REGISTERED No. D-28 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1949 PART I—Section 2 Government of India Notifications relating to Appointments. Promotions, etc. (other than the Ministry of Defence) MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS New Delhi, the 12th September 1949 New Delhi, the 1th September 1949 No. 24/l4/49-Apptt(Sp.).—Corrigendum.—in the Minis- No. 40/219/49-Police II.—Mr. V Ayyaswami Nayudu, try of Home Affairs Notification No. 24/14/49-Apptt(Sp), appointed to officiate as Central Intelligence Officer, dated the 8th September 1949, regarding the grant of leave Madras, with effect from 20th August 1949 until further to Mr. R N Banerjee, I.C.S., Chairman, Federal Public ders Service Commission, for the words and figures "8th September 1949", substitute the words and figures "9th New Delhi, the 9th September 1949 September 1949" E. C. GAYNOR, Dy Secy. No. 40/134/49-Police II.-Mr. P. V Bhaskaran, T P appointed to officiate as Deputy Director, in the Intelli- ance Bureau with effect from 29th August 1949 until fur- ther orders. New Delhi, the 7th September 1949 New Delhi, the 13th September 1949 No. 1/81/49-Admn.—-In supersession of the Ministry of No. 40/207/49-Police II.—Mr. D. K Krishna, Assistant Home Affairs Notification No. 1/81/49-Admn., dated the Director, Intelligence- Bureau, was granted leave on average 2nd August, 1949, Mr. G. D. Gupta of the Central Secre- ay for one month with effect from 8th August 1949 with tariat Service, Class II, a temporary stenographer in the permission to prefix Sunday, the 7th August 1949. Ministry of Home Affairs, was appointed to officiate as Private Secretary to Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home U. K. GHOSHAL, Dy. Secy. Affairs, from the 25th July to the 24th August, 1949. New Delhi, the 10th September 1949 No. 73/21/49-Admn—Mr. R. P. Sharma of the Central New Delhi, the 1th September 1949 Secretariat Service, Class II, has been appointed to officiate No. 24/12/49-Apptt.(Sp)—Mr. Javad Hussain, Member, as Superintendent in the Ministry of Home Affairs with Federal Public Services Commission, has been granted effect from the 1st September 1949 until further orders. leave ex-India, on salary equivalent to full pay for 00 KARAM CHAND, Under Secy. sixty) days from the 3rd October 1949, with permission of prefix the 1st October 1949 (which is a closed (holiday) and Sunday, the 2nd October, to his leave New Delhi, the 13th September 1949 No. 24/16/49-Apptt(Sp)—Mr. S Grubb, Additional Member, Federal Public Service Commission, has been No. 45/14/49-Apptts.—The following Officers have been ranted earned leave for 19 days from the 10th September appointed to the Indian Police Service on probation with 1949, with permission to suffix the 29th and 30th Septem- effect from the dates on which they pined the Central Police ber and the 1st October 1949 (which are closed holidays) Training College, Mount Abu. On successful completion and Sunday, the 2nd October, to his leave. of training they will be posted to the respective Provinces. New Delhi, the 8th September 1949 Genital Provinces and Berar No. 24/14/49-Apptt(Spl).—Mr. E. N. Banerjee, I.C.S., 1 Mr. S. V. Tankhiwale. Chairman, Federal Public Service Commission, has been granted leave on average pay ex-India for two months Madras from the 8th September 1949. New Delhi, the 9th September 1949 1 Mr P S Viswanathan No, 24/12/49-Apptt(Spl).—Corrigendum.—In the Minis- West Bengal try of Home Affairs Notification No. 24/12/49-Apptt(Sp]) dated the 7th September, 1949, regarding the grant of 1 Mr Arun Chandra Sinha, leave to Mr Javad Hussain, Member, Federal 2 Mr A K Moitra. Public Service Commission, for the words, figures and brackets "8rd October, 1949, with permission to prefix 3 Mr K B Chakraborti the 1st October 1949 (which is a closed holiday) and Sunday, the 2nd October to his leave" substitute the 4 Mr. N R. Bose. words and figures "7th October 1949". R. C DUTT, Dy. Secy. (1333) (1333) 1334 THE GAZETTE OF TNJDIA, SEL'TEMBEE 17, 19-19 [VMIT [— HBO Nfw DiUu, the lMh September 1919 16th May 1949, with permission to prefix Sunday, ti 15th May 1949 and suffix Sunday the Ulst July 1949 i No. 23/25/49-EstS—The Central Government, m eon- snJhition with the Provincial Governments concerned, in the leave. pleased to accord sanction to the Imnsfer of the Indian Civil '2, The Ministry of Extornal Affairs' Notification Ni Service Officers shown m column 1 ot the schedule below 192-A DI. dated the 13th Juno 1949 is hereby cancelled from the Provinces nhown m column 2 thereof to the Vro- \iii(Vs shown m lolurnn <) ngtiuwt their names in column No. 326-ADI/49 Mr. N. M Khilnani is t.ppomtecf 1. temporary Assistant Eesoaroh Officer in the Historic? Divjsion, Ministry of External Affairs, with effect fior SonEDUI.H the forenoon of the 20th August 1949 New Deltii, the Vth September 1949 Namo of the Officer Provnino from Provinon to whioh transforted whioh tiftnsfarrod No. 328-ADI 49.