I I T PROVISII)NALATLAS I I OFTHE T MAMMALS I OFTHE BRITISH ISLES I I I Edited for the MammalSociety by I Henry R.ARNOLD I I NaturalEnvironment Research Council, The Instituteof TerrestrialEcology, t MonksWood Experimental Station, AbbotsRipton, I Huntingdon, T I 1978 I f,3.00 rsBN 0-9042A2-19-a I Producedby the Biological RecordsCentre, Institute of Te.rBstrialEcology under contract to the Nature ConservancyCouncil Copyright tsBN0.004282.19€ I INTRODUCTION In 1965the MammalSociety began the collectionof mammaldistribution records on a 10 km. squarebasis. The recordingscheme was co-ord inated by Dr G B Corbetat the British Museumof I Nitural History. In 1971a setof provisionaldistribution maps was published in MammalRetuiew (Corbet1971)io providea statementof distributionas then knownand to stimulatefurther recording I by showingiust how muchremained to be done. The dataused to producethe 1971maps have been transferred to MonksWood and will be entered into the BiologicalRecords Centre national data bank. The presentset of mapshas been prepared as a secondprogress report and a furtherstimulus to recording.The mapsare stillvery muchprovisional, I particularlythose of the smallermammals. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I My primedebt is to Dr G B Corbet,who laid the foundationsfor this setof mapswith the work he did on the fifst ten yearsof the Survey, lam alsograteful tothe many recorders,both within andwithoutthe MammalSociety, who have continued to sendin records. I havealso receivedinvaluable assistance from the organisersof specialsurveys and the I Group referees:-Dr S Harris(Harvest Mice), Dr P Chanin(Otters), Miss E Hurrell(Dormice), M Clarke(Deer), R W Vaughan(Seals), E D Clementsand MissFarquharson (Badgers), and Dr R E Stebbings(Bats). I alsowish to thankthe followingCounty Recorderswho haveplayed a maiorpart in improvingthe Distribution Maps:- D Anderson,G H Ballantyne,M Clark,M rs P Copson,DrJ A Ginson,G Halfpenny,D Hanson,JI Harris,C Howes,M Johnson,P Kinnear, t D R Saunders,Mrs S C Spence,Dr F A Turk. D Whiteleyand Dr D W Yalden. lamalsogratefulto membersof staffat I MonksWood for their supportand to MissSheridan Dobbs for preparingthe captions. I I I I I I I I I I 1. 1. Macropusrufogfiseus (Fed-necked Wallaby) Introducedin 1908(Sussex) and 1936(peak District) I 2. Erinaceuseuropaeus (Hedgehog) Mostsmall island populations are probably due to introductions. I Soay(Skye) 1973 Holy lslandlAnglesey) 1966 Bute 1960-74 GreatCumbrae 1968 I '1967. Horselsland (Ayrshire) Foundfreshly dead, possibly brought by bird of prey. Hilbre(Cheshire) 1958 Flotta 1974 I Burray1969 '1965 Hoy int. and 1969 Wyreint. 1964(1971) I Egilsayint. 1950(1973) '1969 Trondra Foulaint. 1930s{1971) Vementry I Mainlandint. 1860(1973) Yellint. c.1940 (1972) Fetlarint. 