YouYou gonnagonna’’ taketake me?me? YouYou’’llll needneed aa fu*#ingfu*#ing armyarmy ifif youyou gonnagonna’’ taketake me!me! GangsterGangster andand WesternWestern GenreGenre FilmsFilms forfor PublicPublic LibrariesLibraries PresentedPresented byby CharlesCharles BurkartBurkart MediaMedia BibliographerBibliographer WestWest VirginiaVirginia UniversityUniversity [email protected]@wvu.edu HistoryHistory ofof HollywoodHollywood GangsterGangster FilmsFilms oo The dark side of the American Dream. oo Illegal quest for wealth, fame, happiness. oo Gangsters born from Prohibition, the 18th Amendment and the banning of Alcohol. oo Great Depression (1929-1945) made crime and bootlegging a way out of poverty. oo Gangsters became romantic heroes in the popular imagination oo Hollywood drew on historical gangsters for movie inspiration. LittleLittle CaesarCaesar (1930)(1930) DirectedDirected byby MervynMervyn LeRoyLeRoy oo BasedBased onon AlAl CaponeCapone andand SamSam CardinellaCardinella oo RiseRise andand fallfall ofof ItalianItalian AmericanAmerican gangstergangster RicoRico BandelloBandello oo NoNo ItalianItalian--AmericansAmericans amongamong thethe castcast ofof LittleLittle CaesarCaesar oo NoNo mentionmention ofof MafiaMafia oror CosaCosa NostraNostra oo StartStart ofof EdwardEdward G.G. RobinsonRobinson’’ss gangstergangster rolesroles oo BeginningBeginning ofof gangstergangster clichescliches andand stockstock characters,characters, banquets,banquets, costlycostly funerals,funerals, finalfinal shootout,shootout, famousfamous lastlast words.words. PublicPublic EnemyEnemy (1931)(1931) DirectedDirected byby WilliamWilliam WellmanWellman oo IrishIrish--AmericanAmerican TomTom PowersPowers riserise fromfrom smallsmall towntown hoodlumhoodlum toto bootleggerbootlegger crimecrime boss.boss. oo MadeMade JimmyJimmy CagneyCagney aa toughtough guyguy iconicon andand popularpopular moviemovie star.star. oo UsesUses unusualunusual cameracamera anglesangles andand stylishstylish CinematoCinematoggraphyraphy thatthat influencedinfluenced ““FilmFilm NoirNoir”” gangstergangster filmsfilms ofof thethe fortiesforties andand fifties.fifties. oo ScenesScenes havehave becomebecome culturalcultural icons:icons: grapefruitgrapefruit scenescene withwith MaeMae Clarke,Clarke, CagneyCagney’’ss shootoutshootout inin thethe rain,rain, FinalFinal ““takentaken forfor aa rideride”” scene.scene. Scarface:Scarface: ShameShame ofof aa NationNation (1932)(1932) DirectedDirected byby HowardHoward HawksHawks oo Loosely based on career of Al Capone. oo Gangster, Tony Camonte seizes control of the rackets by violence and intimidation only to fall victim to an incestuous love for his sister. oo Starred Paul Muni who was not subsequently type-casted as a gangster. oo Scarface was thought to glamorize gangsters, which lead to the Hays Production Code. oo Was remake again in 1983 with Al Pacino as Tony Montana. This film reached new levels of violence and profanity. HaysHays ProductionProduction CodeCode o WasWas aa setset ofof HollywoodHollywood IndustryIndustry guidelinesguidelines governinggoverning thethe productionproduction ofof motionmotion pictures.pictures. oo WasWas enactedenacted toto silencesilence chargescharges ofof indecencyindecency inin motionmotion pictures.pictures. oo PutPut specificspecific restrictionsrestrictions onon nudity,nudity, suggestivesuggestive dancing,dancing, ridiculeridicule ofof religion,religion, illustrationillustration ofof methodsmethods ofof crime,crime, referencesreferences toto sexsex perversion,perversion, offensiveoffensive language,language, andand miscegenation.miscegenation. oo HaysHays codecode waswas abandonedabandoned inin 1967.1967. AngelsAngels withwith DirtyDirty FacesFaces (1939)(1939) DirectedDirected byby MichaelMichael CurtizCurtiz oo HollywoodHollywood’’ss reactionreaction toto thethe HaysHays ProductionProduction Code.Code. oo ““CainCain andand AbelAbel”” gangstergangster film.film. oo PatPat OO’’BrienBrien playsplays FatherFather JerryJerry Connelly,Connelly, RockyRocky SullivanSullivan’’ss (Jimmy(Jimmy CaCaggney)ney) reformedreformed boyhoodboyhood friendfriend whowho makesmakes himhim redeemredeem himselfhimself byby savingsaving thethe troubledtroubled youthyouth atat thethe endend ofof thethe melodramamelodrama oo MovieMovie mustmust bebe mademade toto showshow thatthat crimecrime doesndoesn’’tt paypay oo AppearanceAppearance ofof thethe ““DeanDean EndEnd KidsKids”” whowho laterlater becamebecame thethe BoweryBowery Boys.Boys. RoaringRoaring TwentiesTwenties (1939)(1939) DirectedDirected byby RaoulRaoul WalshWalsh oo AnotherAnother ““CainCain andand AbelAbel”” typetype gangstergangster film.film. oo ThreeThree worldworld warwar II veteransveterans (Cagney,(Cagney, Bogart,Bogart, McHugh)McHugh) turnturn toto aa lifelife ofof crimecrime duringduring