Planning Statement Glenmore Farm, Westbury July 2015 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The Proposal 3 3. The Site and Context 5 4. Planning Policy Context 6 5. Planning Assessment 12 6. Planning Obligations – Draft Heads of Terms 24 7. Summary and Conclusions 26 Contact Andrew Ross [email protected] Client Taylor Wimpey LPA Reference Wiltshire Council July 2015 1. Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Turley to accompany an outline application for planning permission submitted by Taylor Wimpey for up to 145 dwellings at Glenmore Farm, Westbury. 1.2 In addition to this Planning Statement the following documents also accompany the application and provide the information necessary to describe, assess and determine the proposals. • Site Location (Red Line) Plan – Ref. TAYA2036_1001B; • Buildings to be Demolished Plan – Ref. TAYA2036_4401; • Access Plan – Ref.27325-002-006A; • Illustrative Masterplan – Ref. TAYA2036_3207B; • Land Areas Plan – Ref. TAYA2036_3602; • Design and Access Statement; • Planning Statement - including Draft Heads of Terms; • Topographical Survey; • Statement of Community Involvement; • Transport Assessment; • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; • Ecological Impact Assessment Report; • Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Strategy; • Flood Risk Assessment; • Utility Infrastructure Site Appraisal; • Phase 1 Ground Condition Assessment; • Tree Survey; • Noise Assessment Report; • Historic Environment – Desk Based Assessment; • Historic Environment – Gradiometer Survey Report; • Agricultural Land Classification Report; 1 • Additional CIL questions; 1.3 This Planning Statement is structured as follows: • Description of the proposal (Section 2); • Description of the Site and Context (Section 3); • A summary of the Planning Policy Context (Section 4); • Planning Assessment (Section 5); • A summary of Section 106 Agreement Heads of Terms (Section 6); and • Summary and Conclusions (Section 7). 2 2. The Proposal 2.1 The proposal seeks outline planning permission for up to 145 dwellings and associated development. All matters are reserved for subsequent approval with the exception of the main access to the site from The Ham (B3097). 2.2 The full description of the development is set out in full below: “Outline planning application for residential development (up to 145 dwellings), following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, with public open space, engineering works and associated infrastructure, access to be approved only, all other matters reserved.” 2.3 In summary the proposal seeks to provide: (a) A mixed residential development comprising a variety of house types and tenures, with up to 145 dwellings, including 30% affordable housing (i.e. up to 43 dwellings); (b) Safe new pedestrian and cycle routes, linking The Ham with the West Wilts Trading Estate and committed Hawkeridge Business Park to the North; (c) An integrated network of Green Infrastructure including enhanced habitat and attractive areas of public open space, including an equipped area of children’s play; Environmental Impact Assessment 2.4 A request for an EIA Screening Opinion was issued to Wiltshire Council on 10th July 2014 in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. An EIA Screening Opinion was received from Wiltshire Council on 30th July 2014 confirming that the proposed development is unlikely to have any significant environmental effects, and therefore does not constitute ‘EIA development’ as defined by the Regulations. 2.5 Accordingly no Environmental Statement (ES) has been prepared to accompany these proposals; however, a number of technical reports are submitted (as listed in Section 1) which provide all relevant information to enable the Council to assess and determine the submitted planning application. Pre-application Engagement Pre-application Submission to Wiltshire Council 2.6 Taylor Wimpey has undertaken engagement with Wiltshire Council via the submission of a formal pre-application submission. A meeting was held with Council Officers on the 31st July 2014. A detailed comprehensive written response was received dated 14th August 2014. 3 Public Consultation 2.7 This application is accompanied by a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which outlines the public consultation which has been undertaken to inform the application proposal. This has comprised stakeholder meetings and a public exhibition event on 14th July 2014. As set out with the SCI (and within the Design and Access Statement) feedback has informed the proposed development, including the illustrative design shown the submitted masterplan. 4 3. The Site and Context Site and Surroundings 3.1 The location of the site, which is to the North West of Westbury, is shown on the submitted site location plan. The site area is approximately 9.8ha and currently comprises buildings associated with Glenmore Farm (a dwelling, areas of storage and land in equestrian use). The site is divided internally by hedgerows and fences, with hedgerows at the boundaries (although these are incomplete in places. 3.2 The north western boundary of the site adjoins West Wilts Trading Estate. The site is bound to the east by Hawkeridge Road (B3097) and to the south by The Ham (B3097), with existing vehicular access taken from both of these roads. The western boundary adjoins existing residential properties and associated gardens, and agricultural land. 3.3 The site slopes down from south to north with a steeper slope downwards south to north from the hedgerow line bisecting the site south west to north east. All of the site is located in Flood Zone 1, as defined on the Environment Agency flood map, that being land at the lowest probability of flooding. 3.4 Further information regarding the site and the local context and character is provided within the submitted Design & Access Statement, as well as other application documents. Relevant Planning History & Background 3.5 In terms of planning history searches undertaken with Wiltshire Council have not revealed any significant previous planning applications relating to this site. 3.6 The site was not allocated for residential development in the West Wiltshire District local Plan adopted June 2004. However, the site was considered suitable in the Wiltshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2012. The SHLAA considered the application site under ref. 1014 and part of site ref. 742 and concluded that 82%-75% of the land is likely to be developable for residential purpose taking account of public open space, roads, strategic landscaping etc. The SHLAA assessment suggested that the site was deliverable in the 6-10 year timeframe i.e. 2018-2023. The supporting information submitted with this application confirms that the site is deliverable sooner than this. 5 4. Planning Policy Context Overview 4.1 The application site is not ‘allocated’ for development within any local planning policy documents and is outside of the settlement boundary which is defined for Westbury by the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Bradford on Avon, Melksham, Trowbridge and Westbury Community Areas Map)). The settlement boundary is proposed to be amended through the emerging Housing Site Allocations DPD and the site remains outside of the settlement boundary on the Draft Proposals for Revised Settlement Boundaries map for Westbury. Wiltshire Council is unable to robustly demonstrate a deliverable five year housing land supply. Whilst as a matter of law the Development Plan is the starting point for the consideration of this planning application, the housing requirement within the adopted plan is a minimum, and the emerging DPD that is required to identify sites and amend settlement boundaries is at an early stage of production. The ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ (as set out in the NPPF and requiring a positive approach to all decision making to ‘significantly boost the supply of housing’) remains a significant material consideration. 4.2 The relevant policy position and considerations in respect of this application are considered further under relevant headings below. The Development Plan 4.3 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states that: “If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the Planning Acts the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.” 4.4 With respect to the proposed development site the ‘Development Plan’ currently (at the time of writing) comprises the saved policies of the West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration (2004-2011), the West Wiltshire Leisure and Recreation DPD (2009) and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (2006-2026). 4.5 Other material considerations include: • The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG); • The emerging Wiltshire Hosing Site Allocations DPD, and associated evidence base documents. 4.6 Whilst the Development Plan is the starting point for making determinations under the Planning Acts, other up to date material considerations may also be relevant. The planning policy within the NPPF remains an important consideration in the determination of this planning application. 6 4.7 The adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy does not update all relevant Development Plan policies relating to the provision of housing in Wiltshire and the Council is not able to robustly demonstrate a deliverable
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