spring 2013 vol. 40 no. 116 InterED (Print) InterED (Online) ISSN 2158-0618 ISSN 2158-0626 TIInterEDInterEDhe Journalnter of The associaTionion for The advancemenEDT of iinTernaTionalional educaTionion AAIE 2013 SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE IN THIS ISSUE Executive Director's Message -----------2 Kimmie Weeks: Stronge: A Very President's Message ----------------------3 Recalled to Life Convenient – and rapt audience listened to the mov- Evident – Truth Editor's Desk -------------------------------5 ing personal story of the first keynote r. James H. Stronge, Heritage Profes- speakerA at AAIE’s 47th Annual Confer- Memo to the Board ------------------------6 sor of Educational Policy, Planning ence in San Francisco. Kimmie Weeks was andD Leadership, The College of William Exceptional Children ----------------------8 ‘recalled to life’ by the protective will of his and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, was the loving mother during the civil strife that second Keynote Speaker at AAIE’s 47th Insites --------------------------------------10 took so many lives in Liberia at the end of Annual Conference in San Francisco. His the 20th Century. It was a life saved not Research is the Key ---------------------- 14 topic, “How Effective Teachers Impact only for future success but also for the ben- Student Success,” was based upon research 2013 Conference Overview ------------- 16 efit of thousands of children and women in he has done in the US, Oceania and Asia. his native land and in all West Africa. THEMED SECTION: Stronge showed how even one effective During the Liberian civil war, Weeks’ family teacher during students’ primary years can The Future of Our Schools: was displaced, living in a type of warehouse have a salutary effect upon their achieve- for safety, to escape the carnage that child ment. He continued by indicating how Coming Your Way Soon!-------------21-32 soldiers were wreaking on Monrovia. He countries that appear to have very strong was nine and quite ill from the consump- educational programs attract only their best SPECIAL FEATURES: tion of contaminated water and a lack of college graduates into the field, not only food and medicine. While his mother was GIN News & Reports ---------------- 34-37 with better remuneration, but by estab- out, others in the warehouse noted he had lished community respect for the teaching ESOL ----------------------------------------38 stopped moving and, lacking any kind of field. Many countries, and US states, have medical support, thought he had died. To Benchmarks: Within & Without --------40 changed curricula, methodology, course re- avoid the spread of disease from a body they quirements, even hours and days per year thought dead, they placed him outside with Second Language Acquisition ---------44 spent in school. Stronge noted that his other corpses waiting for whatever pickup research indicated that this mattered very NEWS & NOTEWORTHY: was used for burial at the time. When his little in the outcome of student academic mother came back, she asked for her miss- Dr. Price Honored ------------------------46 achievement. His research has shown that ing son. She was told of his death and that two factors directly under school control Int'l School Leadership Class --------- 47 he had been placed outside with the other influence student achievement: classroom corpses. She ran out, found him, still barely management and the quality of the per- PSAT/NMSQT Exams for Order --------48 alive, brought him back inside and nursed sonal relationship between teachers and him back to health. “I had died, thrown on students. New Overseas Tax Requirements ------49 the heap of other dead people. My mother Tribute: Alan Travers ---------------------50 found me and saved me so that I could vow Stronge indicated that caring, concerned to do what I am doing and have done.” He teachers who transmit this emotional at- We Remember ---------------------------- 51 immediately began to work for the disarma- titude to their students have the greatest ment of children in Continued, page 42 effect on the out- Continued, page 19 AAIEAAIE executive director’s message 7 week on-line cours- ~ for, by and about es. Graduate credit is leadership in international education ~ optional, and avail- the global education family ear Colleagues, of leaders and learners able through Wilkes University. The next vol. 40 no. 116 spring 2013 DIt was wonderful to see so many of you in course, Vision and InterED San Francisco and to hear from so many Mission in International Schools, begins InterED (Print) InterED (Online) of you that this year’s conference was “the March 23, and the following one, Interna- ISSN 2158-0618 ISSN 2158-0626 best ever.” In an effort to bring as much of tional School Management and Leader- 2011-2013 AAIE OFFICERS the conference as possible to all our mem- ship, will begin on July 1st. For more infor- President, bers, in this edition of the InterED you will mation please see page 47 of this issue, and/ Mr. Jack Delman (2013-2015) Overseas find