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Page 554 Index 3-D 112, 270, 274, 325 Abu Ghraib 356–7, 359, 361 8 1∕2 (1963) 114 Acción mutante (aka Mutant Action, 1993) 28 Days Later (2002) 6, 334–5, 342, 347, 373 376 ‘‘acousmêtre” 178 28 Weeks Later (2007) 376 Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes, The 99 Women (aka Der heieTod, 1969) 368 (1971) 497 976-EVIL (1988) 311 actionblockbusterfranchises 332–6 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 502 Adorf, Mario 393 2001 Yonggary: Yonggary vs Cyker Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (aka Reptilian, 2001) 433 (1939) 239 2012 (2009) 66 affect see emotions affective-textual encounters 104–5 ÀMaSoeur(2001) 94 Aftermath (1994) 380 ‘‘A” versus “B” films 110–112, 275, 406 Aguilar, Santiago 385 Abandoned, The (2006) 378–9, 381 Ahn Byung-ki 431, 435 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein AIDS 536 (1948) 237, 241 AIP see American International Pictures Abby (1974) 302 Aja, Alexandre 330, 342, 439 ABC (theatre circuit) 111, 113–15 Al Rissala (aka The Message, 1977) 466 abjection 32–3,COPYRIGHTED 39–40, 229–44, 257–61, Alarcon MATERIAL Jr., Agustin and Raul 480 265–7, 345–61, 420, 493–8 Albigenses, The (novel, 1824) 211 Abominable Dr. Phibes, The (1971) 79–80, Alexandrov, G.V. 182 285, 303 Alfredson, Tomas 480 Aborigines (Australian) 521–34 Alien (1979) 5, 6, 29, 91, 97, 159, 176, 292, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012) 63 312, 314, 321 Abre los ojos (aka Open Your Eyes, alien invasion films 255–71 1997) 372 Aliens (1986) 312 A Companion to the Horror Film, First Edition. Edited by Harry M. Benshoff. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Benshoff bindex.tex V3 - 06/30/2014 12:40 A.M. Page 555 Index 555 All Night Long (1987–2009) 410 Apollo 18 (2011) 337, 376 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 110 Aranda, Vicente 382–4, 470 All the King’s Men (1949) 49 Arctic Circle 266–7 allegory 56–72, 378–9 Area 51 265 Allen, Woody 326 Area 51 (2013) 337 Allied Artists 274 Arendt, Hannah 503 Almodóvar,Pedro 385–7 Argento, Dario 201, 292, 300, 304, 311, Altered States (1980) 503 331, 369–70, 390, 392–4, 400, 495, Alton, John 162 502, 506, 520 Amenábar, Alejandro 342, 372, 373 Arkoff, Samuel Z. 117, 256 American Gigolo (1980) 52 Armageddon King (2003) 480 American International Pictures (AIP) Armageddon King 2 (2003) 480 113, 121, 123, 256, 274–5, 277, 283–6, Arnold, Jack 257 290 Arnold, Mal 494 American Nightmare, The (2000) 298 Arnold,Sarah 53–4 American Psycho (2000) 182, 376 art brut 492 American Releasing Corporation 113 art film 43–5, 52, 114–25, 288, 365, American Werewolf in London, An (1981) 383–8,501–18 175, 311–12, 314 art music see avant-garde music Amicus 113, 277, 281 Art of Dying, The (aka El arte de morir, Amityville Horror, The (1979) 199 2000) 376 ‘‘amoral familialism” 403–4 see also rural art-horror films 383–5, 444–5, 501–18, horror films 519–35, 537 analytic-cognitivist philosophy see Arthur, Johnny 221 cognitivist film theory Artigot, Raúl 371 … and The Fifth Horseman is Fear (1965) As Sete vampiras (aka The Seven Vampires, 540 1986) 479 Andrés, Gumersindo 371 Ashida, Toyoo 471 Andreu, Símon 382 ‘‘Asia Extreme” (brand) 332, 407–8, Ang aswang(akaThe