 5 collection box 18 Borovoi, Konstantin box 18 Bovin, Aleksandr box 18 Brezhnev, Leonid 1982-2007 box 18 Bukharin, Nikolai box 18 Burlatskii, Fedor 1986-1988 box 18 Burlatskii, Fedor 1989-1993 box 18 Bush, George H.W., President 1989-1992 box 18 Butenko, Anatolii box 19 Censorship 1988-1991 box 19 Central Asia 1986-1999 box 19 Chernenko, Konstantin box 19 Clinton, Bill 1993-1995 box 19 Clinton, Bill 1996-1997 box 20 Clinton, Bill 1998 box 20 Communist Party 1986-1992 box 20 Communist Party 1992-1995 box 20 Communist Party, Central Committee Plenum Sep-89 box 20 Communist Party, Marxist Platform in the CPSU 1990-1991 box 20 Dissolving Parliament 1993-1994 box 20 Economics

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