r . I' VOL. XXX. CfcANBURY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, S1. J., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1914. NO. 3. „ ,JWH1 Exchange Pulpits. Will Move to New Home. Lightning Kills Man. Girl Badly Scalded. Rev. Adolos Allen, of the Second .Lemuel Stults will move this week While working in a field with his Evangeline Caulpin, the thirteen- Presbyterian Church and Rev. Z. Wfro. m his {farm near, Prospect Plains to grandmother and six-year-old son onyear-old daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. J Wells, of the Methodist Church will ex- his residence on North Main street, that his farm near Alleotown, N. J., Monday Caulpin, of Alain street, 8potswood, was change pulpite 4>n Sunday toorniDg. has just been extensively remodeled by afternoon, Frederick Johns, 35 years very badly scalded last Friday while at- Your dollar will buy more than Contractor William F. Perrine. Mr. old, was struck by lightning and killed tempting to'wash her hair. M. E. Church. and Mrs. Ernest L. 8tulte will move to instantly, his body falling beside the Shefilled a pan with water and put 10:00 A. M. Sunday School. the farm vacated by Mr. Stults. aged mother and youngster. it on the gas stove to get warm, and a dollar's worth at this sale 11:00 A. M. Preaching by Rev. Adoloa The bolt struck him on the head left it there while she proceeded to get Mrs. Bennett Has Accident. Allen of the Second PreBbyterian while he was pusbiog a wheelbarrow the soap .'anoVbasin and other articles You get the most value for the least money, because our Church. Mrs. J. E. Bennett met with a very and the electricity traveled down his .which she needed. stocks of seasonable goods have been lowered in price for 7:80 P. M; Preaching by Rev. O. Bell painful accident while at the hotel iD left side and caused blue flames and When .she came back five minutes "end-of-season" clearance. There never was a better op- Close, Ph.D., Representative of theAvalon over Saturday-SHcfSunday. She sparks to emit from his shoes. later the water was boiling and was too' portunity for making money than by spending it here, Anti Saloon League of New Jersey.. and Mr. Bennett were with the party Johns' young son, wbo was close tohot to - be used for the purpose for Special Music. Everybody welcome: from Cranbury and in the midst of now, for needed clothes and furnishings' for Men, Young him at the time, did not feel the effects which she wanted it. Men and Boys. The price is not a proper tape-line by general enjoyment received a set back of the lightning and wondered why his She took the pan from the stove and Concert- August 15th. by a fall down the stairs. She was which to measure the quality of the goods offered. The Pennington Glee Club will give father had fallen down so quickly. "Seemoved it to a bench outside and then bruised and shocked by the fall and pop: he fell down" said the youngster secured some cold water from the pump. Even a look into our windows will give you a vivid a concert in the Methodist Cburcn of through the day her left arm pained this place on Saturday evening, August to his grandmother, as his parent fell On her returning her dress caught on idea of the wonderful values. her. On returning home she consulted over lifeless to the ground. tbe handle, upsetting the contents of Come and see how much you will save on a complete 15th. Dr. C. M. Franklin wbo found a small The aged woman grabbed the lad by the pan on her right leg. vacation outfit. V. I. S. bone broken. She has suffered some hand and ran into the house with him, The girl screamed and her cries at- The Village Improvement Society from sleeplessness but otherwise is Dr. Arthur, of Hamilton Square, wastracted her mother, who was in the will meet in the Library next Monday getting along nicely. Several years ago summoned. When he arrived he said house. The stocking was quickly taken !~evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mrs. Bennett broke her right arm and that Johns had been instantly killed. off, but with it a strip of skin about two from that ahe suffered intensely. Coroner Bower and County Physician inches wide, extending from her knee Fred k W. Donnelly Go., Baseball ToMorrow. Visited Avalon. Scammell were summoned to view the to her ankle, peeled off. TAYLOR OPERA HOUSE STORE—TRENTON The Cranbury Senior Baseball Club remains. L^ Dr. J. Otis Denelsbeck was summon- will go to Milltown tomorrow after- Avalon is a young town situated be- Entrance next to lobby. Mrs. Johns said that she did not be- ed to attend the girl, who is still con- noon to clash with the Michelin A. O. low Philadelphia that is being boomed