EXPLORING THORIKOS Edited by Roald F. DOCTER and Maud WEBSTER Ghent University Department of Archaeology Ghent - 2018 Exploring Th orikos Edited by Roald F. Docter and Maud Webster Ghent 2018 Editors: Roald F. Docter and Maud Webster Layout: Victor Martínez Hahnmüller Printed in Belgium by MIRTO PRINT – B-9031 Gent Cover illustrations: (front): Th e double-peaked Velatouri hill seen from the west; the island of Makronisos in the background, 1974 (photo: Th orikos archive). (back): Drawing architecture in the fi eld, West Necropolis 2014 (photo: T. Pieters). Th e site map, prepared by C. Stal, A. Deruyck, A. De Wulf and R.F. Docter, is to be found on pages 6-7. Illustration on pages 5, 12, 16, 18, 20, 34, 52, 57, 69, 71 and 72: Ceramic pomegranate, 735-720 BC (TC65.598, Th orikos archive/KVG). Exploring Th orikos is published by the section of Mediterranean Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Ghent University. Address: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Fax: (+32). E-mail: [email protected] © 2018 Department of Archaeology, Ghent University and individual authors No part of this volume may be translated or reproduced in any form, by print, photo- print, microfi lm or any other means, without written permission of the publisher ISBN 978 94 929 4439 9 D/2019/3988/65 NUR 682 - 683 2 EXPLORING THORIKOS Roald F. Docter and Maud Webster, eds. CONTENTS Foreword 8 1. Introduction: Th orikos Th rough Time 9 Maud Webster 2. A History of Archaeology at Th orikos 11 Maud Webster 3. Th e Site and its Topography 13 Cornelis Stal and Alain De Wulf 4. Geophysical Investigations 14 Maarten Praet, Apostolos Sarris, Sylviane Déderix and Lieven Verdonck 5. Th e Geology of Th orikos 17 Christophe Scheff er, Panagiotis Voudouris, Alexandre Tarantola, Olivier Vanderhaeghe and Adonis Photiades 6. Th e Th orikos Survey Project (TSP) 19 Floris van den Eijnde, Amber Brüsewitz, Sylviane Déderix and Roald F. Docter 7. Th e Final Neolithic and Bronze Age Occupation 21 Robert Laffi neur, Sylviane Déderix, Nikolas Papadimitriou and Margarita Nazou 8. Th e Mycenaean Tombs 24 Robert Laffi neur 9. Th e Early Iron Age Occupation 27 Alexandra Alexandridou 10. Early Iron Age Cemeteries 29 Koen Van Gelder 3 11. Th e Archaic-Classical Settlement 31 Johannes Bergemann, Rebecca Klug and Roald F. Docter 12. Archaic-Classical Cemeteries 33 Johannes Bergemann 13. Th orikos in Myth 35 Roald F. Docter and Maud Webster 14. Cults at Th orikos 36 Silke De Smet 15. Th e Th eatre 37 Andreas Kapetanios and Roald F. Docter 16. Th e Fortifi cations 40 Floris van den Eijnde, Amber Brüsewitz and Roald F. Docter 17. Th e Towers 42 Roald F. Docter 18. Mines and Mining 43 Denis Morin and Serge Delpech 19. Th e Ore-Processing Workshops 45 Sophie Duchène, Kim Van Lieff eringe and Maria Kayafa 20. Coinage 48 Panagiotis P. Iossif 21. Vessels for Storage and Consumption 49 Patrick Monsieur and Andrea Perugini 22. Th e Organic Remains 51 Lilian Karali, Eftychia Yannouli, Evi Margaritis, Francis Janot and Roald F. Docter 23. Ceramics from Roman and Byzantine Th orikos 53 Alexandra Konstantinidou, Patrick Monsieur and Carina Hasenzagl 24. Th e Finds Laboratory 54 Roald F. Docter, Andrea Perugini, Sophie Duchène, Margarita Nazou, Sophie Mortier, Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez, Carina Hasenzagl, Silke De Smet, Alexandra Alexandridou, Winfred van de Put and Amber Brüsewitz 4 25. Th e Th orikos Archive 56 Guy Dierkens and Koen Van Gelder References 58 Authors 70 Acknowledgments 72 Thorikos Industrial Quarter Coordinates in Greek National Grid (GGRS87, EPSG:2100) Authors: Cornelis Stal, Alain De Wulf, Roald Docter 4181000 E 4180950 0 1020304050 ± m 240150 240200 Orthophotograph of the Industrial Quarter (Photo: CS) 5 Thorikos - Velatouri Coordinates in Greek National Grid (GGRS87, EPSG:2100) Authors: Cornelis Stal, Arne Deruyck, Alain De Wulf, Roald Docter Compilation of various data sources (2018) X X X X X X X Legend X X Mine 1 19th century furnaces X ! X Cistern X X 4181250 X X 0# Geodetic point X Escarpment ! Mine » Mine shaft 60 X Mycenaean tomb £ Tower 50 X 'Votive terrace' X J" Washery A''51 . A'51 West Necropolis . A51 B51 . C51 Reference poles . D51 E51 Washery 12 . Washery 13 X J" Fortification wall Cistern 1Mine 2 A''1 J" . X . A1 ! Tower / gate A'1 . B1 C1 Historic road . D1 . E1 . Modern road Tower 1 4181000 House 1 A'2 £ A2 Necropolis D1 . B2 XX Ridge . C2 D2 Industrial Quarter . Tower 2 . E2 £ . XX Terrace Urban area »Mine shaft 1 A'3 . A3 Zones . B3 C3 . D3 . E3 F . A'4 . Washery 5 Tower 3 C4 . B4 . A £ J" F . d J"Washery 6 a Washer m J" Theatre J" C5 J" i Washery 7. D5 E5 . Washery 10 F5 . p B5 l a . J" Theatre Necropolis Stoa i n Washery 8 F6 . 