Unfinished Victorians: Northeast Moundbuilders: Ancient Architects of Victorian Studies Association 2018 Con- North America; Penn Museum. Through ference at Penn; panels and social events July 15. to consider ways in which we might un- Musical Partnerships at Play: The derstand the Victorian period and its aes- Marlboro Music School and Festival; Eu- April thetic products as unfinished; 2-7 p.m.; gene Ormandy Gallery, Van Pelt-Dietrich Rose Recital Hall, Fisher-Bennett Hall; Library. Through June 21, 2019. register: https://nvsa2018.wordpress.com/ Ongoing blog/ (English). Also April 14, 10 a.m.-6 Out of Time; 12 photos or paintings A T P E N N p.m.; April 15, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. by artists and dancer Raphael Xavier; Wherever this symbol appears, 14 Documentaries Now: Challenges, Lobby, Annenberg Center. more images are Opportunities, Directions; explores the Audubon’s Birds of America; Informa- available on our website, tion Desk, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. www.upenn.edu/at-penn-calendar place of documentaries in contemporary culture and the directions that they are Heaven on Earth: Churches of Con- mapping towards the future; 10 a.m.-7:30 stantinople: The Photography of Ahmet ACADEMIC CALENDAR p.m.; Kislak Center, Van Pelt-Dietrich Ertug; Penn Museum. Library (Cinema Studies). Marian Anderson on the World 1 Advance Registration for Fall Term Stage; Marian Anderson Gallery, Van and Summer Sessions Ends. 16 Strategies of Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Europe Pelt-Dietrich Library. 25 Last Day of Classes. ; investigat- Native American Voices: The Peo- ing different uses and applications of ple–Here and Now 26 Reading Days. Also April 27. the principle of authority in Europe ; Penn Museum. We Are Not Alone Annenberg Center Photograph courtesy of the Final Examinations. Through May 8. through transnational and interdisciplin- ; Annenberg School 30 of Communication. ary perspectives; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Kislak Sancho: An Act of Remembrance performance will take place at the Harold Prince CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Center, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library (Italian Penn Museum Tours Theatre in the Annenberg Center. See Children’s Activities and On Stage. Studies). Also April 17. Weekend tours begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Sancho: An Act of Remembrance; What is Media at Risk? Kamin entrance. Free w/admission. 13 19 ; highlights www.penn.museum a one-man show sharing the story of Penn’s mission to explain more fully For info.: ON STAGE Sustainable Happiness: Inner Roads Charles Ignatius Sancho as part of the what political intimidation in the media to a More Conscious Planet; with Yale Arts4Youth series; 11 a.m.; Harold Prince looks like worldwide; 6 p.m.; Perry FILMS 5 Intercultural Journeys: Omar Offen- graduate and world traveling monk Theatre, Annenberg Center; tickets: (215) World House; information and register: dum and Syrian Hip Hop; performance Devamrita Swami; 6 p.m.; Hall of Flags, 573-8827 or [email protected] https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/ 18 Suburra; in Italian with English sub- by Syrian-American poet, hip-hop artist Houston Hall (Bhakti Yoga Club at Penn). (Annenberg Center). events/center-media-risk-launch-sympo- titles; 6:15 p.m.; rm. 401, Fisher-Bennett and peace activist inspired by the exhibi- Rising Waters: A Workshop on Hall; free (Cinema Studies). 17 21 Day of Play; concert by Alex Mitnick sium (ASC). Through April 21. tion Cultures in the Crossfire: Stories Urban Waterways; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Perry of Alex and the Kaleidoscope, then Reading, Writing, Printing; in honor 24 Ghost Town to Havana; 7 p.m.; from Syria and Iraq; 6 p.m.; Penn Mu- World House; info: PPEHLab.org (Penn playground activities; 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; The of Peter Stallybrass, Annenberg Professor Bruce Montgomery Theatre, Annenberg seum; $5/in advance, $10/at door; tickets: Program in Environmental Humanities Parent Infant Center; suggested donation: in the Humanities, Professor of English, Center; tickets: www.annenbergcenter.org www.penn.museum (Museum). and the Penn School of Arts & Sciences’ $10; info: www.parentinfantcenter.org and Director of the Workshop in the His- (Annenberg Center). Making a Difference Initiative). 8 SyrianamericanA; Syrian-American (The Parent Infant Center). tory of Material Texts; 5 p.m.; Class of International House (I-House) poet & rapper Omar Offendum’s personal 21 Lightbox One-Year Celebration; 1978 Orrery Pavilion, Kislak Center, Van $10 /general admission, $8/students, celebrating the first year of Lightbox Morris Arboretum seniors, free/members. Shows at 7 p.m. narrative blended with reflections on Prices & Info.: www.morrisarboretum.org Pelt-Dietrich Library; register: https:// humanity in a beat-driven performance; Film Center after the International tinyurl.com/y8wux5qz (English). Also unless noted. House’s 40 year-old film & media arts 5 Children’s Yoga; three-week session Info.: http://ihousephilly.org/ 7 p.m.; International House; $20/general April 21, 10:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. admission, $15/30 & under, IHP/Light- program rebranding; 9 p.m.; I-House; for ages 2-4; 10:30 a.m.; $55/member, $60/ $15/general public, $10/students, seniors, non-member. Also April 12 and 19. 