k ^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 19te p a g e TWENTY-FOUR Stores Open Until 9 0*Ciock Tonight for Christmas Shopping ; m anrlf^H tpr Mrs. Seymour Kaplaiv 4 resar- Whan you tMnk of Boy Scoot Troop US of Com­ L u tz O a s s vatlona. TYffiW M iatt munity BspUet Churdt will meet The Stamp Oub wUl resume Hie Weather A b ou t T ow n regular Saturday mdmlng meet­ Think ot YlAil taauxTow S t 6:M p.m. at the T W IIW W IK * tBMWKM iM r sad not as eoM chim h. Registration ings Jan. 11 from 9:80 to 10:80 low IB M e 9$B. r b » Senior GteSr o t Oonunuiir with Maurice Dansiger advisor. Ity Obuf<di wiB reheoxM 43 So. Adams St., n , IMS toBturroer « t 7:S0 p.m . at the The Tsrln MMhers Oltib of Starts Soon lim trifPBtFr lEomtitg church. Oreater Hartford wlD meet to­ morrow at 8:1B p.m . in ttia District Taxes 15,341 Mitchell Room of the South Con­ Registration wiH start on Dec. Mmeehsstsr - A City o f Vittmgo Chmrm Bmma NetUeton Oroup of 81 for LuU Jtsiior Museum win­ Nearly All Paid Owter Oongrecational Church gregational Church, comar of eft Page M) PnCB TEN CENTS Main and Buoktaigham Sts., ter session classea. Because so (TWXNTY'FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WKDNBSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1968 < wUl have a poUuck (onlsfat at mnny classes have been filled Tax ortleetlons tor the 1968-69 Old Spice YOL. LXXXVm, NO. «7 e:W in the RobMna Room. Hartford. After the buaineoa m eetti« there wiH be a CSirlst- or partially flHed by those who fiscal year equaling 96 per cent mas party. Membera are re­ were in line the first day of of estimates have been report­ Gifts for The AduH study daaa of South minded to bring a grab-bag gift. registration for fall classes, res­ ed for the 8th UUllUes District United Methodist Church will ervations will be accepted by by Mrs. Mary Larala, its tax Christinas meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. at telephone as well as at the mu­ coUector. Susannah Wealey Hall. The Rev. the executive board of the The Dtotrict’s fiscal year ends Manchester-BoMon Weloome seum. Manchester Memorial Hospiud Carl Saunders will speak on Phone regtetrations will not May 81, 1889. combine Wagon will meet Thuraday at • Europe’s Gold ••We Have This Heritage—Can be held after Jan. 4 unleaa thh Mrs. Laraia reports receipts Places Restrictions on Visits President Hospitalized p.m. at the home of Mra. AlUson registration fee haa been re­ o f $101,481 with only $4>SSi re­ the Church Survive Change." O. Brantner, 8 N. ESm St. MOm- taday ceived by then. Classes start maining to be coUeotod. QialUif and bers are reminded to bring a dkat vW tan wm be Umtted to Moae adntt membera at Ma Im­ Mary Cheney Library will Jan. 8-11 tor a six-week period The District ta x levy to 2.6 gift for a Christmas gift ex­ mills, vrtth 1.26 itiiHs tor fire mediate family wha a n abaihdaly fme af flu ar flu4am aymp- have a Pre-School Christmas change. during Feb. 12-16. Vanetyl frifkM Story Hour for children age four All Wednesday, Thursday, and protection.and 1.28 m ins f o r Prices Spurt Ne eUdrai wUI be aDawed elMer to vkdt patleata er to and five tomorrow at 10:1S a.m. Friday claases will be held from sanitary-sower swrvioe. The Greater Hartford Legal 3:30 to 4:80 p.m . On Saturday wall la Me lobby while Meir parcnto viBtt. in the Junior Room of the li­ Secretstfies Asaodation wSl By Respiratory Ailment oaK to drtsftd Ma praamt oflB- brary. Miss Marion Jesseman, morning one Beglnnera Art class LONDON (AP) — The psloe ■dward M. Kcnaey, hoepHal adnuristrator, reminded have Ms Christmas dtoner-party clal fOldMtllar rate waa taken children's librarian, will tell will be given from 9:80 to 10:80, «e goM M ot up to a etae-moaM vtattore Mat Me eldefly a n parilealaily eneceplible, and that tomorrow st the City CSuh of by bidUon daatara and spemda- vtoHora to flMae paliente ahauld be extreoMly cauWeift, Christmas stories. and another from 10:46 to 11:46. peek on BhmiMan huUkat mar- WASQHINGTON (AP)— Hartford, 10 AUyn St., Hart­ NsMllf plwtn F ire C a lls koto todejr en Me tosle speeu- tora ae a Mnt at changing think­ nnie engagement o f Miae Gall The engagement of Miss The I Wonder class wlH run at The suffer reatrletfons w en made to'mhilmlae Me q^ead^ President Johnson entered ford, begtnning with oodctalls at totion Met Prortdent-elaot Nlx- ing In Waehlngton. Karen Krinjak, daug^hter of Patricia Ann Jones of W app^- The engagement of Miss Su­ from 