4180750 0 100 200 300 400 ± m 240000 240250 109 E 110 100 80 Tomb I 90 X TombX II Bothros/Tomb XVI XTomb IV XTomb V 100 110 120 144 H53 E . 0# XTomb III 130 Acropolis H52 I52 . J52 . L52 40 . F51 . G51 H51 laos peninsula . I51 . J51 K51 . To Aghios Niko South Necropolis harbours F1 . G1 H1 . I1 70 . J1 K1 1 . Mine shaft 2 F2 Tower 4 » G2 . 30 £ . H2 I2 J2 aft 1 . K2 . L2 M2 . N2 . 20 Walls F3 G3 . H3 . I3 J3 . F4 . G4 Southeast Necropolis . H4 I4 X1 . Washery 9 . J4 L4 Mine 6 . J"J" ! 10 10 F5 . G5 . H5 I5 . J5 . K5 L5 Mine 4 . X !X Mine shaft 4 F6 X » . X I6 J6 Modern quarry . X Mine shaft 3 X » ! Mine 5 240500 240750 Foreword Th is publication has been conceived as a comprehensive guide to the archaeology and excavation history of the site of Th orikos, and at the same time a presentation of ongoing work and a preview of new undertakings – a mission statement of sorts for the fi ve-year fi eldwork project currently under way (2018–2022). Growing out of a strictly Belgian initiative led by the universities of Ghent and Liège, the Th orikos Project has become a truly international research program, involving more than 40 scholars affi liated to 12 universities and other institutions, as well as countless students and volunteers. Rather than having one or two authors covering the many aspects of this complex site and its exploration, we are therefore happy to have the specialists themselves present their work in a multi- authored collection of texts, highlighting both the coherence of the project and the collaborative spirit that underlies it. Th e resulting book is intended for the general, interested public as well as for specialists. Th e monograph written by the project’s previous director Herman Mussche in 1998 remains indispensable for a more in-depth account of the archaeology of Th orikos before c. 1990, but previous general guides to the site date to the -70s and -80s of the last century and are both out of print and outdated at this point (Mussche 1974; 1978; 1986). In the years since, the site has been briefl y treated in a guide to the Lavreotiki and the Lavrion Museum published by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Salliora-Oikonomakou 2007) and in a book accompanying an exhibition held at the Numismatic Museum of Athens (Iossif, ed. 2010). A local publication has also been dedicated to the ancient theatre at Th orikos and its partial restoration (Dermatis and Manthos 2010). For other relevant and scholarly literature, the academic readership will fi nd an extensive reference section at the end of this book. We are sincerely grateful to the contributing authors for agreeing to participate in this venture so swiftly, and to Victor Martínez Hahnmüller for taking on the layout in the same enthusiastic manner. Many preliminary and comprehensive publications on both old and recent fi eldwork are currently in advanced stages of preparation, and it is hoped that the spirit of rapid publication informing the present book will have a favourable infl uence on the scholarly venues as well. Roald F. Docter and Maud Webster, 30 November 2018 8 View of the Velatouri hill with surroundings seen from the west, the island of Makronisos in the background (Th orikos archive). 1. Introduction: Th orikos Th rough Time Th e site of Th orikos occupies the coastal northeast of the Lavrion area or Lavreotiki, a metalliferous region of Attica, Greece. Th e ancient town or deme comprised three areas: a double-bay harbour by the Aghios Nikolaos peninsula, the Adami plain with the lower reaches of the Potami valley, and the double- peaked Velatouri hill, c. 144 m asl, which has seen human activity since the Final Neolithic period (c. 4100-3100 BC). Th e Velatouri is also the focus for the archaeological research briefl y surveyed here, and presented more fully in the following sections. Th e presence of a defensible hill, a viable seaport and a valley plain were all suffi cient reasons for human settlement here, but there was more to Th orikos than this: its bedrock consists of layered marble and mica-schist bearing lead ores rich in silver. Mining began on the Velatouri in the Final Neolithic or Early Bronze Age, probably around 3200 BC. From the Middle and Late Helladic periods of the Bronze Age (c. 2000-1050 BC), architectural remains are extant as well as pottery and stone tools, and several signifi cant tombs have been explored, 9 one of which is a monumental tholos or beehive-shaped, dry-laid masonry tomb – a rare Attic example of the elite tradition known as Mycenaean.
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