POSTAGE • PAID. • * • .,. PERTH, W.A. • • LISTENING 6000 THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) POST Ht:inkd Ill .. l•~t S lDlp ICI y Funerals WHERE PEOPLE MEAN MORE At a time of bereavement you need understanding, someone who will listen and someone you can depend on. At Simplicity we're here to help 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Personal care and understanding with simplicity and dignity. Our very beautiful Coleen Wajer Chapel is an intimate and tasteful setting for a f4neral service. The Chapel has been designed to accommodate the needs and cus toms of all faiths a nd na tionalities. Simplicity Funerals, 442 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park (09) 443 3192 Phone your SIMPLICITY INDEPENDENCE office on 443 3444 or 443 3192 or complete coupon . TO: SIMPLICITY INDEPENDENCE 442 Scarborough Beach Road OSBORNE PARK 6017 Please send me a copy of "Independence .. NAME: ADDRESS· . ... POSTCODE . .. PHONE ..... ... .. THE PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLAN SIMPLICITY INDEPENDENCE is about PEACE OF MIND for your family; and protection from the trauma of ah unplanned funeral. Contents LISTENING POST Publishers· Veteran s· Affairs Committee 7 R~ ~League W.A. Branch-(lncorporated) Open:ng of Annual State Conference 7 Anzac House . · G.P.O. Box C128, Geo~ . Teirace, 28 Sl . Perth W.A. 6001. " Lrstening In" 9 Perth W.A.'(iOOO ITel: 325 9799 RSL Insurance Programme 11 Deicnce Forces· Records 13 The Boat Comes Home 13 The Qualrties of Leadership PI 4 15 The Kokoda Track 23 Corvettes - a few facts 33 My Tour of Vietnam 33 Editorial Committee History - Ted Townshend Mrs. H.,P. Balfe (Chairman) · Memorral Shreld 45 Mrs. DJ. DowsCin, J. McTavish, J. Surridge, F. Verdi, P. White Reunrons 49 (Co-o~ted): E. Hinchliffe, J. Harper-Nelson, . ~ \ J. Balfe, L.J. Owens. · Letters to the Editor 51 Sub-Editor Lost Trails 53 Mrs Pat Elphinstone Sub-Branch News 53 Advertisers Women's Auxiliary 65 Westralian Publishers, 15 Ogilvie Road, Last Post 67 Mt. Pleasant. Tel: 364 9000 Unit Associations 71 Typesettin!VComposing Deadlines Action Press, List~ning 101 Catherine Street, for Post Contributions. Morley. W.A. 6p62 Tel: 276 5266 31 January for Autumn Edition ·30 April for Winter Edition 31 July for Spring .Edition Printer 31 October for Summer Edition Bell Group Press, If possible submissions should be typed, double spaced. 7 Briggs Street, Photographs must be black and white glossy. East Victoria Park 6101 Tel: 361 5401 This· is your journal and contributions are welcome. · Post to: J Listening Post R.S.L. Opinion expressed by contributon in articles and reproduced arlicles are tbe G.P.O. Box C128, individual ~ of such coatributon or the authors of such reproduced Perth6001 artides (u the cue may be) Uld DOt oca:ssaiily tbose bf the R.S.L. Reproduction' of '.rodes {or ~) 0011~ in Listtning Post is Cover: welcomed provided the source is aclmowledgcd The Battle of Britain 50 years ago L'-tenlng Post - Spring 1il0 - Page 1 )tj, • STRATA-TITLED • k*t;c PE{\.CEFUL, PRIVAT~ & PERFECTLY PRICED. (FROM $99,000) Sanctuary Cl ose Retirement The villas are strata titled Call Frank Hill o n S ite. Village is situated in Wembley with full re-sale proceeds Ph: (09) 387 3480 only 4.5l<il1Sn:> the ci ty and in being retained by you -the A/Hrs (09) 446 7780. close proximity to many services owner. and sho pping, and comprises 44 This makes Saoctuary Close self contained, strata titled s ingle a unique investment which and upper l evel villas. will surely appreciate. The v illas are architecturally With a ll this plus more, it's designed in Federatio n style to easy to see why Sanctuary Close suit easy care and low main- is more th an just a retireme nt tenan ce living. 50% of the site is v illage, it's the perfect pl ace to landscaped a nd the ga rden area live w ith privacy and security in compleme nts the beautifBI outlook a unique natural env ironment. over park lands to Herdsma ns Lake. With p r ~ces starting at just $99,000 to $1 25,000 a nd proposed weekly levy of $19, this mal<es Sanctuary Close the top value retirement vi llage in Perth tOday. EtiREMENT VILLAGE ~-------------- - ----------------~ State Executive President's Message I T STATE PRESIDENT J.P. Hall, AM, BEM. JP. