E234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 25, 2014 wife Rhonda, also a graduate of Evangel, On March 11, 2004, the House of Rep- ented wrestlers from Katy to qualify for the have three grown children—Sarah, Jon, and resentatives passed H. Res. 540 expressing state tournament. David—and six grandchildren. the deepest sympathies and solidarity of the William is a repeat state champion, finishing Coach Jenkins’ exemplary devotion to American people to the Macedonian people. his senior year with an impressive record of coaching is only matched by his devotion in As a tribute to President Trajkovski, then- 51–3. He went undefeated at this year’s state the classroom, his love of his family, and his President Bush and then-Secretary Powell tournament, pinning all four of his opponents strength in his faith. The Springfield commu- recognized Macedonia under its constitutional to capture the gold in the 126 lb. division. nity is justifiably proud of Coach Jenkins and name Republic of Macedonia, on November 4, Texas is home to many outstanding ath- the Evangel basketball program. I urge my 2004. letes, and becoming a state champion is not colleagues to join me in congratulating him on President Trajkovski’s legacy remains today. an easy feat. Becoming one twice is extraor- his well-deserved victory. His wife Vilma has dedicated her life to work- dinary. On behalf of all residents of the Twen- f ing to continue his work in bridging youth of all ty-Second Congressional District of Texas, I am honored to recognize William’s accom- HONORING BORIS TRAJKOVSKI ethnic groups, promoting peace and dialogue, and religious freedom among all, and she is a plishment! Our community is proud of William tireless advocate for breast cancer research. Homalon. HON. CANDICE S. MILLER His daughter, Sara, currently works at the f OF MICHIGAN Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. HONORING CLAYTON SHRUGA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The American people will forever remember Tuesday, February 25, 2014 President Trajkovski’s friendship, and I hope Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I that one day his dream of Macedonia joining HON. SAM GRAVES rise today to honor Boris Trajkovski. NATO and the EU will become reality. OF MISSOURI As the founder and chair of the Congres- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional Caucus of Macedonia and Macedonian- Tuesday, February 25, 2014 HONORING NORM HARTY Americans, and having one of the largest Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Macedonian communities in my district, I proudly pause to recognize Clayton Shruga. would like to commemorate the 10th anniver- HON. JASON T. SMITH Clayton is a very special young man who has sary of the tragic and untimely passing of OF MISSOURI exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship Macedonia’s president Boris Trajkovski, who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and leadership by taking an active part in the was a great friend to the United States and Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Boy Scouts of America, Troop 314, and earn- the American people. Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. President Trajkovski and his entourage were Clayton has been very active with his troop, today to honor Norm Harty, who nearly 50 en route to an international investment con- participating in many scout activities. Over the years ago pioneered the technique of using ference when his plane crashed near Mostar, many years Clayton has been involved with dynamite to clean the inside of a power plant Bosnia-Herzegovina on February 26, 2004. scouting, he has not only earned numerous boiler, in order to remove slag deposit. Power President Trajkovski, aged 47, left behind a merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- plants burning any type of fuel, except natural wife, Vilma, and two children, Sara and Ste- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Clay- gas, eventually build ash that creates slag de- fan. His gravestone in Macedonia reads a Bib- ton has contributed to his community through posits on the tubes running through boilers. lical verse: ‘‘Blessed are the peacemakers for his Eagle Scout project. This build up can create inefficiency in the op- they shall be called the sons of God.’’ Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in eration of a power plant, requiring more fuel to As a member and pastor of the Methodist commending Clayton Shruga for his accom- be used to reach the same output a clean Church of Macedonia, President Trajkovski plishments with the Boy Scouts of America boiler could produce, not to mention being a was a tireless advocate for religious tolerance, and for his efforts put forth in achieving the safety hazard as well. The advances Norm religious freedom, and conflict resolution. He highest distinction of Eagle Scout. was a man of great faith. His great faith drove and his company helped create in boiler him to be a man who led reconciliation cleaning technology have made their mark. f throughout his region of the world. In 2002, he In 1964 Norm started his own business, N. HONORING CAPTAIN CHARLES R. was awarded the World Methodist Peace B. Harty, and hired his first employee. Now 50 BURROWS FOR HEROIC ACHIEVE- Award by the World Methodist Council for his years and more than 4,500 jobs later Harty is MENT role in promoting peace and political stability. still running his company which is regarded as At his inauguration ceremony in 1999, Presi- the number one explosive cleaning company HON. SEAN P. DUFFY dent Trajkovski promised: ‘‘I intend to be the in the world. Norm has done business in all 50 OF WISCONSIN president of all citizens of Macedonia, regard- states in the United States and in Canada, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less of their ethnic or religious background, re- Mexico and Korea. gardless of their political standing. I shall not In addition to his business achievements, Tuesday, February 25, 2014 allow ethnic hatred and intolerance to under- Norm and his late wife Billie, have contributed Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to mine Macedonia’s stability.’’ While deputy for- much to their community of Dexter, Missouri. present the Navy Commendation Medal to eign minister, he supported U.S. and NATO- For the advances Norm and his company Captain Charles R. Burrows for heroic led efforts against Serbia, and allowed for helped create in boiler cleaning technology, achievement while serving as an F Division NATO troops to be stationed in Macedonia, and his many other contributions to the com- Junior Officer, Secondary Battery Officer, 5th during which time Macedonia took in 400,000 munity, it is my pleasure to recognize his ef- Division Officer, and Senior Officer of the Kosovar refugees. forts and achievements before the House of Deck Underway from December 1942 until President Trajkovski demonstrated his will- Representatives. September 1945. ingness to work with all of Macedonia’s ethnic f During his service, Captain Burrows partici- groups, which helped to prevent a civil war. pated in fourteen major operations against the He worked to foster peace and integrate Mac- CONGRATULATING WILLIAM enemy while stationed aboard the USS Ten- edonia into the international community. HOMALON nessee in the South Pacific. Under President Trajkovski’s leadership, As stated by Captain Burrow’s commanding Macedonia was one of the first nations to pub- HON. PETE OLSON officer, John B. Heffernan, Captain Burrows, licly support NATO-efforts in Afghanistan and OF TEXAS ‘‘by his initiative, perseverance, outstanding Operation Iraqi Freedom and send troops to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ability, and the foresight with which he antici- both, and under his leadership, Macedonia ne- pated developments, he planned, trained, di- gotiated an agreement with the United States Tuesday, February 25, 2014 rected, and maintained a secondary battery under Article 98 of the Rome Statute of the Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to organization which met the most exacting re- International Criminal Court, signed the agree- congratulate William Homalon, a senior at quirements of the operations in which the USS ment on June 30, 2003, and ratified the agree- Morton Ranch High School in Katy, TX, on Tennessee participated.’’ ment on October 16, 2003, thereby helping to bringing home a gold medal from the Univer- Captain Burrows demonstrated immeas- ensure United States citizens will not be sub- sity Interscholastic League State Wrestling urable heroism during the Saipan and Oki- ject to politically motivated prosecutions. Championship. William is one of the 28 tal- nawa campaigns when the USS Tennessee VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:08 Feb 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25FE8.006 E25FEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E235 was under continuous heavy attack from op- Membership in a Chamber of Commerce a volunteer teacher in her son’s co-op nursery position battleships as well as kamikaze air at- comes with commitment, dedication and con- school and a Girl Scout Daisy troop coordi- tacks. tribution to community. Chamber members are nator. She later served as Heather PTA presi- By his exceptional ability, personal initiative leaders in the community mentoring other dent, Heather Fun Day Chair, a member of an and unwavering dedication to duty, Captain businesses, creating positive environments for Ad Hoc Superintendent Selection Citizen Charles Burrows upheld the highest traditions business to thrive. The West Chamber serving Committee, and a campaign chair for the of the United States Naval Service. Jefferson County is a strong and vibrant orga- Committee to Defeat the Voucher. Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring nization today due to members like Colorado After her election to the school board in Captain Burrows and thanking him for his State University Extension—Jefferson County.
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