TOME IV. No. 1 APRIL 193L LIBRAR INTERNATIONAL REVIEW^'-^? OF POULTRY SCIÉ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WORLD S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ^ 600^000 MEMBERS ,3. EDITOR Dr. B. J. C. TE HENNEPE ROTTERDAM (Holland) This Review is free to all members of the World's Poultry Science Association» All subscriptions should be sent to the Editor: Dr, B. J. C. te Hennepe, Rotterdam or to the Secretary- Treasurer: Dr. G, F. Heuser, Cornell University. Ithaca, N.Y„ U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS One pound or equivalent ($ 5.00) annually in advance. The personal membership of the W.P.S.A. amounts to ^ 1.0.0. 1 For afiBliated societies „ „ „ 5.0.0 ) ADVERTISEMENT RATES One page, per issue £ 2.10.0 Half page, per issue .......... 1.10.0 Special attention is called for BREEDERS' ADVERTISEMENTS which are now fixed on £ 2«^4^ per full page^ during 1 year* TOME IV. Ño. 1 APRIL 1931. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF POULTRY SCIENCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 600.000 MEMBERS EDITOR: Dr* B. J. C, TE HENNEPE ROTTERDAM (Holland) PRINTED BY G. B. 'T HOOFT - ROTTERDAM (HOLLAND) THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF POULTRY SCIENCE. The First Number of the Fourth Year. I do not think there could be a better introduction to the fourth year than the following extracts from letters and pubhca- tions recently received: ACKNOWLEDGMENT. ,,The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the »^usefulness of the excellent scientific abstracts contained in the ^,Experiment Station Record'', published by the office of experi- ,,ment stations of the United States Department of Agriculture, ,,Washington, D,C«, and the ttlnternational Review of Poultry „Science'', Rotterdam, Holland. These abstracts are so com" ttprehensivct and at the same concise, that their equal could not be „duplicated, and in some instances all or parts of some of them „were used in this publication* „John Ruel Manning, in: Fish Meal in animal ..Feeding, with Bibliography. U.S. Department „of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, Washing- „ton D.C. 1930.'^ ,,Dear Sir, „I am very glad to receive a copy of the „International „Review of Poultry Science'* the official organ of the „World's Poultry Science Association, so kindly sent by ,,you for exchange. „I am glad to keep your Journal on the exchange list „to our Indian Veterinary Journal, and have mailed this „day bij separate post, a copy of the January 1931 issue to ,,your address. „Hope you will be sending your Journal regularly* ,,With compliments," Yours faithfully, P. SRINIVASA RAO, G.M.VC. Mount Road P.O., Madras, India. „Just a line to congratulate you on the part you played „in making the World's Poultry Congress such a great III „success and also to thank you for Volume III of the ,,Inter- ,,national Review of Poultry Science'' which reached me to- ,,day. It is a publication of very great interest and exceed- ,,ing value, and has been placed in the College Library ,twhere the students and my other colleagues will have full ttaccess to it/' „With kindest regards, Believe me. Yours sincerely, Professor F. T. G. HOBDAY, Principal & Dean, Royal Veterinary College, Camden Town, London. ,,I shall take great pleasure in giving your special num- „her of the International Review of Poultry Science a „complete and thorough review in our columns in the next ,,month's issue of our journak We believe that you are doing ,ta great work in passing your constructive information on ffto the poultry industry of the world and consider it a ttprivilege to work with you at all times* ,,With all kindest regards and best wishes, we are, Yours very truly, POULTRY CRAFTSMAN. Claude A. Potter, Editor. ,,Dear Sir, „I have the honour to acknowledge with thanks the „receipt of your interesting Review no. 4. Yours faithfully, Director, Medical College, Prof. Col. FROILANO DE MELLO, Nova Goa, Portuguese India. I very much appreciated the receipt of the International Review of Poultry Science and the invaluable abstracting service in relation to poultry diseases that it offers, and shall be only too plaesed to place the name of your Journal on our regular exchange hst. We will also be pleased to further the aims of the World's Poultry Science Association by discuss- ing your aims in this Journal and drawing attention to the publication of the International Review of Poultry Science. Yours faithfully, J. C. ROSS, Editor. University of Sydney, Australia- IV ROTTERDAM, April 193L Dear Fellow-Member, I have the honour to enclose the first number of the fourth year of the International Review- From the report of the meeting held in Paris you will see that the membership oí the World's Poultry Science Association has increased considerably during recent years but I am of the opinion that the membership can still be increased considerably. I