MS 376 DiscoverSounds for Yourself So Why it Good Inspiration, Innovation and Assurance Since 1958 RECORD PLAYBACK USB MEMORY PERFORMANCE TOUCH When you choose a Masterpiece Signature organ, professional organ design comes with the package. Created by Rodgers’ team of master organ designers, Signature organs deliver magnificent sound with powerful, exciting performance, exquisitely crafted specifications, and popular features MS 376 like built-in record/playback functions and USB memory storage. Customization options are available. VOICE PALETTE VOICE PALETTE VOICE PALETTE GREAT ALTERNATIVE STOPS SWELL ALTERNATIVE STOPS CHOIR ALTERNATIVE STOPS Double Diapason 16 Violone 16 Lieblich Gedackt 16 Viola 16 Erzähler 16 Geigen 16 Diapason 8 Prinzipal 8 Principal 8 Dulciana 8 Quintade 16 Principal Céleste II 8 Bourdon 8 Flute Harmonic 8 Dulciana Céleste II 16 Principal 8 Gemshorn 8 Gedackt 8 Geigen 8 Prinzipal 8 Gemshorn Céleste II 8 Flûte Céleste II 8 Concert Flute 8 Gedackt Pommer 8 Gamba 8 Viola de Gamba 8 Violin Diapason 8 Gambe 8 Fugara 8 Chimney Flute 8 Doppelflute 8 Fugara 8 Gambe Céleste 8 Unda Maris II 8 Harmonic Flute 8 Unda Maris II 8 Viola Céleste 8 Viol Céleste II 8 Flûte Céleste II 8 Octave 4 Principal 4 Muted Viols II 8 English Diapason 8 Oktav 4 Prestant 4 Viol Octave 4 Geigen Octave 4 Principal 4 Unda Maris II 4 Violinas II 4 Prinzipal 4 Waldflute 4 Spitz Flute 4 Flûte Traversiére 4 Open Flute 4 Viols Chorus IV Twelfth 2-2/3 Nazard 2-2/3 Twelfth 2-2/3 Flute d’Amour 4 Klein Gedeckt 4 Fifteenth 2 Super Octave 2 Octavin 2 Principal 2 Spitzflöte 4 Piccolo 2 Waldflute 2 Tierce 1-3/5 Plein Jeu III Flûte Céleste II 4 Seventeenth 1-3/5 Tierce Mixture VII Cymbale III Klein Octave 2 Fourniture V Acuta IV Cymbale VI Flageolet 2 Quint Flute 1-1/3 Chorus Mixture IV Plein Jeu IV Cornet II Sesquialtera II Scharf IV Mixture XI Plein Jeu VI Quint Flöte 1-1/3 Contra Tromba 16 Posaune 16 Echo Mixture IV Fife 1 Principal 1 Tromba 8 French Horn 8 Double Trumpet 16 Contre Trompette 16 Grave Mixture IV Jeu de Clochette II Chimes (drawknob) Harp Basson 16 Mixture V Harpsichord Fagotto 16 Dulzian 16 Rankett 16 Soprano Ah Trumpet 8 Trompette 8 Basset Horn 16 Tremulant (drawknob) Oboe 8 Hautbois 8 Trompete 8 Waldhorn 8 Zimbelstern (piston) Vox Humana 8 Voix Humaine 8 Cremona 8 Clarinet 8 Swell to Great 16, 8, 4 Voix Humaine 8 CavColl Rohrschalmei 8 Choir to Great 16, 8, 4 Clarion 4 Clairon 4 Tremulant MIDI GT A, B Tremulant Choir to Choir 16 Swell to Swell 16 Choir Unison Off VOICE PALETTE PEDAL ALTERNATIVE STOPS Swell Unison Off Choir to Choir 4 Swell to Swell 4 Tuba Major 8 Festival Trumpet 8 Open Wood 32 Principal 32 MIDI SW A, B Regal Trumpet 8 Bourdon 32 Geigen 32 Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4 VOICE PALETTE Principal 16 Violone 16 SOLO ALTERNATIVE STOPS MIDI CH A, B Contrabass 16 Cello Celeste II 16 Bourdon 16 Subbass 16 Grand Diapason 8 Cello Céleste II 8 FEATURES Lieblich Gedackt 16 Dulciana 16 Dulcett III 8 Dulciana Celeste II 16 Flauto Mirabilis 8 Doppelflute 8 • Choir/Great expression shoe Octave 8 Gemshorn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 • Swell/Solo expression shoe Gedackt Bass 8 Flute 8 Harmonic Clarion 4 • Crescendo pedal Quintbass 10-2/3 Major Octave 4 Orchestral Flute 4 • 12 general thumb and toe pistons Choralbass 4 Tibia Piccolo 4 • 5 divisional thumb pistons each for Nachthorn 4 Solo Flute 4 Viols Chorus VI Swell, Choir and Great Quint 5-1/3 Bombarde 16 Corno di Bassetto 16 • 4 Solo divisional thumb pistons Mixture V Mixture IV Bombarde 8 Trompette Harmonique 8 • 5 Pedal divisional toe pistons Rauschquint IV French Horn 8 • 2 MIDI pistons per keyboard Contra Bombarde 32 Trombone 32 Mounted Cornet V • All Expr. Swell Fagotto 32 English Horn 8 Baryton 8 • Flute Trem Alt. Bombarde 16 Basson 16 (SW) Clarinet 8 • Main Trem Alt. Trombone 16 Posaune 16 Orchestral Oboe • Bass coupler Trumpet 8 Tuba 8 Chamades II 16 Tuba 16 • Melody Swell, Choir and Solo couplers Bombarde 8 Chamades II 8 Tuba Major 8 • Next and Previous general piston Clarion 4 Solo Tremulant (piston) sequence thumb and toe pistons Rohrschalmei 4 Solo on II (piston) • Great/Choir Transfer thumb piston Great to Pedal 8 Solo on I (piston) • Alt. Crescendo piston Swell to Pedal 8, 4 • Solo Expr. Choir piston Choir to Pedal 8 • Great/Pedal unencl. piston Solo to Pedal 8 • Full Organ I and II thumb and toe pistons MIDI PD A, B CONSOLE DIMENSIONS: 52.2” (132.6 cm) height x 70.5” (179.1 cm) width x 52.9” (134.4 cm) Rodgers maintains a policy of continuous depth with pedalboard. Depth without pedalboard: 36.3” (92.2 cm) improvement on its instruments and therefore reserves the right to change specifications without Weights (approx.): Console: 755 lbs (343 kg); bench: 55 lbs (25 kg); pedalboard: 110 lbs (50 kg). notice or obligation. Actual weight will depend on options selected. © 2011 Rodgers Instruments Corporation Rodgers Instruments Corporation A member of the Roland Group 1300 N. E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 (503) 648-4181 • FAX (503) 681-0444 Email: [email protected] www.rodgersinstruments.com.
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