• .DIRECTORY.) SHROPSHIRE. ALBRIGHTON • 255 • erected on the site of an earlier church dating from 1000. is an with deer. The soil of the parish is light loam; subsoil, ancient building of stone in the Early English and Decorated sand and clay. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, south aisle and clover. The area is 6,ooo acres, of which g,x28 are in and a massive saddle-back tower at the north-east angle Mon~gomeryshire; rateable value, £ u, 164 ; the population containing a clock and 5 bells: the aisle, built in 1340, in 1881 was 905· belongs to the. Loton estate, and retains two remarkabl~ ALBERBURY township, in Ford hundred and division, windows, with fragments of 14th century glass, as well as contains g,143A... gR. 13P. Sir Baldwyn Leighton bart.. ts mural tablets and brasses to the Leighton family, including lord of the manor and principal landowner. Dame Dorothy Leighton, d. 1668; the Rev.Forester Leighton llragginton Hall, a mansion erecte~ in 1674, is now used d. May 12, 1807; and Honoris (Barclay), his wife; Dame as a farmhouse. Louisa Margaretta Leighton, d.. Jan. 8, 1842 and Sir Robert RowTON and AliUSTON are joint townships, in Ford Leighton hart. d. 1819: in the nave are some handsome hundred and division, distant respectively 1! and 2i miles mural monuments to the Lyster family, including one to south-east,.. and contain 1,5234. oB. 23P. Rowton has given Richard Lyster, 1691 1 removed from St. Chad's church, the title of baron to Montagu W. Lowry-Corry c.B., D.L. Shrewsbury, on its demolition, and others to Richard sometime private secretary to the late Earl of Beaconsfield, Lyster, 1766, Dame Dorothy Lyster, x688, and there is also and created Baron Rowton May 6, 188o. Rowton Castle, a here a window to Henry Lyster, erected by his tenantry: property of Lord Rowton, and now occupied by Reginald the chancel has seven stained memorial windows, placed Wynne esq. if' a fine castellated building of stone, sur­ there in 1853, and subsequently, by John Lloyd esq. H. rounded by gardens, lawns and well-wooded park land of Berens esq. and W. L. D& Gruchy esq. : there are sittings over :100 acres. Lord Rowton possesses the manorial rights for 500 persons: in the churchyard are the remains of an and is the principal landowner. ancient cross. The register dates from the year 1564; LrrrLB SHRAWABDINB is a township in Ford hundred and entries of burials here since 1:747 are found in the Cardis- division, 2 miles east. Capt. J. Severne is lord of the manor ton register. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- and the pt"incipallandowuer. charge £146, net yearly value £259, including 22 acres of EYTON is a township in Ford hundred and division, i mile glebe, with residence, in the gift of All Souls College, south-east. Charles Lloyd Jones esq. is lord of the manor Oxford, and held .t!lince 1886 by the Rev. Walter Lamer and principal landowner. Barnes M.A. of that college. Adjoining the church are the HAUSELEY is a township in Deythur hundred, Montgom• ruins of an ancient castle, built early in the 13th cenwry. The eryshire. Miss Disbrowe and All Souls College hold the New or White Abbey of St. Mary, founded here about 1225 manorial rights. Contains 1,6844. 2R. 2P.; rateable value., by Fulke Fitzwarine for monks of theGrandmontine order, £2,n6; the population in :r881 was 341. and dependent on the Abbey of Grandmont in Limousin, Sexton, John Williams. was suppressed in 1:441, when Henry VI. granted the estate PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Iusnrance Office, Alder- to All Souls College, in Oxford, who still possess it, and hold bury.-William l<'rancis, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive the patronage of the vicarage and the great tithes. On from Shrewsbury at .8 a.m.; dispatched at s.xs p.m. Bauseley hill is a Roman encampment, and barrows are Telegraph office at Westbury railway station scattered about the parish. Loton Park is the seat of Sir National Schoot (mixed), built with residence for master in Baldwyn Leighton hart. M.A., n.L., J.P.: the mansion is a 1794, upon glebe land, & enlarged in 184r, 1845, 1868 &. handsome building of red brick, in the Jacobean style, 1870; it will hold 121 children; average attendance, 65; standing in a well-wooded park of about 300 acres, stocked George Quin, master Alberbury. *Davenport Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Morris Wil1iam, farmer, White abbey [Letters for residents marked thus • should Benthall cross 1 *Painter James, farmer, Copehouse frm be addressed Ford & marked thus t Half- tDaveuport John, farmer, mastou Pryce David, farmer, Lower ho. Eyton way House.] Davis Thomas, farmer, Eyton Roberts Martha (Mrs.), fa1·mer, Barnes Rev. Waiter Lamer H. A. [vicar], Derwas Geo. farmer, Pentre farm, Hayes Red abbey Vicarage *Edwards James, farmer, Whistone vil *Savage Edwd. farmer, Whistone farm Gr1fliths Mrs. New cottage Francis Wm. grocer & sub-postmaster tSmith Edwin, farmer, Stauford Leighton Sir Baldwyu hart. M.A., D.L., *Gritfiths Fraucis, cattle dlr. Whistone Watkins Thomas, farmer, Amaston J.P. Loton park ; & III St. George's Groves Samuel, farmer square s w & St. James's, Carlton Jones Benjamin, farmer, Hayes Rowton. & Athenreum clubs, London. s w Jones Evan, farmer, Bragginton hall tWynne Reginald, Rowton castle COJIUtERCIAL. Jones John, farmer, Lower house tBrown John, farmer Bowdler Thomas, farmer, Pecknall Jones Joseph, farmer, Bragginton tMorris John, farmer, Orchard farm.