IProvinciar Library rvi THE CUMBERLAND ISLA 1/ Wltb wblcb ls consolidated tbe Cumberland Kens. TWENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 60. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Busy Meeting of Cleopatra Greatest $700 Collected Football Game Courtenay Light Whist Drive And Board of Trade Picture Filmed For Relief Fund Sunday Afternoon Plant Prospers Dance, Thursday Delegates Appointed to Attend Picture Showing at Ilo-Ilo This Very Gratifyng Results of the Unbeaten Ladysmith Team Com­ Makes Profit of $2459 on Nine Ladies Fix Admission Fee Right Annual Convention to be Held Evening is One of the Most Appeal in Cumberland by ing Up to Play the Local Months' Operations, With —Ladies Fifty Cents and at Duncan Next Week. Magnificent Ever Made. The Red Cross. Intermediates. Bright Prospects. Gents Twenty-five. Conducted under municipal owner­ There was a large attendance of A riot of gorgeousness and Egyptian Very gratifying Indeed are the re­ The Cumberland Intermediates get "A return whist drive and dance to ship the Courtenay electric light members of the Cumberland Board of splendor that outrivals the time of the sults of the appeal made ln Cumber­ a visit from tlie Ladysmith In Termed I the Men's Club of Holy Trinity Church plant is making big returns, as shown Trade at the meeting held on Wednes­ real Cleopatra iB the predominant fea­ land and district on behalf of the Em­ ;ites tomorrow afternoon, The Lady will be given by the ladies in tlie by the report of the city electrician for day evening. Several Important mat­ ture of the William Fox Theda Bara pire Relief Fund, under the auspices smith hoys are tlie Upper Island Parish Hall on Thursday evening, the nine months of the year, which was ters were dealt with. superplcture, "Cleopatra," which shows of the Red Cross, to go toward allevi­ League leaders, having 8 points for 4 December 16th, starting at 8 sharp. presented to the Courtenay City Coun­ at tlle llo-llo tonight. Miss Bara, the ating the suffering and distress in games, they not having heen defeated Whist 8 lo 10; dancing till 12 p.m. Delegates to Convention. cil this week. world-famed screen stur, plays the Europe caused by starvation and so far this season. Hut the Cumber­ Refreshments. Admission—Ladles 50c Mr. Thos. E. Bate, Mr. G. W. Clinton title role of the enchanting Siren ot diseuse. land boys intend to stop their record Thc total earnings for nine months and gents 25c." and Mr. Wesley Willard wore appoint­ amounted to $741!i.l(i, compared with the Nile. Early In the week the ladies and tomorrow, aud are putting a strong ed delegates to attend the annual con­ $4484.96 for the same period last year, The costumes worn by Miss Baru gentlemen appointed at the meeting team Iti the fleld. This should prove to All that the mere men know about vention of the Associated BoardB of an Increase of 12984.20. The net pro­ throughout this spectacle are won­ held ih the Anglican Hall recently, ho a good game, as the teams are wel this affair Is the brief notice.aa abovo Trade of Vancouver Island to he held fits after paying all operating ex­ drous creations. No expense was made a canvass of the whole district, matched, the Ladysmith hoys only de which Miss Dalton, the secrotary- at Duncan on Wednesday next, lffjh penses, power charges aud sinking spared by William Fox to make this and the ready responses received were feating the local hoys hy Ihe odd goal treasurer, has banded to tbe press for inst. These delegates were instructed fund and Interest, were $2459.38, com photodraniu the greatest evor lllined very eucouruging, tlie residents of all at Ladysmith tiie lust time these teams publication. Following the enjoyable to bring the following matters before pared with $313.28 for the same period and thrown upon the screen. The districts contributing liberally. met, affairs held by the Men's Club recently the convention: last year. entire world was combed by his as­ The complete results will be pub­ tbere has been some talk by the ladles 1. To urge upon the government the sistants to embody ln this matterpiece lished next week. Up to the time of of giving a return one, or as some necessity of completing the Bevan- every accurate historical detail which going to press, Rev. W. Leversedge, Football Schedule expresed it, of "getting even with the Headquarters road. Though this road history describes as having graced the secretary-treasurer of tlie local fund, Proceedings Of men," "we'll show 'em how it should was promised last summer, so far It court of the famous Cleopatra. reports over $700 received for the fund. Vancouver