showing hi9 heels to the base stealers SANANTONIO 12; SHREVEPORT 11 WACO »; DALLAS 7 THEY CARRY U. S. with 16 thefts, a gain of one ever last SAN ANTONIO. Tex., June 27.—Wild WACO, Tex., June 27.—Curley Brown HOPES week. neituer could pitching and hard hitting ran up the could not stop Waco today, SECOND Other batters are: while Lyle HALF leading score to double Jack Dewey stopped HITTERS PASS figures in the final Tesar, J. Wilson, Philadelphia. .404; Barn game with Shreveport Saturday, which Dallas after Bill Gould and Joe Gleason a result Waco hart, Pittsburgh. .383; Bottomley. St was won by the Bears 12 to 11 when a had failed to do so. As Louis, .377; Carey, Pittsburgh, .373; Spoit rally was checked in the closing won the slugfest by a score of 9 to 7. j both starred at the , OF SEASON TO CENTURY MARK Stock. Brooklyn, .371; Hawkes. Philadel- round. Six pitchers wtie used in the Gould and Brown phia, .368; Burius. Boston, .364; Blacf?'*, game. >■ bat. A 9 n St. Louis, .364; Bancroft, Boston, .364; Ran Antonio .12 15 4 Waco .. 14 ; CHICAGO, 111., June i.7.—George Sis- Eurl ^ 12 ~ Smith. Pittsburgh, .363; Fournier, Shreveport 11 17 1 Dallas . ler. of the St. Louis pilot Ameiicans, rcoklyn. .358; Grantham. Pittsburgh. Col lard. Winters, Watt and Warwick; Gould, Gleason. Lyle and Morrow; START TODAY and A1 Simmons of the are Athletics. .358; Cuyler, Pittsburgh, .352; Harper, Brewer, Thompson, McCall and Rowland. BroXvn. Tesar and Hungling. the first major league! s .to pass the Philadelphia, .351. 1 century mark in hitting for the 1923 -rr * « Will Pitch in season. ^mmmm—x Arguijo Sisler has collected 103 hits and Sim- Exhibition Game Here nn ns lnl. 'lhe figures include games of Wednesday. m * • With San Benito Tues- Tfce batting leaders of the American league are in the same position they day Afternoon were a week ago, with. Sammy Hale of the Athletics topping the list with .421. Red Wingo of the Tigers is second Lefty Webb, Austin product and on *ith .419,’ followed by Rice of the of the fastest ama OUR« port-side hurlers in Browns with .410. Then comes Ty Cobb tear baseball circles in this wil ) / section, with .401. be aeen on the mound in the opening Ken Williams, St. Louis slugger, and •me of the second half of the seasor Bob Meusel of the Yankees failed to in- this afternoon ngsinst San Benito, in crease their home lun the that city. totals. jankee still being in front with 16 with Arguijo, who arrived in Brownsvill .villiams one behind. Williams, how- Branch Friday, will be given a good rest un- ever, increased his total base mark to % til Tuesday of this week, when he wilt Valley 175. His hits include 24 doubles, 6 be seen in action for the first time, ii triples and 15 homers. an exhibition game arranged with tha Is a few hours from of the Valley. Jn base stealing, Johnny Mostil of only any part Magic team. This contest promises to be one the White Sox continues to lead with a of the features of the opening of the comfortable margin, his latest figure i »«nson. The new players will also be his total to 22. *~en bringing in action here. , , We Serve Better and Other leading batters: Quicker, Cheaper. The team which trots out on the Heilmann, Detroit, .399; Simmons % ball field this afternoon represent- Philadelphia, .388; Lamar, Philadelphia. ing Brownsille will be comvopsed ol .384; Fothergill, Detroit, Speakei, youngsters from college and university .384; Cleveland, .373; Combs, New Yoik, .372; teams, and from city teams in league K. Williams, St. Louis, .364; Sisler. St other parts of the state. Wholesale Louis, .363; Boone, Boston, .360, Pratt, who has been elected captain Paschal, Neto York. .360. of the Univeisity of Texus Longhorn Here are the two Max Carey and Clyde Barnhart of team next year, has arrived in the city, players who shortly. England, Raymond Pittsburgh have made an unannounced HEAVY HARDWARE MACHINERY and will hold down the center garden represented the United States Casey, Pacific Coast marvel, appearance among the leading batters For the past two years Pratt has been in the international tennis is shown on th<> with John of the National League. Most of th known as the surest fielder in the left, tournament at Pirates have been whaling the ball vi- MILL SUPPLIES IRON AND STEEL Southwest conference, and as one ot Wimbledon, Hennessey, Indianapolis star. ciously, but none as hard as an the most dependable hitters. He is a Carey his team mate. Barnhart from member of the all-conference team. He jumped fifth to third with an <*i will play center field for the Browns- Rallies Result in place average .393. and from twelfth to sixth ville team. Carey of with .373. of is another LEAGUE Defeat Robins Lefty Webb Austin slug- RACE There has been no stopping of Rogets ging outfielder, and also a pitcher. Webb Hoinsb.