S I 1J 1 K ^ x i m e f e u ^8 __________________________ ____ Twin.Ealls,Jdahogi;/92nd_vcar,.No. .. _ —W ednesday ,-D cccmmbcr-lU,J.937-______ ------ .SO-ttcnts.— G o o d n io r k Visit u s o n lin em a: m p e n i n i o n - ^ www.magicvalley.<y.com site ()} q t i e s t Wl-ATHI^R , N e wf ] M ex ico ofFicif:ials w an t assuLirances aboutIt th e contentsI t s of INEEL, b a r r e l s Toilay: Pat? a tc h y fo g len sunny By LU Wrightht . [aren’t sure folks att (the(t U.S. Department of Enennergy) Idaho lalxiraior>-. writer_________________________ I waste barrels would likelil< to believe,”.said Kay IJi with high5 h ■ o f 3 2 - . , _ ’ Bird, Though legal chaliallenges could stall 1 c o m in g fro m .spokeswf)wf)nian for New Mexico's attorrtorney any shipments,s, ihe federal * an d low' 14. TWIN TAEALLS - Aflcr nearly three Idaho con- general,1 office.ol Environmenial Proteiteciion Agency seems f waiting, a storage site willi i^w ^ltiikl , , pPage A2 decadcs of « j tain whal the Oncee thet necessary permits areare in ready to certify INE«EEL waste for deliv- ■ ® open lip m NewNt Mexico five months from1 p la n t claim s, place, INEELIN: plans to ship radioactia c tiv e e ry to ih e site, \Vik71-7nski said. ^ For moro infomolion now to bcgiirgin accepting Idaho waste, and aren'l wastein in May 1998 to the New Mexilexico New Mexico officiicials want some assiir- 1 onfodlMClivowasio... according to officials at Idaho National sure the site, knovlowTi a s th e W aste Isolation1 PilotPi ance of the barrels's' contenl^. h ird s;iid. Engincerin(ing nnd EnvironmentalI Go to www.moglcvalloy.com■n waste won’t Plant. ShipmentsSh of mixed radioactiactive Opening each barrtrrel'lo verify ils con- Clubhouse construction;'■ A A new I. ond click on NowsLink icon1 affect safety and luizar^ardous waste would Iwgin in thet tents could be time:ie-consiiniing, expen- xico officials, however, say the —land health. fall of 19 Boys and Girls Club is be^ 1998, said John Wilcynski, t Deginmng ini-el’s confunfidence is unfounded. ’ITieyI “lliings are not as cut andai dried as the Energyy Depariment’sE manager ati illst , <*‘--sase see WASTE, Page A2 to take shape. ■ „ ................ PPage.Bl ................. ---T hfEJGEEQXLGDMEItH ~ r ^ J T r Q u h3 l e _______ ________ Cheese deal: A new w astes t e c o n ^ _____________ tract is nearly in place fbr t h e *Jerome Cheese plant. ■ follow:^ s n e w P a g e - r j . l y s t e m S i ’o u ' i s I foods’; - - ' On the court: l\vin Falls ai M odern nicediods resu lt. M inico squared off in baslasketball. ' ' P a g e DI .in m ore comntam ination The Associated Press College’s best: AP names its All- American team. WASHINGTONs — The efficient, worldwide food systp-stem th a t gives gro- ' P a g e D:L cer>’ shoppers morere choices and lower, p r ic e s trtroubling cost: an u p su rg e in fcKxi |H>is<lisoning. C ases of sal- O l ’IN IO N monelia illness alonene have doubled tiver th e past 20 years. Danger in delay: 'i\vin Fall: UH T h e •eaks occur also is County shouldn’t daily on writ- |||[^^H |g changing, in the pasa st, most cases origi- ing new dairy rules, today'lay’s edito- nated in restaurant:nts or at events like r i i says. c hurch su p p e rs — cai;aused by mistakes in the kitchen. P a g e A6 Such cases still ha]lappen — one person died a n d 7!>0 w ere sicsickened by •Hilmonol- la at a Maryland church outing Iasi F(X) i : > & H ( ) M H . nionth.-Uut . there.i.'i.i,s.nuw.a bigKer.ptub- — lem: I^iod Miiueiinienes is tainted dining ; i v i i W a r ' processing at the gigrowing number of C h r is tm a s : inige f(Kid factories;and ai is widely distrib- uied iK'foie anyone; }Vge ts sil k r h i s Despite the cold:oI(l and howling t^nds, Robert Roskaiiskamp ofJerome persevered a t thetie Twin Stop Car Wasj^Tuwdayf In Twin Falls. Winds gustlng to 43 The federal Cerenters for Disease :he Magic Valley, but should subsidede ttoday! ..................... - - • - - ------------ C o n tro l a n d Prevcnimtion e^rltnnrc.TTha: — /aUey ' 9,000 people die evi:ver>' y e a r from food. _______________ _ a m ily is XXT' - ^------- -poisoning-in-thirUniinitcti StaicsrMillions----- cel( more are sickened;; rre])orie(l salmooella * 'T cases have risen frorom about 22,riU0 in U 1975lo4f.,OOOin dayg r W ]Inds V up a f]xenzyJ "Industry consolid;idatioii a n d m.i.ss dis- style. whip \ / tributi<m of foiids iiianay lead to large out. Pi -------j-i • breaks of foodboriiele disease," Dr. Sean Page C l vVprksDStops; chill factor B ; E. Alteknise, a veteterinary epidemiolo' ■ | gist wilh the FoodI- and Drug Party time: Pre-holiday gather.gai droji.S tCO o . m i n u s z e r o H l- Administration, saidsa in a new'CDC H I report'<in em erging; nimicrobes, ings can be fun w itliout th(the fuss. „ „ Eor example, abounut 22-i.