Notices from Member States

Notices from Member States

7.3.2009 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 54/7 NOTICES FROM MEMBER STATES LIST OF NATURAL MINERAL WATERS RECOGNISED BY MEMBER STATES (Text with EEA relevance) (2009/C 54/04) In accordance with Article 1 of Council Directive 80/777/EEC of 15 July 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters (1), the Commission is publishing in the Official Journal of the European Union the list of natural mineral waters recog- nised as such by the Member States. The following list replaces the lists (2) previously published. These lists can also be found on the Europa website where they are regularly updated: List of natural mineral waters recognised by Belgium Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Amelbergabronnen Amelberga Amelbergabronnen Bon-Val Minval Bavikhove Bru Bru Chevron Chaudfontaine Thermale Chaudfontaine Chevron Monastère Chevron Christianabronnen Christiana Gavere Clémentine Clémentine Spixhe Duke Duke Francorchamps Freu-Hé Freu Hé Stoumont Gintsbergbronnen Gintsberg Scheldewindeke Harre Harre Werbomont-Ferrières Koningsbronnen Koning Brakel Leberg Leberg Roosdal Ordal Ordal Ranst Pouhon de Bande Pouhon de Bande Bande Puck Puck Heule San Benedetto Geneviève Genval Spa Marie-Henriette Spa (1) OJ L 229, 30.8.1980, p. 1. (2) OJ C 59, 9.3.2005, p. 7 and OJ C 41, 14.2.2002, p. 1 amended by OJ C 143, 15.6.2002, p. 3. C 54/8EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.3.2009 Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Spa Barisart Spa Spa Reine Spa Sty Sty Céroux-Mousty Sunco Sunco Ninove Toep Toep Brakel Top Top Brakel 1 Volette Etalle Val Val Boortmeerbeek Valvert Valvert Etalle Villers Monopole Villers Villers-le-Gambon List of natural mineral waters recognised by Bulgaria Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Айс Бред Драгойново A>=406 9 Драгойново (Ice Breath) (Dragoynovo sondazh 9) (Dragoynovo) Аква Дива Белово A>=406 !=-3 Белово (Aqua Diva) (Belovo sondazh Sn-3) (Belovo) Банкя Банкя A>=406 1 E3 Иваняне Банкя (Bankia) (Bankya sondazh 1 hg Ivanyane) (Bankya) Брацигово Брацигово A>=406 5 Брацигово (Bratzigovo) (Bratsigovo sondazh 5) (Bratsigovo) Велин Велинград A>=406 5 Горски ?C=:B Велинград (Velin) (Velingrad sondazh 5 Gorski punkt) (Velingrad) Велинград Велинград A>=406 2 Велинград (Velingrad) (Velingrad sondazh 2) (Velingrad) Водица Водица A>=406 -2 Водица (Voditza) (Voditsa sondazh R-2) (Voditsa) Горна 10=O Горна 10=O A>=406 3 Горна 10=O (Gorna bania) (Gorna banya sondazh 3) (Gorna banya) Горна 10=O Горна 10=O A>=406 4 8 872>@ Горна 10=O (Gorna bania) Домус 45@5 (Gorna banya) (Gorna banya sondazh 4 i izvor Domus dere) Девин Девин A>=406 5 Девин (Devin) (Devin sondazh 5) (Devin) Девин 3078@0=0 Девин A>=406 3 Девин (Devin gazirana) (Devin sondazh 3) (Devin) Долче Вита (820G52> (820G52> (Dolce Vita) (Shivachevo izvor Hadzhi Dimitar) (Shivachevo) Извор Каварна A>=406 -113 Каварна (Izvor) (Kavarna sondazh R-113) (Kavarna) Клисура Клисура A>=406 1 Клисура (Klissura) (Klisura sondazh 1) (Klisura) 7.3.2009 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 54/9 Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Княжевска Княжево A>=406 Книжна D01@8:0 Княжево (Knyazhevska) (Knyazhevo sondazh Knizhna fabrika) (Knyazhevo) Ком Бързия A>=406 1 Бързия (Kom) (Barzia sondazh 1) (Barzia) Леново Леново A>=406 12 Леново (Lenovo) (Lenovo sondazh 12) (Lenovo) Михалково Михалково A>=4068 1аВП 8 1 ВКП Михалково (Mihalkovo) (Mihalkovo sondazhi 1aVP i 1 VKP) (Mihalkovo) Пирин !?