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R 5 E R 6 E R 6 E R 7 E R 7 E R 8 E R 8 E R 9 E R 9 E R 10 E R 10 E R 11 E R 11 E R 12 E )" Harmon Rd )" )" <! <S!" )" <! Ironwood Forest National Monument )" Travel Management Plan and )" <! <! 665A Environmental Assessment )" <! )" )" (SAWTOOTH) (DOI-BLM-AZ-G020-2013-0033-EA, Decision Record approved September 12, 2014) Sawtooth Northwest )" 664 )" )" I, Harmon 656 219 665A ³ ± ÍÒ I, 652M ÍÒ jÆ jÆI, 658 656B Æ ÍÒ ÍÒÒÍ jÆ 9 )" " ÍÒ Æ656C )" jÆ ) Sawtooth West Rd j ÍÒ 9Æ ÍÒÍÒ Map 5.0: TRANSPORTATION MAINTENANCE, ÍÒ )" ÒÍ Æ 9ÆÍÒ ÍÒÒÍ Æ j Æ662 )" 9 9 )" ÍÍÒÒ 9Æ ANCILLARY FACILITIES, SIGNING AND RESTORATION )" )" )" ÍÒ )" jÆ Sawtooth East Rd This map shows the approved Monument access routes from the local public highways, " 658B ) <! jÆ I, 654A2 9Æ and the BLM transportation maintenance for the different asset types (roads, trails). )" " 654A1 Æ )" ) I, 9Æ9ÆÆ The approved road and primitive road maintenance projects, and related ancillary I, Æ9Æ 9Æ 9Æ 99ÆÆ Æ )" Sawtooth 9Æ9652 654AB1 9Æ j traveler facilities are also shown, along with the planned route closures and restoration. I 660A jÆ )" ÍÒ I, )" Sunland Gin Rd. Approved legal access acquisition is highlighted on the essential routes across non- 639 ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES 9Æ )" )" Æ 9 I, federal land inholdings, and across adjacent lands to provide legal access to the 9ÆÆ654AB2ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ ÆÒÍ 654A 9 jjÆ Monument. T 10 )" 0 I, )" ÍÒÍÒ 652H All motorized and mechanized vehicle use in the Monument is limited to designated 9 5 ¨¦§ ÍÒ ÆÍÒ ÍÒ 6 Æ9ÆÍÍÒÒ )" 99ÍÒÍÒÍÒÆ Greene Rd " S ÆÆ ÍÒ 9 routes by travel management designations established concurrently with the Resource ) 999Æ ÒÍÍÒ 9Æ ÍÒ Management Plan to achieve the purposes of the Monument (Record of Decision 650C )" )" Æ (!9ÆÆ9Æ 652B2 9 9 Æ approved February 2013). 9Æ9 652F T 9 9ÆÆÆÍÒ 9ÆÍÒ )" )"9Æ 99 10 652B 2 Æ! 5 9( 6 )" S 639 9Æ 9ÆÆ 9I, )" (SAWTOOTH) Approved Transportation Route Maintenance: (SAWTOOTH) 226 )" ³ ± )" <! 639B Aries (See TMP Appendix E for Maintenance Guidelines for Transportation Asset Types) " Aries Rd. ) I, I,<! I,<! <! <! )" Road (Passenger car access, two lane) )" Existing route that would be maintained for two lane general vehicle access. Includes <! <! routes maintained by Pima and Pinal counties across Monument lands. )" )" Primitive Road, (Type A- Medium truck access single lane 14 ft. width) Low Water Crossings Existing route that would be maintained for improved single lane vehicle access, <! )" Sagittarius Rd. <! Aries Rd. including medium trucks and specialized utility vehicles for adminstrative and public use. S" <! )" <! Primitive Road, (Type B- 4WD light truck access single Lane 10 ft. width) )" <! " )" )" 2B Sasco Existing route that would be minimally maintained) for narrow single lane vehicle access S" 2B I, <! 2 Æ by high clearance, 4WD vehicle for administrative purposes and public use. jÆ 9 2C TOHOMO O'ODHAM NATION 2F jÆ E1 jÆÆ2 j 2A Primitive Road, Administrative Vehicles Only- single lane Type A or Type B T 9Æ9Æ 2A2 <! Existing route that would be minimally maintained for single lane administrative vehicle 10 )" Night Sky Rd. access to existing authorized utilities and facilities. Route would be open to mechanized )" S )" non-motorized public travel (bicycle, pedestrian, riding livestock). 648A 648 PINAL CO. 232 S" <! <! <! 629M1 ³ ± )" Residence I, King 7 Û Trail, Non-Mechanized Non-Motorized Access- Pedestrian and riding livestock )" 4 WEST FARM RD PIMA CO. T 6 Û <! Existing route would be maintained for non-mechanized non-motorized trail use )" 11 <! jÆ <! <! <! 2H1 2H (pedestrian and riding livestock). Administrative vehicle access may be authorized if ÍÒ <! S Sasco Alternative Û(! ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES jÆÆ no improvement is needed. I,S" <! j I,<! 631B I, ((((!!!!