% of the Cardinals, who remains pitched for the Austin high school, ana PROG >LYN. X. Y., Jure 27. The safely in the lead with .427. eleven for a time in the Texas Association, and Fhillies turned back the to Robine lay. points more than he had a week ago. li*s a mean hook his side deliv- on port TO 10 to BE 6, rallies in the sixth CLOSE batting and collected 14 hits in his last eries’ He is also a hitter. Hornsby good seventh bri all the vis't- ALAMO innings IRON ging seven games and four were homers, Kozieski, who has arrived here from ors’ tuns. In Tie sixth, Philadelphia which has given him undisputed lead, Yorktown. Leissner’s home, promises to overcame a there run l<yid when five of the majors for the home run on team ership be another valuable player the Harlingen, McAllen Also tallies were scored, four of whicK re- with twenty one. with the Yorktown team hitting He has played sulted from a Build Up to Furnish home run by Corsica. Hnen Cuyler, another Pilate, con- and with Cuero, Victoria and Del Rio, tied count in Biooklyn the the same in- tinues to hold the honors as the best run and is a crack first baseman, and a Stiff ning, but in the next inning the Phillies with 68. “Sparky” Adams, dimin- WORKS Competition getter sure outfielder, in addition to being a ma !p five more runs off Grimes. utive second sacker of the Cubs, is safe hitter. Score— R H E SAN' Fred Rusteberg has anothei BENITO, June 26.—All the Val a BROWNSVILLE Manager Philndelph 000 005 .500—10 13 i ■% hails from ball Lose good pitcher in Pyle, who ley league teams will be greatly Brooklyn 100 202 100— G 11 2 Cubs Again ball Karnes City, and who pitched good strengthened for the last half of the Batteries: Philadelphia, Ring and Louis Nine Phone 200 Phone 786 season to St. Dav Night there. which starts today, according to Wilson; Biooklyn, Grimes, Hubbell and Other new players are Hines of San Guy Trent, president of the league. Taylor. ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 27.—'The Card- Antonio, a short stop of no mean ability McAllen has re-organized and will put inals tightened their hold on fifth place at fielding, hitting and base running a winning club in the field in an ef- by defeat ing the Cubs again to lay. The apd Clark. Austin boy who is expected to fort to win the last half of the season’s Houston out San Antonio Mr. HOW STAND score was 5 to 0. Jones was batted a games. THEY be here in few days. Mabiy has been*elected man- after five Blades’ two ager and lias innings. triples The lineup which goes on the field already $1000 per month TEXAS and Bottomley’s three ba|- hit fig- will be made mostly subscribed to the securing of first class I.EAGCE this afternoon up ured largely in the Cardinal victory. ball Wires are Won Lost P< t of young bal players, but all experi- players. being sent out Fort Worth Score— R H E and to available material to report and have 50 20 .714 enced, heavy hitters, dependable Chicago 000 000 000—0 7 2 them out. Houston .. 41 2d .GO I Ml-—I— !!■ ■■■ I ——— fielders. Leissner behind the bat has try I San St. Louis 100 0.11 OOx—5 10 0 the A catcher has ben here from Antoniq 40 29 .58,5 demonstrated what he can do in brought Batteries: Busli and Falls Chicago, Jones, and hit- the Spudders of Wichita Fdlls and sev- Wichita ,1b .*;> 526 way’ of holding the hot ones, Hartnett, St. Louis, Reinhart and O’Far- eral other good men have been wired 33 38 .4G0 ting. Peacock, formerly of San Benito, Dallas.^. rell. their Waco 32 40 .448 and who came to the Valley from tiansportation. Harlingen is also a Shreveport .. 20 43 .398 Runge, will probably start at first base, going through when several of Beaumont 21 51 .291 with Camp, another Austin boy, at sec- shake-up the old timers Braves Cop First will be let out and new Resrlts ond. Rodriguez, formerly of Laredo at replaced by ma- Yc-sferr’ny’s terial.. San Benito wil two or Waco 0; Dallas 7. Game With Giants third, and Devereaux. who came to the replace For You men Beaumont Fort Make It three and when the teams 11-4; Woith 3-4. We Valley recently from Victoria, at short.
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