1940s(1972) T Unst int, before1958 Possib Ie i nt rod u ct io ns EastBurra before 1892 WestBurra before 1892 I MuckleRoe before1950 Bressayc.1950 Whalsayc.1950 I Lihou (Channellslands) 197'1. Skull found. Talpa europaea lMolel Recordedfrom the following islandsnot shown clearly on the map: t Ristol(Ross) 1965 Cardigan1969 Holy lsland(Anglesey) 1969 Bute 1960-74 I Creinchand lnchfad{Loch Lomond)1969 Walney1970 I 4. Sorexanneus l0ommon Shrew) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Ramsey1967 Skomer1966 I Gigha1922 Sandagroup 1960.74 (recent accidentalintroduction) Davaar1960-74 Ulva 1968 I Eigg1963 Shuna1964 Scarba1963 I Luing 1963 Lismore1964 Soay 1965 Raasay1958 I Scalpay1965 South Rona1958 I I 2. I I Bardsey1964 Bute 1960-74 GreatCumbrae 1960-74 '1964 Torrinch (Loch Lomond) I Inchcailloch(Loch Lomond)1964 Clairinsh(Loch Lomond)1964 EileanMor (EnardBay) 1967 EileanMor (LochSionascaig) 1967 I Brownsea1965 Sorex minutus (Pygmy Shrew) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: I Barra1959 )Komertvlu Gigha1922 I Sandagroup 1960-74 Davaar1960-74 lona 1968 JCATDA I YOJ I Lismore1964 Canna1936 Soay 1965 Raasay1957 I Pabay1965 Scalpay1965 Calfof Man 1966 I AilsaCraig 1960-74 Holy lsland(Arran) 1960-74 Bute 1960-74 Inchmarnock1960-74 I Little Cumbrae1960-74 GreatCumbrae 1960-74 Brownsea1960 Flotta 1966 I Burray1975 Graemsay1973 I Hoim of Grimbister1972 Neomys fodiens (WaterShrew) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Shuna1964 I Raasay1949 Pabay1965 Ristol(Ross) 1965 Pladda1925 (now extinct) I Bute 1960-74 Great Cumbrae 1900-59 I Hoy 1964 (Sight) Rhinolophus ferrumequinum lGreater Horseshoe Bat) I 8. Rhinolophushipposrderos (Lesser Horseshoe Bat) L Myotis mWacinus (WhiskeredBat) This mapand the one followingshow only thoserecords which havebeen I critically examinedto distinguishbtween mystacinusand brandti. 10. Myotis brandti (Brandt's Bat) I I I 1 1. Myotis mystacinus/bnndti Recordsof I WhiskeredBat which havenot beencritically examined. 12. Myotis nattered (Natterer'sBat) I 13. Myotis bechsteini lBechstein'sBat) 14. Myotis myotis (Mouse-earedBat) Only the Vice-Countiesin whichthis specieshas been positively I recordedare indicatedon the map. 15. Myotis daubentoni {Daubenton'sBat) I 16. Eptesicusserotinus(Serotine) 17. Nyctalus leisleri lleisler's Bat) I 18. Nyctalus noctula (Noctule Bat) 19. Piphtrelluspipistrel/us(Pipistrelle) I 20. Barbastella barbastellus (Barbastelle) I 21. Plecotusauritus (Common Long-earedBat) 22. Plecotusaustriacus (Grey Long€ared Bat) I 23. Plecotussp. (Long-earedBats) Lepus capensis(Brown Hare) Introducedto lreland on several I occasionsbut few recentrecords exist. Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Gigha1900.59 Davaar1900-59 t Luing1973 AilsaCraig pre-1900 Bute 1960-74 GreatCumbrae 1960-74 I Rousay1974 25. Lepus timidus (Mountain Harel I Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Raasaylate 1940s Butepre-'1900 Vaila 1969-74 I 26. Oryctolagus cuniculus (Ra66it) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Herm 1963 I Gugh1964 St Agnes1966 Burnt 1964 I Annet 1966 Tresco 1964 St Martins1964 Vatersay1973 I CaennEar 1973 I I I I Hearnish1969 Eriskay1974 Baleshare1974 Grimsay1974 l Ramsey1967 Skomer1970-74 Skokholm1977 T Cara1960-74 Gigha1960-74 Sandagroup 1960-74 Davaar1960-74 I Lunga(Treshnish) 1969 Ulva 1967 Shuna1964 Soay(Skye) 1972 I Raasay1967 Pabay1965 Bardsey1966 I Puffin lsland(Anglesey) 1962 Calf of Man 1968 Whithorn1974 Pladda(Ancient times) I Holy lsland(Arran) 1968 Inchmarnock1960-74 AU'€ 1960"74 Little Cumbrae1960-74 I GreatCumbrae 1960-74 Lady lsle 1960-74 Horse1965-70 t Inchfad(Loch Lomond)1969 Inveruglas(Loch Lomond)'l962 lslandlVow (Loch Lomond)1967 Handa1968 I Steepholm1968 Flatholm1952 Walney1963 Flotta 1967 I South Fara1960-70 Burray1971 Old man of Hoy 1973 I Gremsay1973 Wyre 1964 Gairsay1965 Egilsay1971 I PapaWestray 1971 Eday 1965 Copinsay1971 Burra1971 I Langa1969 GreenHolm 1969 Cheynies1969 Oxna 1969-74 I Papa1969'74 Langa1969-74 Bressay1969-74 I Noss1969. 