OREGON CITY COURIER-HERAL- D, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1901 The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Notke. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Notice is hereby given that Ihe Board Continued from Page One. Navigation Co 's of County Commissioners of Clackamas Fl&PRUNE of most County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids Bernard Goldsmith, one the Strs. Hegulator & Dalles City up to and until August 9th, 1901, at the energetic men that linked his fortune Do in t lie early days with Oregon teiritory, You 10 Own hour of o'clock a. m. for the county Dally (except Sunday) between printing and the furnishing of County 3 2x1 died today at his home in Portland at Supplies for the ensuing year. the age of 69 years. The Dalles, The piinting to consist of tax lists, The government will reduce the troops execution notices, proceedings of the in the Philippines to about 25,000 and Hood River, Hoard of County Commissioners, legal Children who loc ite them at three pointH, which will Cascade Locks, blanks and nil advertising and printing reduce the cost of the Philippine army Your Home which the county or any of its oUicerB drinli Figprune about CO per cent. Vancouver is required to do, also to furnish all sta- Tuesday, July 23. tionery, blank books, record books, reg- thrive and g'rov As a result of the bank failure at Leip-sei- and Portland istration blanks, election tickets and another banker, Salo Rawe.iss, has If not why don't you stop paying rent and apply and all supplies of whatever committed suicide.. ? Touching at way points on both slrles of tlie kind and nature used by the county strong'. the money towards the purchase of a home A Columbia river. Banditti are very troublesome in 30 officers. The perfect food drink for first-clas- s opportunity is now open to you in t he Bnth of tit above steamers have bein rebuil The Board reserves the right to reject district of the Chinese province of Pi and are in excellent shape for the Futson ofli OO any and all bids. rowing children is FlGPRUNE. Chi Li. proposition that the The Keisuliitur Line will endouvor to gheits hundred foreign delegates attend pairons the best service possible. E. IT. Cooper, It is made from carefully se Four County Clerk. the British congress in Loudon for the For Comfort, Economy and. PUuiRttre Dated July 10, 1901. lected California f.gs, prunes and cure of consumption. travel b the steamers of Ibe Itegultitor Line. sound, well ripened grain. The iroyerninent will refund about Willamette Falls Company $2,000,000 collected as duties on goods above Mesmers leave Portland 7 a m.and Notice. The like coITee- - like from Rico. Dalles at 8 a. in., and arrive at destination in ample Looks Tastes imported Porto time for outgoing trains. BMs will be receiyed by the Board of coffee. But Ihere is not a About 42.000.000 spurious banknotes Is making to sell small tracts of its land near the Portland Office, The Dalles Office County Commissioners for 67,500 feefof have been in circulation, printed Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet. of put such lumber for the Abernethy road and grain coffee in it. from old plates of the State Bank of town of Willamette Falls on reasonable A 04,800 feet of lumber fur the Apper'son A. C. I. LA WAY 5 10 New Brunswick, N. J. terms that a person with a very small income may road, plank to be 16 feet by 3 inches by 8 Boil from to minutes only. Agent The dravmen's and teamsters' Btrike General to 12 inches. Said lumber to be de- became a home builder. These tracts vary in ALL GROCERS SELL in Francisco has caused a business livered on roads retdy for laying down S.'n tie-u- size from two and one-hal- f acres up, all good level by September 20, 1901. FIGPRUNE CEREAL capitalists who have bought first-cla- BidB will be opened August 8th, 1901, California land and ss soil suitable for cultivation. 2 o'clock, p. m. 15,000 acres of land in the Siskiyou foot- at have a small or- E. E. G. SEOL The Board reserves the right to reject hills, will prospect for oil near Ashland, On one of these tracts you can any and all bids. What Two Cents Will do. Oregon. chard and also raise all the vegetables and small Will give you a E. H. Cooper, It will bring relief to sufferers from The arrivals at Nome this seast n num- County Clerk. asthma or consumption, even in the ber 6000. fruits that a family can use, and with the addicion worst cases. This is about what one Francis Ratza, residing in a tenement of a cow and a few chickens, a large cart of your dose of Foley's Honey and Tar costs. in Pittsburg, Pa., poured oil in the cook ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. & Co. is a Bargain ia Wall Paper Isn't it worth a trial? Charman stove to hurry the cooking of the break- living can be made' on the place. There good is hereby given unde- Notice that the fast. The oilcan exploded and his wife been duly appointed by tiie school in Willamette Falls and your children will rlined has Colton, says: ''Fo- and three children burned to death. Wall Tinting and in Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, County Judge of Mr. JohnTippis, O., facilities. Easy cured my little girl of board have excellent educational access Clackamas County, as administrator ley's Honey and Tar The explosion petroleum on inflamed tonsils." Adelaide, wilh the will annexed, of, the estate of of a severe cough and the American schooner Louise is had with Oregon City over the & Sweden, General House Painting David Mintun, deceased. Charman Co. in the harbor of Stockholm, All persons having claims against said killed 15 men. estate are required to present th1 same Thos. W. Carter.of Ashboro, N. C, had Prof. Koch, of Berlin, has discovered near Depot Hotel of - Paint Shop with vouchers, to me at the law office of kidney trouble and one bottle Foley's tTiat bovine tuberculosis cannot be trans- Willamette Falls Railway C. D. & D. O. Latourette, in Oregon Kidney Cure eilected a peneer, cure, anu ferred to the human body will City, Oregon, within six months from he savs there is no remedy that Harry G. Gettman, employed in a WANTED TRUSTWORTAY MEN AND Wo- Jate. compare with it. Charman & Co, being disappointed With cheap fare, and cars are run to accommodate old established this Portland restaurant, men to travel and advertise for T. J. Moffitt, by drinking house of solid financial sUndinft. Salary $7S" a in love, committed suicide the mill hands. Why not get out of town and year and expenses, all pajable In cash. No canva- Administrator aforesaid. advertised dealer is authorized carbolic acid. enolose ANY s-sing required. Give references and Dated 11th, 1901. to guarantee Banner Salve for tetter, give your children breathing and play room and Man- July Wednesday, July 24. stamped envelope. Address eczema, piles, sprains, scalds, burns, ager, 855 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. The Blurs against Admiral Schley in thus insure their good health ? Don't you think TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY and any open or SORE-Charma- u'cers OLD of U. 8. Navy," & Maclay's "HiBtory the and con- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Co. demanded that you would feel more independent refund the money If it fails have angered him and he has All druggists of causes of your home than you do when Notice to Contractors. E. W. Grove's signature is on an official investigation the tented if you owned to curer THE HOME GOLD CURE. between himself and Admi- each box. 25c, the quarrel place ? you are interested in Notice is hereby given that sealed bids ral Sampson, which dates from the na- living in a rented If secretary at will be received by the An Ingenious Treatment bv which val ccm bat off Santiago deOuba. this matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAM- p m. July 27,1901, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Beaver Creek until 7. Drunkards are Being Cured Da'ly Steel & Coupler Works, of a a new hall for The Latrobe FALLS RAILWAY STATION, West for the construction in Spite of Themselves. of Chicago, have imported from Alaba- ETTE Beaver Creek Hall and Building As- Notice is hereby given to all whom it the undersigned ma a working force of 300 negro men , Side, for full particulars, - sociation in accordance with plans and may concern tl at the has No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the ot Clacka- 25 women and three preachers. specifications on file with said secretary filed with the county court A Pleasant and Positive Cure final Nerves. flight is rest od to reject any or all mas county and state of Oregon his for the Liquor Habit. Free trade between the United States t as administrator with the will and Porto Rico will be proclaimed on bid8- - report T. Thomas, President. annexed of the estate of Sophia H. It is now generally known and under- the 25th. said has Falls Go. W. I Harris, Secretary. Ford, deceased, and that court stood thut Drunkenness is a disease.and Seven hundred schoolteachers have Willamette Beaver Creek, July 9, 1901. Bet Monday, the 11th day of August, not weakness. A body filled with poi- sailed for the Philippines. Porto Rican 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a.
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