VOL. LXX NO. 58. PRICE THREE CENTS. NEW HAVEN. CONN.. WEDNESDAY MARCH il, 1904 THE CARRINGTON PUBLISHING 00, HIMSELF OF HIO MILITIA. CALLED OUT hundreds of families are leaving their PERJURY OPENS LAPIDES SURRENDERS 1T0 GOES QUESTION NEUTRAL PORTS. homes. TRIAL FOR MARQUIS APOSTLE LYMAN TESTIFIES The Lehigh and Wilikesbarre Coal Kew Haven Jonk Dealer Accused of Britain Considering It a One of Great company collieries, as well as the Del- Released Under Bond. ED TO SPRINGFIELD TO WAT ERBURY TROLLEY Conspiracy SENT AS SPECIAL AMBASSADOR lmportauce. MAN iKDE aware and Hudson and several individ- FORMER ' WHO WILL BE NEXT HEAD March 8. Harris Lapides, London, March 8 Two interest- 1 coal comDanies Hartford, very PRETEXT RACE RIOT. ual suspended opera- STRIKER AGAIN FACES JURY. a of New Haven, came here TO THE EMPEROR. OF MORMON CHURCH. tions at It not junk dealer ing questions were answered by Pre- Plymouth, being possible to-d- in with for of them to be company Judge Tyner, mier Balfour in any operated again of New Haven, and surrendered him- parliamentary until the water recedes. to In London a to tier Feeling Owing to Monday Night' Willi Tandemark Decline to Plead self to the authorities for conspiracy in Regarded Very Signifi papers, giving replies questions. Question of Prosecuting Fsrioni & At 1:30 the river rose to the ot White. Barn Plea of the case of the three men who were cant Whereabout of Vladivostok The first referred to fiscal matters, Lynching (be Negro mark, the stage of the present the Charge and Court Enter a to gaged In Polygamous Cohabitation highest last week sentenced terms in state and Mr. Balfour categorically said "the Levee District Exoltenieut Increases flood and only one foot below the high Not Gnlliy Refuse! a Request for to steal $10,000 Squadron Still a Mystery Very Im- Kever Considered PresU Jndge prison conspiring declared of his gov- by the First water mark of the disastrous floods of from the Landers, Frary & Clark com- policy majesty's the Day 'and Night, 1902. of (ha Oefenae for a From probable Report That It Ha Been Eih rltrongtaoat Departure pany, of New Britain. Lapides is 'the ernment does not include the taxation denoy Smoot Never Asked Permission In the Mayor Sending Crgent At 1:55 a. m. the Ice is moving, but is the Ujinal Way of choosing Juror. last of the conspirators. Judge Garvan gaged by the Japanese and Sunk or of food, and it is not proposed to deal of Witness to Become a Candidate for Nantl-cok- gorging at Nanticoke. South of e admitted the man to bonds of $5,000, De- cur- to the Governor for March 8. Willie Vande-mar- k. Captured AlezleS Seud Further with the fiscal question during the tequeit Troop. the ice is - Waterbury, which were furnished the Aetna In- United State Seuator. moving. by of the Ohio, March 8. Threats At Bloomburg the water rose ten one of the former trolley road company, of Hartford. His tail of Sunday' Bombardment. rency present parliament." 8. 'Springfield, demnity The second raised the. wide question Washington, March The senate ht to inches between 1:30 and 1:50 this morn- in trial was fixed for March 26. the day and strikers, was put on trial the super- Tokio, March 8. The forthcoming use of belliger- committee on and elections roughout Here it is 31 of the neutral ports by privileges district of the ing. feet high. ior court to-d- with L. irn the levee, the negro charged perjury visit of Marquis Ito as a special am- ents. John Walton (liberal), who y, in the investigation of the pro G. J. Bowlus in his when he and RUSSIA ACTS DECISIVELY. asked- the referred to the use 'ty, has confirmed Mayor 8. to-d- testimony given bassador from the of to questions, Reed Lancaster, March Late the Emperor Japan which Russian made tests against Senator Smoot, of his belief that more trouble is brew-- g on the lower other strikers were tried on the accusa- the of Corea claims warships recently j danger point Susquehanna Frame Work or tier Building at Fair Emperor general and are still making of the ports of Utah, brought out a variety of testi and he has asked Gover-"- jr river shifted from Colum- tion of to assault oh ac- Bainbridge, conspiracy . Ordered Torn Down. attention. It was originally planned to Candia, Suez and Port Said, and sug- mony, of which the most sensational bia and borough to Safe count of an attack on a non-uni- con- Herrick for troops. Two companies Washington 8. send a to Seoul as the desirability of communicat- M. to- Wa-tervil- le Si. March The frame work prominent Japanese gested was that given by Francis Lyman, We been to reinforce the two