as a summer resort, and progressive lieve the storm would be severe and fined to her bed. •* Tennis Tournament. continued working in the field. Sud- people from all parts are- being invited At the Trent Theatre. The Trianglo Tennis Club will play by the manager of the company to look denly there came a big cloud of dust Peddie tomorrow afternoon on theinto its attractions. Several from this and a few minutes later a bolt of light- The wonderful photoplay "KeptuDe's 1 Daughter" in which Annette Keller- opponents courts: section were guests there over Sunday. ning had struck Johns. Cupid, is always awake! Those we heard of were Surrogate and Johns leaves several children besides mann, the perfect woman and known Hoffman Homestead Sold. Mrs. D. W. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E a widow. as the diving Venus appears, and which Consequently Our The Hoffman homestead which has was shown to large audiences at tbe Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Scott, E. C. Hutchinson in Favor. been occupied for some time by Harvey Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Mr. and Trent Theatre, Trenton all last week, Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings At a recent meeting in Trenton for Hoffman has been sold to a family Mrs. John E. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. will be continued throughout the the purpose of ascertaining tbe feeling ABE ALWAYS IN DEMAND. from Long Island. The sale was ef-Henry Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. John present week at reduced prices. The H for candidates to be presented at the fected through the agency of Clifford Allen, Mrs. Catherine Bailey and pictures are almost beyond description A searching examination will convince you tbat OUR Mercer county primary election in G, Brown. daughter. being not only beautiful but extremely Diamonds are perfectly cut, properly proportioned, September, in connection with the con- interresting. Successful Harvest Homes. absolutely white, and reasonably priced. The same Tennent Harvest Home. gressional situation former Senator The story deals with two kings, King care is maintained in the construction of the Williams The Plainsboro harvest home was The popular Tennent harvest home Elijah C. Hutcbinson was a favorite William of the Mortal world and King Lucky Wedding Rings. You will also find the largest very successful, about $600 being made. was as great a success as usual, about and a large majority declared in hisNeptune of the immortal world. King assortment of Birthstone Rings at Williams'. The Union. Valley harvest home was 1500 people taking supper. favor. Neptune has two daughters, Annette also a success. About $225 was made The supper was good but the crown- Coldest July 29 in History of and Angelan who are caught in tbe A. F. WILLIAMS, Will Play at Jamesburg. ing feature was the excellent coffee Philadelphia Bureau. fishing net of subjects of King William. Annette being stronger than her sister 23 East State Street, _ The Reasonably-Priced Jeweler, Trenton, N. J. The Crescent orchestra has been en- made by Mrs. Frances Holmes of Cran- With a minimum temperature of 59 escapes from the net, but Angela dies. gaged to furnish music for a festival bury. Tbe coffee used was Silvers Ho. early in the day it was the coldest July The death so angered Annette that she and dance at St. James Hall, James- 7 and it won the highest praise from 29 in the history of the tveatber bureau every one. This coffee is used in the vows vengepce. Aided by a sea witch burg, on Saturday evening, August 22d. The humidity wao also low. With a 1 1 she is transformed into a mortal and •M-M-I •! I Z C I 1"M V H-M •! -M-M majority of homes in this section and brisk northwest breeze, many early Garage Man Busy. starts search for King William who has when properly made will delight the morning shoppers wore light overcoats Samuel E. Dey, the local autompbile allowed his subjects to fish in his private most fastidious epicure. Try it and see. and other wraps. The maximum tem- One More Week of and garage man, has sold thirty two waters. Goodwin's band furnished fine music. perature for the day was 72 at 4 p. m. Ford automobiles within the last six When she finally runs King William The previous low record for this date R. A. Donnelly's July Sale months. He has just sold an up-to- You Are luvlted. down, she falls in love with him and was in 1880, when the mercury fell to Summer shirts to meet any wants are here, all silk date Ford runabout to Jonathan Major, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
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