Need for Enforc eab e future of W le th orl W d’s or t ld For w L o a b w il li a o n n d c E h f i f l e d c r e t i n v e a G G n n d d l l o o g g b b e e a a n n l l e e G G r r o o a a v v t t i i e e o o r r n n n n s s a a n n y y e e c c t t e e - - t t o o t t o o - - b b e e s s a a b b o o f f r r n n e e g g u u a a r r d d 1 Fifty-third session Agenda item 30 (source: http://www.un.org/millennium/documents/a_53_948.htm) (source: http://www.un.org/millennium/declaration.htm) LAWLESS WORLD 2 BILLION CHILDREN MESSAGE FROM CONVENER... 36,000 Children’s Right to Nuclear Bombs OR a Safe Future We want a united and peaceful world Appeal by 36,000 CMS students The global society is in a state of unrest, struggling with the problems that disunite thehumanrace.WeatCMSbelievethatUnityofHumankindisneedofthehour. World's two billion children are the common concern for all the nations of the world for their safety, security and welfare. City Montessori School (CMS) believes that “School must act as the Lighthouse of Society” and provide meaningful education, spiritual direction, guidance and leadership not only to students but also to parents and society at large. CMS advocates that a 'modern school must concern itself with the affairs of the age' and must also act as a powerful instrument of profound social transformation. Therefore , CMS being the biggest school of the world has taken up the cause of safe future for over two billion children of the world, and the generationsyet-to-beborn,bycreatingclimateforworldunityandworldpeace. We also believe that World Unity is a pre-requisite for World Peace which requires a bindingthreadtobringallhumanityunderoneumbrella. VictorHugosaidthat"Thereisonethingstrongerthanallthearmiesoftheworldandthatisanideawhosetimehascome." Nobel laureate in Economics, Jan Tinbergen said "Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national governments. What is needed is a World Government. This can best be achieved by strengthening the United Nations system.” This is the idea whose time has come. In the present scenario CMS believes that it is necessary also to empower the International Court of Justice by strengthening the United Nations Organization to turn it into a government to prevent wars, resolve international disputes peacefully and legally, counter terrorism, ensure nuclear disarmament, conserve and protecttheenvironmentandevolveEnforceableWorldLawforsafeguardingthefutureofworld'stwobillionchildrenandgenerationsyet-to-be-born. WiththisendinviewweholdInternationalConferencesofChiefJusticesoftheworld,everyyearandhaveheldninesuchconferencesinthepasteight yearstosafeguardthefutureoftwobillionchildrenoftheworld. This chapter contains extracts from speeches made at such conferences and from messages received from Presidents, Prime Ministers, Speakers, Hon'ble Chief Justices, Judges, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Governors and Chief Ministers from India supporting efforts of City Montessori School (CMS)forabetterworld. Itaimsatmakingthereadersawareaboutthevalueoftheconferencesandthemessagetheconferencesconveyso thatmoredignitariesandpeopleassociatethemselveswithCityMontessoriSchoolinitscrusadeofUnitingtheworld. LetalltherightmindedpeopleoftheworldunitewiththemovementoftheCMSandact! (Jagdish Gandhi) Convener , International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World (The World Judiciary Summits) Founder-Manager, City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India All men should follow the policy of universal love and brotherhood and act according to the traditions and principles enshrined in their religion then no one shall bearanyanimositytowardstheother,Rama’sglorywillhelpobliteratealldifferencesinthisworld. —Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas (Bal Kand) The world is going up in flames - shower it with your mercy and save it, and deliver it, by whatever method it takes. The true guru has shown the way to peace, contemplatingthetruewordoftheshabad.NanakknowsnootherthantheLord,theforgivingLord. —Guru Granth Sahib “Peace is light whereas war is darkness. Peace is life; war is death. Peace is guidance; war is error. Peace is the foundation of God; war is a satanic institution. Peaceistheilluminationoftheworldofhumanity;waristhedestroyerofhumanfoundations.’’ —From the Baha’i Sacred Writings He shall judge between the nations, And shall rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shallnotliftupswordagainstnation,Neithershalltheylearnwaranymore. —Holy Bible (Old Testament, Book of Isaiah) May in this world obedience smite disobedience, peace smite discord, charity smite miserliness, devotion smite pride, truth smite falsehood, righteousness smitewickedness. —Yasna 60.5, Afrinagann-I, Dahman LetnoonespreadanyhatredordisturbpeaceonEarththroughanyactofmalice. —Surah ‘Araf’ (Holy Qoran) 3 Why does City Montessori School organise International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World? Dear Friends, IMPLICATIONS OF ARTICLE 51 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF Robert Muller, Emery Reeves and Sri Aurobindo have supported the Being the world’s only school to receive the '2002 UNESCO Prize for INDIA: Here it would be pertinent to recallArticle 51 of the Constitution concept of a World Government. Peace Education' and recipient of the '2004 Nuclear-Free Future of India which, inter alia, provides, “The State shall endeavour to ... WHY CMS LAUNCHED THIS CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN'S SAFE Special Achievement Award' and listed by the Guinness Book of foster respect for International Law.” It should be noted that Article 51 FUTURE: As a Guinness World Record holder and UNESCO Peace World Records as the world’s largest school by pupils with a current of the Constitution of India says “the State ‘shall’ endeavour,”. It does Education laureate, CMS sees itself as the self-appointed advocate enrollment of over 36,000 students, CMS sees itself as the self- not state that the state ‘may’ or ‘should,’ implying that the State has to and custodian of the rights and welfare of world's two billion children appointed guardian of the rights and welfare of the world’s children endeavour and therefore, we have no choice in this regard. Moreover, and generations yet-to-be-born. It was for this reason that CMS and generations yet-to-be-born. the word ‘State’ denotes the government, and each and every citizen students collected nearly 100,000 signatures in 1999 on an appeal of India who owes allegiance to the Constitution of India. SCHOOL IS THE LIGHTHOUSE OF SOCIETY: CMS believes that asking UN Secretary General Dr. Kofi Annan had to initiate steps for ‘School is a building with four walls with tomorrow inside’ and the THERE IS NO ENFORCEABLE INTERNATIONAL LAW TODAY: formation of a World Government. Dr. Annan replied that UN was ‘destiny of a man is shaped in the classroom’. CMS, therefore, The fact is that there is no enforceable international law existing in the powerless to do anything, unless its member states decided to do upholds that 'a school must act as the Lighthouse of Society to provide world today that is equally applicable to all the countries and peoples something. He advised CMS to write to all Heads of State and meaningful education, spiritual direction and leadership to students, of the world. What is generally referred to as ‘International Law’refers Governments coming to the UN Millennium Summit of September parents and society — and that a modern school must be concerned to conventions and treaties between two or more countries and not 2000 to come prepared to take tough decisions for reforming the UN with the affairs of the age. Hence, this is a CMS initiative on behalf of duly enacted ‘International Law’. Moreover, a law that does not carry a and making it more effective to tackle problems of the 21st century. the world’s two billion children and future generations. penalty for its violation cannot be called a law at all. In this sense, there CMS did write to the world leaders but the leaders gathered at the is indeed no international law in the world, in the absence of which Millennium Summit failed to take any decision regarding reforming of CMS IS TRYING TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL OF ‘VASUDHAIV there is total lawlessness as reflected in the increased instances of UN and instead focused only on issues related to their individual KUTUMBAKAM’ : (The earth is but one country and mankind its international terrorism and stockpiling of weapons of mass countries. The Second Millennium Summit held in September 2005 citizens) CMS was established 50 years ago, in 1959, with the vision destruction by various countries of the world. (There are nearly has also failed to meet the expectations of reforming the U.N.O. and of making children spiritually aware and for implanting in their tender 36,000 nuclear bombs in the world: Russia 22,500, USA 12,070, has not taken up important issues like giving us a nuclear-free world. hearts the ideas of world unity and world peace based on the ancient France 500, China 450, UK 380, India 65 and Pakistan 25.Apart from Indian philosophy of'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' , that is, the Earth is but LOOKING UP TO THE WORLD JUDICIARY: Having failed to elicit the above, 80 countries in the world have stockpiled chemical and support from world leaders, CMS then decided to approach the World one country and mankind its citizens. Therefore, for the School's biological weapons of mass destruction). motto, the founders, Mr and Mrs Gandhi, selected the words ‘Jai Judiciary for supporting the children's appeal for peace and a safe Jagat’ (Glory be to the World) which
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