(! NATURAL GAS IPPELINE 622 1 I, Decommissioned Route (Not a road or trail)- Restoration 4 629M1A 2 627C1 6 )" 622M1 630 Existing linear disturbance that is not a road or trail; The disturbance would be stabilized 627G 632A if needed and reclaimed using passive or active methods. May be used for very I, 628B 628 Û((!! Û 2X infrequent overland vehicle access for administrative purposes. )" 620E1 NIGHT SKY 629B1 625F <! 632 )" I, Residence jÆ 620 Æ )" 620F j <! 627F S<<"!! J 2X 625D <! 626A 633 I, 2J3 2 2 S" County or Municipality Road <<!! <<!!<! ÆI 622N Silverbell West (((!!! <<<!!! 2J TEJON PASS RD 631 <<<!!!S" Æ Samaniego Hills Rd Existing road maintained by Pima or Pinal County. Some of these roads provide I, Û(! (WEST SILVERBELL) I, j jÆ jÆ 627 WEST SILVERBELL Malpais S" !( essential access to the Monument for administrative purposes and public use. )" ! ÍÒ <!(Û( ( Tejon Pass ÆÆ <! 626C Û(! 626 626B )" Û jj jÆ 627C <! <! 236 S" S" 620B Silverbell ³ ± 7 I, 625D 629C2 625A 620 Aguirre Farms 3 I, Physical Access Route Inventory 6 620J ÍÒ Û(! Trico-Marana Residence )" Ragged Top West Æ Samaniego West I, j (SAMANIEGO) Existing routes within the Monument proclaimed boundary, not under BLM jurisdiction, )" 629G ÍÒ Æ I,620 Quarry 621H )" 2Z 9 621-1 )" (! ÍÒ Æ (Closed) ÍÒ 620F2A j 622 Ragged Top East shown for connectivity. Includes routes proposed for legal access acquisition across 639 620K2A ÒÍÍÒ 2X (SAMANIEGO) 633 ÒÍÒÍ ÍÒÍÒ jÆ ÍÒ 621B1 ÍÒ ÍÒ Æ 620S TRICO POWERLINE ÍÒ ((!! 629D ÍÒ ÍÒ ÒÍ jÆ9Æ ÍÒ jÆ 9 623A non-federal inholdings. ÍÒ ÒÍ ÍÒ <! <! ÍÒ j I, <! <!( (! <!((!! Aguirre East ÍÒ ÒÍ )" )" I, 629 ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ ÒÍ ÍÒ )" ÒÍÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ B )" I, 635 ÍÒ ÒÍ Samaniego East TRICO POWERLINE S"<! ÍÒ 621 2 624M3 621G3 633B )" I, ÍÍÒÒ ÍÒÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ S" (WEST SILVERBELL) 629E ÍÒ 636 ÍÒ 620P4A ÒÍ Land Use and General Land Ownership: 629C ÍÒ ÍÒ Æ ÒÍ Red 99ÆÆ ÍÒÍÒ 9 ÍÒ ÍÒ Æ ÍÒ629F2 (!9 )" TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION 624M <! Æ620P ÍÒ Æ9 623A )" ÒÍ 9 623B9 Hill ÆÆ 624 ÍÒ 623F Red Hill 99 ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ 1 621 ÆÆ ÍÒ ÆÍÒ9Æ Cemetery TRICO POWERLINE 623 I, Residences I, 99 ÍÒ 9 jÆ! 624KA (!<! Ironwood Forest National Monument (Proclaimed Boundary) 632E ÍÒ < ÛÛ(! ÍÒ ÍÒ I, <! <! S" Û ÒÍ ÍÒÍÒ Ragged Top Rd " ÍÒ 623E ) )" TRICO POWERLINE ÍÒÍÒ 620P <! Existing Active Mining Claims (May 2014) )" Residence T 635 ÍÒ " Silverbell Rd. ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ ) El Tiro Æ NATURAL GAS PIPELINE 634A1 9 624K1 <! 240 Glider Port ³ ± 11 ÍÒ ÍÒ O 623D ÍÒ 620 Æ Claflin Existing Recreation and Public Purposes Lease ÍÒ ÍÒ 9 ÍÒ XX X S ÍÒ 634 ÍÒ (! S" 622I1 624K2 638B 638 S" X X (! 634AX ÒÍ ÍÒ X BLMGrazing All otment s Û<!I, <! Û<!( S" ÒÍ 9Æ I, <! I, 623G 9Æ 621 622I4 624 " T S ÍÒ <! 621 Bureau of Land Management Local or State Parks Private 12 )" 622J Waterman Rd Confidence Pk. 622J1 622 S 9Æ (! 621F 624H Û<! Bureau of Reclamation Military State H S" ÍÒ jÆ )" Û ÍÒ 621F3 624 Blanco Wash )" <! jÆ Sanders Rd. 621E TohonoO'dhamNationLands NationalParkService 9Æ ÍÒ 638C 622F1 NOTE: Only surface management classes that appear on the appear on the map are shown on the legend. A 9 3 Silver Bell Mine ÍÒ 17 6 242 ³ ± (WATERMAN) ¨¦§ A L i t t l e R a n c h 8 <! <! 3 Æ 9 624Q 6 622F SANTA ROSA RD S" APACHE (! 622E Û 1 Æ Phoenix B 9 8 Û(! ÍÒ 10 Apache Junction 3 T O H O N O O ' O D H A M N AT I O N H! Gl obe )" 6 638D1 ¨¦§ MARICOPA !( GILA 638D Avra Valley Rd. !( Silverbell 621K S" B ÍÒ Cocio 9Æ 622C ÍÒ 6229Æ Superior 639A I,<! S" 639A jÆ Æ9Æ !( GREENLEE I, 620D 9 622 jÆ 620BX )" )" Titan Missile )" 618Y 618Y10 Waterman Interpretive Site I, Florence I, 600H Agua Dulce Approved Public Use Site Maintenance and Improvements : ÍÒ ÍÒ 620X 620X S" <!S" jÆ<!( I,S" !( Wi nkelman Portal Site: PUMPING (! 618A STATION ÆI aterman Pk. Rd. GRAHAM 618Y16 jÆ(! Casa Grande I, Parking Turnout and Visitor Information (Located near Monument entrance points) <!618Y3ÆI W PINAL )" )" ÍÒ (! ÍÒ jÆ Existing Parking 8 ¨¦§ Mammoth S"<!
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