‘r f MONDAY, JULY 26, 1966 A t c i m Dally Net Preas R im Tha eAOB EIGHTEEN wot Um week Ended WMtlMr iianctf^Bt^r lEuftting l|walh M y M, law Fere east- af V. •• WsaMw MMM •*Pwra Ms By," trcrni tlw raowts Mrs. Oharlotta Gray of 81 Oloady, sOM tanigfet, Istr M* "Fathwr Ooom”; and ’’Coat o< 1 3 , 7 0 0 Hilltop Dr., teacher of piano FLETOHER OLASS 00■ OF MANCHES n iB Wi partly sn ay tnmiwete. Mgk About Town Guard Band Atma." __ Member at the AodH ilattrifTHtTr ituptttng UTralu and Mngln^ will leave tomor­ Also 'Tfutmaggem," "Tiurss Buieeu of droolstioa sear ro. row for Dartmouth Oollege, Basasa," "Brighton Baaoh," Hi* MuMlM«t«r Summ«r Hanover, N.H, to attend a Plays Today JUancAoeler— 4 tU y o f ViUago Charm vooat workshop for teachers of "Ths Burray With ths Frtnga You - ........... , Im h s u Sfltoool rm xti aoMlemlc on Top," and a madlsy of ttwaa rtoort owM for an its tacond singing sponsored by the Na­ Think o f Fletcher^* tional Association of Teachers SeleoClona, ranging from songs a t Colonial Asnarkm. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 262 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, tiONN., TUESDAY. JULY 27, 1965 (Olaaalftod ARverttatag ea Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CINTI M7 fltutania w«ra dlatiMiuted 'A s progrran will oonoluda todiO'. of Singing. She will return Broadway and movla tunes to home next Monday. At the patriotic and mattia] mualo, wtll with "Amsrioa ths BsauUful." 54 HcKEE STREET TIm ManchMtar offioa o f the workshop, Mrs. Gray will sttidy be l^yad tontglit at 7:80 In Cen­ with Pierre Bernac, famous Amerioan Rad Croas haa moved ter Park by the 102nd Army to * new location. Formerly French baritone and concert artist, and Zoltan Kodaly, In­ Bend of the Oonneattcut Nation­ located in the old Cheney al Guard. Homeatead at 176 K. Center ternationally known composer, W edding educator and musicologist. In the event of ratn, the free St., the office haa been moved concert wlU be held bi Bailey to S87 F. Center S t lu ll ENCLOSURES A Members of Capman Court, Auditorium of the Manchester RuaseO • Mcacham from $25.00 to $45.00 ________ High Ochool. U.S. BomBers Knock Out Missile Site M.Sgt. William V. Ragelarla Order of Amaranth, will meet Mra. AMcs oismpef of 248 W. tonight at 7:80 at WatkIns-West ih e 26-man band, conducted o f 27 Nike Circle recently waa by CWO Theodore Karemanki, Osntsr M. simouncss ths mar- Now to the Ome to bring In your aoreene to bo npahred. Funsral Home, 143 E. Center riags of hsr daugbtsr, Mrs. Ohlr- promoted to hla preaent rank at is at the mid-potnt of a two- Storm window glass roplaoad ceremonlea at the Broad St. St., to pay respects to Harry Isy Meaclwm, to Ahwh A. Blis­ Armstrong, who'was a member week training program at Oamp s ' Jr. of OUMtnnbury, Satur­ Armory, Hartford. He la an en- Dompsey In NianUc and, at boon Quints Born Uated Army advlaor to the 712th and past royal patron of the day at Oentar Oongragaitlonal a u t o g la s s INSTALLED order. tomorrow, will perform In Oon- F105s Hit Ordnance Co., Connecticut stltution Plasa, Hartford. Church. In Auckland Army National Guard, Bradley Ih s brtdsgroom la tho son of GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Quick Greek Action The one-hour concert wW Field. Windsor Locka The VFW Auxiliary will have Alvah A. BubssH Sr. of Glaston­ a social evening tomorrow at feature a new oomposlUon, en­ AUCKLAND, New Zea­ titled "The President Kennedy bury and ths lata Mrs. Mhiion MIRRORS (Hroplaeo and Door) land (AP) — Quintuplets, Two Bases Manchester Chapter of 7:30 p.m. at the post home. Re­ Bsinwn RuassB. freshments will be served after March," and wUl include se­ one boy and four girls, BPEIBSQSA will rehearse to­ aha Rav. Joaaph H. Dudley, PICTURE FRAMING (oR typot) night at 8 at Bunce School. Ol- games and entertainment lections from "My Fair Lady," were delivered at National Members are reminded to as well as favorites from "The aaaodaiU minlstar of Center Women’s Hospital In Auck­ cott St. The event Is open to Onnroh, performed the oara- By Hanoi men interested In barbershop make reservations with Mrs. Bamum and Bailey Olrcus.” WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Quells Labor Strike land last night to Shirley mony. style .singing. No musical knowl­ Kenneth Aseltine of 784 E. A select quartet, consisting Ann Lawson, 26. WASHINGTON (A P )— Middle Tpke. or Mrs. Florence of accordion, vlbra(Aone, bass M!rs. Harbart Kaania Jr. of All the babies were in edge la necessary. There are no Manchester was matron of flight of 46 Air Fore# auditlona Pint of 829 Main St. and drums, wlR ^ a y "Poln- A T H E N S (AP) — ♦public utllltlea and communlca-*North Atlantic Treaty Organlsa- incubators and reported do­ clana," "Moanin’ " and "lh a t’s honor. tions were normal tlon and the monarchy. ing well. ’ighter - bombers today Manchester WATES will All." Kant Moyle of Manchester Greece’s leftist General Moat city buses — union offi- ^ e medical superintend­ knocked out one antiair­ - Pfc. Kenneth M. Ray, son of Confederation of Labor ’’Down with the murderers!” 