(K)0 people in - P a g e - C l ---------BjLWlIllanLBiK}rock ■ ■ . ■ :rtkellC-il by&lmtitTtri- r o 5 « r v ,j. TUnw-WowswfitBffitfli_________________________ la in 199-1.becuuse laitanker trucks used in haul th o u sa n d s of gigallons of ice cream .LLS - W inter is m ore than 10 -’' P I O N t ^v i n k a l l previously had beenen used to transpori S e c t i o n b y s i 5 C^ '1i I.UlN days away, Inhut Magic Valley residents c o n tam in aie il licjuidid e;tgs, accordini: n> Rotaiastuofiofihings to come Tuasday as th e CDC. Section A Section icy winds rakraked the valley - sending “1'he huge epideininiic was tlie result ol 5me...l-8 workers sciirrurrying indoors and driving . Weather.........2 FoocJ/Homf - a basic failure <111 an industrial scale to cninc oporan)ritorsoffihejob. - Natinn ■ ___________ .scTiaraie the raw fniriim ihe ciHiked." said --------------- ^------------''A ll“ ur“cra'i;ranes are sitting idle today,"------ ^ CDC researcher HolJtilien ^lu^'._ _ - - 0pinion.....,...6-7— - S e c tio) n n - - D ----------- •• sn id -Jim T hhorptr o ; of Twin-Falljr Crane----- ’A’ srrigleUiij-’.s'pnHl(TniriTCm'aiTrniodeiii S ports..... ■]_.5 Service. "Tiieihere’s no way to swing with ground b e ef plant ciiiran tiirri out hundred'. tliis wind goin^ling on. Il’s too dangeroiLS.” of thousands of pomKinds Ilf h a m b u rg e r, S e c t i o n B community™ 'y ....... 5 “Il's l.lowin;ving and colder than heck,” which a re then (juickckly trucked all ove: Magic Valley..14 added Earlirl Hunter of Spudnik th e country. p liciuipm ent in R iip en . “ I’ve m ade a coii- "Thar means any; ssingle problem that um nmoun/Tta im h ' Obituaries...... 2 S e c t i o“ n I ^ p ie o f'd iv e s outside,o but they’ve been hap p en s can be sprt.-aL-ail vi.-i-\’ <iuicklv and DearAbby...... 5 Money................ 1-2 quick ones. It’;It's like having no clothes at Snow streams across Interstalta te 86 where an empty semMractactor on its way back to Paul slidId offoi c a u se m a ssiv e illne>less bL-fore we even People.......... 5 Mutual func the road Tuesday afternoon on a particularly Icy stretch. Thee truckt; Is owned by Handy TrucksIts know about it," saiaid Caroline Smith s winds blew steadily frnm ‘'T ;,c.d.ys„ based In Paul, said Idaho Tramansportatlon Dopartmmt foremanin RodF Draper. DeWaul, food s;ifetyy (director at the non- •Idaho/West....6 Comics...................3 the west alt 2,23 or 24 mph, said Steve profit Center for Sci'Icience in the Public World...... .......4 Storey, tlie EiI'ederal Aviation Adminis- a b le," Storey sitid. “ W e'vee juj st got to pu l 10 m ph o r les.s. T lie bad news is th a tI teitem- Interest, ",..........._ trjitinn’s towwer e chief at the TwitrEiills____ ojl ourjojigjolins a n d d e al1 withv It.” ______~ p e ra m rcscs will be below normal fori r ttl h e - A long w th th e tndjidtistria! fiK)d process- • • ...:r.:'~Legarnotic£itlces;..5 : --..irpirfr-ThFiie-Nn'rional-WcathcrScrvi'ce—"-------- thb-^rtnds blew strai^riralong~ihc~air- ncxrscververal days, A\Tthiowjraround-!=ia-I5 ------ing'syslcm.-Airek'rurir-.tTsiuir-Ihe Ireiid’-— Classified..id .,'.5-12 issu e d a windind advisory and reported port’s primary runway andnd d id n ’t c au se d e g re e s arida highs around freezinzing, toward large-scale livestockli' operations gusis up to 43 mph; wind chill was down a n y problem s for airplane.s,•s, h e Siiid. accordingng to Les Colin, Jead forecasti:aster in which thousandids of animals are . to 7 degrees; belowl>e 7ero.
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