92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WATERGATE SUMMARY! PART 1 of 2 FILE NUMBER : 139-4089 e 4 a 1. _i&#39; £1- F E .1 3" -.~- 7&#39; -.+- .., r ~a TV. ,;..~r &#39;1"Kr 5; 9;; s - 1-. " I ;-q. 3-." ¢.- -- --7.!"__ &#39;7&#39;-. 5* F,* ¢__ I 3. l *7 . &#39;1&#39;3&#39;-Y-"7 2»-J? &#39; 0h&#39;B|n.nm.r:r:.?a.§".11 &#39;-&#39; &#39; M-~- *_ :&#39; ..*1 ->11 "&#39;. UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT _x -. 9.9- lb Mn. __ Kr Memorandum M M . Ann. Pin; &#39;__ &#39;.r. 5-2 -ldnin. Comp. Syn,____ 1:. ..,92..92.-_-,. In§..- nrvnn All . ,__.____ .i?__ nmseron om. t/5/r4 File! I Cg, ___ -. . Gill. lllv, /~ Hum. ___~____ . - v_;.- - FROM llhyecllon _____, 1 1:: c = 0.T. ACOBSON0% ii . ........_ .37 l w.t r sun3sc"r.~ .I ~ ,§gygfg;r =~*.&#39;._-Q; ,- M1i&#39;__I&#39;_!5.5B.CtATE.IblVESTIGATI0N.-.C - L__;;-3;: 3&#39; ,/ bPE,ANALYSlS - &#39; I f_ .6: /,_ rd;-I D..........-_ iroetu5;; y ._D: ignud aa¢~a,~~l-~. .5: Pursuant to the Director&#39;s instructionson 5/ 14/ 74for ~ .-1*. r=:.i: the Office of Planning and Evaluation OPE! to conduct a complete analysis *.-&#39;5. of the FBI&#39;s conductof the Watergate and related investigations the _. i . L, "5-JP enclosed studyhas beenprepared. TheGeneral InvestigativeDivision d 17 " V :1 »_;, 1% participated in major portions oi this study. {"1 - .12-i1 t<an ._ 1 ." =1 oi.-9&#39; In view oi the immense scope of me Watergate investigations, P. 1% it was necessary for OPE to narrow the focus of this analysis to those - :~..!.|=__ T. &#39;5,- 15: areas of the investigations which have caused critical commentary relating ..5 .. -ii.-&#39;=.-.7.I to the Bureau&#39;s performance. Therefore, the OPE staff undertook a review . _..-. of selected materials which provided a comprehensive cross section of . sf,§,~ as commentary regarding these investigations. The materials reviewed _ _V ._ included "White House Transcripts", proceedings of the Senate Watergate &#39;_._. k If . 1 |.&#39;" Committee; confirmation testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee -.1,.1} .-92 on the nomination of L. Patrick Gray IE to he FBI Director, Earl J. -. Silbert to be U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, and William D. 4 -_. .&#39;, as 2- Ruckelshaus to be Deputy Attorney General. Numerous books and articles .__ § ,; .- &#39; 11 relating to the Watergate matters were also reviewed. In addition, Inspection r as "2 reports, summary memoranda, and selected file materials were reviewed as and analyzedas tocontent. _ D Q. Enclosure/&"IZJ. <1. RECf?-84 / ---P /_. &#39;" 4 ;_ .1g - - Mr. Adams Ca1lm&#39;ian{Enc1.! Encl.! _ .},__0/£ &#39;77 7/, &#39;52 JUL23 1974&#39; > : ts, w. &#39;,&#39; 21 ., .,.. 15 ,. I. ..- - &#39;7. .-=,,&#39;__ e F :7-.92 .4__lie- i. *. .1 . -.. 92 .._&#39;I .31, Ii ,.. .1=. .-- 1. _, -is ,1?- £5. rs ._ ._-, 5&#39;X 1- ,., . :=@ 15.; . asiii will:1-_&#39; __.. it .92_ .§ -1-_.0" .1 2&#39;41!1 :5 . .., .-Q» &#39;F-92; ii *1 Q-:1 .;-,,, 11> D, a . 1:.z .1-"I ii Memorandum to The Director .- 3 RE: WATERGATE INVESTIGATION - j;F-". .;:_. T OPE ANALYSIS ka- i,}e._,._A 1: ..-92~v&#39;..i. I J1. .-&#39;0!! ,&#39; -s ._.:; After the conclusion of this review process OPE was able 1;- to define fifteen general areas of criticism which encompassed essentially -i the entire range of responsible public commentary on the Bureau&#39;s , is ,.»:- . is II- involvement in the Watergate matters. These fifteen areas of criticism ii are as follows: ,. :5. -I. _. 5 if. A 1. miewing John Dean te sit in on interviews of White Heuse L._. E personnel; submitting copies and/or reports of the FBI 3 3.. K investigative results to Dean, and clearing proposed investi- 1:. 1 gative activity through Dean. _.92_gg _. _. eI-fr1. =:- 3 2. Failure to interview all CRP employees re Watergate; 1..iii delay in reviewing CRP files; CRP attorneys sitting in J1: ti? on FBI interview of CRP employees, and CRP attorneys -2 ing access te FBI file material. 1 I = u . R » . 3. Delay and/or failure to obtain accessto and account for contents of Howard Hunt&#39;s desk and safe at the White House. I ,. 4. Failure to fully explore all possible ramifications of Q Watergate matter with subjects, suspects and potential 15 . Aw~ . material witnesses. Jr ::&#39; .l; F. L I2 ___ i __ _ Y-1% &#39;,1 0 1} 1 &#39; 3 ;* .3-v Memorandum to The Director be4- 92&#39; RE: WATERGATE INVESTIGATION - r OPE ANALYSIS 1 3 "Iv 5.