AU Mi* trows oi SECTIO; BSD *ANK Sonvuodlm Towns Blu ONE rlMMly M4 Wltftort BANK REGIS VOLUME LX, NO. 12. A j RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1937. PAGES 1 TO ll Visitors From Haiti Mozar Dancing Two Houses And Movie Ticket* Are Enjoy Sailboat Race School Moves To Home Site Sold Awarded to Winners Zoning Ordinance Still No ^y. :•••••• . _| Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Stewart of Fourteen children of the Red •ill Whits Gates, Llncroft road, are en- Bank playground which was con- "f.'P tertaining their nieces, Misses/Nicole Elks' Auditorium In This Section ducted this summer at the local ath- and Ghlslalne Grant of* Port-au- letic field by Richard P.- Gufcat and Prince, Haiti. Tho girls received Business Formerly Conducted Residence at Silverwhite Garden* Mrs. Marlon Arendes have been Affecting Adams added pleasure over the Labor day awarded theater tickets for having holiday by taking part In the boat in Building .Which Burned and the Leaik Property at Lit- received the highest number of races at the Fair Haven Yacht club, Tuesday Night it Now in New tle Silver Find New Owners— points for - activities at' {he play- being members of the crew In the ground. craft sailed by Mr. Stewart's daugh- Location. Lot Sold at Foxwood Park. p Tho points were awarded for va- Factory Is Passed ter. rious athletic events, for good con- The young ladles are the daugh- The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Two houses and a building lot In duct and punctuality.. Points were the factory. The employees draw ters of Mrs, Stewart's brother, Thom- Dancing, formerly located on the awarded for the winners in horse- Township Officials Visit their salaries whether they work or this locality and a, combined house as J. Grant, collector of customs at second floor of the Y. M. C. A. build- and store at Long Branch have been shoe pitching, golf, marbles and oth- Joseph Imlay To Red Bank Council Receive! not and we thought'it better to have Port-au-Prince. They will enter a ing on Monmouth street which was er activities. Fish Oil Factory and them removing the aea weed'than to sold during the past week by G. How- private school in Virginia when their gutted by fire Tuesday night, will open ard Llpplneott of Red Bank. The Those who received the tickets Petition of Protest Front be hanging around doing nothing." vacation with their aunt Is ended. next Monday In the Elks auditorium and their points Include Tony Costa, Retire Sept. 15 "I hope it la the «ea weed," said on Broad street. The school was. houses will be occupied by their new Leave Mystified — State Mr. and Mrs. Grant are expected this owners and-a residence will be con- 743; Joseph Costa, 675; Sandy Costa, 16 Residents of Rectot* Mr. Stava in talking with the re- week to visit the girls at tho Stew- started two years ago by Miss Ethel 416;. Tony Figaro, 410; Nick Costa, porter. "It is easy and not very ex- Mount Mozar and'Miss Helen L. structed on the lot As Policeman Board Investigating. art residence before they return to The house <owncd by the William 333;^ Robert Morris, 290; Harold Place. pensive to remove It," he continued. their homo in the tropics. Fales when they moved to Red Moss, 283; Robert Dean,' 286; Mlt- "But I, am still doubtful. I've teen Bank from New York city, where W. Taylor estato on the cast side of Garden road at Sllv'crwhlto Gardens, oh'ell Dean, 230; Ernest Costa, 235; Red Bank Police Officer to a good deal of sea weed,'but I have Miss Mozar had. conducted a school Ollie Dean, 235; Edwin Arendes, 186; never seen any that tmelled as bad twelve years. After occupying the Little Silver, has been purchased by Leave Department After a Y. M. C. A. building since coming to Chester Apy, who Is connected with Billy Gutt, 143 and Mike Toscano, Factory Owner Denies as this or that took the paint off Eisner Home Not 136. Record of 25 Years of Faith- Register Complaints houses. The smell caused a large this town, plans had boen'made to the Wall street brokerage firm of loss of business for me during Aug- move the studio to the Elks auditori- Jacquclin & DeCoppet. Tho lot Is ful Service. All Responsibility ust." . Thought A Proper um at the expiration of tho lease, and 70x135 feet. The house is of the Eng- the place had been dismantled and lish colonal type with stucco en- Lost Baby Found Against Parking Rule the equipment was In process of be- closures and It has seven rooms, Red Bank will lose one of the fin- Site ForT.M.C.A. ing packed In order to make the three bathrooms with tile floors and est of