articles that recap some of last month’s President Elect, or visit http://www.aaieinstitute.com . Ms. Linda Duevel (2013-2015) Overseas AAIE’s 47th An- Treasurer, nual Conference he 2013 AAIE Dr. Jonathan Lewis (2012-2015) US speakers, sessions Summer Insti- AAIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES and special events. tute:T Ensuring Suc- Dr. Connie Buford A/OS ex-officio AAIE's Institute cess for All Students Dr. Lee Fertig (2012-2015) Overseas There is an African will take place in Ft. Mr. Clayton Lewis (2012-2015) US saying, “For tomor- for International School Mr. Chris Maggio (2012-2015) Overseas Lauderdale, Florida Ms. Mona Nashman-Smith (2011-14) Overseas row belongs to the on Nova South- Mr. Paul Poore (2013-2015) AASSA people who prepare Leadership offers eastern University’s Dr. Beverly Shaklee (2013-2016) US for it today.” With main campus. Three AAIE ADVISORY COUNCIL this in mind, this optional graduate credit courses are being of- Mr. Frank Anderson US spring issue of the fered, June 24 -28, Dr. Peter Bateman AISA InterED also con- through Wilkes University. Dr. Robert Bartoletti US 2013. These are: Mr. David Chojnacki NESA tains a special fo- Meeting the Social Mr. Kevin Glass US cus on the future. Sessions begin and Emotional Needs Dr. Edward E. Greene Overseas As a follow up to of International Stu- Mr. Gregory Hedger Overseas last month’s Sun- March 23 and July 1 Mr. Warren Jaferian US dents (Dr. Pamela Ms. Sonia Keller Tri-Association day Solutions ses- Ward), Reach and Dr. Clark Kirkpatrick US sion, AAIE’s 2014 this year. Teach All Students: Dr. Richard Krajczar EARCOS conference will also How to Address Di- Dr. Ronald Marino US include a focus on Ms. Reina O’Hale MAIS verse Educational Dr. Barrie Jo Price US future forecasts and Needs (Dr. Yvonne Mr. John Roberts Overseas foresight education. Bui), and Translat- Ms. Charlotte Seewald US Some of the questions that will be ad- ing Brain Research into Effective Language Mr. Gerald Selitzer ASOMEX dressed are: What will the world look like Dr. Joe Shapiro US and Literacy Instruction (Dr.Virginia Ro- Ms. Kathy Stetson CEESA in 8 – 10 years? What future risks will our jas). Optional graduate credit is available Mr. Mark Ulfers Overseas students have to be prepared to deal with? through SUNY Buffalo State University. Ms. Jean Vahey ECIS What is foresight education? How can we Dr. Ettie Zilber Overseas For more information and/or to register, best prepare student to deal with these fu- please go to AAIE’s website, http://www. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ture scenarios? Ms. Elsa Lamb aaie.org . (Note: A/OS schools may be able to receive additional professional develop- AAIE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE AAIE’s 48th Annual Conference will re- ment funding for this summer institute, Ms. Elleana Austin turn to Boston, Feb. 6 – 9, 2014. In ad- Mr. Thomas Randall Ward and should contact their Regional Educa- dition to invited speakers, AAIE welcomes tional Officers to request such assistance.) EDITOR proposals from members. To submit a Dr. John J. (Jay) Ketterer proposal, please complete the 2013 ‘Call Best wishes for a peaceful close to the ASSISTANT EDITOR FOR TECHNOLOGY for Proposals’ form that has been posted to school year, and a safe, enjoyable summer. Dr. Barrie Jo Price AAIE’s website. EDITOR EMERITUS Elsa Dr. Gilbert Brown Two other programs that AAIE is cur- DESIGN & LAYOUT rently focusing on are the AAIE Institute Elsa Lamb, AAIE Executive Director Sarah J. Stoner / Swordfern Wordsmithing, Ink. for International School Leadership and [email protected] Mount Vernon, Washington 98274 Tel: (206) 949-9215 / Email: [email protected] AAIE’s 2013 Summer Institute: Ensuring Success for All Students. AAIE’s Institute PRINTING Vital Printing Corporation for International School Leadership offers 421 South Dixie Hwy; West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Tel: (561) 659-2367 / Fax: (561) 659-3380 Email: [email protected] the president’s message AAIEPresident's Welcome Regional Educational Officer for Europe food for thought and addressed the general assembly. reflection when we meet in June to update and revise our pres- ere’s hoping that those of From this panel we learned about the criti- ent strategic plan in Alexandria, Virginia. you who are recruiters have cal thinking benefits that students would Sherry Schiller, who guided us through our Hreturned to your respective schools safe gain if they could expand on their abilities last strategic planning session, will once and sound and have successfully filled the to create or recreate sensations and images again facilitate our discussion. We look openings you had vacant. Our 47th An- that lie in the future by building cases to forward to sharing the revisions that we nual Conference in San Francisco—with defend an expected future, an alternative expect to make on our strategic plan with its focus on Social Justice and Diversity— future and /or a preferred future.
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