• Cooper Johu, blacksmith Jones Robert, farmer, Upper house tPoulter Susan (Mrs.), blacksmith *Crane John, farmer, Bentball Large Elizabeth (Mrs.), Dragon inn tRoscoe Thomas, Windmill inn Dale Jas. farmer, Little Shra.wardine Llewellyn John, farmer, Lower wood tSmout Ann (Mrs.), farmer Davenport Charles, farm bailiff to Sir tMarsh Joseph, farmer, Stanford tWainwright Richard, farmer Bald wyn Leighton bart ALBRIGHTON is a parish and village on the Stafford­ £,625, including about 25 acres of glebe, with residence, iii" shire border, on the old road from Wolverhampton to Ches­ the gift of the Haberdashers' Company and Christ's Hospital ter, with a station on the Wolverhampton and Wellington alternately, and held since 1836 by the Rev. George Windus section of the Great Western railway, 8 miles north-west Woodhouse M.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The charities from Wolverhampton, 5 south-east from Shifnal, II north­ are of about £,no yearly value, derived from invested pro­ east from Bridgnorth, about 22 east-south-east from Shrews­ perty and interest on ·moneys, and include £4o left by bury and 132~ by rail from London, in the Northern division Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, in the years 1703 and of the county, Shifnal division of Brimstree hundred, Shrews­ 1704; i,"2o left by Mrs. Mary Waltho (alias Waiters), April bury county court district, Shifnal union and petty sessional 23rd, 1783; £,2o left by Thomas Davenhill; £,40 by William diVIsion, rural deanery of Shifnal, archdeaconry' of Salop Scott and £ :roo by Mr. Bromley : Mrs. Catherine Gratiana. and diocese of Lichfield. The church of St. Mary is an Johnson also left £roo in £2f per cent. Consols, the interest edifice of stone in the Early English and Decorated styles, to be given yearly in bread to 12 poor persons. The Insti­ consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, west porch tute, opened on the 16th of December, x884t comprises a. and an embattled western tower containing 6 bells and a clock reading-room, well supplied with London and provincial presented by James E. Briscoe esq. in 1873: in the chau~l is papers, and two recreation room!f. Several fairs were for­ a monument with recumbent figure and coloured armorial merly held here, but they have been discontinued for 80me shields to John Talbot of Grafton, c~ 1555: and there are years. At Whiston Cross, in this parish, are the kennels of memorials to John Stanier esq. deputy-lieutenant of the the Albrighton hounds, of which Capt. J. Foster is master ; county, 1831: the organ was given by James Loxdale esq. in Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are the hunt­ :r855) the church was restored, the north aisle added and the ing days: Newport, Wolverhampton and Stafford are con­ nave and south aisle rebuilt in 1853 at the cost of the late venient places for hunting visitors. .At Cosford in this parish Mrs. Catherine G. Johnsou: there are sittings for 6oo per­ are the Wolverhampton Water Works, which contain 5 en­ sous, partly free: outside of the church is a monument to gines of 750 horse power indicated, and capable of pumping Leonard Smallpage esq. of Pepperhill, x61o, and a stone 21,ooo,ooo gallons of water a week; the yield of the artesian ·coffin, found in the church during the restoration. The well, bored to a depth of :r,ooo feet, is equal to 4,ooo,OOQ register of baptisms dates,. from the year 1555; burials and gallons a day. Albrighton Hall, the seat of George Jones marriages, 1555: it records the burial here of Charles Tal bot, Harker esq. D.L .• J.P. is a building of stone, standing in a. Lord 'falbot, Marquis of Alton 6Dd first and only Duke of small park at the east end of the village of Albrighton. At. Shrewsbury K.G. who died on the xst and was interred 23rd Pepperhill, on the south-west border of the county, in this l<'eb. 1717-8. The living is a rectorially endowed vicarage, parish, is an old mansion of the Talbot family and now average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £504.
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