The CHARIOTEER ' A Quarterly Review of Modern Greek Culture Edited by Kimon Friar NUMBER 3 1961 PREFACE TO POPE JOAN by LAWRENCE DURRELL .from POPE JOAN by EMMANUEL RoYIDIS Small Anthologies of MICHAEL TOMBROS I. M. PANAYOTOPOULOS TAKIS PAPATZONIS DREAM AND REALITY IN SATIRE text and cartoons by Minos Argyrakis NAUSICAA AND ODYSSEUS by HOMER and by NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS TWO POEMS by c. A. TRYPANIS from the OEDIPUS plays by SoPHOCLES THE SPHINX'S RIDDLE TO OEDIPUS by RANDALL JARRELL OEDIPUS by RICHARD EBERHART Fiction and Essays by MINAS DIMAKIS GHIKA ZAHARIAS PAPANDONIOU EVANGELOS PAPANOUTSOS ANGHELOS PROKOPIOU CLEON PARASCHOS NELLY THEODOROU MICHAEL TOMBROS Published by Parnassos, Greek Cultural Society of New York Sr. so ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To The Anglo-Hellenic Review for excerpts The Odyssey, by Homer, copyright © 1961 from "The Poetry of Takis Papatzonis" by by Robert Fitzgerald. To E. P. Dutton and Cleon Paraschos. To The Arizona Quarterly, Company for "Preface," by Lawrence Dur­ Summer, 1955, for "Outline of Error," by rell and excerpts from Pope Joan, by Emman­ Takis Papatzonis, translation and copyright uel Royidis, translated from the Greek by ©by Kimon Friar. To Atheneum for "The Lawrence Durrell, revised edition, copy­ Sphinx's Riddle to Oedipus," from The right© 1961 by Lawrence Durrell. To Faber Woman at the Washington Zoo, copyright© & Faber Limited for excerpts from Oedipus 1960 by Randall Jarrell. To The Atlantic the King and Oedipus at Colonus, translation Monthly, June, 1955, for "Before the Ad­ and copyright© 1961 by C. P. Trypanis. vent," by Takis Papatzonis, translation and To The New Age for excerpts from "1. M. copyright© by Kimon Friar. To Chatto & Panayotopoulos: Man ofLetters," by Minas Windus for "Oedipus," from Collected Dimakis. To Poetry, June, 1952, for "Before Poems, 1930-1960, copyright © 1960 by the Advent" and "The Dependence," by Richard Eberhart. To Thomas Y. Crowell Takis Papatzonis, translation and copyright Company for excerpts from Pastorale, copy­ © 1952 by Kimon Friar. To Simon and right © 1961 by Nelly Theodorou, trans­ Schuster for an excerpt from The Odyssey: lation by Abbott Rick. To Doubleday and A Modern Sequel, by Nikos Kazantzakis, Company, Inc. for "Sentimental Dialogue," translated by Kimon Friar, copyright © by Paul Verlaine, translation by Muriel Kit­ 1958 by Simon and Schuster. To Wake No. tel, from An Anthology cif French Poetry from 12, for "Summer Tourists Go to Mass in Nerval to Valery in English Translation, copy­ Piraeus" and "To a Young Girl Brought Up right © 1958 by Angel Flores. To Double­ in a Nunnery," by Takis Papatzonis, trans­ day and Company, Inc. for excerpts from lation and copyright© I 9 54 by Kimon Friar. TO OUR READERS The publication of the third issue of The Charioteer, which coincides with the third anniversary ofParnassos, the Greek Cultural Society ofNew York, gives us the opportunity of making a brief statement about the aims and the activities of this new and vital organization. Parnassos was founded in March of 1958 by young men and women ofGreek and American origin who were interested in the promotion of cultural relations between Greece and the United States. Inspired by this noble idea, the charter members decided to organize a society through which they could achieve their purpose. They did so at a moment when there was a definite need for this project. In their endeavors they faced many difficulties, obstacles, and opposition without allowing themselves to become defeated. They continued their efforts with diligence, steadfastness, and faith in their convictions, and have succeeded in gaining well-earned recognition and respect from the leading intellectual circles of both nations. At first they centered their activities on lectures, panel discussions, and social gatherings, confined to members and friends of Parnassos, at which subjects of mutual cultural interest to both Greece and the United States were discussed. Later, as a consequence of these activities, The Charioteer emerged as a more po­ tent instrument to carry on the important mission of the Society. The aim of this periodical is to project to the wide English-speaking public Greek arts and letters in the many facets of their historical existence. This purpose has been well­ evidenced in the first three issues of The Charioteer. It should be stressed here that the young people who are dedicated to this movement believe firmly in the excellence of Greek culture and in its continuous beneficial influence upon all humanity throughout the ages. They believe that this influence can be even more significant in this era because it stems from the same sources of the Greek spirit. The mind of man continues to be dominated by precepts and ideals set forth in Ancient Greece, the Byzantine period, and now Modern Greece. It is most satisfying to note that these concepts, which the members and friends of the Parnassos Society embrace, are attracting serious attention and of­ ficial support from governmental agencies and national institutions of both Greece and the United States. We welcome every expression of encouragement