Doctor, another unique service of your Ticonium Laboratory. An award-winning magazine you can read with interest, with pleasure, and with profit. An award·winning magazine for Dentists, Dental Assistants, and Dental Hygienists the bottle-fed infants ... It may come as a surprise iety, sweating palms, physical abnormalities, emo­ Publis ed monthly by TICONIUM COMPANY to you but the Journal of Periodontia in a study of tional stress, etc., and alert the dentist so that he can Division of CMP Industries, Inc •• Albany. New York almost 500 smokers and non-smokers found that be better prepared in his initial interview with the pa­ Editor Joseph Strack there was "no significant difference between plaque tient. Contrib ling Arthur H. Levi ne, D.D.S. accumulation in non-smokers and smokers regardless Dentists are often cautioned about speaking over Ed itors Maurice J. Telfelbau • D.D.S. of the number of cigarettes smoked daily . ." We've the heads of their patients. But how about dentists Cover Artist Edward Ka sper heard of a "wolf in sheep'S clothing" but never of a who speak over the heads of dentists? Specialists, in "goat in sheep's clothing." Yet, scientists found that particular, are guilty of using overblown words, per­ NOVEMBER 1979 Vol. XXXVIII No. 11 sheep reared for the first few months of life in sheep­ haps to enhance their own image or because they just goat herds showed a strong social preference for the don't know how to write in simple prose. For exam­ CONTENTS goats. Kids are full of surprises. ple, here is a direct sentence from a brochure an­ DfNJlSTS III GOVERNMENT nouncing a course on peridontia for the general EXERCISE SHOULD BE FUN The Only Dentist in the Congress ..... 1 practitioner: "The appropriate selection and sequenc­ If you think exercise will keep you living longer, ing of initial preparation modalities will be covered." II Dentist Gove rnors 3 don't bet on it, you may not be around long enough How about appropriate words, doctor? .. For those III Dentist Leg islators and Mayors 5 to collect. There still is not enough valid, scientific gaining weight, how about "food apportion for girth IV Politics at the Grass Roots 7 evidence to prove that exercise will increase your life control." span. However, regular exercise will improve the quality of life, for the physical and psychological bene­ DENTAL DILEMMA A PKTORIAt HISTORY Of DENmTRY fits allow you to live life more fully. This is particu­ In taking an impression and bite, Here is the concluding Part 2 of Dentistry The dentist's result was a sight. larly true if the exercise is fun, if it is a game. Exercise in the 18th Century, the fascinating 10th Daniel B. Crane, MC is an important ingredient for a satisfying life, despite Though his technique was mastered, installment of Curt Proskauer's great pic- George Bernard Shaw, who once remarked that the The patient was plastered ture history . ........... ... '.... .. 8 only exercise he ever got was walking behind the And didn't know his left from his right. funeral bier of his friends who had exercised; and THE WORlDS OUTSIDE Robert Benchley, who had a theory that in all our RESEARCH (Continued from Pagel2) Collectimania . .. 10 "to develop a multidimensional attitude measurement Dentists In Government joints - knees, hips, elbows, ankles, wrists - there Children Study Hypertension 11 were important fluids that were not to be disturbed, device" to " . collect sufficient behavioral data to 12 so that one should not move too much or to SWiftly. relate each attitude dimension to its associated be­ Research : the bureaucratic way . I The Only Dentist in the Congress havioral correlates" and to " ... define in detail the TIPS FROM THE ADAA experimental design including statistical analysis IMPROVING BUS1NESS MAHAGEMfNT In the middle of his first term as a member of the 96th Congress, The American Dental Assistants Association puts paradigms." Some others: 1M YOUR DENTAl OFFICI Representative Daniel B. Crane, who put aside his dental practice out a four-page quarterly, Tip Sheet, that contains in­ -Why people fall in love, "especially men and New Approaches to Collections: to speak in Washington for a half-million "friends, neighbors and formation and helpful hints for the dental assistant women." Dentist, Lawyer, Indian Chief .. .. 13 fellow residents" of Southern Illinois, still decides his vote on the which, in turn, can be advantageous to your practice. -Hitchhiking. The Statement Showdown ... 13 deluge of legislation which swamps the lawmakers by the answers Assistants are advised to "take a good look" at the -The social behavior of the Alaskan bear. Goodbye Month Iy Billing? .. 13 to four simple questions: patient before he or she is seen by the dentist. An -The African climate during the last Ice Age. Is it constitutional? observant assistant can spot shortness of breath, anx- Amen! Fixed-Fee Collection Firm s ... .... 