THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISIf CIRCULARyou are in any IS doubtIMPORTANT as to the AND course REQUIRES of action toYOUR be taken, IMMEDIATE you should ATTENTION. consult your stockbroker, bank manager, THISsolicitor,THIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR accountant IS IS IMPORTANT orIMPORTANT other independent AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES professional YOUR YOUR advisers IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE immediate ATTENTION. ATTENTION.ly. If youIf areyou inare any in doubtany doubt as to as the to coursethe course of action of action to be to taken, be taken, you shouldyou should consult consult your your stockbroker, stockbroker, bank bank manager, manager, solicitor,IfBursa you accountantare Malaysia in any doubt orSecurities other as independentto Berhadthe course (“Bursa professional of action Securities to beadvisers taken,”) has immediate you not should perusedly. consult the contents your stockbroker, of this Circular bank manager,in relation solicitor,tosolicitor, renewal accountant accountant of shareholders’ or or other other independent independentmandate for professional professional Recurrent advisers Relatedadvisers immediate Partyimmediate Transactionsly.ly. prior to its issuance as it is BursaBursaexempt Malaysia Malaysia document Securities Securities pursuant Berhad Berhad to (“ParBursa agraph(“Bursa Securities 2.1 Securities of the”) hasPractice”) hasnot perusednot Note perused 18 the of thecontentsthe Maincontents ofMarket this of Circularthis Listing Circular Requirementsin relationin relation to renewalBursaof Bursa Malaysia of Securities. shareholders’ Securities mandate Berhad (“ forBursa Recurrent Securities Related”) has Party not perusedTransactions the contents prior to of its this issuance Circular asin relationit is toto renewal renewal of of shareholders’ shareholders’ mandate mandate for for Recurrent Recurrent Related Related Party Party Transactions Transactions priorprior to to its its issuance issuance as as itit is is exemptexempt document document pursuant pursuant to Par to agraphParagraph 2.1 of2.1 the of Practicethe Practice Note Note 18 of 18 the of Mainthe Main Market Market Listing Listing Requirements Requirements of BursaexemptBursa Securities. documentSecurities pursuanthas only toperused Paragraph through 2.1 ofthis the CircularPractice Notein respect 18 of theof theMain new Market shareholder’ Listing Requirements mandate for ofadditionalof Bursa Bursa Securities. Securities. Recurrent Related Party Transactions on a limited review basis pursuant to the provisions of the BursaBursaPractice Securities Securities Note has18 hasofonly the onlyperused Main perused Market through through Listingthis thisCircularRequirements Circular in respect in ofrespect Bursa of the ofSecurities thenew newshareholder’. 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Bursain relianceSecurities Securities upon takes thetakes nowhole no responsibilityPracticeor any part Note for of the the18 contents ofcontents the Main of of this this Market Circular, Circular. Listing makes Requirements no representationof Bursa as to Securities its accuracy. Bursa or compl Securitieseteness takes and no responsibilityresponsibility for for the the contents contents of of this this Circular, Circular, makes makes no no representation representation as as to to its its accuracy accuracy or or compl completenesseteness and and expresslyexpressly disclaims disclaims any anyliability liability whatsoever whatsoever for any for anyloss losshowsoever howsoever arising arising from from or in or reliance in reliance upon upon the wholethe whole or anyexpressly part of disclaimsthe contents any of liability this Circular. whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole oror any any part part of of the the contents contents of of this this Circular. Circular. AIRASIA X BERHAD Company No. 200601014410 (734161-K) AIRASIAAIRASIA(Incorporated X BERHADX inBERHAD Malaysia) CompanyAIRASIA No. 200601014410 X BERHAD (734161-K) CompanyCompany No. No. 200601014410 200601014410 (734161-K) (734161-K) (Incorporated(Incorporated in Malaysia) in Malaysia) CIRCULAR(Incorporated TO SHAREHOLDERS in Malaysia) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TOSHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS CIRCULARIN RELATIONTO SHAREHOLDERS TO IN RELATIONIN RELATION TO TO PROPOSED RENEWAL OF EXISTINGIN RELATION SHAREHOLDERS TO ’ MANDATE AND NEW SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS PROPOSED RENEWAL OF EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE AND NEW PROPOSEDPROPOSEDOF A REVENUE RENEWALRENEWAL OR TRADING OFOF EXISTING NATUREEXISTING (“ SHAREHOLDERSPROPOSEDSHAREHOLDERS MANDATE”)’ ’ MANDATEMANDATE ANDAND NEWNEW SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDAT MANDATEEFORFOR RECURRENT RECURRENT RELATED RELATED PARTY PARTY TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE (“PROPOSED MANDATE”) OFOF A A REVENUE REVENUE OR OR TRADING TRADING NATURE NATURE (“ (“PROPOSEDPROPOSED MANDATE”) MANDATE”) The Proposed Mandate will be tabled as Special Business at AirAsia X Berhad’s Fourteenth Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) which will be held as a fully virtual meeting via live streaming and online remote voting from the Broadcast The TheVPropenue Proposed at osed RedQ,Mandate Mandate Jalan will Pekelilingbewill tabled be tabled as5, LapanganSpecial as Special Business Terbang Business at AntarabangsaAirAsia at AirAsia X Berhad’s X Berhad’sKuala Fourteenth Lumpur Fourteenth (kliaAnnual2),Annual 64000 General General KLIA, Meeting Selangor Meeting (“AGMTheDarul”) Prop which Ehsan,osed will MandateMalaysia be held ,willason abeTuesday fully tabled virtual ,as15 Special meetingSeptember Business via live2020 streaming atat AirAsia 10.00 andXa.m. Berhad’s onlineusing remote theFourteenth Remote votingAnnual Participationfrom theGeneral Broadcast and Meeting Voting (“(“AGMAGM”)”) which which will will be be held held as as a a fully fully virtual virtual meeting meeting via via live live streaming streaming and and online online remote remote voting votingfromfrom the the B Broadcastroadcast VenueVFacilitiesenue at RedQ, at (“RedQ,RPV Jalan”) providedJalan Pekeliling Pekeliling by Tricor5, Lapangan 5, Investor Lapangan Terbang & Issuing Terbang Antarabangsa House Antarabangsa Services Kuala Sd Kualan. Lumpur Bhd. Lumpur(“ TIIH(klia ”)2),(kliavia 640002), its 64000TIIH KLIA, Online KLIA, Selangor website Selangor at DarulVhttps://tiih.onlineenue Ehsan, at RedQ,Malaysia .JalanThe, on BroadcastPekelilingTuesday ,Venue5,15 Lapangan September is strictly Terbang 2020for theat Antarabangsapurpose 10.00 a.m. of complyingusing Kuala the Lumpur with Remote Section (klia Participation2), 327(2) 64000 of KLIA, theand Companies VotingSelangor DarulDarul Ehsan,Ehsan, MalaysiaMalaysia, ,ononTuesdayTuesday, ,1515 SeptemberSeptember 2020 2020atat 10.0010.00 a.m.a.m.usingusing the the RemoteRemote ParticipationParticipation andand VotingVoting FacilitiesFActacilities 2016 (“RPV (“andRPV”) provided shareholders”) provided by Tricor by will Tricor Investornot Investorbe allowed& Issuing & Issuingto House be Housephysic Services allyServices present Sdn. 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