;v' ■ •^} f *r F air wM i M a g tanp^hiM^j tora toBipitt Wai^aadagr fair. , , ) V ■ VOL. LIIU NO. 102. (Claaaiflad AdrartfalBf oa Pact lA.) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. JANUARY 80. 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN«9[ ^ •.'Jl GRAND LIST IS $ 4 1 ,8 3 8 PRESIDENT READY BOmiDAY BALL Mary Guarded From ^^Kidnapers’’ IL L S SCORES TO BE SEASON'S ASSESSMENTS SHRINK TO SIGN MEASURE EVENTJTOWN r a S n e a r l y s i x m i l u o n s TO TAKE UP GOLD Expect 800 Penou at Ar­ Former Secretary of Trea^ WOULDUSEVETS Abstract Total, .AonooDeed Reserres Action on Derahi' SUNNY SOUTH HIT mory Tonight — Entor- ary P ei^ Oat Perfls of FOR AUTO SURVEY Today by Board of Asses­ taimnoit to Start at Ooe Mao Role—Criddzes sors, Shows Decrease ing the Dolbr Penna* BY FRIGID SPELL nently UntO DetaiU Are 8 o’clock, Grand March, 9. dieNRAAIte. State Oficial Declares 2,000 from Last Year of 85,* Could Be Employed If the 612,349— Cbeoey Fqore Arranged by the Federal Coldest Weather ef Whiter AQ is In r«diBeM for on* of the Topeka, Kas., Jan. 86.—(AP) — outstanding social event! tvar held Denouncing “executive pdlctator- Government Approves. Cat $1,468,223. Reierre Syaem. Reported Along the GnK; in Manchester—the President’! ■hip,” Ogden L. Mills, former secre­ Birthday Ball—^whlch Is expected to tary of the Treasury reviewed the attract an attendance of close to program of the Rowvelt adminis­ Hartford, Jan. 80.— (AP)—If the The Board of Asseasors annoime- Chicago Snffers M ost 800 persons to the State Armory 'xy- Waahlnfton, Jan. 80 — (AP) — tration In an address here last night approval of the Federal government ed todp, tl^at the grsmd list o f the Prealdent Rooievelt will lign the night Manchester’s ball will be one and urged Kansas Republlcams to be on guard against unwise public poli­ can be obtained, the services of 2,- Town of Mimehester for the jrear dollar devaluation bill today, and of about 6,000 being held throughout By ASSOCIATED PRESS the coimtiy In honor of the 52nd cies. 000 World War veterans will be 1933 la $41,838,372, a reduction of promptly move to take over the The traditional Sunny South had birthday of Prealdent Franklin De­ At a banquet commemorating the utilized under the direction of State $5,612,349 from the Ust of 1982. nation’! gold aupply. its bright sunshine today but along lano Roosevelt and to bring.finain- state’s 78rd birthday anniversary, Motor Vehicle Commiaaloner M. A. Last 3rear’s list was $47,460,721. Until the mecnanlcally difficult dal assietance in the cure of those the Repbllcan mentioned as a poe- taak of taking over the more than with It the coldest weather of win­ O>nnor for the purpose of making Based on the grsmd list of $50,162,- inflicted with Infantile paralysis. slbte presidential candidate, asserted a etate-wlde survey for the dep .- three billion dollara of gold held by ter. 412 of 1931, the totsd reductl'n to Fine Oeoperatlon he was opposed to “revolutionary ment, the most comprehensive ever the Federed Reserve system, Is com­ A break In the cold wave that change without popular mandate the grand list to the psmt two years pleted, Mr. Roosevelt will reserve Chairman William J. Thornton undertaken. It will serve not only as has gripped moet of the country ap­ paused in the midst of completing and to government by men without a safety campaign for the elimina­ is $8,324,040. action on devaluing the dollar per­ any practical limitations of law.” manently and establishing the parently was in sight as southern­ last minute details to express ois tion of accidents on the highways of Effective on this list, the Board of ers shivered In freezing tempera- Prealdenf's Powers stabilization fund. appreciation for the splendid co- the state, but also for obtaining a Assessors placed a general 10 per turee along the Gulf of Mexico. oi>eratlon he has received in making Discussing powers given the Chief But he will move Immediately to wealth ''f Information of great im­ cent reduction on land and build­ put the new monetary system Into In the northwest temperatures this event the success which, '’t Executive In carrying out the Na­ portance to the motor vehicles de­ effect. He has asked Secretary were moderating and it was pre­ seems certain to be. He pointed out tional recovery program, the partm ent. ings. Morgentbau, Governor Black of the dicted to be warmer for parts of the that the willingness to contribute spesLker said, “not only have we Plans Outlined Oompailsons witnessed what I believe In an un­ Federal Reserve board, George L. Central states during the day and time and