and appreciate any con­ structive criticism given by those sincerely interested in our endeavor. We hope this interest and support will grow even stronger as we continue to pursue our mission. EMMANUEL E. MARCOGLOU President ofParnassos PARNASSOS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President EMMANUEL E. MARCOGLOU Vice President KATHERINE HoRTIS Secretary KALLIOPI KALFA Treasurer STEVE ALDI Cultural Committee Chairmen LEMONIA CAKIADES MARIA CAKIADES Library Committee LOLA GOUNARIS Membership Committee NICHOLAS HERZEGOVITCH Publications Committee (Newsletter) BEEBE SPANOS Social Committee Chairmen NACKIE CALATHES ANNA MAKRIS Parnassos Representative in Greece DIMITRI S. GEORGEOPOULOS Pattission 236, Athens, Greece. Telephone: 876-494 and 87o-633 THE CHARIOTEER A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF MODERN GREEK CULTURE Published by Parnassos, Greek Cultural Society of New York VOLUME I NUMBER 3 Editor KIMON FRIAR Managing Editor GEORGIA EcoNOMOU Consulting Editor ANDONIS DECAVALLES Copy Editors THOMASINA ALEXANDER BEEBE SPANOS Business Manager KATHERINE HaRTIS Honorary Board C. MAURICE BowRA Warden of Wadham College, Oxford LAWRENCE DURRELL poet, author ofThe Alexandria Quartet PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR author ofThe Traveler's Tree, Mani DuDLEY FITTS Teacher ofEnglish, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. MosEs HADAS Jay Professor of Greek, Columbia University EDITH HAMILTON Honorary Citizen of the City ofAthens R.J. H. JENKINS Koraes Professor ofModern Greek, University ofLondon RICHARD LATTIMORE Professor of Classics, Bryn Mawr College JAMES NoTOPOULOS Professor of Classics, Trinity College, Connecticut MARY RENAULT author ofThe Last of the Wine, The King Must Die W. B. STANFORD Regius Professor of Greek, University of Dublin THE CHARIOTEER is published by PARNASSOS, GREEK CULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, Box 298, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N.Y. Subscription: $5.00 a year, $9.00 two years. Foreign subscriptions: Greece, 180 drachmas a year; United Kingdom, 50 shillings a year; France, 3000 francs a year; other countries, including Canada, $6.oo a year, $11.50 two years. Distributor: H. DeBoer, 102 Beverly Road, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Copyright © 1961, by Parnassos. All rights reserved. Printed at The Thistle Press, New York. TABLE OF CONTENTS TO OUR READERS EMMANUEL E. MARCOGLOU A EDITORIAL KIMON FRIAR 4 PREFACE TO POPE JOAN LAWRENCE DURRELL 7 from POPE JOAN EMMANUEL ROYIDIS I I translation by Lawrence Durrell from THE ODYSSEY HOMER 20 translation by Robert Fitzgerald from THE ODYSSEY: A MODERN SEQUEL 22 BY NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS translation by Kimon Friar DREAM AND REALITY IN SATIRE MINOS ARGYRAKIS 23 translation by Georgia Economou FIVE CARTOONS MINOS ARGYRAKIS 23 THE POETRY OF TAKIS PAPATZONIS CLEON PARASCHOS 28 translation by Thomasina Alexander and John Karkas POEMS BY TAKIS PAPATZONIS 33 translation by Kimon Friar To a Young Girl Brought Up in a Nunnery 33 Before the Advent 34 IT Qo l"fj~ 'E/,.evcrero~ 3 5 Beata Beatrix 36 The Unlooked-For Theme 37 Summer Tourists Go to Mass in Pireaus 38 Outline of Error 38 The Sluggish of Mind 39 The Dependence 40 Encounter 40 The Thread 4I Self-Scrutiny 43 Attic Shapes 44 Ode to Acquarius 46 from PASTORALE NELLY THEODOROU 48 translation by Abbott Rick MICHAEL TOMBROS: A CRITICAL MOSAIC 52 BY ZAHARIAS PAPANDONIOU ANGHELOS PROKOPIOU NIKOLAS HADJI-KYRIAKOS GHIKA, and the Artist translation by Andonis Decavalles, Georgia Economou, George Karas SEVEN PIECES OF SCULPTURE MICHAEL TOMBROS 57 I. M. PANAYOTOPOULOS: Man oJLetters MINAS DIMAKIS 6r translation by Beebe Spanos and Tedd Athas I. M. PANAYOTOPOULOS: A Selection from Humble Life translation by Mary Gianos 67 from Starlight translation by Mary Gianos 74 Downfall of the Geometric Mind translation by Amy Mims 78 illustration by Minos Argyrakis Five Poems translation by Kimon Friar Eumenides 86 Apology of the Small Faun 87 The Fozen Moon, IV, VIII 89 Helen 92 The Nightmare 93 from The Seven Sleepers translation by Mary Gianos 96 illustration by Minos Argyrakis CHORUS from OEDIPUS THE KING SOPHOCLES II4 CHORUS from OEDIPUS AT COLONUS SOPHOCLES n6 translation by C. A. Trypanis PICTURE OF THE NATIVITY IN THE CHURCH OF KRENA IN CHIOS c. A. TRYPANIS II7 THE SPHINX'S RIDDLE TO OEDIPUS RANDALL JARRELL II8 OEDIPUS RICHARD EBERHART n8 TO AINirMA TH~ ~1>IrrA~ ~TON OIL\IIIOL1A II9 PEV'tEA T~aQEA translation by Andonis Decavalles OIL\IIIOL1A~ Pt't<JaQV't "E~-t:rtEQXUQ't II9 translation by Andonis Decavalles POETRY AND LANGUAGE E. P. PAPANOUTSOS 120 translation and adaptation by John P. Anton DELOS c. A. TRYPANIS 129 ILLUSTRATIONS Tombros: Composition Ink 1929 19 Tombros: Composition Ink 1929 51 Tombros: Composition Ink 56 THE CONTRIBUTORS 130 EDITORIAL MANY OF OUR READERS have besieged us by telephone and letter to ask, im­ patiently, about the Winter or third number of The Charioteer. It has been hibernating, we told them; and now here it is, in the spring time, the merry ring time, but simply identified as No.3.
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