v 2 NEW TORI: HERALD, TUESDAY, AiGGTJST 15, 1876..WITH SI[JPPLEMENT. | ^ the Wft IlE.Vli KSTA'IB H\1jK. V1VPURVISHKD ROOMS Viil APART. EUROPEAN STKARSIIIF*. ' Excrusuii*. KUROVh. and this may ev«n bo considered a* beneath " Porouirbilza U situated to the left ul the railroadnumber. Kaaf Muf lUBHTt TO UBT. \|OsT iilKKC'l AND ECONOMIC 110ITK TO "llOL. ~a.kt,( Kaway lii.Ai'.i i.\ u-lbsi I'KBFl'MKBY. SMALL -ill L\ND. HKLiill M, TIIK KlilNK. MW1TZ hitLAND, y ^TKIXBOVH b 'tween Kbllippopoll and I'a/.irdi-on.vw, midway A FRAME UOl'SK. SKVF.N KOOMS. ANf) class kuf.M'M FLvfiS ro I.KI. ei these two ninl O.UOU or 8,000 yard* front At' VI A ROTTERDAM. eetahllahrd 1S71. I _ Eneet 03 White Roue. places, between -kV two lota for talc; Vnuud lot li» >iai>lr room for two A-PIRSTWent liHth it., bitviiii 5th ind tttli »v«. AC., Regular Line, ol .'led house* ruuiu _____ Stt»mrr OALAND August 17 pivb excursions oaily and sunday. the railroad. It wa* Christian village ^ boraae, wagon and hayloft; will br mild very or ~ cheap, Steamer August 31 siewinert tt more as II uiglu b« exchanged for a mi all r>ia> u in the eountrr For rilO M K.M'ic HAS MONK ROOMS. SECOND 8CHOLTES t>y ^ Biuud n Kor So»p. nud having lluu J.u.iu rihahituuts, planted, fnll i with t«» a imiail in These beautiful Hteunier*. carry intr the I'nlted Mnt«» mail AMEBICLH, NEVERSlNK and WILLIAM COCK. as particulate apply to Mr. J AJIti HOWE, Ileal Estate floor, every convenience. family, with wero.'dielwcou several Turkish boroughs poor by Broker. No »17 bd »v,, New York. house No. H7 lilf»«ck»-r *t. Kent f'SJ per month. to the Netherlands. are great favorite* the public. Mu*icttl entertainment every day tneir idleness as l'eroutcbitza was rich Its labor. rate* comfort aud living perfect. CELEBRATED TW KKTV THIRD Enu d.' by \ Trip-, regular low, '>>CONTERNO'S h- 5* <.'oli>nne. The ins'unt the call was made lor volunteers II I. EVEN is'.; TKl.hi it A M~ mo LI M'U-.MHU FLOOR oi *Ot U ROOMS; For For passage. BANll .. West freight, BEdlMKVT wus in its The rp 1 all modern improvements; rent, fix. No. 412 FC.NCII. EDYE A CO. L W. MOltUIS, TUB ORPHEUS QUABTKTTe CLl B I I r it« pn*e ntouais. shut hetweeu all neighbors.Feroulchitxa THE ONLY EVENING NEW SKATER OK NEW YOBIC. 40th st. 50 liroad.*ay. PHILLIPS' OLKR CLUB and nobles who were saved in time arrived at _____ I'hllippopoll, ... PROP. SOLTAU. tile renowned Cornet Player. I 2: I 8old by a!1 dealer*. Where they demanded aid more lojdly than any one ol HOI ,S.t .. / "i BEAT WKSTKltV STKAMSU1P UtK! AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION LAST WEEK. SKS, ROOM*. WAATKU. Twenty miuutea' ami on tlio Atlantic Ocean, H J. (V K *TKIX8<>\\ their follow citizens, had nothing in do with IT To HKIr>TOI. ihNlil.A.N'U) D1HKCT, over throe hour* to the root breecea on the beach. I j saying they In tula I'itv ami Brooklva. a* nud enjoy No 014 Bond eL. L* iidjo. insurrection. The effect thai « b»i.:tsa. ailing from pier lb Lust River, follows Observe the Tiuie Table. the Governor replied totbe 4 IUCIIKLOK WANTS A CON FOi4TAIILY ARK Y(*ON. bytuona Wednesday, August 9 AMERlCln LEAVES loMuinion, he wouid think about it. The consuls lutervcuod and uiatied Hootn, in the neighborhood of Madison nquaro;KITEi\CORNWALL. Stumper.. Thuraday, August 24 ^ to au of Ibo Sullau TWO CENTS A COPY; ADVERTISING -JO CENTS reference* Address Iv Herald office. 24th at.. North River, at 8:110 A. M., and 1:13 P. M, addressed themselves aide-de-camp exchanged. K., Cabiu passage. $«U; intermediate. $45; steerage, $30, lOth at.. North River, nt 8:13 and 1 :2r> P. M indigestion and wasting sent from Constantinople to report the true state ol A i parlor ok .oh rwo rooms currency; excursion tickets. $12U; prepaid net*rage Veaey at.. North River, nt 9 A. M. and 1 :40 P. M. diienNci The moat cfflcacioue obtained a ol wnich wal UNI. Sboomo Floor cateft, $'JH. Auply'to W U MOKiJA «. Agent. TO South *L are things. They promise help, J\ on ,-cohd or third floor wanted by party of three cerltfl, Pulton lorry. Brooklyn, ut 9:20 A. M. and 2 P. II. remedies cone notion. WILLIAM COCK LEAVES reduced to the sending of u commission ul VVESTCHliSTKH (Ol *T1 I»ROI>KUTY adult,, iinfurmalicd. tor hou.vkPtpinr: rood neighborhood COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. not cveu inio the which KOR su,E AMD TO HEM'. and central location. Addro.s t'Atill, Herald Uptown '24th at., North River, at 10:20 A. M. Pancreatic ImuUion and The commission did so village, Hraucli office. XT Y. HAVANA A Si) MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE.' lotli at.. North River, at 10:13 A. M. Pancreatine. The original and the Bssallulils wanted disarmed, to begin with. HA KG A IN'"-TWO STORY UOl'SK. WITH CITY Xl SteauMirs leave pier No. 3 North River at 3 1*. M. l'ler 2. North River, at 11 A. M. genuine prepared oulv bv HOW TilK 4MAH81MB Oi'KKSTKP. Lot. teniae Houses to let from fltl to $- '» IT SKiioNn ri.ooit. A" A-.SOti; eaey nhi*itsISHKD, Fiitsr oil FOR HAVANA DIRECT. Pulton ferry, Hrunnlvii. at 11 :I3 A. M. SAVORY This, in ctlect, was the way the Uashi-buzouka tnouth (wall wat *r). II." I. ItltoWN, Murrieutiia Daput, I botweeu 14tli and iloth »ta, fitti or t-th av., tor CITY Of MhKIDA .Tuesday, August 1.1 NEVERSlNK LEAVES St MOORE. a per »'nto operated:.Thoy presontod themselves before Chris- ItiTtl. »t. (Twanty third wu;,i.. tor taiully of man and wile; loweet tertu.ibouackcopitiir.CITY OK VEliA CRl'Z Thursday. August 17 Dili at., Kaet River, x A. M. and 12 43 P. M. # 143 New liond at., Londou. mo.I he reaannabfe. Addrea* A. C. W., boa 101 Herald FOB V K It A 4'HI Z AND NKNY ORLEANS, South lat at., Wliliaxeburir. 8 :1.7 a. ,M. and 1 P. M. Sold by thein aud all I fun village, mid, according to lbs "order ol uuiliority," Property oi i ok the m* koK llrancli office. bptown via Havana, i'rogresu, 1 ampeuchy, Tuxpan anil Tampico. ., V..... V...L w on l \l ....I i» U chcmUts and storekoepera througinmt the United Statea required coin|iloio disarmament. Attor this order was SALE OK TO llE.VTi and itsFursisiikd CITY OK MKKiDA Tuesday, August 15 Fulton lorry. Brooklyn, 0 A. M. and I :3U 1*. M. aud Canada. obeyed a massacre ot Uio men so disarmed wan begun. vyas'tki7.VITkniahko" For freight and to relu«ed to hand over tbclr HANDSOME 3.% AC It 1', FARM GOOD H i' 11. KINGS ; llou»ea, for wbicb wo have immediate cuntntuer ». pannage apply 33 B C k M ASTKit 4 OOh In case the villagers guns, .o 1. ALEXANDRE .V SONa, 31 and Broadway. Returning boats leave Kockaway at 11 A. M,. 4:31*), 5. and was net on lire. Several A fruit and water; 17 tutlee lu Jeracy; lor > le extremely HISK A i.UAV. >7 Otli 20 yr Ac thoir village Immediately low. 12 Centre »t. Steamer* will leave New Orleans August and 5:15 P.M. never been urtuod. and D. CUKLKY. ROOMS AND HATII 10 lor Crux and all the above porta. September Faro. 35c.: Excursion 50c. Return tickets are Military Naval and General Tailor« villages which bad winch, \irANTKD.FIVE Fl'KNISlILD Very tickets, No. 3 (only) New Hu iiuaton *t.. L n-lou \\., En 'land. bad no arms to deliver.a (act well known to PLA1NFIKLD. FOR $5,230 LARGE iim >i.. M m ft*r hou*ckeepiug (family. two tnd k«rv«Dt), between good on cither host. consequently, ut 4«> >t. 'id av. Mitd *t*. Xrkw YORK \ND HAVANA DlRKOT MAIL LINE.. SPECIAL NOTIOK..No from low tido. boats Katublinht d 75 year*. the murderers.were trcniod in just tbu manner I VT rooms, barn. Ac.; half price Inquire Kerry Broadway. iOili amflHth ront.ilUOtuHO i.i The*« tir*t will *ail at 3 1*. M. Iroiu delay Only First of g» o ia onlv in cent discount* for cuhIi. nj. 1' cluaa at amah'pa making ull the landings at Kockuwuy. quality per The of 1'eroutchiUa answered WITH OR ptr nib. jUdrvia II.. box 184 ll«r>14oflw* 13 North loot of Cedar lor Havana direct us Instruction* lor aeit' menu jierucnt sent« u have ind'.culed. people FRONT ROOMS pier Kiver, at., application. would deliver their arms to soldiers ot the J without Furniture : month bathing. boating and ANTED- BATH KOR follows OP THE ibui tbey (COTTAGESHORE $25 per THREE BOOED, ROOM, kV~. Wi i.M i 32. WATCHES. JkWKLKV. Mb. but nut to the Hash I bagouks. T en tishiug: fruit and Bowers in abundance; 1; . hour* be Ur light housekeeping. unlurnUhed pleasant locality: N(iTON Tuesday. .August nBTACUMBNTSNinth, Tlnrteeuth and Fourteenth regular army, uml North Side Railroad. Apply to J. P. TKA VERS, state rout; describe; prompt no children; reference*. COLUMBUS Thursday. Au^iut 31. rt'gnueiii>, N. ii. S. N. Y will tako A T 77 llhLKCKKit ST., NhAlt BROADWAY..MONKY tbe attack eoinuieticcd by bring tbu village at tbu four Flushing iUroM* 1\ box 135 pay Kor freight and buviug stoaiucr ut her tor the lour and tbe inhub- Manhusset, L.
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