Harbor, the lower parts of which ductor and motorman of a car in Louis, promised a permanent resident adviser to the ing to the neutral powers possessing of twelve of tha :eal companies. night are practically submerged. during the strike. All the boys of the Russian national pavilion at the seaboard or trade routes between Great president the apostles bor- to-d- Corean and various names V Many of the negroes of the city are The great gorge at Washinston who have been serving jail sentences world's fair was torn down on government, Britain and the east, particularly the Mormon church and the man chosen to and it is ough broke, tons of ice and an of connection with the as- were be the successor of President Smith. ;rlv and moody hurling because their of a cablegram from St. Peters- suggested. Medlterannean and the Red Sea, the ; immense y. receipt alized that only a spark is needed to volume of water against the sault were in court The announcement that Marquis Ito views of the British go4rnnjent as to His admissions were similar to thosa off the of a race war. i Turkey Hill gorge, a few miles below. When the was read charg- burg by Contractor Lecouer, who has of in to the previously made by Mr. Smith pertain- t magazine complaint is going is a surprise. In official circles the duties neutrals regard iowds of whites are gathering in tha The latter gave way before the tremen- perjury, it was noticed that the old been in charge cf the work. Work on treatment of the warships of belliger- ing to the church government.' He is ing it is insisted that the of "cinlty of the levee, and all the day dous impact. A new jam then formed complaint of conspiracy was reiterated the framework of the pavilion was well object Marquis ents seeking to use neutral ports in more free of speech than the president ?lice have been ordered to for jusi. below Safe Harbor, where Conste-na- g in it. counsel for the Ito's visit to Corea is not politically im connection with of the church, and his testimony, report Attorney O'Neil, under way. The cablegram was from operations interrupting hty for the night. creek enters the Susquehanna, respondent, surprised the court and the portant. trading ships of neutral powers. though not materially differing, caused At 9:30 o'clock the crowd in the levee Back water rushed the creek, demol- announcement the department of the Interior, briefly Mr. while not the several of the present to shake up prosecution by the that It is denied that Japan has any; new Balfour, explaining apostles strict had increased to fifteen hundred ishing the Pennsylvania railroad stone his client would by his advice decline to ordering such work as had been com- government's attitude, admitted that their heads at the witness for the pur id one two shots have been plan to execute. It is thought, however, raised were of of more discretion in or revolver bridge and sweeping away the county plead. Judge Ralph Wheeler thereup- pleted torn down. the points the greatest pose compelling ied at random. The excitement is bridge, some distance - farther up the on ordered the clerk to enter a of that Marquis Ito will make an investi- international importance, and said they answering questions. Mr. Lyman la plea face is covered owing and might easily pass beyond stream. not guilty for Vandemark. gation on the general conditions in were receiving the attention of .the gov- angularly built; his As com- a of red whiskers le control of the local police. yet Two stores at Safe Harbor were O'Neil asked for a copy of rec- ernment. with growth bushy not been Attorney ANOTHEK REPLY TO RUSSIA Corea, and formulate possibly some is witness- le two local companies have pletely submerged and partly demolish- the evidence filed ith the court against and his speech blunt. Four i will useful in y. dered out, and they will not be if ed while two dwellings were torn from Vandemark as a basis for the warrant, ommendations which be JAPAN TO FLOAT LOAN. es were on the stand They rtside troops arrive in time. In con-I'a- st their foundations and washed away. the adoption of aTpolicy for the future. were Mrs. Kennedy, her mother, Mrs. and also asked that witnesses for the son with last night, not a negro is to The hotel is showing be on AGAIN ANSWERS NOTE TO Matthews; Charles Merrill, the of Exchange just accused summoned state JAPAN London, March 9. The Far Eastern Considering Advisability of Securing Mr. ; seen in the downtown districts, above water. In several cases residents Wheeler declined to Apostle Merrill, and Lyman.
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