Ya whe Federal Republic of Nigeria Official. Gazette No.79 7) LAGOS- 5th December, 1968 Vol, 55 1 CONTENTS Page Page Appointmentof Sir Samuel Manuwa as Act- Tenders . 1582-4 ing Chairman of the Federal Public Service Vacancies o. 1584 Commission . 1541 Board of Customs and Excise—Sale ofGoods 1584-7 Appointment of Sir Samuel Manuwaas Act- Increase in the Cost of Annual Supply of ing Chairman of the Police Service Commis- Federal Government Official Gazette .. 1588 sion .. ‘1542 Official Gazette—Renewal Notice ~ -. 1589 Appointment ofDr Saburi Oladeni Biobaku ;as ice~-Chancellor of the University of Lagos 1542-3 _ Movements of Officers 1543-51 Application for Registration of Trade Unions 1551 Inpex to LecaL Notices rv SupPLEMENT Appointmentof Registrar of Insurance 1552 Appointment of Inspector of Insurance 1552 LN, No. Short Title . Page Grant of Pioneer Certificate .. -. 1552 Loss of Local Purchase Orders « 1552-3 — Decree No. 57—Advisers to Military Export Duty on Rubber . ~. 1553 Governors, etc. (Ex-gratia Award) Customs and Excise Notice No. 7-—Transit Decree11968 . -. A793 - ‘Trade.. 1553-5 110 Paul Alias Noujaim Deportation ‘Treasury Returns—Statements Nos. 2-4 1556-60 Order 1968 .. + .. B391 Medical Register as at ist January, 1968 1561-80 111 Kenneth Awuoku Kwapong alias Monthly Purchases of Marketing Board aghae Derreck Deportation Order Produce covering the period 27th Septem- 196 B391 ber, 1968 to aiet October, 1968 (Month of 112 Kaduna PolytechnicAppointed Day October 1968) excluding Cocoa _Notice19: - B392 . Government Notice No. 1590 INSTRUMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF SiR SAMUEL Manuwa TO Act aS CHAIRMAN OF THE FeperaL Pustic Servick Commission In exercise of the powers conferred by section 146 of the Constitution of the Federation, as modified by the Constitution (Suspension and Modification) Decree 1966,-I, Major-GrngraL Yakusu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief "ofthe Armed Forces, Federal Republic of: Higeria, do hereby appoint Sm Samus, Manuwa, C.M.G., 0.B.B., LL.D., to act as C of the Federal lic Service Commission with effect from the 1st day of December, 1968, for the duration of the absence. on vacation leave of ALnajt SULE KaTacuM,0.F.R., C.M.G. Dartep at State House, Lagos, this 19th day of November, 1968. 1peadMipion,9G; Gana,Yasuouitary Gowan‘ Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (1541) 1542 . OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 79, Vol. 55 Government Notice No. 1591 INSTRUMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF Sir SamuEL Manuwa To Act AS CHAIRMAN OF THE Po.ice Service COMMISSION . In exercise of the powers conferred by section 146 of the Constitution of the Federation, as modified by the Constitution (Suspension and Modification) Decree 1966, I, Major-GENERAL YAKUBU Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint Srr SamueL Manuwa, C.M.G., 0.B.E., LL.D., to act as Chairman of the Police Service Commission with effect from the ist day of December, 1968, for the duration of the absence on ‘vacation leave of ALHajI SULE KaTacuM,0.F.R., C.M.G. Daten at State House, Lagos, this 19th day of November, 1968. Major-GeneRAL Yakusu Gowon, Headof the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Government Notice No. 1592 Universtry oF Lacos Decree 1967 (1967 No. 3) INSTRUMENT OF APPOINTMENT oF Dr Sapurt OLapent Bropaku, .M.G., M.A. (CANTAB), Ph.D. (LONDON) By His Excellency Major-General Yakusu Gowon, Headof the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. ’ Mayjor-Generat Yakusu Gowon, Head ofthe Federal Military Government, . Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ; ‘Wuereas by paragraph 4 (1) of Schedule 1 to the University of Lagos Decree 1967, it is provided that the first Vice-Chancellor of the University as reconstituted by the Decree shall be Saburt OLADENI BIOBAKU, — Companion of the Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy : AND WHEREAS it is expedient that provisions should be madefor his tenureof office and for terms as to _ the emoluments ofhis office and otherwise: Now THEREFORE, it is provided that the said Saburi Oladeni Biobaku (hereinafter referred to as “the ! Appointee”) shall hold theoffice of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lagos upon the following terms and conditions :— - : . , 1. The Appointee will be responsible to the Council of the University of Lagos (hereinafter referred to as “the Council’) or its successor for the performanceofhis duties. 2. 'The appointmentwill be a whole time appointment and the Appointee shall reside in a house provided by the University rent free, all furnishings, linen, crockery, cutlery, domestic staff, etc., provided by the University. ‘The electricity accounts shall be paid by the University.. 3. The appointmentshall be for five years with effect from 1st April, 1967, being the commencement date of the University of Lagos Decree 1967. 