.THETUFTS DNLY Senator says groups given ‘hush money’ by GREGORY GEIMAN ACT did, however, receive an Daily Editorial Board additional $1,400from ALBO for At Tuesday night’s meeting of next year’s budget. A portion of the Senate Allocations Board that $1,400 will go toward ACT’S (ALBO), both the Chinese Cul- newsletter. ACT had been bud- ture Club (CCC) and the Asian geted this year for four issues of Community at Tufts (ACT) re- its newsletter - none of which ceived increases in their proposed have been published despite con- budgets for next year. One senator stant assurances by the ACT that claimed that this increased fund- they will be. ing was nothing more than “hush Lezberg said that he felt the money,” designed to keep the CCC accusations made at the Senate and ACT from making any more meeting “had some effect” on the claims of “institutional bias” ALBO decision to award the ACT against the Senate and ALBO. and CCC more funding. In addi- Those claims of bias were made tion, he said, “ACT might still at Monday night’s meeting of the appeal even further,” beyond the TCU Senate, attended by CCC extra $1,400 they have already Treasurer Carol Wan and ACT been given. The ACT budget for Co-President Kim Tran. During next year now stands at $6,646, Dajly file photo OpenForum,Wan accusedALB0 according to Lezberg. A Tufts freshman was attacked by a group of teens Monday night in front of Goddard Chapel. Council One Chair Brooke Lezberg had hoped to keep the Jamison of “lacking professional- combined budget for all 19 Coun- ism and being culturally insensi- cil One groups under $45,000. Freshman assaulted on campus, tive.’.’ ALBO’s decisions on Tuesday These accusations were in re- night put the combined Council sponse to Jamison’s cutting the One budget over that figure by local teens identified as suspects CCC budget by $600, including $1,600, according to Lezberg. an eliminationof funding for Chi- I by JOHN O’KEEFE dent on the ground on the quad the scene and transported the vic- nese take-out food. Wan said that Daily Editorial Board with severe cuts to his face. tim to Lawrence Memorial Hos- Jamison “questioned the authen- In the first reported violent “He was a bloody mess. I think pital. No reports were available at ticity of take-out food as part of crime on campus in 1996, an they broke his nose, but I’m not press time regarding the student’s our culture.” unidentified freshman male was sure. They broke his eyeglasses injuries. Jamison said that she had made attacked by a group of six local against his face,” Roberts told the The ages of the suspects,Riley cuts across the board for each of teenagers in front of Goddard Daily. The victim told Roberts reported, range between 14 and the 19 cultural organizations Chapel at 9 p.m. on Monday night, and police that the attack was 17, meaning that they wouldlikely whose budgets had been based on according to eyewitness and po- unprovoked. be prosecuted as juveniles. All of food and sports activities because lice accounts obtained yesterday. “A group of townies came up the suspects are believed to be she considered thescte Tufts Police Sergeant Paul to him and asked if he knew of Medford or Somervilleresidents, pendable. At the time of Monday Riley said yesterday that suspects any parties going on. When he Riley said, adding that he does night’s meeting, Wan had signed a have been identified, but no ar- said he didn’t and tried to walk not suspect gang involvement. budget agreement which included rests have been made. He indi- away, they just surrounded him... Riley said that police believe money for the take-out food. cated that police are still awaiting They just started hitting him and the suspects may have been wan- However, at the ALBO meet- positive visual identification of knocked him down and started dering the campus because area ing the next evening, the members the suspects by the victim. kicking him,” Roberts said. schools are closed for winter va- of ALBO voted to give the CCC But, according to Tufts Public When Roberts arrived on the cation. an additional $150 in,its budget Safety Director John King, action scene, he said he saw “a group of If convicted of aggravated as- for take-out food. The CCC also will be taken by police officials people walking away very sault and battery as adults, the received an additional $3 1 for the within the next few days. quickly” in the direction of the perpetrators could face up to ten publication of its newsletter,Reso- He said that he does not fully The victim was walking alone Olin Center. But he added that he years in prison, under Mass. Gen- nance. Wan said that she was understand why ACT and CCC to his dorm after leaving Eaton could not