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT L.J. Turner, MBE, JP, AASA. STATE SECRETARY O.H. Gibbs, AFC, JP. COMMITTEE Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, Mrs O.F. Oowson, MBE, M.C. Hall, JP, P. Horobin, MBE, Mrs A. Keynes, Or A.J. King, BSc, MBBS, FCCP, PRACMA, FACRM "- Z.T. Kwiecinski, BEe, MAI~S. N.E. Maley, J.O. McTavish, K.J. Morrisoh, Or E.R. Reid, W.J. Surridge, F.G.Verdi, P. White, OCM. REGIONAL COUNTRY VICE PRESIDENTS Messrs R. Barber (Coolgardie Sub-Branch) P.J.Bienkinsopp (Port Hedland Sub-Branch) C. Mills (Bunbury Sub-Branch), S.G. Robinson (Merredin Sub-Branch), A.J. Spendlove (Geraldton Sub-Branch), R.E. Stanley (Aibany Sub-Branch) TRUSTEES Messrs K. Broadhurst, FRAIA, ARABA, P. Pearson, CMG, OBE, JP, R.N. Stone, AM , JP LISTENING POST COMMITTEE Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe. Mrs O.J. Oowson; MBE, Messrs J. Surridge, J. McTavish: F.G. Verdi, P. White, OCM. CO·O.PTED MEMBERS Messrs J. Harper-Nelson, E. Hinchliffe, J.O. Balfe, L.J. Owens "WHEN I REALISED HOW IMPORTANT MY LUMP SUM WAS THAT'S WHEN I KNEW WE HAD TO ROLLOVER WI-TH AMP." But I also wanted a good r eturn, the mo ney has to . /YOU'RE RIGHT WITH work for us. V Al\tiP ROLLOVERS "It was then I r ealised we s hould be ta lking to AMP. Let 's face it, thc)t'rc the experts, they're big and ._ "It so.dde nly hit me, here am I a~out to take early sccu.re, but they still give good returns . retire ment, with a lump sum coming, but what are "So that's what we did. The AMP agent listen ed to we going to to do with the mont;y? It's got to l ast a us, and gave us gre at advice. We know what we're long time. I knew we sho uld roll it over, to get the doi.ng, ~fs planned. I te ll you it's a great feeling." tax advantages, but who w ith ? We can't make a If you'd like advice on ro lling mi stake, I'll only get o ne lump sum. over :our lump sum, ta lk to AMP a~ I ~ "So I thought about it, what do we want? Security, - w ed be happy to he lp yo u •=5-:I•IC.~ ...:.:::I~ ..~~&.-:.:::.."._ of course; the money has to be there when we need it. plan your fmancia\ future. WE"LLALWAYSBETHERE ( YES, I would like to know how I can successfully plan for my future security. Please provide me with more information without cost or o bligation on: · 1 Roll-overs ' Sumtmt . ...._. ........ .......................... .. .... 1 Personal S..uperannuatibn Given Names .......... •. ,..... ..... ........ ...... ........ 1 Self-employed Superannuation Address ............... .... .............................. 1 Employer Sponsored Superannuation · · .. · · ... [ ) Financial Service · · · · · · ·.. · · · .. · ·· ... · · .. · .... Postcode .... Ttltpftont (Bus) •. ...... ... .... (Prlv) ..... JOHN MacKENZIE WILSON NOMINE!:$ PTY L TO . ............ 12 Kings Park Road, P.O. Box 36, West Perth 6005, Phone 321 0131 Do you htvetn AMP Policy [ ] YH [ ] No p._. 4- Llltenlng Poet- Spring 1990 transport arrangements, future respite care etc.f should submit them in writing to: The Chairman,: Unit and Kindred Associations Committee, GPO Veterans' Affairs Box C128, Perth WA 6001. ABESTOSIS AND MESOTHELIOMA With the recent sad news of the death of the Committee Governor of N.S.W., it was decided that the RSL . On June 27 a meeting was held at Anzac House approach the Government to conduct a survey of for all Unit and Kindred Associations to discuss the serving and ex-service personnel (especially RAN) proposed integration of Repatriation General who have been exposed to asbestos. Hospitals with the various State hospital systems. lt was emphasised that the asbestosis/mesothel- ioma personnel shoulc be individually contacted lt was pointed out that, after talks with both the and warned about t11e/ extra risks of tobacco Prime Minister and the Veterans' Affairs Minister, it smoking, which according to medical advice, may was evident that the Federal Government was depress the immune system and cause those with adamant that integration would take place. asbestosis to develop mesotheliom~ cancer. The meeting decided that, whilst the veteran A review of the Guide to the Assessment of Rates community stifl opposed the integration, there was of Veterans' Pensions (GARP) is to be conducted by a need to look at and discuss the best options for the the RSL's National Veterans' Affairs Committee in veteran community. Canberra on August 24 1990. With this in mind the meeting decidetfnr-efe~t a The RSL, through its lobbying to the Government, committee to look at the veteran populat1on has been successful in the abolition of the requirements. The committee was formed from the controversial Lifestyle questionnaire. The Minister Returned Services League; Ex-Prisoner of War of Veterans' Affairs announced on June 22 1990, at Association; Legacy; RAAF A~sociation; Naval the Queensland State RSL Conference, that "the Association; War Widows Gu1ld; Totai!Y and Lifestyle questionnaire is to be abolished. The Permanently Incapacitated and 'the V1etnam change has peen made in response to veterans' Veterans' Association. concerns abou.t the complicated nature of the This committee met on 9 July and decided to seek questionniare.
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