1973 Linga1969.74 I Hascosay1969-74 I I Out Skerries1969-74 I Brownsea1963 Staple1967 InnerFarne 1968 lreland I Inishtearaght1966 Inishvickillane1966 Great Saltee 1969 I GreatBlasket 1966 Rathlin1963 CapeClear 1971 InniskeaNorth 1971 I Innishtooskert1966 lnishabro1966 DuvillaunMore 1971 GreatSkellig Rock 1964 T 27. Sciurusvulgaris (Red Squinel) Recordedon Brownsea1975 I Bute 1900-59 lreland Fota lsland1968 I Sciuruscarol inensis {Grey Squirrel) Introducedin about'1890. Recordedfrom Inchcaillochand Torrinch I in Loch Lomondin 1970 Clethrionomys glareolus(Bank Vole) I Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Ramsey1967 Skomer1966 I Ulva1968 Raasay1956 Scalpay1948 Bute 1960-74 I Torrinch(Lomond) 1964 lnchcailloch ( Lomond) 1964 Handa1968 Arran 1966-70incl. only (?failedintroduction ) I Microtus agrestis(Short-tailed Vole) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islandsi Gigha1963 I Ulva 1968 Scarba1963 Luing1963 I Lismore1964 Scalpay1965 Bute 1960-74 Great Cumbrae 1960-74 I Inchcailloch(Loch Lomond)1964 lslandin Gull Bay, LochSionascaig 1967 Hilbre 1965 I Thereis alsoa recordfor the lsleof Man in 1968from an owl pellet. No other evidenceof its presenceas a residentis available. T I I I Arvicola terrestris(Water Vole) Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Bute 1960-74 EileanGamhna 1967 I EileanCreagach 1967 Readslsland 1955 Doonfoot 1970 Hilbre1969 I Hayling1969 Apodemus syl vaticus( Long-tailedf ield mouse) I Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: Tresco1907 Skomer1965 Gigha1960-74 I lona 1968 Ulva1968 Scarba1963 Shuna1 964 I Lismore1964 Raasay1959 Ristol1965 '1966 I Calfof Man Bute 1960-74 GreatCumbrae 1960-74 EileanMor n.d. I Walney1962 Hayllns l973 Graemsay1973 Eday1965 I Copinsay1972 Sark 1955 I Herm 1959 Apademus f lavicolI i$ {Yellow-neckedf ield mouse} T 34 Micromys minutus (Harvestmouse) Mus musculus(House l\4ouse) Recordedirom the followingsmall islands: I St Agnes1964 Grimsay1969 Skokholm1977 Gisha1960.74 I Sandagroup 1900"59 lona1968 Treshnishlsles 1969 Lismore1964 I Hoiy lsland(Arran) 1900-59 Bute 1960-74 Inchmarnock1960-74 I GreatCumbrae 1960-74 Hilbre1970 Swona1972 Florta 1974 I Burray1971 Graemsay1971 I Birsay 1972 I I Holm of Grimbister1972 Wyre1971 t Egilsay1971 PapaWestray 1971 '1965 Eday t North Fara1968 Copinsay1972 lreland I Whiddy 1966 GreatSkellig Rock 1964 Bull 1966 I JO- Battusrattus (Black Rat) Also recordedfrom lle desMarchands (Channel lslands) pre-1905 37. Rattus norvegicus(Brown Rat) I Recordedfrom the followingsmall islands: St Agnes1963 St Mary's1964 Gighay1969 I Grimsay1974 Cara1900-59 Gigha1960-74 I Sandagroup 1960-74 Davaar1960-74 Lismore1964 Canna1971 I Brownsea1963 Rat lsland(Lundy) 1965 Cardigan1971-4 I Holy lsland(Anglesey) 1974 Inch Marnock1960-74 Bute 1960-74 Great Cumbrae1960-74 I Little Cumbrae1960-74 Horselsland 1900-59 Handa1964 Flotta 1974 I Graemsay1973 Holm
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