@8=3 Баничан A>=406 273 Баничан (Pirin Spring) (Banichan sondazh 273) (Banichan) Преподобна !B>9=0 Катунци A>=406 236 07A04=8:0 Катунци (Prepodobna Stoyna) (Katuntsi sondazh 236 Razsadnika) (Katuntsi) 0:8B>2> 0:8B>2> A>=406 5 0:8B>2> (Rakitovo) (Rakitovo sondazh 5) (Rakitovo) !?0=G52F8 !?0=G52F8 872>@ Минкова 10=O !?0=G52F8 (Spanchevtsi) (Spanchevtsi izvor Minkova banya) (Spanchevtsi) !B0@> Железаре !B0@> Железаре A>=4068 2 8 4 !B0@> Железаре (Staro Jelezare) (Staro Zhelezare sondazhi 2 i 4) (Staro Zhelezare) ">@= !?@8=3 872>@ "@J=A:0 Банкя Банкя (Thorn Spring) (izvor Transka Bankya) (Bankya) %8A0@ %8A0@O A>=4068 1 8 7 %8A0@O (Hisar) (Hisarya sondazhi 1 i 7) (Hisarya) %8A0@ %8A0@O 872>@ '>10= G5H<0 %8A0@O (Hissar) (Hisarya izvor Choban cheshma) (Hisarya) %8A0@ %8A0@O 872>@ Банчето Миромир %8A0@O (Hissar) (Hisarya izvor Bancheto Miromir) (Hisarya) %8A0@O %8A0@O A>=406 7 %8A0@O (Hissaria) (Hisarya sondazh 7) (Hisarya) (8?:>2> (8?:>2> A>=406 Л-2 (8?:>2> (Shipkovo) (Shipkovo sondazh L-2) (Shipkovo) List of natural mineral waters from third countries recognised by Bulgaria Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Пелистерка Меджитлия 872>@ 2 Меджитлия Македония (Pelisterka) (Medzitlija izvor 2) (Medzitlija F.Y.R.O.M) Прох2>@ Буяновачка 10=O A>=406 ВН-7 Буяновачка 10=O !J@18O (Proh2or) (Bujanovačka banja bunar BH-7) (Bujanovačka banja Srbije) List of natural mineral waters recognised by the Czech Republic Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Mattoni Mattoni Kyselka Magnesia Magnesia Mnichov u Mariánských Lázní Praga Praga BYvany u Loun Ondráaovka Ondráaovka Ondráaov C 54/10EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.3.2009 Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Poděbradky Poděbradky Poděbrady – Velké Zbo~í Vratislavická Kyselka Vratislavická Kyselka Liberec – Vratislavice nad Nisou IL SANO IL SANO Chodová Planá Aqua Maria Aqua Maria Mariánské Lázně Hanácká kyselka Hanácká kyselka Horní Moatěnice Mostini Mostini Brodek u PYerova Korunní kyselka Korunní Strá~ nad OhYí Dobrá voda Dobrá voda ByHov List of natural mineral waters recognised by Denmark Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Aqua d'or Aqua d'or-kilden Fasterholt, 7330 Brande Denice Denicekilden Fasterholt, 7330 Brande Hedekilden Hedekilden Fasterholt, 7330 Brande Carlsberg Kurvand Arnakke Kilde Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg Harrild Harrilds Kilde Harrildgård, 7330 Brande Kærspringeren Vinten-Kilden Brønsholmvej 11, Vinten, Horsens Iskilde Iskilden Skårdal, Langkær 29, Hem, 8660 Skanderborg AQUA-WELL AQUA-WELL-Kilden Harboes Bryggeri, Spegerborgvej 32-34, 4230 Skælskør Egekilde Egekilde Faxe Bryggeri A/S, Faxe Allé 1, 4640 Fakse Kildevæld Kildevæld Sdr. Saltumvej 4, 9493, Saltum Brandholm Brandholm Skerrisvej 4, 7330 Brande List of natural mineral waters recognised by Germany Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation 1-Aqua-Quelle 1-Aqua-Quelle Thür Aachener Kaiserbrunnen Kaiserquelle Bad Aachen Aachener Sprudel Granus Quelle Bad Aachen Abenstaler Quelle Abenstaler Quelle Elsendorf-Hornegg Adelheidquelle Adelheidquelle Bad Überkingen Adelholzener Alpenquell Bergen Adelholzener Alpenquell Bergen Bad Adelholzen Adelholzener Primus-Quelle Adelholzener Primus-Quelle Bad Adelholzen Adelindis-Quelle Adelindis-Quelle Bad Buchau Adello Adello Bad Liebenwerda 7.3.2009 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 54/11 Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Adello Brunnen XVII und Brunnen XX Ebersburg-Weyhers Gemarkung Lütter Flur 5, Flurst. 37 Gemarkung Ebersberg Flur 3, Flurst. 5/3 Aegidiusbrunnen Aegidiusbrunnen Bad Honnef Ahrtalquelle Ahrtalquelle Sinzig Aktisa Aktisa-Brunnen Bad Vilbel Alaska Alaska Bad Liebenwerda Alaska Bohrbrunnen II, Bohrbrunnen IV, Ebersburg-Weyhers Bohrbrunnen XIII, Bohrbrunnen XVI Gemarkung Weyhers und Bohrbrunnen XIX Flur 6, Flurst. 50/4 Flur 6, Flurst. 76 Flur 6, Flurst. 80/3 Gemarkung Lütter Flur 5, Flurst. 46/1 Gemarkung Ebersberg Flur 2, Flurst. 34 Albertusquelle Albertusquelle Dasing Albertus-Quelle Albertus-Quelle (II) Dasing Alete Mineralquelle Alete Mineralquelle Polling-Weiding/Kreis Mühldorf am Inn Alexander-Quelle Alexander-Quelle Eppelborn Alexis Alexis Kloster Lehnin Allgäu-Quelle Allgäu-Quelle Oberstaufen-Thalkirchdorf Aloisius Quelle Aloisius Quelle Gundelfingen an der Donau Alosa Tiefenquelle Wagenfeld Alosa Tieflandquelle Stralsund Alstertaler Mineralbrunnen Alstertaler Mineralbrunnen Norderstedt Alter Brunnen Alter Brunnen Bad Camberg-Oberselters Altmühltaler Quelle Altmühltaler Quelle Treuchtlingen Alvara-Quelle Alvara-Quelle Mendig alwa Alwaris-Quelle Sachsenheim-Spielberg alwa alwa-Quelle Sersheim Alwa Bonalwa Bad Peterstal-Griesbach Amadeus-Quelle Amadeus-Quelle (Brunnen 2) Mönchengladbach Ambassador Ambassador Bad Liebenwerda Andreasquelle Andreasquelle Sulzbach am Main-Soden Anhaltiner Bergquelle Anhaltiner Bergquelle Hecklingen-Gänsefurth Ansgar-Quelle Ansgar-Quelle Rantum/Sylt Apollinaris Apollinaris Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler C 54/12EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.3.2009 Sales description Name of source Place of exploitation Apollinaris Silence Apollinaris Silence Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Aqua-frisch Heinberg-Quelle Warburg-Germete Aqua Fun Gebirgsquelle Rhens Aqua Fun Elfen-Quelle Haigerloch-Bad Imnau Aqua Fun Wilhelmquelle Bad Rippoldsau Aqua Sirona Aqua Sirona Schwollen Aquana Aquana Löningen AQUANT AQUANT Gemarkung Fallingbostel aquamono Thalfanger Sprudel Thalfang davon abweichend Quellort: Malborn Aquarissima Gebirgsquelle Rhens AquaRömer Römerquelle Mainhardt-Baad AquaStar AquaStar Friedberg-Dorheim Aquella Aquella Bochum Aquintéll Aquintéll Duisburg Aquintéll Aquintéll Quelle Wagenfeld Aquintus Aquintus Quelle Duisburg-Walsum Ardey-Mineralbrunnen Ardey-Mineralbrunnen Duisburg Ardey-Quelle Ardey-Quelle Dortmund Arienheller Arienheller Rheinbrohl-Arienheller Arienheller-Brunnen Arienheller-Quelle Rheinbrohl-Arienheller Ariston-Sprudel Ariston-Sprudel Mendig Ariwa David-Quelle

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