CONTENTS Vol. 15. October, 1951. No. 10. Why Pay More ? Mir "SILENT KNIGHT' is the greatest Refrigerator at the EDITORIAL. Lou est Pricc. Pag* M.V. "DUNTKOON"—10.500 Ma North Atlantic Shipping Pool 4 Dc Luxe Model £80-0-0 Lot Ui See The Festival Of Britain Ship In Australia MELBOURNE (Gas or Elcctric) ARTICLES. STEAMSHIP A Long and Honourable Record 7 CO. LTD. Standard Model £75-0-0 A Safe Court* (Kerosene, Gas or Electric) 8 HEAD OFFICE: "Tingira" Memory 9 31 King St., Melbourne. Conditions at Sea in Merchant Navy . 10 Priccs F.O.R. Sydney. Packing and Installation Extra. The British Shipping Industry BRANCHES OR AGENCIES 13 AT ALL PORTS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OBTAINABLE. R.A.N. College Entrance Examination 28 MANAGING AGENTS (or # No Motor, no Noise, no Vibration. • Aluminium Icc Block 1 rays. FEATURES. HOBSONS BAY DOCK # Non-rusting Metal Exterior. # Cream. Green or White. Personal Paragraphs 22 AND ENGINEERING # Porcelain Enamel Interior and Base. # Five Years' Guarantee. Soa-Oddlties 24 COY. PTY. LTD. # Heavy Chromium Plated Hardware. # An Australian Product. Speaking of Ships 26 SHIP REPAIRERS. ETC OVERSEAS NEWS. Woriw Maritime News of the World Williamstown, Victoria. HALLSTROMS PTY. LTD. 15 News of the World's Navies 19 462 Willoughby Road, Willoughby, N.S.W. ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS. The Navy League 3 Ex-Naval Men's Association of Auitralia 30 ~it is a THE UNITED SHIP SERVICES Published by The Navy League, Royal Exchange Building, 54* Pitt Str..t pleasure Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone: BU 580*. PTY. LTD. to smoke Subscription Rale: 12 i poet free in the Britiah Empire, 14/6, Foreign, It/-. CAPSTAN Copies of "Herald" photographs used may bo obteined direct from Photo Seles. Sydney Morning Herald, Hunter Street, Sydney. cigarettes FOR ALL . BOAT ft YACHT GEAR BROOMFIELDS LTD. All Quotations attended to immediately ALL CLASSES OF SHIP REPAIRS AND FITTINGS Phone: BX 5801 UNDERTAKEN BROOMFIELDS LTD., 152 SUSSEX ST. (near Hi* St.). SYDNEY 88-102 NORMANBY RD.. STH. MFI BOURNP. VIC. Telephones: MX 52 51 (6 lines). October, IWI. The Navy League HM The King HMd OCc,: Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London. W.C.2. Great Britain, New Zealand, Ceylon, Rhodesia. Affiliated t.«.Kiic«: The Navy League of Canada, The Navy League of South Africa, The Navy League of Australia. THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Pieeidant: Commander(s) J. D. Batea, V.R.D., R.A.N.R. D»puly Praiidant: Captain L. A. W. Spooner, O.B.E. R.N.fRtd.). Hon. S*-r»t,r>: Lieutenant(s) F. G. Evans, S.S. IRON KIMBERLEY, second of the Yampi R.A.N.V.R. class ore-carriers lo join the B.H.P. fleet. Hon. Trvaatirar: Designed for the Cockatoo It. (W.A.)-New- Lieutenant(s) J. H. Paterson, M.B.E., castle and Port Kembla run, these 12,500- ton (deadweight), turbine-driven ships are R.A.N.R. the first of their tise to be built to assist in New South Wales Division developing the North, and are the biggest yet constructed in Australia. Patron: His Excellency The Governor of New South Wales T. H. Silk, Esq7*MXC.E.. M.I.N.A. Paying accounts by cash maant standing In queues, waiting for change, irritating delays, watt, of time. Gordon Coleman. Titan why do it? Hon. Tfmim: It is so much .asiar to writ, a Commonwealth Bank ch.qu. D'A. M. Shelley, Esq., and pay by post. Commander Winn L. Reilly Jut! a few strokes of tha pan make out tha cheque and a (aw mora sfrokas address tha envelope. The postman does tha rest. Victorian Division Patron, In modern business and in the horn, a ch.qu. account is a His Excellency The Governor of necessity. ^ak^Oare theWerfisnts" Victoria. Tha Commonwealth tank is a modern trading Rank and offers you a full range of banking services. Commander R. A. Nettlefold, D.S.C., » ff" tuit uAvr mniMAM 1 /imliA Qfl CAflll? A cheque eccount Is eesy to open, simple to operate. THAT MAKE SiwiUIt iA £amflA SO G000? V.R.D., R.A.N.R. Opon yours wHk— Bri«. Guy N. Moore, C.B.E., D.F.C There's the tungsten filament, for instance—born in heaf at Hon. TtNww: COMMOHWEALTR BANK OF AUSTRALIA high as 6,000 F.. under pressure up to 3,000 lbs. per square C. W. Lucas, Esq. •THE BANK YOU OWN" inch; argon clear gas to fill the bowl, with endurable plastic South Australian Division cement that seals the glass rigidly and permanently to it» Patron: metal stem and cap. And. because of His Excellency The Governor of these high-grade materals, coupled South Australia. with expert Australian workmanship, Commander S. R. Symonds. R.A.N. you get in Siemens Lamps units of (Rtd.). illumination that are unexcelled for ti For the Best Soft Drink* service and long life. Lieut.