14 Is it in defense of the freedoms we cherish? The Sales-Pitch Seminar 14 Is it within the framework of a balanced budget? Is it a "rip off" of the taxpayers? \/@Ug AN6lES MID I ESSIOIS Congressman Crane, the only dentist in the 96th Congress, tells FOR Dentist solves art treasury robbery his colleagues in the House and his constitutents back home : New idea for forensic dentists . Exer­ -Government is spending too much money. ~ '1-;=1 ~ cise should be fun ... Dentists who talk -The House can and ought to do something to tighten the na- over the heads of dentists ... ................ 15 tional purse strings. -Salaries of Senators and Representatives should be cut. -Americans over 65 should have the right to earn money to Iaa I MEMBER PUBLICATION supplement their Social Security benefits without being pen­ Al\Il ERICAN AsavCIATION OF DENTAL EDITORS ae alized by having those benefits reduced. Send editorial contributions and correspon lle!lce to Joseph -Washington should stay out of state affairs. Strack, Box 4()7, North Chatham, N.Y. 12132; ch e·of· ilddress notices to Circ ulatton Manager, TIC, Box 350, Alban1 -Washington should put an end to its "blackmail" of states and N.Y. 12201 cities with threats to withhold federal funds . TIC Is microfilm ed by Un IverSity MicrOfil ms, Inc., 300 N. Zeeb Road, Congressman Crane, a veteran of Army service in Southeast Asia, Ann Arbor, Michigan 481 06. T IC's International Stand4rd Serial Number IS: US 0040'071& TIC. licensed to practice dentistry in three states, and the father of a Copyright, 1979, T1 conlum Company, Division of 0 P Indu tries, family with five children, tops a long list of dentists serving in In c•• 413 North Pearl Street. Albany, New York 12207 Op inions exprrssed by contributors to TIC do not necessarily reflect government, from the local school board all the way up to the the v ews of the publishers. Governor's mansion and at every level in between. Printed In U.S.A. by Jersey Printllllil Co., Inc., Bayonne, N.J. "UH, OH! I THINK WE'RE IN TROUBLEI" Ann I Subscription. $5.00 Congressman Crane is dedicated to the need for Americans to TIC, NOVEMBER, 1979 I 16 TIC, NOVEMBER , 1979 "get involved," especially in government. His involve­ ment resulted in election last November to a Congress which most national observers say is confronted by the "worst crisis of confidence in government" in American history. Congressman Crane blames a "schizophrenic Con­ gress" for overspending and insists that the House has to assume the personal blame, since all money bills originate and have to be approved there. He thinks that Congressmen-Senators and House members-get paid too much and wants their salaries cut. He doubts that the bill he has introduced to make by Maurice J. Teitelbaum, D.D.S. such a reduction will pass, but he is making the effort. The unbusinesslike operations of government also pain Congressman Crane who pointed to an instance THISA AND DATA prepaid, publicly-funded dental care plans in that when legislators were given only ten minutes to study A dentist in England was responsible for the re­ state. The contribution was part of a $2.5 million com­ several budgetary line items amounting to $38 billion. covery of over $1 million worth of stolen art treasures mitment by the Kellog Foundation. Happy Birthday A vote was taken and passed even though some Con­ when he telephoned authorities at Scotland Yard to the Fund! gressmen argued it would take days to digest all the about the ravings of a patient, who, while under light The Swiss have come up with a new idea to help material. anesthesia, talked about the location of the loot. It forensic dentists in the identification of mass disaster "I demanded a roll call vote, just to know who the was a definite triumph for law and justice, but one victims. They advocate sealing a miniaturized gold big spenders are," he said. wonders whether a patient's uncontrolled babbling chip in the tooth enamel using a "fire resistant red A fervent believer in "state's rights"-he cites Arti­ Busy Congressman Crane hangs coat on doorknob under the influence of anesthesia should be guarded composite material." The chip would have identifying cle 10 of the U.S. Constitution-he frowns on too as zealously as the confession to a priest or a chat with coded numbers on it - Social Security numbers, for much interference from Washington in the lives of a psychiatrist. Incidentally, theft of art treasures ranks example. For most people, sealing the chip under a Dr. Crane, .now Congressman Crane, insists that filling or crown or in a root canal might be more Americans and the rights of local governments to more professionals should take a role in politics even second only to narcotics as the leader in world-wide practical and simpler.
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