- ti, L- 8. Alleged failure to detect and remove "bug" from the .1~;1. &#39; telephone of Spencer Oliver in the Democratic National -igi Committee Headquarters. .. - . r$a~. .-~ -.3 _ :9-I,1 =;.r-. 9. Failm&#39;epromptly to and thoroughly investigate alleged 2&#39;-.4! - ;&#39; &#39;- .r election law violations by Segretti and others associated *;-.<=- with CRP or the White House. -&#39;:&#39;it =r,_&#39;. &#39;-_. 1,"-z . -2. :&#39; . 2. J11 "-.3 10 Alleged activities by former Acting Director Gray to limit, Ii:_. : g .3 1 contain or obstruct FBI investigation of Watergate matter. K ; - . _:~_&#39; 92..571_- 11 . 3" Alleged leaks of Watergate investigative results to news - .,:H media, Congress or other unauthorized parties by Bureau _.»_>_I personnel. .1! &#39;;T_ &#39;¥&#39;-11.2" 2"; 1:; =1. 1- -"Tr 12 Failure to interview or inadequacy of interview with certain ..,1: . .»; =3! 1.2 White House officials Haldeman, Colson, Chapin, et cetera!. l;~-.i Hi . 1 ; 111 92 1- 11- I more I I A- II pl. 1 u 13 Alleged activities on part 01 uepartment OI Jl1St1ce OI11C13.lS ., >-_. .. 1?,-2;:. q. _ J to limit, contain, or obstruct FBI investigation Kleindienst, 1-2.-:5 &#39; _ag = -- Petersen, Silbert, et cetera!. .;"." T--:» v. 41 ..; 14 l A ¥ Alleged attempt by CIA officials to interfere, contain or 922§T7 impede FBI Watergate investigation. Ei .~*2 s .- T: 15 Alleged activities on part of White House officials to limit, *..r.:.1 =&#39; contain or obstruct FBI Watergate investigation. Dean, E Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Colson, et cetera!. i. General Investigative Division was f1.u&#39;nished15 areasthe of criticism along with references as to origin and was requested to provide Fain OPE with the following: .%, ,> F5 . 5; r -- .- .-.»._-; t -- __-= .»q.~ ..,r4,. re -3- CONTINUED - OVER It x &#39;_2&=t ;._-.. .&#39;-11- . _.; - .&#39;-.1 L 4; J, = ii AV -t. -.1 v.-, a-.., _,... - Q 5 " ; &#39;";¥~_2. t it .":.-&#39;i .7.. t . a 1 M &#39;1i ., . < it - ->.-2 fa 92 ~ &#39;. .1"? 1 _;;== Memorandum to The Director 2» ? RE: WATERGATE INVESTIGATION - "E" T5 OPE ANALYSIS &#39;=:1&#39;.11= ?-- " -I} £3.l ,. -,5.. ~&#39;1-_92&#39; . ..&#39; i-A. ! A brief summary of the investigative activity conducted It 0 which gave rise to the criticism. 3 , ! General Investigative Division&#39;sappraisal of the validity of the criticism and how it might have been avoided. _:~;I Any changes of policy that have re &#39;* &#39;" "" criticism. £5, &#39; =5 Hi .. I v. :32-1= iii p- 46:1~i ii &#39;5, . 1 1.. &#39;1 ,._-&#39; ¢&#39;_."¢2;§H .,: *1? - 11""1% &#39;,-:13&#39;39: : Q1; &#39;3, ._ .-&#39;=, -- -3 &#39; at! - .-1 -J._. -q. 5 K11 ! General Investigative Division&#39;sinstructions brief summary! is to the field relating to any of the above cited matters. oz 2% , ! Citations to file materials and communications which sub- 2; so: stantiate the Bureau&#39;s positionin each of the areas mentioned . w &#39;J91- 5.-1&#39;: above. _- :- ~I-" 5 £3 .»_-F After receipt of General Investigative Division&#39;sinformation .v-I.H _I¢_==1- :iféI._&#39;_ . 4.1; set forth in Section IV of the study!, the position of the Bureau in regard to . .1?I _-p each area of criticism was analyzed by OPE and where indicated original file materials were reviewed. The results of the overall OPE analysis iv are set forth in Section V of the study. n_ 1* *- I- . 1 Ii &#39; .L,-- --,-es 1! is-. "K vs; 1- . I|4_ . .1 _» ~,_. 2. S -._g 1 _ -._ ..-s Memorandum to The Director RE: WATERGATE INVESTIGATION - ... _ .. ,-. ,I. OPE ANALYSIS &#39;7*l ;_.~s~1- 92.*_ L .&#39;_ . DE: if-T that the actions of former Attorney Generals Mitchell and Kleindienst __.1::&#39; served to thwart and/or impede the Bureau&#39;s investigativeeffort. The A s", actions of Jolm W. Dean at the White House and J eb S. Magruder at the Committee to Re-Elect the President were purposefully designed to mis- __ii A _ -. 1 ;g-&#39; lead and thwart the Bureau&#39;s legitimateline of inquiry. At every stage -P -&#39;: Y-&#39;- &#39;~.- .1 e of the investigation there were contrived covers placed in order to mislead "_--=&#39;-_- -r.-. 5*&#39; -I the investigators. "_¢&#39;-T ~ "l .*.-_&#39;,--P {E-&#39; .5 &#39;53&#39; &#39;1 In spite of the most serious impediments posed in this 2 investigation, the professional approach used by the Bureau and the Q! 11,] . ,_ perseverance of our investigative personnel were the ultimate key to the %..-- -&#39;&#39; --;~=: ,_.,.
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