JUNE 24, 1944 ~~ Idi ..' Second / ~ity Party unON CALENDAR Rain PROCESSED F eODS blue stamps A8 throu,h VI valid Indo'l· ise," the secolld olltl¥; MEAT I'ed , tamp. Ae throu,h WI valid Indefinitely; SUGAR ty of the suni. otamp 30. 31 (book 4) valid indefinitely, ltamp to for cannln, JU,ar DAlLY' IOWAN IOWA: Fair, ~r ..plre . Feb. 28. 1945; SHOE stamp. airplane stamp. 1 and • (book ! held next Sat I) vaUd Incl eflnltely; GASOLINE A-II ooupon expire. luna U: fUlL OIL per. 4 ancl ~ oou ponl expire Sept. 30. III p. m. In ~ Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper ~ain lounge Of =a t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1944 VOLUME XIJV • NUMBER 231 ,veil band WlU mal dance. e party incluQfI POPE RECEIVES GENERAL CLARK A4 of MarlOl\' ng, A3 of lOW; Wanslck, E3 Of .nn. Tickets W\IJ y at Iowa Union IcNeal Costs I !al, 29, of Rack $500 and costs Last Major Barrier At a Glance- Flying-Bomb Ramps yesterday br Evans. McNe.!1 Expand Wedge charges of iI. IJ 0 Vital Hengyang AHacked by U. S., In of intoxicat. Toda.y's defendant paid I Smashed by Nippons I RAF Heavy Bombers 'In Nazi Lines vhisky and tlliO ----- ---- ich were taken Chinese Fear Enemy Iowan Robots Cause Some ven by McNeal British Coast Forces local hospita ls, Will Use Changsha * * * Damage in England Stop German Attempt Ire not accepted, Type of Encirclement Chefbourl'- United States shock After IS-Hour Lull To Flee by Sea nfiscate them. troops within 1,000 yards ot ---- dri ven by Me. city southern llmits. CHUNGKING (AP)-The last SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, PllE.1E by Karol O. major barrier in the swift Jap­ Allied Exp dltionary Force, Sun­ t Island, will bt R U I • I • - Two new break­ TER, Allied anese march on vital Hengyane day (AP)-RAF heavy bombers !aring to be held throughs in W h it e Russia Fore, Sunday n., according to apparently has fallen, and there tighten pincers on Vitebsk. thundered out over the southeast ' wete indications that the enemy COtlst of England tlrty today in I In the custody of in this drive would employ en­ Aerial Att&ck- Heavy bombers thp tilth large-scale alU d aerial I miEsion in 24 hours with the Ger­ ; Gard appean circlemen t tactics against the ot the United States airforce Ild shows callie J,IEUT. GEN. I\[ ARK: W. CLARK, (center) commander 01 allied forces In Italy, with members of and the RAF blast robot bomb mans' flyinll-bomb I' amp s in Ie should not bt staff, British and French officers leaves the Vatican after a recent audience with Pope Plus. At ~~: Hengyang rail junction similar to nests. northern France thelr apparent will be enlere4 ri&'ht Is a Vatican official. those which brought about the objective. over by author!. If all of Changsha, the Chinese high Italy- Fresh German infantry The RAF attack was made as . Ic ommand Intimated last night. and air units fail to hold back the robot bombs tell again on Bri­ e A communique placed the Firth army northwest of Rome. tain stter a 15-hour lull. fighting now fou r and one-half Both U. S. and RAF heavies :inale miles below Hengshan, the last made attacks Saturday afternoon Five More Ja 5 hI 5 I Hunan province stronghold north and nieht aeainst the launchlnll P P. of Henl\yang and slightly more Red Armies Close ramps ot the Nazi flyln« bombs. FlR T It Gym than 20 miles above that Japan- Some c sualties and damage in suburb ese objective whose tall, the Chin- Pincers on Vitebsk, southern Enlland was reported Alber' Waraer, 31, 01 Albany, ,roy e caused by th attacks of the tly­ N. Y. Clark ~e, INS correspon­ 'lea n students of \ ese have admitted readily, would panded 5 have grave implications, and ing bombs early today. dent, told how Warner was pre­ :I the c<l\\ei.~ ~ t De d crack d German 72 The big planes jammed the sky­ sented an Amerlc:a.n II.. by a Planes would go far toward accomplish- Encirclement Near :sion faculty allll ways at sunset tor their 10th at­ Fruch woman who ,had ma.de It fierce resist nce. r-American con. -------------------------- ment of the enemy effort to split tack on the mysterious, camou­ ror the flrst America. ahe ..w , S~IUI of DemoraUlllUon re invited to \he - NI"ml"tz Reports Aerl"al China in two and prepare against Cut Last Remaining flaged rocket ramps around Cal­ but It had onl, 48 slars. French Ie to be held Republicans- the eventualitY of American land- The new American penetration liberators Destroy f ings on the China coast. Railway, Liberate ais. They also hit a number of women allo I'ave bJm wine. 30 until 10:31 railway switchlns station around occurred early last nlihl, said ymnasium. The J apanese were drivlnll Strl"kes Over Iwo fiercely down both sides of the Over 900 Localities Boulogne. Whitehead's dispatch which was South Amer!