CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-25 GUJARAT " DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part XII-A & B ANA,ND DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY ~ VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ""ilCf>Tf4~ PEOPLE ORIENTED Jayant Parimal of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Gujarat © Government of India Copyright Data Product Code 24-027-2001 - Census-Book GUJARAT DISTRICT ANAND DISTRICT ANAND 10 Kilometers ~1""l~_~~_ CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1991~1 30e-- __0 30 ~Iorrelern ~ 0 Q ~J ~ ~ J ~ /// \, 'i' Q ., ~ I~'V 'i .,r; lJ ..... ~ o BOUNDARY, DISTRICT TAlUKA NEWLY CREATED DISTRICT ANAND ~ FROM DISTRICT KHEDA ~ > BOUNDARY, DISTRICTI .. TALUKA .. !.. HEADQUARTSRS : DI1TRICT I TALUKA G;@ NH8 r NATIONAL HIGHWAY I .. , .' I - N, STATE HIGHWAY I.. SH83 t r·, "\ --::·'9"·-:-····s' .', .. · ...... -- . .,,_.1.', IMPORTANT METALLE ROADS .. " ,,\ I'; ~. ;I'~ RS I.,,, ...• ~. ~t ~ RAILWAY LI NE WITH STATION, BROAD GAUGE ..!b o I;.. ~.:.f ... ./ RS , , ~ ~ ,I RAILWAY Lm WITH STATION, NARROW GAUGE ...JaL_, ~.1 , ~' Y 2 RIVER AND STREAM .. .. , '" .. , \ ,.. "1' TOTALAREA 2941.00 KIn .. _"" WATER FEATURES : IG TANK !NATURAL), .. ~ ~ 1 TOTAL POPl1lATION 1856872 0 ~ Adas It A M B TOTAL NUMBER OF~llAGES 3!0 VILLAGE HAVING 50 10 AND ABOVE POPULATION WITH NAME I 1 VII.IA9II~DYIMGAR ~ m TOTN. NUMBER OF TOWNS 12 TOWNS WITH POPULA ION SIZE AND CLASS : 1 I ~SID oo rn 1, II, III, IV & • I ... ... ... ... , .. 0®@8 DISTAIICE FROM STATE 3 mHIIUDYOGIllGAR 1111 HEADQUARTERS TO DISTRICT IOIKins DEGREE COLLEGE & ECHNICAL INSTITUTION .•. OOITl IUDIIS1RIIlN01~EDAAEA Based upon Survey of India map \lith the permission of the SUiveyor General of India. ©Government of India, Copyright 2006. The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to adislance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The responsibili~ for·correctness of intemal details rests llith the publisher. AMUL DAIRY Amul dairy is located at Mogar,7.5 kms. south of Anand on National Highway No.8. The world famous co-operative dairy 'Amul' is one of the main features of Anand. Amul is the biggest dairy not only in India, but in Asia too. It is owned by thousands of small and medium farmers. Amul has created revolution. The experiment has led to small dairies at district and village levels. Other states and even many countries have been inspired by it. Alnul contributed to the scientific education of animal husbandry and increased production of milk. The dairy developed a plant of milk powder. The farmers could earn more for their produce. Lately Amul entered into milk-chocolate market besides butter, ghee, cheese, and baby food. It also established veterinary hospitals, artificial insemination centres for animals and hybrid-cow breeding centres at village Ode. Amul has turned into a large complex and the main stream of white revolution. (v) Contents Pages Foreword xi Preface Xlll Acknowledgements xv District Highlights -2001 Census xvii Important Statistics in the District XIX Ranking of Talukas in the District xxi Statements 1-9 Statement 1: Name of the Headquarters of the Districtffaluka their Rural-Urban status anp xxii distance from District Headquarters, 200 1 Statement 2: Name of the Headquarters of the DistrictffalukalC.D.Block, their xxii Rural-Urban status and distance from District Headquarters, 2001 Statement 3 ~ Population of the District at each Census from 1901 To 2001 xxiii Statement 4: Area, Number of Villagesffowns and population in District and Taluka, 200 1 XXIV Statement 5: Taluka / C.D. Blockwise Number of Villages and Rural Population, 2001 XXVI Statement 6: Population of Urban Agglomerations / Towns, 200 1 xxvii Statement 7: Villages with Population of 5,000 and aoove at Taluka / C.D. Block level xxviii as per 200 1 Census and amenities available Statement 8: Statutory Towns with Population less than 5,000 as per 2001 Census and xxxii amenities available Statement 9: Houseless and Institutional Population of Talukas, Rural and Urban, 200 1 xxxii Analytical Note (i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 4 (iii) Administrative Set Up 5 (iv) Physical Features 7 (v) Census Concepts 16 (vi) Non Census Concepts 21 (vii) 2001 Census Findings - Population, its distribution 25 . Brief analysis of PCA Data Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data Brief analysis of the data on Houses and Household amenities, Houselisting Operations, Census of India 2001 (viii) Major social and culhrtal events, natural and administrative developments and 70 significant activities during the decade (ix) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in 70 Villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (x) Major characteristics of the district, contribution of the district in the form of any 72 historical figure associated with the district (xi) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 73 (vii) Pages Part - A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section I - Village Directory (a) Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in Village Directory 77 (b). List of Villages merged in Towns and Outgrowths at 2001 Census SO (c) Taluka I C.D. Blockwise presentation of Village Directory data (1) Tarapur Taluka (i) Taluka Map 83 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 85 (iii) Village Directory 86 (2) Sojitra Taluka (i) Taluka Map 99 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 101 (iii) Village Directory 102 (3) Umreth Taluka (i) Taluka Map 113 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 115 (iii) Village Directory 116 (4) Anand Taluka (i) Taluka Map 129 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages a~ong with Location Code 1991 and 2001 131 (iii) Village Directory 132 (5) Petlad Taluka (i) Taluka Map ~ 147 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 149 (iii) Village Directory 150 (6) Khambhat Taluka (i) Taluka Map 167 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 169 (iii) Village Directory 170 (7) Borsad Taluka (i) Taluka Map 187 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 189 (iii) Village Directory 190 (8) Anklav Taluka (i) Taluka Map 211 (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 213 (iii) Village Directory 214 (viii) Pages (d) Appendices To Village Directory Appendix-I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villagesl 224 TalukalC.D.Block Level Appendix-IA Villages by Number of Primary School 228 Appendix-ill Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 228 Appendix-IC Villages with different sources of Drinking water facilities available 229 Appendix-II Villages with 5,000 and above Population which do not have one 230 or more Amenities available Appendix-II A Census Towns which do not have one or more Amenities 234 Appendix-III Land Utilization Data in respect of Census Towns I 234 Non- municipal TowTIs . Appendix-IV TalukalC.D.Blockwise List of Inhabited Villages where no 234 amenity other than Drinking water facility is available Appendix-V Summary showing number ofViUages not having 235 Scheduled Castes Population Appendix-VI S~ showing number of Villages not having 235 Scheduled Tribes Population Appendix-VII A List of Villages According to the Proportion of the Scheduled 236 Castes to the Total Population by Ranges Appendix-VII B List of Villages according to the Proportion of the Scheduled Tribes 241 to the Total Population by Ranges Appendix-VIII TalukalC.D. Blockwise Number of Villages under each 244 Gram Panchayat Appendix-IX Statement Showing number of Girls Schools in the Villages 255 Section II - Town Directory (a) Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in Town Directory 259 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) (b) Statement I Status and Growth History 262 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 264 Statement ill Municipal Finance 266 Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities 268 Statement V Medical Educational Recreational and Cultural Facilities 270 Statement VI Trade Commerce Industry and Banking 274 Statement VII Civic and Other Amenities in Slums 276 (c) Appendix to Town Directory: Towns showing their outgrowth with Population 280 Part - B : Primary Census Abstract (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 283 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 288 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban block wise figures of 303 Total, SC and ST Population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 328 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 336 (ix) Pages Taluka IC.D. Blockwise Village Primary Census Abstract (i) Tarapur Taluka 346 (ii) Sojitra Taluka 354 (iii) Umreth Taluka 362 (iv) Anand Taluka 370 (v) Petlad Taluka 378 (vi) Khambhat Taluka 386 (vii) Borsad Taluka 394 (viii) Anklav Taluka 408 Urban Primary Census Abstract 416 Annexure-I Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat 437 Annexure - II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 442 Annexure-ill Various Measures of Fertility and Mean age at Marriage, 1991 Census 443 Annexure - IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by Place ofBirthl Place of 445 Last Residence, 200 1 Census Annexure- V Brief account of Main Religions in the District! Taluka as per 447 1991 - 200 1 Censuses Annexure - VI Marital Status of Population as per 200 1 Census 452 Annexure - VII Age, Sex and Education in the District, 200 1 Census 453 Annexure - vm: Distribution of different Mother Tongues returned in 2001 Census 455 (x) Foreword he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one of the Timportant publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district along with the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope ofthe DCHB.was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and to_wn within the district.
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