identify any of the indi- eral Laws. happy with the increased budget, were awarded more funding by Computer Lab, according tofresh- viduals. “They could get time or they and that she had proven why she ALBO. “The process by which man Jeffrey Roberts, who called Tufts Emergency Medical Ser- needed more money. appeals had been set up were not Tufts Police after finding the stu- vice (TEMS) was dispatched to see ASSAULT, page 8 “I think we got more money followed by either organization because three members of ALBO because they went straight to the were present at our Chinese New Senate. I don’t know why [they Faculty committee approves new Year’s celebration on Monday received more funding].” night and they saw how successful Tran declined to comment on itwas. Wehadtoturnpeopleaway the issue, except to confirm that minor in communications studies because we didn’t have enough she had removed the volleyball tournament from the ACT bud- by GREGORY GEIMAN Lopes said that this new minor Lopes said that he would “strongly [take-out] food.” Daily Editorial Board will be interdisciplinary, much encourage students to take in- Wan identified those three get. After what Director of Mass like the current American Stud- ternships .” ALBO members as TCU Presi- CCC Treasurer Wan said that Communications and Media ies and Women’s Studies pro- In fact, he said, the Depart- dent Ancy Verdier, TreasurerScott she questioned Jamison’s profes- Studies Paul Lopes called “alot of grams. Six courses will be neces- ment of Communications and Lezberg, and Jamison. sionalismbecause “we were in the clamoring by students for a de- sary to fulfill the minor - an Media Studies has been handling Wan said that the CCC had put middle of discussions and she said gree related to communications,” introductory course, a senior internships for nearly 80 students out two issues of its newsletterlast she had to go meet someone for an interdisciplinaryminor in mass project, and four additional a year in recent years. The De- semester, and that a third issue dinner.” communications and media has courses in at least three different partment of Communicationsand wasdueoutsoon.“Weputoutone Wan also said that both Jamison been officially approved and will departments. Media Studies has existed for 13 in November,” she said. “Ithink ... and Lezberg neglected to tell her begin in the upcoming fall se- The introductory course will years, Lopes said, and in this time there might have been another that she could appeal her budget mester. be “Popular Culture and the Mass has offered numerous internships one.” before signing it. “They never di- Media,” a sociology department in Boston and other cities to Tufts At Monday night’s meeting, rectly told me that I could appeal course currently taught by Lopes. students. ACT Co-President Tran said that it,” she said. “I just gave up. It Inside: Of the four other electives, at Lopes said that he had been she was upset that Jamison had seemed like it would be best for least one must come from each of hired by the University two years chosen to cut the group’s volley- both her and I if I just signed the Features .................... P.3 the two disciplinary areas, the ago with the support of the ad- ball tournament from the budget. proposed budget. The Italian culture club is excited “This sports tournamentis impor- ‘‘You can only kick a dog so about exploring Italian heritage and first being social sciences and ministration and a majority of the technology and the second being faculty to “bring foundation to tant for the Asian community,” many times before it’s going to die Wenimo’s SQ~Ucontinues. arts and humanities. the Department of Communica- she said. “It’s important to see... or give up -and I did,” she said. Current courses that would tions and Media Studies as its Asian Americans in a position of Jamison had said on Tuesday Arts ............................. P. 5 count as one of the four required first faculty director,” so that a authority, control, and power.” that “Carol Wan was informed A review of Belizbeha’s concert, electives include the English minor could eventually be devel- One night later, however, Tran that she could appeal her budget, Waterdog’s new CD is ambitous, and Department’s “Film and Society,” oped. made her case to ALBO for revi- but she signed it anyway.” more sex (surprise) on Fox. the Music Department’s “History “We hope that with the cre- sions in the ACT budget, and she Wan said that if Jamison knew of Rock and Roll,” and the Politi- ation of this new minor we’ll be did not include any funding for a she could not give the Council Sports ........................
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