The Director, Dt. 25-08-2018 I.A. Division – III, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Ref. :- 1. Proposal No. IA/KL/NCP/74924/2018 and File No. 21-52/2018-IA-III 2. 32 nd Meeting of EAC (Infra-2) held on 2nd – 4 th July, 2018 Sub.:- Environmental Clearance – Proposed Expansion of existing administrative bank office building project at Kakkanad Village, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala – Clarifications – Reg. Respected Sir, With reference to the above mentioned subject, mentioned below is the point wise reply to the queries raised in the minutes of the 32 nd Meeting of EAC (Infra-2) held on 2 nd – 4 th July, 2018. Q. i. Submit copy of valid Consent to Operate. Ans. The copy of the renewal of Consent to Operate vide File No. PCB/EKM/DO-1/OA-67/14 dt. 07-07-2018 which is valid up to 22-05-2022 issued by Kerala State Pollution Control Board for existing project is attached at Annexure No. 1. Q. ii. Submit revised water balance. Ans. The revised water balance is provided at Annexure No. 2. Q. iii. The Air Quality Index shall be calculated for base level air quality. Ans. The air quality index is calculated for base level air quality and is provided at Annexure No. 3. Q. iv. A detailed report on compliance to ECBC-2017 norms. Ans. A detailed report on compliance to ECBC-2017 norms is provided at Annexure No. 4. Q. v. A detailed traffic management and traffic decongestion plan to ensure that the current level of service of the roads within a 05 kms radius of the project is maintained and improved upon after the implementation of the project. This plan should be based on cumulative impact of all development and increased habitation being carried out or proposed to be carried out by the project or other agencies in this 05 Kms radius of the site in different scenarios of space and time and the traffic management plan shall be duly validated and certified by the State Urban Development department and the P.W.D. and shall also have their consent to the implementation of components of the plan which involve the participation of these departments. Ans. The Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) Study & Management Plan is attached at Annexure No. 5. Q. vi. A certificate from the competent authority handling municipal solid wastes, indicating the existing civic capacities of handling and their adequacy to cater to the M.S.W. generated from project. Ans. The solid waste disposal plan is attached at Annexure No. 6. In view of the above submission of clarifications, we humbly request you to accord Environmental Clearance to our project at the earliest. Thanking you, Yours respectfully, For The South Indian Bank Ltd. Encl. :- As Above ANNEXURE No. 1 COPY OF THE RENEWAL OF CONSENT TO OPERATE ISSUED BY STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD FOR EXISTING PROJECT KERALA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD FILE NO. :PCB/EKM/DO-1/OA-67/14 Date of issue :07/07/2018 INTEGRATED CONSENT TO OPERATE - RENEWAL Consent No : O14ERRCTO124639 Ref : Consent no.O15ERRCTOA124661 dated 05.01.2015 The ' Integrated Consent to Operate' issued as per reference above to M/s The South Indian Bank Limited,SIB building, Rajagiri Valley, kakkanad is hereby renewed up to 22/05/2022 and issued to M/s The South Indian Bank Limited,SIB building, Rajagiri Valley, kakkanad The consent(s)/ variation order(s) cited under reference are integral part of this renewal order and this order is subject to the conditions stipulated therein and the following modifications/ additions. I. GENERAL S.No. Items Description 1 Fee remitted Rs.6,17,500/- 2 Validity 22.05.2022 3 Capital investment Rs.2350.52 lakh 4 Annual fee Rs.1,05,500/- II. Stack Details Stack No. Source of Emission Stack Height above Control Emission Rate(Nm3/Hr) Equipment Ground Level(In Roof Level(In Meters) Meters) III. CONDITIONS 1.For renewal of the consent in case of continuance of discharge/operation of the industry, application in the prescribed form shall be submitted through the web portal of the Board for Online Consent Management & Monitoring System 2 months prior to the date of expiry. Late application will be accepted only with fine. 2.Soak pit discharge standards specified in condition no.3.4 of the reference cited above is modified to pH- 6.59,BOD10mg/litre,COD-50 mg/litre,TSS-20 mg/litre,NH4-N-5 mg/litre,N-total-10 mg/litre,fecal Page1 coliform< 230MPN/100ml All other conditions of the Integrated Consent to Operate issued as per reference above remain unchanged. DATE :07/07/2018 SIGNATURE & SEAL OF ISSUING AUTHORITY Environmental Engineer To The South Indian Bank Limited, SIB building, Rajagiri Valley, kakkanad 1. This digitally signed document is legally valid as per the Information Technology Act 2000 2. For verifying this document please go to krocmms.nic.in and search using date of issue/name of the unit/Application Number in “Consent Granted Applications” link in the home page of the Board’s Online Consent Management and Monitoring