Its "finest" on Wednesday of Of Howard Smith, owner of the Three Accidents change. The mirrors and barres used walls, modern improvements and an Asleep In Woods next week. On that day Joseph Im- lay, a policeman with a record of Mayor Charles R English and th«) fish oil factory at Port Monmouth, Board of Directors So Decided in the school had been taken down attached two-car garage. The grounds Red Bank council Tuesday night disclaims responsibility for the mys- and were to have been moved to the are attractive with trees and shrub- more than 25 years of continuous ser- At Shrewsbury vice, will be retired from the Red heard the new one-hour psrklng rul» torlous cause of paint discoloration at Lait Week'* Meeting—Now auditorium today. Miss Mozar had bery. " Near Scobeyville berated by Anthony Flasconaro anoj on a number of buildings at that a very extensive library of music Bank department with the rank of Considering River Front Prop- The property was owned by the sergeant. If his friends—and they R- V. R. H. Stout and listened tot place near Barltan bay. John T. Over Week-End consisting of innumerable complete late Edward Dangler and was sold After Search of Four Hours Roy arguments for and against changnip; Lawley, - Victor E. Grosslngor and erties—Fire Caiues Delay. ballet orchestrations, classical and are legion—had their way Mr. Imlay to the Taylor estate in 1928 for $23,- would leave tbe force with a lieu- West Front street from a business Edward H. Morford, throe of the aeml-classical selections which were 500. It is said to have been pur- Weeks, Nineteen Months Old, to an industrial zone. Bronson Pow» members of the board of health and Three Car* Bum on Route 35, uaed in the ballet classes and pop- tenancy, an honor which they feel The directors and trustees of the chased by Mr. Apy for considerably is Discovered Safe and Sound could justly be oestowed on an officer cr. spokesman for 16 residents ol township commlttoo of Mlddlotown ular music for the tap classes. This less titan this amount. Near Brookside Inn—Eliza- Young Men's Christian association had all been tied in bundles and piled whose long, unblemished record Is West Front street and Rector placa township, made a visit of Inspection Mrs. Charlotte J. Leask of Phoe- in Slumber Beneath a Tree. opposed to • tho zoning change, at the factory Friday afternoon and met Thursday night at the Red Bank up in the office. Trunks filled with about to terminate. beth Doctor Injured—Locust Elks club to further consider the pur- nix, Arizona, has sold her house at aroused the Ire of Mayor Englanj talked with Mr. Smith and Mahlon professional costumes were also In Mr. Imlay has served the citizens Man's Car Hit* Tree. chase of a site for a Y," M. C. A. the office. A grand piano owned by the southeast corner or Rumson road Scobeyville was torn with excite- when he stated: "It Is apparent \thaj A. Grimes, superintendent of tho fac- and Prespect avenue, Little Silver, to ment Friday night. The members of of Red Bank as a Ruardlnri of law pressure Is being brought to bear roc tory. Saturday afternoon a Register building for general headquarters. MISB Mozar was In tho studio and Some time ago Colonel J. Lester William J. Ryan of Bergen place, the Atlantic township flrc company and order since January 1, 1912, the passage of tho amendment to reporter visited tho factory at the In- The borough of Shrewsbury was this was to have been moved yester- Eisner made a proposition whereby day to her home on Hudson avenue. Red Bank. The property has front- at Colt's Neck, the Tlnton Falls fire when he was appointed by Frank the zoning ordinance," and when, vitation of Mr. Smith and was shown the scene of three accidents over the ages of 132 feet on the Rumson road company, the first aid squad of Plttinger, then mayor of Red Bank. Philip T. Jinnninc brought up thB about the place and along the shore he offered his magnificent Broad Dancing shoes and other equipment week-end, one of -which Involved street estate as a possible site and were also in the building. Usually the and 103 feet on' Prospect avenue. It Eatontown and several state troop- He has served under several adminis- one-hour parkins limit for discussion by Mr. Crimea. three cars, all of which caught on trations, afoot, on a bicycle, In a 1 would take as part payment the Y. practise costumes and shoes of the has seven rooms, two bathrooms and ers responded to frantic calls for for the second time during the mcoN The matter was brought to the at- fire.
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