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A Doctor’s Prescription for Treating Workplace Stress DAviD PoSen From the bestselling author of The Little Book of Stress Relief comes the David posen, M.D., is a prAise for The little book of definitive guide to treating — and eliminating — excessive stress in the physician, popular speaker, stress relief: workplace. and the bestselling author of The Little Book of Stress “No matter how good you are at dealing Dr. David Posen, a popular speaker Relief, which has been trans- with stress, I strongly recommend to you and a leading expert on stress mastery, iden- lated into six languages. His Dr. Posen’s The Little Book of Stress Relief. It tifies the three biggest problems that contrib- previous books also include provides an excellent framework for stress ute to burnout and low productivity: Volume, Staying Afloat When the Water Gets Rough management and is filled with great tips and Velocity, and Abuse. He shares revealing an- and the classic, Always Change a Losing Game. insights.” — Peter G. Hanson, author of The ecdotes and offers clear descriptions of the His writing has appeared in Canadian Living, Joy of Stress biology of stress to illustrate how downsiz- Reader’s Digest, Men’s Health, USA Weekend, ing, economic uncertainty, and technology and his TV and radio appearances have aired “It’s amazing that such a little book can have made the workplace more toxic than ever. nation-wide. He lives in Oakville, Ontario. deliver such a huge impact! This is not just a Most importantly, he offers practical advice stress guide — it’s a life-skills manual, filled and easy techniques for managing the harmful with stories, warmth, and humour. Superb!” symptoms and side effects of stress. — Rita Emmett, author of The Procrastinator’s Witty, engaging, and accessible, Is Work Handbook and The Procrastinating Child Killing You? touches on everything from meet- ings to tweeting, from fake work to face time, from deadlines to dead tired, and more. With this book, Dr. Posen gives us the tools to stop harming our most valuable resource — our- selves. SeLF-HeLP / Stress Management 978-1-77089-275-0 6 x 8 • 344 pages Trade paperback • $18.95 mArketing notes 978-1-77089-276-7 • National media attention e-Pub • $15.95 • National advertising • National author tour BiSAC: SeL024000 • Promo on author’s website: davidposen.com • ARC available • Co-op available 2 3 February Can tHe world tolerAte An irAn witH nucleAr weApons? The Munk Debate on iran AMoS YADLin & CHArLeS KrAuTHAMMer (Pro), FAreeD ZAKAriA & vALi nasr (Con) “[The Munk Debates are] a significant forum for discussing global issues of Amos Yadlin is a former Israeli Air Force HAs tHe europeAn general, Israel Defence Forces (IDF) military experiment Failed? our age . balanced and thoughtful.” — Huffington Post the munk debate on europe attaché to the United States, and head of the niall Ferguson, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, IDF Military Intelligence Directorate. 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His writing “A laugh-out-loud comic memoir . Reid age memoir One Bird’s Choice, accompanies his has appeared in newspapers, finds humour and warmth in unexpected grandmother on a five-day vacation — which magazines, and online in publications such places.” — Maclean’s turns out to be a “staycation” at his basement as the Globe and Mail, Reader’s Digest, and The apartment in Kingston. While the twenty- Classical. He writes regularly about books and “Reid’s writing is engaging and humorous.” eight-year-old writer is at the beginning of writing for the National Post. His work has also — Winnipeg Free Press his adult life, his ninety-two-year-old grand- appeared on CBC Radio and NPR. He lives in mother is nearing the end of hers. Between Kingston, Ontario. “Reid is a genial narrator, and you don’t tire escorting his grandma to local attractions and of his voice . endearing . a gently funny restaurants, the two exchange memories and book.” — Vancouver Sun she begins to reveal details of her inspiring life story. Told with subtlety, humour, and heart, this Also AvAilAble: delightful comic memoir reflects on family connections; how we experience adversity, the one bird’s cHoice passage of time, and aging; and most impor- A year in the life of an tantly what it truly means to feel lucky. overeducated, underemployed twenty-something who moves back Home iain reid Marketing notes 978-0-88784-243-6 BIOGrAPHY & AuToBIOGrAPHY / Hardcover with jacket / $29.95 Personal Memoirs • National media mailing 978-1-77089-241-5 978-0-88784-298-6 • National advertising Paperback / $19.95 5.25 x 8 • 272 pages • Livestreamed launch event Trade paperback • $18.95 • Author tour: Ottawa, Toronto, Kingston 978-0-88784-283-2 ePub / $16.95 978-1-77089-242-2 • Online contests e-Pub • $18.95 • Twitter (@reid_iain) promotion • ARC available BiSAC: BIO026000 • Co-op available 6 7 May How to Host A dinner Party CoreY Mintz iLLustrateD by STeve Murray inTroDuction by SArAH PoLLeY A fun, informative guide to hosting the perfect party every time.
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