(s) L. T. Ewens, R.AN.V.R. Australian Sea Cadet Council (Raprmntatrvaa ^ Th. Naval Board) Always say • . 11s I i«II »i »111 Director of Nival Reserves (Captain A S. Rosenthal, D.S.O.,* R.A.N., (Chairman), Commander F. R. lames ELECTRIC LAMPS RA.N. MARCHANTS lifMEiR (Rapawantativa, ol th. Nn U»»> Captain L. A. W. Spooner, O.B.E. R.N. (retired), L. G. Pearaon, Esq., PLEASE! SIEMENS (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED L. Forsythe, Esq MELBOURNE (Hoacnrr Snurl* Office ft Factory: 34 YORK ST., RICHMOND, VICTORIA Ueut(s) F. G. Evans. R.A.N.V.R. 'Phcme: JA 5151. Appotntad by N.B. (on rrcomm/ndxton ol the N/L Coundl). Tka Mavf OrtoUr, IWI. Mr. Morrison replied: "I think so, but I do not Government, but would be of such a nature that want to be too dogmatic. It is part of the North individual owners would have no direct interest in Atlantic organisation, and we shall be represent- the financial results of the employment to which ed." Pressed further on this point, the Minister their ships were allocated. reiterated that it Was not the Government's inten- For the purposes of day-to-day operation two tion that British shipping should pass to the di- Branches would be established, one in Washing- rection and control of another individual country. ton and one in London, with all participating Gov- It is in relation to this point, we feel, that the ernments having the right to be represented in British nation and the British Commonwealth are both Branches. While the pool of shipping would most concerned and, by such arrangements as are be operated as a single unit, the Branch in Wash- made, most likely to be affected. ington would deal primarily with shipping and That the decision arrived at will, therefore, meet the demands for shipping services of the Western with the general approval of the British people, Hemisphere and the London Branch would deal needs no emphasis. There are good reasons for primarily with shipping and the demands for ship- believing that the last word concerning the direc- ping services in the Eastern Hemisphere. tion and control of British shipping should remain That such a constitution suitably guarantees to in British hands, is regarded by the Admiralty as Britain, in event of war, the meeting of her vital a question of the highest importance. It must requirements in regard to shipping services, ap- always be remembered that the British Merchant pears on the surface to be reasonably well assured. Navy is the main food-conveyor of the British Yet the operation of undue influences should at all people, and as such the wry life-blood of Britain. times be guarded against. It will therefore, no Should it fail in that essential task and service, doubt, be the objective of the British Govern- then Britain would starve and fail. The prospect ment to sec that the needs and interests of the of such an eventuality cannot for one moment be British nation and the needs and interests of the entertained. British Commonwealth, are at all times and in all things reasonably, but adequately, protected. Obviously, in accordance with its directive from Less than this would not be enough. the North Atlantic Council, the North Atlantic Planning Board for Ocean Shipping has agreed set up in war to implement these principles. This on an outline plan for the mobilisation of ocean- LET US SEE THE FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN Vol. 15. OCTOBER, 1951. No. 10. plan is based largely on the arrangements in forcc going shipping in a single pool and its allocation SHIP IN AUSTRALIA. at the end of the last war. on a world-wide basis in time of War or wartime emergency, and for the establishment in such cir- NORTH ATLANTIC SHIPPING POOL. "In March," the Minister went on to say, "a cumstances of an international organisation of a The suggestion that the Festival of Britain ship small working Group of the Planning Board, which civilian character to be named the Defence Ship- "Campania," one of Britain's aircraft carriers, included British representatives, drafted a report ping Authority. should make a tour of the Australian States and It was an excellent idea to institute plans for on the subordinate machinery of the proposed New Zealand in the coming year will meet with the pooling of British and foreign merchant ships authority. This report is to be considered at the Apparently, then, the objective of this Author- the warm approbation of every patriotic Britisher. in time of war within the framework of the North ity would be to ensure that shipping is so organ- next meeting of the Planning Board in London The "Campania," as explained elsewhere in this Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
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