Vampire, 434–5, 437 1932) 469 Astronaut’s Wife, The (1999) 262 Ang darling kong aswang (aka My Wife the Aswan ng QC (aka Vampire of Quezon City, Monster, 2009) 469 2006) 469 Angeletti, Pio 469 Aswang (1994) 469 Angels in America (play, 1993) 547 Atlal (aka Le dernier homme, 2008) 480 Anglo-Amalgamated 113, 115–22 atmosphere 151–67, 188, 190–191, 195 ‘‘angry white male” narratives 70 Atomic Submarine, The (1959) 266 Anguish (aka Angustia, 1987) 372, 385 atonal music 195, 197–202 Angulo, Álex 372 Atrocious (2010) 337, 376 Angustia (aka Anguish, 1987) 372, 385 Attack the Block (2011) 342 animism 442 Atwill, Lionel 156 anti-authoritarianism 377–8 audiences 90–108 anti-fan see fans/fandoms Audition (aka Ôdishon, 1999) 407, 412, Antichrist, The (aka L’a nt i c r i s t o , 1974) 434 306–7 Audley, Maxine 117 Antonioni, Michelangelo 286, 491 Audrey Rose (1977) 302 apocalypse 64–9 Aured, Carlos 370, 372 Apocalypse Now (1979) 486 Austen, Jane 211 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Benshoff bindex.tex V3 - 06/30/2014 12:40 A.M. Page 556 556 Index Australia (outback) 330, 351–2, 521–34 Battle Royale (aka Batoru rowaiaru, Australian horror 330, 351–2 2000) 333, 407, 410, 430, 434 Ávalos, Enrique Tovar 468 Battle Royale 2: Requiem (2003) 410 avant-garde music 190, 197–202, 299 Battlefield Earth (2000) 486 Avanti, Pupi 398, 400–404 Bava, Mario 146, 155, 287, 300, 304, 311, Avatar (2009) 333 331, 370, 391–2, 469, 470 Avenging Conscience, The (1914) 214 Baxter, Les 197 Awful Dr. Orlof, The (aka Gritos en la noche, Bay, The (2012) 337 1962) 299, 366–7, 368, 373, 378, 379, Bay of Blood, A (aka Reazione a catena aka 381, 387 Twitch of the Death Nerve, 1971) 146, 325 Bayona, Juan Antonio 375 Baba, Shuhaimi 444, 452 BBFC 93–6, 111, 113–22, 136–47, Bachchan, Amitabh 472 418–19, 509, 511 Bacon, Francis 531–2, 533 Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The bad films 483–500 (1953) 258, 266 ‘‘Badfilm” 486–93, 494 Beast of the Yellow Night (1971) 469 Bahloul, Abdelkrim 464 Beast with Five Fingers, The (1946) 240, Baise-Moi (2000) 94 519, 520 Baker, Rick 312, 314–15 Beaumont, Charles 284 Baker, Roy Ward 471 Beauty and the Beast (aka La Belle et La Bakjwi (aka Thirst, 2009) 432, 480 Bête, 1946) 238 Balagueró, Jaume 375, 378 Beckford, William 210 Balász,Béla 159–60 Bedlam (1946) 138 Balderston, John L. 226, 232 Beetlejuice (1988) 313 Bana, Eric 548 Beginning of the End (1957) 274, 406 Banderas, Antonio 385 Bekmambetov, Timur 480 Bandh Darwaza (aka The Closed Door, Bell, Wayne 200 1989) 471, 474–6 Bell from Hell, The (aka La campana del Banke, Anders 480 infierno, 1973) 304, 371, 378 Banks, Tony 525 Bells, The (1926) 216 Baquero,Ivana 386–7 Berg, Nick 358 Barak, Ehud 548 Berger, Ludwig 218 Barker, Clive 311 Bergman, Ingmar 44 Barta, Jirí 463 Bernard, James 196 Bartók, Béla 201 Berthoud, Christopher 418 Basic Instinct (1992) 39 Bertolucci, Bernardo 503 Basket Case (1982) 311 Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) 263 Bastedo, Alexandra 382 Bestgore.com 497 Bat, The (1926) 220 Beswick, Martine 289 Bat Whispers, The (1930) 220 Beyond the Grave (1973) 295 Bataille, Georges 519 Beyond the Rave (web serial, 2008) 92 Bates, Alan 503, 521, 531 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) 485 Bates, Ralph 