services has been an im­ Plans for the employment of this Comparisons of the lists of 1982- Harrison, Governor of the New York for the east tomorrow. portant factor in facilitating ar­ constitutional attempt to extend the S3 sme as follows: 1932, dwelling Mary Plckford says that that kidnap threat In Boston doesn’t frighten powers of the Federal government "regiment” of veteraiu were out­ Federal Reserve bank. Professors T-.e Soij+*'’.9 temperatures last rangements for the bcdl. houses, $18,290,376; 1933, $16,472,- her, but just the same she’s taking no chances. Wearing a bit of a beyond the limits contemplated by lin e today by Leonard J. Maloney, George F. Warren and J., i - niglit ranjed from six above at Entertalninemt Program Federal director of veteran- em­ 038; barns, sh e^ etc., 1982, $1,755,- vey Rogers, monetary experts, and A program of entertainment tor worried look, America’s sweetheart here Is shown ais she arrived In the basic law, but the exercise of Nashville and Richmond to 62 at New York guarded by private detectives. Further precautions were ployment Mr. Maloney pointed out 041; 1933, $1,566,923; house and Herman OUphant, counsel to the Key West, Fla. Miami’s low was early arrivals will be presented from enormously expanded authority has buUdtog lots, 1932, $9,112,194; 1933, taken at her hotel suite, where speciELl locks were Installed on all the been vested in the hands of a single that in the effort to find employ­ Treasury, to meet with him Immedi­ 62, Tampa's 34, Titusville 34 and 8 to 8:30 o’clock, followed by a half $8,206,933; commerctol buildings, doors. The report that Miss Pickrard was being “trailed” by a mysteri­ individual, so that the citizen Is de­ ment for war veterans great c' 1- ately after the signing of the bill. ■ Jacksm iville 29. hour concert by Collin Driggs and 1982, $2,780,066; 1933, $2,482,766; First Objective ous couple preceded the opening of her vaudeville engagement In Brooklyn. prived not only of protection of the culty was experienced to obtaining The weatherman reported lows of his orchestra. The grand march positions foi the so-called “white mins, manufactories, 1932, $8,921,- The first objective is getting the 27 at New Orleans, 24 at Mobile, 11 will start promptly at 9 o’clock wltn fundamental law but is subjected to Natkmal gold supply Into control of arbitrary executive action freed collar” Workers, who to the past had 818; 1988, $8,274,054; lands, 1982, at Memphis, 10 at Birmingham, 7 at dancing imtil 1 o’clock tomorrow $1,197,(82; 1938. $1,021,920. the Treamiry. It will be kept In morning. During the course of the from the restrictions of legislative Chattanooga, 8 at Charlotte and 9 (Conttoned on Page Six) Horses and mules, etc., 1982, $22,- bullion form as a basis for currency at Atlanta. evening, a huge birthday cake will control.” issues. be auctioned off by Robert M. Reid. Crltldiee the NRA 000; 1933, $22,276; neat cattle, 1932, When this operation has been ar­ In Chicago RUSSIANS REACH 67,585 $28,e|S0; 1M8, $30,240; sheep goatas, The NRA, be commented, has In Caiicago, apparently hardest At 11:20 o’clock, the dancers wlU ranged, the President will issue a hear President Roosevdt’s radio much to eommemi It as long as it etc., 1932, $8;787: 1988, |8,94 ; au- proclamation fixing definitely the hit of the country’s big cities, seven message of thanks, broa<feut over a dlniinates. “unfair, . and uasound DALADIER FORMS tomobUes, tz^kA 1982, 11^481; new value of the dollar in tenns of death! had been attributed to the prastieem and m m oisk sound iS«- 1988. $851,018; andjMMBy, cold snap u d aome 18,484 bomeleae nntlozial hookup. FEET IN BALLOON HOP gold. This value will be between SO valipaaent’*’ of Industrtw ^fktlonal in' ld82, 426,078; im "^36;635; fhmi- A m ..ocking’^reilef from ‘'T ' Treldw* scope. But, he added, “this is some­ tore and libraries,. 1982, $866,13,2; (Continued on Page Six) zero, had been driven into shelters thing very different from the whole­ FRENCn CABINET 1983, $322,811; farming tools and operated by the Illinoia ReUef Com­ sale attempt to reorganize industry toatruments. 1932, $41,741; 1988, mission. E X P ia THOUSANDS Crew Reports Temperature CALLS HITLERISM and business by substituting detailed $36,080; farm produce, 1932, $ ^ ; Elsewhere, there were a few addi­ bureaucratic control in place of 1933, nothing; goods of manufac­ DRIVE CONTINUED tions to the list of persons whose reg^ulated individual control.” Composed Mainly of Veteran turers >ind merchants, 1982, $2>* deaths were blamed on the cold.
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