· Damage 22 Japanese Two separate formations of fll d at 8 p. m. (I p. m. central and dances will Canton - Ha nkow railway. Col­ Storm umns of toe eastern bank ot the LONDON, Sunday ( AP)-Two American Fortresses and Libera­ Fifth Army Overruns war Ume) . There also were 10m ,merican evenl!, Craft in Yap AHack Task Force Loses Siang river were engaged by the mighty Red armies aTe closing tors, escorL d by Thunderbolts, Ilgnl of nemy demoralization, h Five U. S, Fighters, defenders at Leichishih, arid fa r­ pincers trom the north and south 'Mustanes and Lillhtnings, raided Roccastrada in Italy had laid In an .arUer report. the conlin nt yesterday morning HeadQu rt r. communiQu No. ther ellst about 12 miles southeast on Vltebsk in White Russia and 1,500-Ton Freighter, Chicago Hits 1'2 Jap Planes of Hengshan. Bloody fighting was and afternoon. 38 I ued at 1I :30 p. m., told of Two Smaller Vessels proceeding in these areas. the German-fortified town al- Th total sorties !lown dUring Liberator Force Hits steady proere a on a semi-circular * * * U. S. PAC 1 F 0 FLEET To the west of the Siang river, ready is th.reatened with encircle­ the dayllght was easily in th Ploesti Oil Fields; (ront around the city ond .ald Fired in Banda Sea CHICAGO (AP) - Republican HEADQUARTE RS, Pearl Har. heavy fighting railed on a front ment, Moscow said early !odIlY. thousands but it 1s doubtful this "Each link In the chain of de­ leglons storifled d hicago last- night bor (AP )-Tbe sinking of five stretching {rom point!f south at More than 5,500 Germans were was near the r cord operations. AHacks Oltu' Bridge renst's Is belni systematically de­ ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- for their fltst war-time conven- addi tional Japanese sbips and Siangton to west of Siangsiang. Harasslne communIcations trom siroyed." I killed in this area as Soviet in- ~~~)RSin ~e:i~~;eS~~ik~U ~t tion since 1864 amid increasing destruction of 72 enemy planes This line, with its western anchor Ch rbouri far inland, the Ninth ROME (AP) - The Germans The bulletin sold the Americans fa ntry fought Its way forward airforce rishters alone mad e hurled [resh armor and their air were less than Iwo mlles from the Yap-northernmost target of the ' talk of a "hands across the na- by American carrier bomers about 50 miles north o ~ Heng- with the massed Bupport of artil- more than 600 individual atlacks 13th airforce--Liberator bombers tion" ticket headed by Gov. and fighters was reported yes- yang, e~ te n ds about 75 miles east force Into the battle of Italy yes- heart of the city, but this vers on .·W to a pomt south of the Japanese- lery and aircraft, the Russians as- before 6 p. Ill. when planes sUll was outdated by late reports dl­ destroyed or damaged 22 Japanese Thomas E. Dewey of New York te.r d~y by Ad m. ChesteJ . captured city of Lillng. The Chin- serted. were streaming out. At a cost ot terday, but French elements of rect from the field, aircraft on the ground, headquar- and Gov. Earl Warren of Califor- NImItz. ., . ese COllll1\unique said there were In closing In around the NaZi three fighters they knocked down the Fifth army thrust on through French Edect Entry ters announced today. ni a. The admlral s commuUlque litUe positional changes in these fo rtress, Hitler's closest remaining two Germans. the mountains to the south bank A French clvili n who reached The communique made no men- After nearly a week's prelim- said a speedy Yank task force sectors. outpost to Moscow, Red troops Altogether the RAF fighter­ of the Ombrone river at 0 point American Un s said Cherbourg'. tion of Japanese interception when inal'ies, the rank and me of dele- sent its planes against J apanese While the Japanese to the south made two new break-throughs in bombers downed 19 enemy planes about 115 mlles northwest of r maining clvillans had hidden th e bombers made their second gates and campaigners poured in. island strongholds within 800 were advancing southward from Nazi defenses to the south, ad- at a loss of :five. Rome. Iwine and champagne with which land-based assaul t J une 22 on Yap. Dewey partisans such as former miles of Tokyo in a series of IHen gshan directly agai nst Heng­ vanced forward up to 25 miles in Marauders and Havocs also In this advance, the Fifth army I to celebrate the Americans' ex­ southwestern flank of the Mari- Gov.
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