Important Plant Areas of Ukraine Editor: V.A. Onyshchenko УДК 502.75(477) В12 Selection criteria Important Plant Areas of Ukraine / V.A. Onyshchenko (editor). – Kyiv: Alterpress, 2017. – 376 p. The book contains descriptions of 173 Important Plant Areas of Ukraine. Data on each site The aim of the Important Plant Areas (IPAs) programme is to identify and protect include its area, geographical coordinates, selection criteria, areas of EUNIS habitat types, a network of the best sites for plant conservation throughout Europe and the rest of the characterization of vegetation, threats, human activities, information about protected- ar world, using consistent criteria (Anderson, 2002). The identification of IPAs is based on eas, references, and a map on the sattelite image background. three criteria. Criterion A – Presence of threatened plant species: the site holds significant populations of one or more species that are of global or regional conservation concern. Важливі ботанічні території України / за ред. В.А. Онищенка. – Київ: Альтерпрес, Criterion B – Presence of botanical richness: the site has an exceptionally rich flora in a 2017. – 376 с. regional context in relation to its biogeographic zone. Criterion C – Presence of threatened ISBN 978-966-542-622-6 habitats: the site is an outstanding example of a habitat or vegetation type of global or Книга містить описи 173 Важливих ботанічних територій України. Дані про кожну regional plant conservation and botanical importance. "IPA" is not an official designation. територію включають її площу, географічні координати, критерії виділення, площі IPAs are selected scientifically using criteria supported by expert scientific judgement. оселищ за класифікацією EUNIS, характеристику рослинності, загрози, види людської IPA criteria were published in 2001 (Palmer & Smart 2001). Since then IPA were діяльності, інформацію про природно-заповідні території, список літератури і карту на selected in many countries. In Ukraine, first six IPAs were identified in 2008 (Onyshchenko et основі космічної фотографії. al. 2008). In 2012 16 new areas were selected in the Sea of Azov region (Kolomiychuk et. al. 2012). The present book includes information about 173 IPAs identified within the territory of Ukraine. These data are available also in the IPA database online. IPAs were identified in Ukraine mainly using criteria A and C. Authors: Criterion A includes subcriteria A(i) (species with categories EX, CR, En and VU in the V.A. Onyshchenko, V.P. Kolomiychuk, I.I. Chorney, R.Ya. Kish, A.I. Tokariuk, V.V. Budzhak, IUCN database version 2015–4), A(ii) (species listed in Appendix I of the Bern Convention, O.O. Orlov, H.I. Oliiar, O.V. Bezrodnova, O.M. Derkach, N.O. Stetsiuk, N.V. Shumska, Resolution 6 of the Steering Committee of the Bern Convention, or the Red Data Book of M.V. Banik, H.V. Kolomiets, L.H. Lubinska, V.V. Datsiuk, M.M. Peregrym, I.M. Danylyk, European bryophytes), A(iii) (species with categories "endangered" and "vulnerable" in the O.M. Popova, O.T. Kuzyarin, O.V. Holovko, O.I. Pryadko, L.T. Horbnyak, V.A. Kolodiy, Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009) that are considered national endemics of Ukraine), A(iv) L.V. Markivska, O.V. Lukash, N.B. Saidakhmedova, H.P. Protsiv, O.Yu. Umanets, (limited range species with categories "endangered" and "vulnerable" in the Red Data Book T.D. Solomakha, V.M. Virchenko, V.V. Rasevich of Ukraine (2009) that are not national endemics). Totally the Criterion A list for Ukraine has 185 species (table 1): subcriterion A(i) – 23 species, A(ii) – 96, A(iii) – 33, and A(iv) – 65 species. 