Island League be done," and so forth. On Thursday has only been surveyed. evening last a large number of ladles In addition to the decorative crea­ City Council The following is tlie schedule of Iho met in the church hall behind closed 2. To enter a strong protest against tions embracing the various periods tn COWICHAN G.W.V.A. Vancouver Island Football League, the The usual fortnightly meeting of the doors and drawn blinds. And as it the regular service of the steamship which Cleopatra reigned, there have CONDEMNS PRESENT games being played on the grounds of City Council was held In the City Hall lasted well into the night no doubt Charmer being discontinued,while the been used more than ten thousand the first-named team In each instance: on Monday evening, the full council they did considerable pow-wowing— vessel's furnaces aro being changed people to add color and life to tbe BALLOT SYSTEM December IK— being present, with Mayor McDonald but having sworn themselves to abso­ from oil to coal burning. Great In­ photodrama. These periods embrace DUNCAN.—Apart from the election in the chair. lute secrecy, they hnve since observed convenience is being caused merchants the Roman and Egyptian, giving the Cumberland v. Victoria West. of officers, the semi-annual meeting of Court of Hevlsiiin. a sphinx-like attitude when any of the and others by the discontinuance of a director an opportunity to picturize Metropolis v. South Wellington. the Cowichan branch of tbe G.W.V.A. Aid. Bannerman and Aid. Pickard 'fellers" are around. All they will say freight service from Vancouver, especi the various barbaric types prevalent Nanaimo City V. Yarrows. on Monday night was notable for two were appointed to act with the Mayor Is "Wait until Thursday, then you will ally as regards perishable goods. At ln those times. neceinlicr 8(1— present freight only conies from Vic­ resolutions. One of these condemned Cumlierland v. Metropolis. as a Court of Revision in connection find out." We are patiently (more or In the Interior tent scene more than toria. Hornby Island is entirely lso the ballot used In the late election, ou Victoria West v. Nanaimo City. with the Municipal Voters' List, the less) waiting until then to "find out," $50,000 worth of decorations were used lated, not having received mail or the ground that it was no longer South Wellington v. Yarrows. court sitting on Friday, December 10. and wilt do so If it takes our last to glv it tiie barbario appearance of freight for some time past. e secret. The matter is to be taken up Jnmmry 1— The matter of getting an auditor to 'two bits." The fair sex have set a splendor accredited to the time of the with the provincial executive of the Yarrows v. Cumberland. audit the books of the council was left very good example by charging ladles The Board of Trade will hring pres­ great Siren of the Nile. There were G. W. V. A. and the-member for Metropolis v. Victoria West. in the hands of the Mayor and City double the admission fee of the men. sure to bear on the government to do used alone, In this wonderful set, two Cowichan. A committee of two was Nanaimo City v. South Wellington. Clerk. This is as It should be—too long have something towards getting the Trent rugs valued at $30,000. In addition, empowered to present the subject be­ Road completed. The government January 9— Hurl) Closing Bylaw. the meek sex been held up, held down, the varlouB tapestries, silks aud furni­ fore public bodies. sandbagged, and so on! built 300 yards only of this road in ture amounted to more than (20,000. Nanaimo City v. Cumberland. The Early Closing Bylaw, which 1916 and nothing has been done to it Condemns B. C. Veterans Weekly. Yarrows v. Metropolis. calls for the closing of stores at 8 Never before in the history of pao- Everybody is advised to be present since. The road Is ln a deplorable The other resolution stated that South Wellington v. Victoriu West. p.m. instead of 10, will come up for todramatic production has there ever and see the fuu. condition and residents tn that district "Whereas the B. <*>. Veterans Weekly Jnnnnry IB- consideration and final adoption at tho been Been such a lavish aud costly dis­ consequently are ln a bad way regard- has become a partisan political jour­ Cumberland v. South Wellington. next meeting of the council, on Mon­ play of decorations. Veterans Visited Men's Club. g transportation. The Minister of nal, it is no longer worthy to be the Victoria West v. Yarrows. day, December 20. ubllc Works and Road Superlnten- official organ of the G. W. V. A. in Metropolis v.
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