—Mr I1 L BholU of the Gratia 1 8 Secretariat Seivice Class II. a substantive temporal 2 SiiDcrintendent in the Ministry of External Affairy i grnnted lmve on uviatfo pas lor two months with ettee from the forenoon of the 29th August, 1949 Mr. M. It. Bhide East Punjab United Provinoo1) Mr. P. M. Ismail United ProvinooH Eaut Punjab No. 330-ADI/49.—On return from leave Mr. K. F Seshau resumed charge of his duties as a Superintenden in the Miuistiy of External Affairs, with effect from th* B L MATniTETA, Asstt Secy. forenoon of the 27th August 1949. J. S MEHTA, Under Secy, MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS New Delhi, the 6th September 1949 New Delhi, the Mh September 1949 No. F. 226(8)XI (A)49.—Mr M A iTusain, T 0 S , Dcpuiy Secretary, wns grand d extension of leave on No. F. 686(l)XP(A)/48.^Captam V. A Kidwai relin avoinge pay tor 15 days from 14th (o '281b August, 1949 quislied charge of tho post ot lUiseurch Oliicer m the Mi- in continuation of ilm leave granted to him mde th s nit.trv of Kxtenml Affairs on the afternoon of the 27tft Ministry's notification of even number daied the 19th July August 1919. 1949. '"Ha resumed duty on tlic 29th August 1949 M A HUSAIN, ])y. Secy New Delhi, the lih September 1949 No, 322-FSP.—Mr. J K. Atal, I.C.S., lately First Secretary in the Embassy of India in Brazil, has been Neu, Delhi, the Qth September 1949 appointed as "Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of External Affairs wiih effect from No. 329-EI.—Mr. Earn Oharid Kalra assumed charge tho forenoon of the 22nd August 1949. of the post of Vice-Consul of India at Kandahar in Afghan- istan, with oftect from the forenoon of tho 5th August No. 324-FSP.—Mr. Jogindra Singh has been appointed 1949. to the Indian Foreign Service on probation with effect from the forenoon oi the 26th March 1949, the date on Niw Delhi, the 12th September 1949 which ho took over charge of the post of Officer on Special Duty in the Ministry of Commerce. No. 334-EI—Sliri S G. Mukhcrji, Ecgistrat Indian Embassy, PIU'N, was granted leave on average pay foi four No. 32JS-FSP.— Mr, V. S Gharry has been appointed months with effect iiom the foronoon of the Brd June 1949 to ,the Indian Foreign Service on probation with effect from the lRt May, 1948, and haw 1>CHII posted >is Second Secret- 2 Ministry of KxWnul Affaiis Notification No 277-Kit ary, Embassy of Tndia in Belgium, Brussels, with effect dated the 18th August It) If J is heicby cnncelled. from the same date. G II. JOSH I, Asstt. Secy. 2. The Ministry of External Affairs Notification No. 190-FS1', dated Rth June "1948, is hereby cancelled New Delhi, the Qth September 1949 New Delhi, the Mh September 1949 No. 332-Pt.—In Notification No. 292, dated the 24th No. 327-FSP.—Mr. Dovi Diyal Bhatia, officiating August 1949 for the words "Mr. E. K. Ecge" substitute Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs, has "Mr. J. K. Eoge." been granted leave on average pay for ouc month with 0. V. "RAMAD0EAI, Under Secy. effect from the forenoon of the 29th August 1949, with permission to suffix to bis leave the closed holidays on the 20th and 30th September and 1st October end Sunday, the 2nd October 1049 New Delhi, the, 9th September 1949 New Delhi, the V2th September 1949 No. 331-FSP.—Mr. D. M. Jejurikar of the Indian Foreign Semee has been appointed Second Secretary, Embassy No. 333-FSP.—Mi. E. K. Tandon has been appointed to of India, Tehran, with offeot from the forenoon of the l&tb? officiate in the Indian Foreign Service with effect from the August, 1949. forenoon of the 4th October 1948, until further orders New Delhi, the 12th September 1949 r. N. KHISHNASW AMY, Dy. Secy No. 335-FSP. —Mr P N Knshnanw uny, Deputy Secre- tary m the Ministry of External Aftaus, vaw granted exten- mon ot leave on average pav for two dayH upto the 19th New Delhi, the 1th September 1949 Uigust TM9 in continuation of the leave grauted to him in No. 323-ADI.—Mr. A.
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