PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES KINGSNORTH GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT June 2015 Wardell Armstrong Sir Henry Doulton House, Forge Lane, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BD, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)845 111 7777 Facsimile: +44 (0)845 111 8888 www.wardell-armstrong.com DATE ISSUED: June 2015 JOB NUMBER: ST13901 REPORT NUMBER : 001 PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES KINGSNORTH GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT June 2015 This report has been prepared by Wardell Armstrong LLP with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, within the terms of the Contract with the Client. The report is confidential to the Client and Wardell Armstrong LLP accepts no responsibility of whatever nature to third parties to whom this report may be made known. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of Wardell Armstrong LLP. ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES Wardell Armstrong is the trading name of Wardell Armstrong LLP, Registered in England No. OC307138. LAND AND PROPERTY MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSING Registered office: Sir Henry Doulton House, Forge Lane, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BD, United Kingdom MINERAL ESTATES AND QUARRYING UK Offices: Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham, Cardiff, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Greater Manchester, London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Penryn, Sheffield, Truro, West Bromwich. International Offices: Almaty, Moscow WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES Kingsnorth Green Environmental Statement CONTENTS VOLUME 1 – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT, DRAWINGS AND APPENDICES 2.1 – 8.1 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 Approach and Scope of Environmental Assessment ......................................................... 2 3 Description of the Site ..................................................................................................... 11 4 Description of the Development ..................................................................................... 14 5 Alternatives ...................................................................................................................... 17 6 Consultation ..................................................................................................................... 21 7 Land Use and Soils ........................................................................................................... 25 8 Ground Conditions ........................................................................................................... 46 9 Water Resources .............................................................................................................. 73 10 Noise and Vibration ......................................................................................................... 92 11 Air Quality ...................................................................................................................... 145 12 Ecology ........................................................................................................................... 180 13 Landscape and Visual Impact ......................................................................................... 225 14 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage ................................................................................ 259 15 Climate Change .............................................................................................................. 298 16 Residual and Cumulative Impacts .................................................................................. 310 DRAWINGS Drawing Name Drawing ST13901 -008 Site Location Plan Drawing 14007(sk)001 Rev N Illustrative Masterplan Drawing KNMP001 Original Masterplan Drawing 7.1 ALC Classification Drawing 9.1 Location of Discharge Consents Drawing 10.1 Noise Monitoring Locations Drawing 10.2 Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations Drawing 10.3 Noise Contour Plot – Baseline 2014 Drawing 10.4 Noise Contour Plo t – Without Development 2023 Drawing 10.5 Noise Contour Plo t – With Development 2023 ST13901/001 June 2015 PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES Kingsnorth Green Environmental Statement Drawing 10.6 Noise Contour Plo t – Difference between 2023 With Development and 2014 Baseline Drawing 10.7 Noise Contour Plot – Difference between 2023 With Development and 2023 Without Development Drawing 10.8 Noise Contour Plo t – LAeq 16 hour Daytime Noise With Development 2023 Drawing 10.9 Noise Contour Plo t – LAeq 16 hour Night Time Noise With Development 2023 Drawing 11.1 Existing & Proposed Sensitive Receptor Locations (Air Quality) Drawing 13.1 Photoview Location Plan Drawing 14.1 