think I can rely on your support in getting new members and am therefore enclosing a form of application for membership with this number and should be greatly obliged if you would return this to me filled in with the name of a new member. At the same time I wish to draw your attention to the fact that the International Review needs the support of all members and you cannot better show your willingness to support the good work than by sending me all kinds of publications dealing with poultry, or by trying to get publishers of new books, pamphlets, or periodicals to send me copies of their pubhcations. For the sake of propaganda I am wilhng to place a number of copies of the Review at your disposal. The publication of the Review naturally calls for financial sacrifices on the part of our cash. For this reason our work will be greatly lightened if the subscriptions for 1931 are quickly paid on request. Regarding the collection of subscriptions I am consulting the Members of Council for your country and will inform you as early as possible of the results. Yours faithfully. Dr. B. J. O TE HENNEPE. V TO THE GOVERNMENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE FOURTH WORLD S POULTRY CONGRESS held in London, England, July 22-30, 1930. The World's Poultry Science Association under whose auspices the World's Poultry Congresses are held wishes to transmitt to you the following resolutions which were passed at the Final Assembly oí the Congresc ¿md approved by the Council of the World's Poultry Science Association. No. L ,,That the attention of the various Governments participating be drawn to the danger of the importation of a disease known as Pseudo-Fowl Pest, with a view to suitable measures being taken for its exclusion and control in each country/' Reference is made to an article entitled Pseudo-Fowl Pest by Dr. W. K. Picard, Veterinary Institute at Buitenzorg, Dutch East Indies, January, 1930, as abstracted in the International Review of Poultry Science, Tome II, No. 4, December, 1929, page 70. Attention is also directed to the necessity of establishing a proper quarantine of all birds returned from exhibitions, particularly from international shows. No. 2. „That it is a matter of urgent importance that each Government should include poultry statistics in each Agricultural Census taken/' It was suggested in this connection that a standard form would be desirable and that probably the International Institute of Agricul- ture at Rome might be able to furnish such questions. N04 3. ,,That all eggs, cold or gas stored in any European country be stamped with an internationally agreed mark, and that VI Steps should be taken for a meeting of authorized representatives of the European Governments concerned to be convened by the Inter- national Institute of Agriculture, Rome, as soon as possible in order to arrive at some definite agreement on the subject." No, 4, ,,That the various Government Departments and Egg- Laying Competition Committees conducting Egg-Laying Competi- tions be asked to consider the advisability of introducing the 2 oz. (56.7 grammes) standard from the commencement of the Competition/' No. 5. ,,That in subsequent World's Poultry Congresses the Governments be urged to accompany each National Exhibit by a short descriptive booklet with diagrams and statistics so as to enable comparisons to be made between the development and progress of the poultry industry in the different countries." These resolutions are submitted for your consideration and action. The World's Poultry Science Association desires to be of help in coordinating the poultry interests in the various countries and thus welcomes your suggestions and questions. Faithfully yours, Dr. GUSTAVE F. HEUSER, Secretary-Treasurer, World's Poultry Science Association, Cornell University, Ithaca, New-York, U.S.A. VII COUNCIL MEETING Paris, 14 February 1931, In consultation with the President, Mr. Kock, and the first Vice-President for Europe, Professor Castelló, a meeting of the Council was organized in Paris. In order to give the Members of the Council an opportunity to prepare for the journey I circulated the following notice in December 1930, COUNCIL MEETING. ROTTERDAM, December 1930. ,,Dear Member of Council, „After consultation with our President, Mr. Kock, and our first ,,Vice-President, Prof. Castello, it has been decided to hold a meeting in „Paris during the large International Poultry Exhibition to be held there in ,, February 1931. „I have written to our French Members of Council, Prof. Voitellier ,,and Mr. R. Caucurte, in connection with the date and place and shall ,,inform you further as soon as I receive their answers. As this meeting „will be of very great importance, however, I am sending you notice now ,,so that you will be able to make arrangements to attend. ,,The following are the preliminary points of the agenda: „1.
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