289 Bharat Natyam (dance form) 473 Bates, Tyler 193 Bhatt, Vikram 474, 480 Batman & Robin (1997) 487 Bhoot (aka Ghost, 2003) 474 Batoru rowaiaru (aka Battle Royale, Biehn, Michael 316 2000) 333, 407, 410, 430, 434 Bierce, Ambrose 212 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Benshoff bindex.tex V3 - 06/30/2014 12:40 A.M. Page 557 Index 557 Bierman, Robert 479 Blood Drinkers, The (aka Kulay dugo ang Bigelow, Kathryn 357 gabi aka Blood is the Color of Night, Bijitâ Q (aka Visitor Q, 2001) 410 1966) aka The Vampire People ‘‘biohorror” 412 (1971) 469 biopics 502–3, 504 Blood Feast (1963) 124, 314, 494–7 Bird with the Crystal Plumage (aka L’uccello Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (2002) 495 dalle piume di cristallo, 1970) 200, Blood for Dracula (1973) 295 304, 392–4 Blood is the Color of Night (aka The Blood Birdemic: Shock and Terror Drinkers aka Kulay dugo ang gabi, (2010) 489–90, 493, 495 1966) aka The Vampire People Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013) 490 (1971) 469 Birds, The (1963) 66, 163, 490 Blood of the Beasts (1949) 520 ‘‘bisociation” 545–6 Blood on Satan’s Claw (1971) 115, 303 Bittner, Lauren 180 Blood Pledge (2009) 433 Black Candles (aka Los ritos sexuales del Blood: The Last Vampire (aka Rasuto Diablo, 1982) 380 buraddo, 2009) 479 Black Cat, The (1934) 57, 152, 159, 195, Blood Thirsty Doll (aka Night of the Vampire 234, 345–6 aka Chi o suu ningyo, 1970) 470–471 Black Cat, The (1941) 241 Blood Thirsty Eyes (aka Lake of Dracula aka Noroi no yakata: Chi o suu me, ‘‘Black Cat, The” (story, 1843) 135 1971) 471 Black Christmas (1974) 305, 319–20, 323 Blood Thirsty Rose (aka Evil of Dracula aka Black Friday (1940) 240 Chi o suu bara, 1974) 471 Black Scorpion, The (1957) 260, 266 Blood-Spattered Bride, The (aka La novia ‘‘Black September” 546–51 ensangrentada, 1972) 304, 382–3, Black Sleep, The (1956) 275–6, 277, 283, 470 289 Bloodsucking Freaks (aka The Incredible Black Sunday (aka La maschera del demonio Torture Show, 1976) 496–7 aka The Mask of Satan, 1960) 146, BloodyDisgusting.com 348 199, 287, 470 Bloody Disgusting (magazine) 343 Black Torment, The (1964) 114 Bloody Judge, The (aka Il trono di fuoco, Blackenstein (1973) 295, 302 1970) 368, 378 Blacula (1972) 83, 302 Bloody Reunion (2006) 424, 437–9 Blade franchise (1998–2004) 333 Bloody Vampire, The (aka El vampiro Blair Witch Project, The (1999) 67, 91, 163, sangriento, 1962) 468 172, 175–7, 229–30, 333, 336–7, 341, Blow Out (1981) 326 343, 376 Blue Velvet (1986) 180 Blair, Linda 50, 174, 321 Bluhdorn, Charles 324 Blake, Alfonso Corona 469 “body genres” 38, 176, 313, 347, 357, Blatty,WilliamPeter 43,45–6,51–2,53 410–422, 493–8, 511 blaxploitation horror films 295, 302–3 Body Snatcher, The (1945) 112 Blind Dead films (1972–1975) 304, 378 Boehm,Carl 117–18 Blob, The (1958) 261, 269–70 Bogdanovich, Peter 290 Bloedsuiers (in production) 479 Bogliano, Adrián García 380 Blood and Black Lace (aka Sei donne per Böhme, Gernot 151, 164–5 l’assassino, 1964) 391 Boin-n-g (1963) 494 Blood and Roses (aka Et mourir de plaisir, Bolkan, Florinda 398 1960) 470 Boll, Uwe 492 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Benshoff bindex.tex V3 - 06/30/2014 12:40 A.M.
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