The Noe Valley Voice

The Noe Valley Voice

Volume XLI, No. 1 February 2017 THE NOE VALLEY VOICE Former Noe Valley Baby Box Sports Resident Named Safe Sleep Design Free Program Distributed District 8 Supe From Noe Valley Business School, Housing, and Health Issues a Focus for Jeff Sheehy By Olivia Boler By Matthew S. Bajko If you’re a San Francisco family ex- Ipecting a baby before Nov. 1, 2017, you ayor Ed Lee surprised shoppers and qualify for a free gift. It’s a baby box worth Mcafe patrons along 24th Street one nearly $70, and it’s full of goodies, in- afternoon in early January when he cluding the box, which doubles as baby’s popped into several Noe Valley busi- first bed. nesses to introduce Jeff Sheehy, his pick You might be wondering, what is a to fill the vacant District 8 seat on the baby box? The concept originated in Fin- Board of Supervisors. land in the 1930s, according to a BBC The introductions at Martha & Broth- News Magazine report. Expectant moth- ers, David’s Tea, Holey Bagel, and ers in Finland to this day receive a free Bernie’s went cordially, with both Lee maternity package from the government and Sheehy briefly saying hello to the Many Wanted Another Wiener. And those who know Jeff Sheehy say he’s the right one that contains infant clothes, diapers, strangers, for the most part, they met. At to fill Scott’s shoes as District 8 supervisor. Here, Sheehy is shown strolling through Noe cleaning wipes, and other supplies new Valley minutes after his Jan. 6 appointment by Mayor Edwin Lee. Photo by Kelly Sullivan Good News, the mayor told owner Sam parents need. Salamah to contact the new supervisor The box also has a small mattress and should he ever need assistance. follow up on the matter. “I am not a politician,” Sheehy, 59, the sheet that fit snuggly in the cardboard “Okay, will do,” responded a smiling Sheehy also agreed to get into contact first person living with HIV to serve on box—a perfect bed for a newborn infant. Salamah. with the man, telling him, “The Ellis Act the board, told reporters the day of his an- At 26¾ by 16¾ by 11½ inches, the box On the sidewalk in front of Whole is a thing of the devil, really satanic.” nouncement. can accommodate babies up to about 4 to Foods, an elderly gentleman approached It was a clear example that the mayor In talking with numerous District 8 6 months of age. Studies credit the baby Sheehy to seek his help in fighting his had picked no wilting flower to represent community leaders, Lee said he was re- box with Finland’s low infant-mortality landlord's Ellis Act eviction of himself not only Noe Valley but also the Castro, peatedly told to find “a replica of Scott rate and a reduction in sudden infant and his neighbors from their apartment Diamond Heights, and Glen Park at City Wiener.” While there was “no such way death syndrome (SIDS). building near Dolores Park. An aide to the Hall. His choice to succeed Scott Wiener, to do it,” Lee said he did find in Sheehy Noe Valley neighbor and merchant mayor asked for the man's contact infor- who in November won election to the “someone who is aspirational, has a deep Carol Yenne learned of the baby boxes a mation so Sheehy, then still two days state Senate, is a battle-hardened political away from being sworn into office, could operative not afraid to speak his mind. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 Michael Castleman Blogs About Sex for Psychology Today Prolific Author and Journalist Has Castleman is a health journalist who Global Audience has covered trends in sexuality for four decades. He has an audience that extends By Corrie M. Anders far beyond the book-crammed basement here is nothing that you can’t ask office of his Noe Valley home. TMichael Castleman about sex. You “There’s an old saying that the only one can’t make him blush and you can’t make thing worse than having parents who him cringe. And he doesn’t tippy-toe won’t talk to you about sex is having a around discussion of the most intimate parent who won’t shut up about it,” says activities in front of his wife or children. It’s in his job description to be explicit. CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Piling Up the References. Michael Castleman’s office strains to contain some of the All You Supply Is the Baby. Small Frys employee Saralany Carvajal and 3-month-old Lulí source materials for his fiction, health, and sexuality books. Photo by Corrie M. Anders Gonzalez try out the Baby Box, which comes complete with fitted mattress and sheet, a onesie, and other items courtesy of the Bezos Family Foundation. Photo by Pamela Gerard 2 The Noe Valley Voice • February 2017 JUST SOLD COMING SOON PENDING We’re Proud to be Among Zephyr’s Company-Wide Top 10 Producers! "SellingSF is simply the best. After we moved out, we handed them the keys and they took care of the rest! They are meticulous, timely, and most importantly kind-hearted people you can really trust.” —Ross S. 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FFebruaryebre uaary 1-19,, 2017 We Accept: Free Parking ATMM Cards AcrAcrossross the Street DiscoverDisccover Cards IInn our Very Own MasterCardMassterCard & Visa Elec.Elecc. Food Stamps & EBT Parking Lot ! 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Jill Tiffany Ginger Beth Debra Michelle Ankrom Gable Gervasi Gumina Hickenbottom* Karels Kershaw Lee Long Amber Robert Laurie Jeny Michael Patrick Ron Corey Lum Mayer Shulock Smith Tekulsky Vaughn Wong Ye *Hill & Co. Real Estate welcomes long-time Realtor and consistent top producer Tiffany Hickenbottom -* (# $*&!#* (*+* )"&''!# 6 The Noe Valley Voice • February 2017 photo: Amanda Brauning Brauning Amanda photo: Noe Valley Pet Company: tempting the neighborhood for 18 years 4USFFUUSFFTNBLF4BO'SBODJTDP CFBVUJGVM5IFZJNQSPWFPVS RVBMJUZPGMJGF DMFBOUIFBJS QSPWJEFXJMEMJGFIBCJUBUBOE JODSFBTFQSPQFSUZWBMVFT we sell Orijen 8BOUNPSFUSFFTPOZPVSCMPDL 8FMMNBLFJUIBQQFOBOE XFMMDPWFSNPTUPGUIFDPTUT XXXGVGOFU 1451 CHURCH ST 415-282-7385 NOEVALLEYPET.COM $POUBDUVTUPHFUJOWPMWFE The Noe Valley Voice • February 2017 7 Jeff Sheehy a Self- Described Moderate CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 personal love of the city and its people, a past advocacy that is strong, and some- one who is solution oriented.” Allies in the Neighborhood The mayor’s decision to select Sheehy for the board vacancy pleased Noe Valley neighborhood leaders. Standing behind a podium in the Noe Valley Town Square the morning of Jan. 6, Debra Niemann, executive director of the Noe Valley As- sociation, introduced Sheehy to the news media and the community members who had gathered that Friday for the official announcement of the city’s newest super- visor.

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