145 species were used as criteria. Approved by the Academic Council of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Table 1. Criterion A species and corresponding selected areas. Edited by V.A. Onyshchenko Taxon IPAs where the taxon is a BC Co-edited (English text and plant names) by S.L. Mosyakin A(i) A(ii) A(iv) A(iii) IUCN RBEB Res 6 Res RDBU criterion of selection db 2015-4 Reviewers: S.L. Mosyakin, O.M. Bayrak Achillea glaberrima * LC * * - R Kamiani Mohyly Klokov Aconitum besserianum * - - - - V Medobory; Kniazhpilskyi Andrz. ex Trautv. Lis; Sovyi Yar; Vasylivskyi ISBN 978-966-542-622-6 © V.A. Onyshchenko (editor), 2017 i Rozkopynskyi Yary; © M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, 2017 Shebutynskyi Yar; Ternava © Alterpress, 2017 – Dnister Aconitum pseudanthora * - - - - V Probabyn, Vymushiv Błocki ex Pacz. 3 Taxon IPAs where the taxon is a Taxon IPAs where the taxon is a BC BC A(i) A(i) A(ii) A(ii) A(iv) A(iv) A(iii) A(iii) IUCN IUCN RBEB RBEB Res 6 Res 6 Res RDBU criterion of selection RDBU criterion of selection db 2015-4 db 2015-4 Adenophora lilifolia (L.) * - - * - - Sinozhati, Dziurkach Anacamptodon * - - - E V Chornohora Ledeb. splachnoides (Brid.) Brid. Agrimonia pilosa * - - * - - – Androsace koso- * - - - - E Vovchanski Skyly; Oskilski Ledebour poljanskii Ovcz. Skhyly; Petro-Ivanivka Agropyron cimmericum * En - - - - Byriuchyi Ostriv; Angelica palustris * - * * - - – Nevski Arabatska Strilka; Peresyp (Besser) Hoffm. Aktaskoho Ozera; Anoectangium handelii * - - - V V – Kazantyp Schiffn. Agropyron dasyanthum * En - - - - Kozachelaherska Arena; Astracantha arnacantha * - - - - V Krymski Hory; Mehanom; Ledeb. Nyzhniodniprovski Pisky; (M.Bieb.) Podlech Tepe-Oba; Karadah Biriuchyi Ostriv; Dnipro (Astragalus arnacantha – Orlil M.Bieb.) Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. * * En * * - R Zaplava Prypiati; Shatski Astragalus reduncus Pall. * - - - - E Ak-Monaiskyi Step; Ozera; Dunaiski Plavni Askania-Nova; Mehanom; Allium pervestitum * * En - - - E Molochnyi Lyman; Tepe-Oba Klokov Kazantyp; Bereh Astragalus setosulus * * * Vu * * - E Krymski Hory; Mehanom Syvashyka Gontsch. Allium regelianum * - * * - R Molochnyi Lyman; Astragalus tanaiticus C. * * Vu * * - R Kamiani Mohyly A.Becker ex Iljin Tendrivska Zatoka; Koch Askania-Nova; Bereh Syvashyka Astragalus zingeri Korsh. * - - - - E – Allium savranicum * - - - - V Nyzhniodniprovski Barbula enderesii Garov. * - - - V - – (Nyman) Oxner Pisky; Dnipro – Oril; Betula oycoviensis Besser * Vu - - - - – Triokhizbenskyi Step; Botrychium * - * - - E Chyvchyny; Svydovets; Volyzhyn Lis matricarifolium A.Br. ex Chornohora Allium scythicum Zoz * DD - - - V Skhidnyi Churiuk; Koch Tendrivska Zatoka Botrychium multifidum * - * - - R Chyvchyny; Marmaroski Allium sphaeropodum * - - - - V – (S.G.Gmel.) Rupr. Hory Klokov