21 Center for Ancient Studies Annual 5 Marie Pour Mémoire. box members, $10/students & children Symposium: Cities in the Ancient World; 9 under 18; tickets: http://ihousephilly.org $5/Lightbox members, IHP residents; Storytime at the Arboretum; reading 6 Le Révélateur w/Les Enfants 6 a.m.-5 p.m.; free; Penn Museum; info: www. Désaccordés. (I-House). tickets: http://ihousephilly.org Before the sessions with local librarians for ages 1-5; sas.upenn.edu/ancient (Penn Museum). Revolution movie screening at 7 p.m., see 10:30 a.m. 7 The Inner Scar; 6 p.m. 13 Sancho: An Act of Remembrance; Films (I-House). 22 Science and Transformation in The Virgin’s Bed; 8 p.m. one-man show sharing the story of 11 Kids’ Click! Nature Photography Jewish Culture; 24th Annual Gruss 28 Dogs and Barks Tour; celebrate the Workshop; five-week session for ages 8-12; 11 I Am Not Your Negro. Charles “Sancho” Ignatius, featuring Chinese Year of the Dog through the ex- Colloquium in Judaic Studies; 1:30-6:15 Royal Shakespeare Company actor Pa- 4 p.m.; $110/member, $130 non-member. p.m.; Class of 1978 Orrery Pavilion, 13 Suspiria. ploration of dogwoods; 11 a.m.; Morris Also April 18, 25, May 2, 9. terson Joseph; 7:30 p.m.; Harold Prince Arboretum; free w/ admission (Arboretum). Kislak Center, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library; 14 The Breadwinner; family matinee; 2 p.m. Theatre, Annenberg Center; tickets: www. 22 Family Birding in the Arboretum’s info: https://katz.sas.upenn.edu/grusscol- Le Berceau de Cristal. annenbergcenter.org Penn Museum Wetlands (Annenberg Center). ; 9 a.m.-noon; $25/adult member, loquium2018 (Katz Center). Also April 19 Beuys. Also April 14, 2 & 8 p.m. Info.: https://www.penn.museum/ $30/adult non-member, $15/member, $20/ 23, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Strangest Things: A Night of Cryp- non-member child. 20 J’entends Plus la Guitare. 24 This Filthy World, an Evening 18 Before the Revolution; followed by tozoology; explore stories of mythical 28 Arbor Day Family Day; design a tree EXHIBITS 21 with John Waters; performance by the creatures and half-human hybrids from house, make a “tree map,” learn to read Lightbox One-Year Celebration at 9 p.m. American film director and screenwriter; See Special Events. around the world through tours and scav- the life of a tree and shadow an arborist; Admission Donation and Hours 5 p.m.; Annenberg Center; free; register: enger hunts; 6 p.m; $20/general public, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Arthur Ross Gallery (ARG): Fisher 26 Les Baisers de Secours. https://tinyurl.com/ycajmnbm (Annen- $15/members, must be over 21. Fine Arts Library; free; hours: arthur- 27 Regular Lovers w/Actua 1. berg Center, The Sachs Program for Arts Penn Museum Innovation). Tickets: www.penn.museum/ rossgallery.org SPORTS Burrison Gallery: Inn at Penn; free; MEETINGS 3 Museum Playdate: In the Greek Gal- Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; tinyurl.com/ Info.: www.pennathletics.com lery; one-hour program where children READINGS AND SIGNINGS kaevlec 13 PPSA Open Board Meeting; noon; (W) Lacrosse vs. Northwestern; noon. learn about the heroes and heroines of Esther Klein Gallery: free; Mon.-Sat., 9 3 The Schmuck in My Office: How to 1 Ancient Greece; 10:30-11:30 a.m.; ages FMC Tower, Cira Centre South; RSVP: Baseball vs. Dartmouth; 1 p.m. a.m.-5 p.m.; estherkleingallery.tumblr.com/ www.penn-ppsa.org/meetings Deal Effectively with Difficult People at 3-5; $10/one child & one adult, $5/one ICA www.icaphila.org Work; lecture and book signing with au- : free; hours: University Council Meeting 6 (M) Tennis vs. Columbia; 1 p.m. child & one adult member, $2/each ad- International House: free; hours: 18 ; 4-6 thor Jody Foster, psychiatry; 11:30 a.m.; ditional child. http://ihousephilly.org/ p.m.; Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall; Kislak Center, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library 7 (M) Lacrosse vs. Brown; 1:30 p.m. [email protected] Second Saturday: Cities around Kroiz Gallery: Fisher Fine Arts RSVP: or (Penn Forum for Women Faculty). Softball vs. Yale; 4 p.m. 14 (215) 898-7005. the Globe; explore the Museum through Library; free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Fracking Debate; lecture and Field Hockey vs. Lehigh; 10 a.m. WXPN Policy Board Meeting; noon; 8 tours, scavenger hunts, crafts and more; http://tinyurl.com/hvrlct4 19 book signing with author Daniel Raimi, Field Hockey vs.
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