System. Page2 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. DAILY WATER CONSUMPTION BALANCE CHART Annexure No. 2 Total daily water consumption = 105 KL (ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE) Fresh Water Req. Wastewater generation (Stored rain water & 16 KL Domestic Water Requirement from Domestic water of Wells) STP with Tertiary ( Non-Flushing ), 16 KL (50 + 16 = 56 KL 48 KL i.e. Treatment 43 KL (52 KL capacity) Domestic Water Requirement 32 KL ( Flushing ), 32 KL Treated Wastewater generation @ 90 %of total wastewater generated, i.e., Horticulture Water Requirement 2 KL 39 KL 2 KL Make-up water req. for cooling towers 5 KL 50 KL NON-RAINY DAYS attached to HVAC system (50 KL + 5 KL) 55 KL Fresh Water Req. Wastewater generation (Stored rain water – 16 KL Domestic Water Requirement from Domestic water of concurrent use) STP with Tertiary ( Non-Flushing ), 16 KL (48 + 16 = 54 KL 48 KL i.e. Treatment 43 KL (52 KL capacity) Domestic Water Requirement 32 KL Treated Wastewater ( Flushing ), 32 KL generation @ 90 %of total wastewater generated, i.e., 39 KL Re-use Line Recurrent Water RAINY DAYS Make-up water req. for cooling towers Demand attached to HVAC system 7 KL 48 KL (48 KL + 7 KL) 55 KL 1st day req. 1 Annexure No. 3. Air Quality Index shall be calculated for base level air quality and the detail is given below :- AIR QUALITY INDEX VALUE (24 HRS AVG. POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION) (AQI) * 3 Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 49.8 µg/m GOOD 3 Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) 22.8 µg/m GOOD 3 Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2) <2.00 µg/m GOOD Nitrogen Dioxide <2.00 µg/m 3 GOOD *AIR QUALITY INDEX Good = 0 - 50 Satisfactory = 51 - 100 Moderate = 101 – 200 Poor = 201 - 300 Very Poor = 300 – 400 Severe = 401 – 500 ****************************************** M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. Annexure No. 4 ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES 1 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES - EMP ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS PUMPS = IE 3 CLASS MOTORS TRANSFORMER • 1600KVA 11KV/415V Dry Type Transformer with OLTC confirming to ECBC 4 Star rating. Max. total loss AT 50% LOAD-4200 WATTS AT 100% LOAD-11,800 WATTS LED LIGHT POINTS • Highly efficient LED lights with dimming option in common areas for energy efficient operation. OCCUPANCY BASED LIGHTING • Occupancy based sensors are proposed in parking area, common areas & toilets for energy efficient operation. 2 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES - EMP BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A microprocessor based, distributed processing automatic control and monitoring system is proposed. AIR HANDLING UNITS •Direct digital temperature control •Centralized monitoring and control •Energy monitoring COOLING TOWER PLANT AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT •Centralized monitoring and control LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS •Centralized monitoring of fire detection/alarm and sprinkler system ELECTRICAL UTILITIES •Centralized monitoring and control for lights PHE AND FIRE FIGHTING •Centralized monitoring and control NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY - ROOF TOP SOLAR PV SYSTEM DETAILS •100 kW solar power generation is proposed on the roof top with grid tie System. whereby the generated power can be used simultaneously along with grid power. •1% of total energy consumption would be through solar power . 3 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES - EMP HVAC Total tonnage – 600 TR. Configuration of Chillers – 3 nos. 300 TR (2 working + 1 Standby) Type of Chillers – Water Cooled Scre Chillers with one chiller having VFD for better energy savings at part load operations. Secondary chilled water pumps are provided with VFDs for energy savings. Fans with Electronically commutated motor is considered for AHUs for energy savings. 4 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. LIGHTING DESIGN DATA TOTAL AREA POWER AS NO OF No.Of Total Watts S.NO LOCATION WATTAGE WATTS IN W/Sq.m TOTAL AREA PER ECBC SPACES Light As per ECBC PER SPACE Sq.m +(W/m.Sq) TOTAL WATTS A BASEMENT FLOOR 1 1 20 145 2900 2250 1.29 1.75 3937.5 Parking 2250 2900 2 1 40 18 360 98.1 3.67 5.7 559.17 Electrical Room 1 98.1 360 3 40 1 66.12 11.6 35 Electrical Room 2 1 35 11.6 3.02 5.7 4 15 1 0 0 0 15 17 985.5 5 Lobby 1 264 135 1.96 7.3 9 1 0 135 264 5 M/s The South Indian Bank Ltd. LIGHTING DESIGN DATA TOTAL AREA POWER AS NO OF No.Of TOTAL Total Watts S.NO LOCATION WATTAGE WATTS IN W/Sq.m PER ECBC SPACES Light AREA TOTAL As per ECBC PER SPACE Sq.m WATTS +(W/m.Sq) B GROUND FLOOR 35 9 184 555 8.6 1582.4 1 Currency Chest 1 555 184 3.02 12 20 0 0 0 2 Sorting 1 35 9 315 48 6.56 48 315 9.3 446.4 3 Manager Room 1 35 4 140 22.6 6.19 22.6 140 9.3 210.18 4 Lobby&Passage 1 1 12 14 168 66 2.55 66 168 7.3 481.8
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