Brassica taurica (Tzvelev) * * EN * * - V Ayu-Dah; Mys Martian Alyssum borzaeanum * - * - - V Peresyp Aktaskoho Ozera; Tzvelev Nyár. (Odontarrhena Tendrivska Zatoka Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. * - * * V - Chornohora borzaeana (Nyár.) ex Lam. et DC.) Brid. ex D.A.German) Moug. et Nestl. Alyssum gymnopodum * - - - - V Kreidiana Flora; Oskilski Caldesia parnassifolia * LC * * - E – P.A.Smirn. (Odontarrhena Skhyly; Petro-Ivanivka; (L.) Parl. gymnopoda (P.A.Smirn.) Marina Hora D.A.German) Calophaca wolgarica * LC - - - V Troitska Balka (Moug.) Moug. et Nestl. Alyssum savranicum * - - - - E Nyzhniodniprovski Pisky; Andrz. ex Besser Kozachelaherska Arena; Campanula abietina * - * - - - Chyvchyny; Marmaroski (Odontarrhena savranica Volyzhyn Lis Griseb. et Schenk Hory; Svydovets; (Andrz. ex Besser) Chornohora D.A.German) 4 5 Taxon IPAs where the taxon is a Taxon IPAs where the taxon is a BC BC A(i) A(i) A(ii) A(ii) A(iv) A(iv) A(iii) A(iii) IUCN IUCN RBEB RBEB Res 6 Res 6 Res RDBU criterion of selection RDBU criterion of selection db 2015-4 db 2015-4 Campanula serrata (Kit.) * LC - * - - Chyvchyny; Marmaroski Cephalaria demetrii * - - - - E Krymski Hory; Karadah Hendrych Hory; Chornohora; Bobrov Dzhohul Cephalaria litvinovii * - - - - E – Caragana scythica * - - - - V Korsak-Mohyla Bobrov (Kom.) Pojark. Cerasus klokovii Sobko * - - - - V Hranitno-Stepove Carex secalina Wahlenb. * - * - - V Dunaiski Plavni; Nyzhnii Pobuzhia Dnipro; Hrakove Chamaecytisus graniticus * - - - - V Yelanetskyi Step; Carlina cirsioides Klokov * - - - - V Chortova Hora; Kasova (Rehmann.) Rothm. Mykhailivskyi Step; Zelena Hora; Horodnytski Tovtry Balka Carlina onopordifolia * * * Vu * * - V Velyki Holdy; Lysa Hora i Chamaecytisus podolicus * - - - - V Kadubivska Stinka; Besser ex Szafer, Kulcz. Stinka; Vasylivka; Pidlyska (Błocki) Klásková Probabyn; Medobory et Pawł. Hora Chamaecytisus wulffii * - - - - V Krymski Hory Centaurea appendicata * - - - - E Lysohirka (V.Krecz.) Klásková Klokov Cochlearia polonica * * * En * * - E Koltivska Ulohovyna Centaurea breviceps Iljin * - - - - V Kozachelaherska Arena; Frohl. Nyzhniodniprovski Pisky Colchicum fominii Bordz. * * LC * * - V Skhyly Kohylnyka; Centaurea comperiana * - - - - V Krymski Hory Kuchurhan Steven Comperia comperiana * - * - - E Krymski Hory Centaurea donetzica * - - - - V Sviati Hory (Steven) Asch. et Graebn. Klokov Crambe aspera M.Bieb. * - - - - V Tepe-Oba; Opuk; Karadah Centaurea konkae Klokov * - - - - E Kurylivka; Kuchuhury Crambe grandiflora DC. * DD - - - V Osovynskyi Step; Centaurea margarita- * - - - - E Mykhailo-Laryne; Karalarskyi Step; alba Klokov Kovalivka Kazantyp; Ak-Monaiskyi Centaurea margaritacea * * - - - - E Mishkovo-Pohorilove Step; Karadah Ten. Crambe koktebelica * DD * * - R Tepe-Oba; Opuk; Karadah Centaurea paczoskii * - - - - E Bobrovyi Kut; (Junge) N.Busch Kotov ex Klokov Novohredneve Crambe mitridatis Juz. * - - - - V Ak-Monaiskyi Step; Centaurea protogerberi * - - - - E – Kazantyp; Karalarskyi Klokov Step; Tarkhankut; Opuk Centaurea * - - - - E Halitsynove Crambe pinnatifida * - - - - V Kazantyp; Karadah protomargaritacea W.T.Aiton Klokov Crambe steveniana Rupr.
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