9:Sb to 10:80, and all other ef fin taalde Me hoqltal. Betiieeda Naval Hospital 6:30 p.m. Dinner wlH be served Elisabeth Marshall to James classes from 10:46 to 11:46. The old say, "Where there’s ak'm ftdmtolBtnUioii may leloe Iha price of gold Jumped 80 M r. and Mrs. Jo hn KrintJak of at 7 p.m. Membera are asked to JiMui F. Martello ot Vernon san Ann DeVmore o f Elart Hart­ smoke there’s fire,” to Just not oente at Me mendng firing In today, suffering fNm what 210 Fern St., will participate Lawrence Martello, both of has been announced by her par­ The following are class days, M e rtOeUl pttoe lor the metal. to bring a small grab-bag gift, ford, fomieriy of Manchester, (Masses, grade level, Instructora, true, town firemen arlU tell you. tucesertvs Amarlean fovativ London and 50 oanta In boM Zu- was daseribed as s cold and with the Conservatory Cborus and may bring a ^Mxisored Vernon haa been announced by ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander to EJdward D. Bobrowskl o f East and openings: At 8:28 this morning firemen •HlSrt manta , have flaroaly raalatad rleh and lYankfiirt TIm London a fever. ^ may remain and Orchestra of Boshm Conser­ guest. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of 669 Avery St. were called to 16 Ehrest St. to free mariut price wae $41,826, ■evsrddsys. ^ _ . Her fiance is the son of Mr. Hartford haa been announced by Wednesday, Beginners Art, any tnoriam abora tha $Mf on vatory of Music at the annual J. Miatahall o f 86 Diane Dr. find a malfunction in a furnace. Me highert level einoe Jane 12, Vloe Adm. Oeoiga <>• Bark­ Christmas Performance at the and Mrs. Peter J. MarteUo of Grades 8-6, Miss Sue Hurwitz, ouaee Me Uhltod Matea haa First Church of Christ, Scien­ Her fiance to the eon of Mr. her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat­ Fire Chief W. Clifford Mason whan It Teaobed $41.90. It waa ley,* Ms PraaMsBt’s phyrieiaa. 16 Worcester Rd. Hiss Karen Badger, 10 reserva­ HOUSE m d HALE bean eommlttad to pay alaoe FBI Arrests 31 Prudential Center, Boston, to­ tist will .conduct Ms regtSar rick J. Delm ore o f Blast Hart­ said, "There was no fire, actual­ $41.70 M boM ZurlM and Mrank- Issind aa adrisocy Mrough Iks morrow at 7 p.m. She is major­ and Mra. Peter J. MarteUo of Miss Jones U a 1965 graduate tions. Puwntown Main fit. 1164. But Ma rafuaal Tuaeday at Wednesday' Evening Testimony ly ; Just a lot of smoke caused furt. Whlto Houss prass offieo at ing in music at Boston Conser­ 15 Worcester Rd. of South Windsor High Sriiool ford. Thursday, Rocks and Min­ • tia u o fr SacrrtarydsNgnati meeiUng tomorrow at 8 p.m . at by the oil burner that was Out Oavtd Kaawdjr to oommtt blm- IB Parla an ounce of gold anon EST, two houra aft­ vatory. Miss Marahall is a graduate and is a senior at the University Her fiance is the son of Mr. erals, Grades 3-6, M iss Barbara Open Nights ttU SI the churdt. of adjustment." Jumped Mom $UA8 nt la w - In Draft Scheme er Jrimsan entecad tha hoopl- of Rockville High School and o f Vermont, Burlington. She is and Mrs. BSdword L. Bobrowskl Brown, 7 reservations. taL It said Ma Praridant. Is suC- Chandler School for Women. a member of the National Honor o f Blast Hartford. Friday, BeglmerB Art, Grades day's cloMig to $44J8. Overall taitag from an “vqipMr raagirar Trinity Covenant Churdt will She is a secretary at the Tra­ Society and Alpha Chi Omega MlSs Dehnore is a 1966 grad­ 8-6, Instructor to be announced, volume amounted to the franc CHIGAGO (AP) —Tldrtymto named in an Indktment re­ conduct a mldiveek Bihle study velers Insurance Co., Hartford. uate of Oonard High School, 8 reservatiana. equivalent of $8.8 minion, up men, Inrdudlng three employea turned by a federal grand Jury tory infaotloB wlM a aUglit bran- 7 f ALL W A YS B E S f l sorority. Mr. MarteUo attended Nixon Aide and prayer aervlce tomorrow at Mr. MarteUo, a graduate of St. Bernard’s CaUioUc School, West Hartford, and Is employed Also, Intermediate Art, 1886,000 from Tuwday. The all the nitooto Natloool Guard, in Chicago ’Tueaday and war* aUal Irritotlaa.’’ 7:80 p.m. at the church. RockviUe High School, is a aen- RockviUe, and is a 1968 gradu­ at the SiH»orior Court in Hart­ Grades 6-6, Steven Rowett, 11 Ume Ugh for an ounce of gold to arrested today on idiargw rants bad been toeued tor 27 oM- White Houoa praos sserotary 12uA6£%Stove;L lor at Wesleyan University, ate of RockvUle High Sdtool.
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