Designated Heritage Assets Drawing 14.2 Non -Designated Heritage Assets Drawing 14.3 1839 Kingsnorth Tithe Map Drawing 14.4 Geophysical and Aerial Photography Anomalies APPENDICES Appendix 2.1 Flood Risk Assessment Appendix 2.2 Glossary Appendix 3.1 Transport Assessment – Non-Technical Summary Appendix 3.2 Utilities Report Appendix 6.1 Stakeholder Workshop – Invitees and Attendees VOLUME 2 – APPENDICES 9.1 – 14.4 APPENDICES Appendix 8.1 Envirocheck Report Appendix 9.1 Magnitude of Impacts and Sensitivity of Receptors (Water Resources) Appendix 10.1 Noise Monitoring Results Appendix 11.1 Traffic Flow Information Used in the Air Quality Assessment Appendix 11.2 2013 Wind Rose for Gatwick Airport Meteorological Recording Station Appendix 11.3 Model Verification Procedure Appendix 11.4 Air Quality Assessment Results Appendix 12.1 Ecological Appraisal completed by The Landscape Partnership (2013) ST13901/001 June 2015 PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES Kingsnorth Green Environmental Statement Appendix 12.2 Arboricultural Report Appendix 12.3 Badger Survey Report Appendix 12.4 Bat Activity Survey Report Appendix 12.5 Breeding Bird Survey Report Appendix 12.6 Winter Bird Survey Report Appendix 12.7 Dormouse Surveys Appendix 12.8 Great Crested Newt Survey Report Appendix 12.9 Hedgerow Survey Appendix 12.10 Reptile Survey Report Appendix 12.11 Water Vole Survey Appendix 12.12 Policies Relevant to Ecology Appendix 12.13 Summary of Criteria for Nature Conservation Evaluation Appendix 12.14 Bat Roost Potential Report Appendix 13.1 Photoviews 1 – 26 Appendix 14.1 Heritage Assets Appendix 14.2 Impact Assessment Methodology Appendix 14.3 Geophysical Survey Appendix 14.4 Additional Geophysical Survey VOLUME 3 – NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY ST13901/001 June 2015 PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES Kingsnorth Green Environmental Statement 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Terms of Reference 1.1.1 This Environmental Statement (ES) has been prepared on behalf of Pentland Homes and Jarvis Homes in connection with an outline planning application for a residentially led mixed-use development on approximately 60.98 hectares (ha) of land south of Kingsnorth, Ashford. The development will be known as Kingsnorth Green. 1.1.2 The Kingsnorth Green application site is divided into four distinct parcels of land by Ashford Road, Bond Lane, and existing residential development: Area 1 to the north- west; Area 2 to the south-west; Area 3 in the centre; and Area 4 to the east. 1.1.3 The location of the site is shown on Drawing ST13901-008 and the indicative masterplan for the development is shown on Drawing 14007(sk)001 Rev N. 1.1.4 This ES reports the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out in accordance with the criteria set out in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011, in respect of the proposed residentially led mixed use development comprising up to 750 dwellings at Kingsnorth Green, Ashford. 1.1.5 The Planning Application for the proposed development is supported by this ES (and Non-Technical Summary) and by other documents, including the following: • Design and Access Statement (Farrells) • Planning Statement (Ian Bull Consultancy Ltd) • Development Specification (Ian Bull Consultancy Ltd) • Transport Assessment (Peter Brett Associates LLP) • Statement of Community Involvement (Quantum PR) • Five Year Housing Land Supply Study (Peter Brett Associates LLP) • Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans (Farrells) • Sustainability Assessment (Wardell Armstrong LLP) 1.1.6 The outline planning application has been submitted to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) as the authority responsible for determining the application. ST13901/001 Page 1 June 2015 PENTLAND HOMES & JARVIS HOMES Kingsnorth Green Environmental Statement 2 APPROACH AND SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 The statutory requirement for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) derives from “Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 December 2011 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment” (Directive 2011/92/EU). The Directive requires that EIA shall identify, describe and assess in accordance with Articles 4 to 12, the direct and indirect effects of a project on human beings, flora, fauna, soil, water, air, climate, the landscape, material assets, cultural heritage, and the interaction between these. 2.1.2 EIA is a decision making tool which identifies and assesses the significance of potential environmental impacts of proposed developments in an objective and systematic manner. This enables appropriate mitigation measures to be shaped and be incorporated within the design, in order to minimise impacts on the environment. 2.1.3 The Environmental Statement (ES) is the main communication tool for presenting the
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