4, The Appointee’s salary shall be at the rate of £4,250 per annum. 4 5. The Appointee shall be entitled to the benefits of any scheme for allowances including. children’s allowance for up to 3 children normally not more than 16 years old, at the rate of £50 a year for each child resident in Nigeria or £100 a year for each child resident elsewhere. 6. The Appointee shall be entitled to an entertainment allowance of £500 per annum,payable monthly, tax free ; and shall be free to claim in addition under the University’s ‘Official Hospitability’ vote for special dinners, cocktail parties, etc., at a rate of £0-10s-6d per head for a cocktail party, and one guinea per head for a special dinner. 7. 'The Appointee shall be entitled to have official transport. 8. The conditions as to Superannuation will be those from time to time prevailing in a scheme approved by the University of which the Appointee will be required to be a member. : 9. A first class air or first ‘class sea passage will be provided on first appointment for the Appointee, his wife and up to 5 children if then resident outside Nigeria, subject to the regulations made from time to time by the Council of the University with regard to passage on appointment. 10. When proceeding on and returning from leave, first class air or first class sea passage will be provided for the Appointee, his wife and up to five children, subject to. the regulations made. from time to time by the Council of the University with regard to leave passages. '11. The Appointee shall notterminate his appointment without having given to the Council six months’ notice in writing of his intention to do so, unless the consent of the Council be otherwise obtained. © 5th Denember, 1968 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1543 12. “Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 below, the Council shall not terminate the appointment. of the Appointee without having given him six months’ notice in writing ofits intention to do so, or having tendered to the Appointee payment ofsix months’ salary in lieu of notice. In the case of notice already given, the Council may tender. payment of the amountofsalary applicable to the period of notice unexpired and, uponits doing so, the appointment of the Appointee shall determine immediately. 13. Should the Appointee be convicted of a criminal offence involving moral turpitude or, in relation to his duties to the University, be found guilty of miscounduct, grossinefficiency, or wilful refusal to fulfil his duties,or become incapable, by reason of general inefficiency andany infirmity of mind or body, thus rendering it impracticable for him to continue in office, then the Council may remove the Appointee office and the period ofnotice necessary to terminate the appointmentshailbe at the discretion ofthe Council. 14. Before any removal ofthe Appointee is made as provided in paragraph 13, the Senate of the University shall be consulted by the Council and the Appointee shall have an opportunity of replying to the grounds - alleged against him. 15. While in Nigeria free medical attention will be provided for the Appointee and his family (i.e., his wife and children) and hospital accommodation will be provided at a reduced charge. - GIVEN under my hand and the Public Seal of the FederalRepublic of Nigeria this 28th day.of November, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight. Government Notice No. 1593 © NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES | The following are notified for general:information:— NEW APPOINTMENTS Department ' Name Appointment Daieof Date of : _. Appointment Arrival Administration Egwu, S. -. Secretary-Typist ... -. 3-7-67 —_ Ministry of Agriculture ‘Olaniyan, G. O. a Technical Officer oe 1-38-68 _— andNatural Resources Ministry of Education Ainabe, A. O. Assistant Technical Instructor- . in-Training . 18-12-67 _— Ministry of ‘Transport - Sokunle, Miss V. B. Coastal Assistant,"Grade Ill... .22-5-67 _— Statistics «s - Mordi, G. .. Statistician : oe 7-S-67 —_— : Osunlola, S. A: .. Statistical Officer -. 2-10-68 —. Shoyemi, K. .. Enumerator ... «+ . 22-7-68 _ . / PROMOTIONS , ' Department Name Appointment : Date of . Administration .. Adebisi, J. A. ',. Stenographer, Grade I a -- 18~-9-68 Ogbedebor, G. .. Secretary-Typist .. oe -. 18-9-68 : . Ogundele, E.O. | .. Secretary-Typist .. 18-9-68 Board of Inland Revenue Asagba, L. U. * .. Higher Executive Officer (Inland Revenue) 1-11-68 Orederu, O. .. Higher Executive Officer (Inland Revenue) 1-11-68 Customs and Excise Ajayi, S. A. .. Assistant Preventive Commandant 1-11-68 Ministry of Agriculture Ayoola, S: O. .. AssistantLaboratory Technologist «. 15-3-68 and Natural Resources : Ministry of Internal 1Elechi, B. K. .. Assistant Chief Warder e o 1-1-68 Affairs _ 44Igbinobaro, O. ..- Senior Warder, Grade TII .. --' 1-1-68 . 1Mosindi, I.
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