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lionnle M. Ray of meet at the Italian American Other selections on tonight’s served as best man. Ushers ctala said 70 per cent •— were on shouted the crowd. "Better to ent, Dr. R. A. Warren, said craft missile site and dam­ J74 W. Middle Tpke.. completed au b. Eldridge St. Weighing in program are: “Hey, Look Me were David RumeU o f Manches­ tried to take a hand in the schedule, and there were taxis die standing up than down on the delivery was without aged another in North will be from 6 to 7 p.m. Alter ter, brother of the bridegroom; on the streets. complications. TOm boy was a two-week single rotor utility Over," from the movie “Wlld- nation’s poiiticai crisis our knees! Government by the Viet Nam. helicopter maintenance course weighing In members will go cait": "Ybu’U Never Walk and Bradbury Huff Jr. of New with a generai strike to- Almoat ,all hotels, stores, people but not by Americans, bom first. He weighed ex­ at the Army Aviation School. to the home of Mrs. John Gar­ Alone” ; "Canadian Sunset"; Jersey, a cousin of the bride. cafes and* restaurants in the not by NATO, not by the actly 4 pounds. Ohs girls Three F106 fighter bombers Ft. Rucker. Ala. He entered the rett. 38 Goodwin St., East Hart­ d a y. T h e government tourist-crowded Greek capital palace!” were 3 pounds S ounces, 4 were shot down, the Pentagon reported, by what was de­ Army July 1964. He la a 1963 ford, for a picnic. Members are cracked down, and the were open as usueJ. pounds 8 ounces, 4 pounds reminded to bring chairs and The crowd marched to Parlia­ 2 ounces and 3 pounds 7 ^ scribed as "intense cmventlonal graduate of Manchester High strike was an aimost totai The only visible sign of the ment Square. But at the sight of School, place settings. ounces, he said. ground fire” during tne low lev­ faiiure. strike was an occasional army riot police standing by, the dem- el attack on two prsviously un­ truck supplementing bus serv­ There will be a story hour MISS THE KIDS? The Greater Athena area onstratoTH turned away and dis­ discovered surfact-to-alr missile ahowed almoat no algna of slow­ ices. persed. There were no clashes. sites about 40 miles northwest at 6 tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. In the Let them know how much you care with a Long Distance State News Junior Room at Mary Cheney down. Soldiers and police were More than 10,000 youths and Sympathy strikes called In a Hanoi. Library for children 4 to 8 years call. It's $0 quick, so easy. The next best thing to being on the alert throughout the building trades workers gath­ scattering of communities'were The two sites, using ssml-ino- , area. ered In downtown Athens. old. Stories will be told about there. The Southern New England Telephone Company. spotty. * bile equipment which could bs LECLERC pets and toys. Children may investigates out integri^ Factories and dock Inatalla- Speakers harangued them. In Salonika, 6,(M0 construction Plan Given ;xit in place in as little os 24 FUNERAL HOME bring their favorite toy. tlona reported they were opera­ Shouting against the govern­ lours, are in addition to five ting without interruption. All ment, the United States, the (See Page Seven) sites previoualy Identlilsd sa before under construction around Ha­ FUNERAL F o r Review noi, the North Vietnamese oa|it- D. FALSE TEETH the need arises. tal. SERVICE Rack, SIMa ar SHp7 Of Districts Tile U.S. attack was launched WALTER N. three days oftsr a U.S. plans FASTKBTH, an ImproTad powder to Big Tim e was shot down by firs from ons LECLERC be aprlnUad on nppar or lower plates, Director holds falaa teeth mote flrml/ In plaoe HARTFORD (AP) — A of the missile sites. Do not lUde, slip or locic. tio gummy, bipartisan approach to fu­ Asst. Secretary o6 DsCsnss 23 Main Street, Manchester gooey, pasty taste or feeling. FAS- ture 10-year mandatory re­ Arthur Sylvester toU a news TKXTH U alkaline (nott-aola). Ooei For Namu conference that U.S. pacts re­ Call 649-5869 not tour. Cheeks “ plate odor** (den­ appointment of the legisla­ ture breath).
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