prohibition.prohibition. oo ToughTough guyguy gangstergangster EddieEddie BartlettBartlett (Cagney)(Cagney) triestries toto gogo legitlegit byby runningrunning taxitaxi cabscabs butbut thethe DepressionDepression andand unrequitedunrequited lovelove forfor aa nightnight clubclub singersinger dodo himhim in.in. oo SecondSecond CagneyCagney moviemovie wherewhere BogartBogart playsplays aa villain.villain. FilmFilm NoirNoir oo AA term unknown to contemporary post World War II directors and actors. oo “Black film” with cynical, world weary protagonists, and women of questionable virtue that operate outside of society and thethe law. Frequently these films feature hard boiled detectives. oo film diagonals, other unusual camera angles, limited light and dark shadows are used to reflect the emotional states of the Film Noir’s protagonists. oo film techniques that evolved from German Expressionism and prewar French films. KeyKey LargoLargo (1948)(1948) DirectedDirected byby JohnJohn HustonHuston ooRobinson returns as gangster Johnny Rocco, an ex-patriot Midwestern gangster, who tries to make a comeback off the Florida keys. oo Bogart is the veteran hero paired with wife Loren Bacall. oo Claire Trevor won the best supporting actress Oscar as Rocco's alcoholic ex-lover Gaye Dawn.. oo brooding “Film Noir” atmosphere with claustrophobic hotel sets, and scenes. WhiteWhite HeatHeat (1949)(1949) DirectedDirected byby RaoulRaoul WalshWalsh oo James Cagney plays Cody Jarrett, a mother fixated, psychotic rural gangster who is betrayed by a government informer. oo Black and white “Film Noir” cinematography with dark shadows, diagonal compositions, grainy fast film. oo Post war Freudian psychology influenced the screenplay. oo Combines elements from the caper film and famous rural gangsters: Ma Barker, Dillinger, and Bonnie and Clyde. OnOn thethe WaterfrontWaterfront (1954)(1954) DirectedDirected byby EliaElia KazanKazan ooEx prizefighter Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) must choose between his love for Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint) and his allegiance to corrupt gangster union boss, Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). oo Elia Kazan made the film as an allegory for standing up to communist corruption. oo Classic film score written by Leonard Bernstein oo “Film Noir” preoccupation with cynicism, corruption and the seamy side of life. oo Many memorable scenes which include “I could have been a contender” scene with Charlie the Gent (Rod Steiger) GodfatherGodfather FilmsFilms (1972,(1972, 1974,1974, 1990)1990) DirectedDirected byby FrancesFrances FordFord CoppolaCoppola o Based on the novel and screenplays of Mario Puzo o Considered the definite Mafia family movies. o Godfather won three academy awards, including best picture. Godfather II was the only sequel to win an academy award. o Godfather II consists of two parallel story lines with flashbacks between the two. One story concerns Michael Corleone’s expanding Las Vegas empire while the other concerns the early years of Vito Corleone’s founding of his mafia family. o Godfather III was by all accounts the weakest of the Godfather films. The movie is set in 1979 and is focused on an aging Michael Corleone who is trying to go legitimate but is involved in Vatican scandals. ScarfaceScarface (1983)(1983) DirectedDirected byby BrianBrian DePalmaDePalma o Violent remake of Howard Hawk’s 1932 classic o Al Pacino stars as Tony Montana, a Marielito Cuban immigrant who murders his way to becoming a major Miami drug kingpin. o Scarface reflected America’s changing ethnic composition with Hispanic gangsters and drug dealers from Latin America replacing Italian-Americans. Movie’s success helped influence Michael Mann’s Miami Vice. oScarface broke new ground for foul language and ultra violence. o Brian DePalma teamed up with Pacino again to depict Hispanic gangster’s in Carlito’s Way. GoodfellasGoodfellas (1990)(1990) DirectedDirected byby MartinMartin ScorseseScorsese o Based on the memoirs of real life gangster Henry Hill, Goodfellas is known for it uncompromising realism and honest depiction of blue collar gangsters. o Scorsese follows the decades long criminal apprenticeship of Henry Hill and his gangster associates Tommy DeVito and Jimmy Conway. o The musical soundtrack follows the decades through popular songs. o Scorsese’s mother appears as the mother of Tommy Devito in Goodfellas. CasinoCasino (1995)(1995) DirectedDirected byby MartinMartin ScorseseScorsese o Based on the career of mobster Frank Lefty Rosenthal, Casino depicts Las Vegas in the 1970s and 1980s. o Mobsters Ace Rothstein and Nicky Santoro operate the mob controlled Tangier casino. Adultery and greed lead to the destruction of their personal lives. o Casino depicts the Janus-like
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