CLARENDON SUN Secret Agent 23 Skidoo coming to Weldon Auditorium FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents A8 Judge to rule in coroner’s case today Clarendon County primary winner’s County coroner June primary. torney that raised questions in the June 12 This is not the about Samuels-Cooper’s qual- qualifications questioned by incumbent Democratic Pri- first hearing on ifications for assuming the mary, is quali- this matter. duties of Clarendon County BY SHARRON HALEY hearing at the Clarendon fied and has the On July 3, at- coroner. Special to The Sumter Item County Courthouse before appropriate cre- torneys for Mock Attorney Ronnie Sabb, who Third Circuit Court Judge SAMUELS- dentials to be- MOCK and Samuels- represents Samuels-Cooper, MANNING — Clarendon Ferrell Cothran. COOPER come the coun- Cooper squared argued that his client won the County residents may be clos- Today’s merit hearing is ty’s coroner. off against each election and should become er to finding out who will be being held to determine if La- Samuels-Coo- other at an injunction hear- coroner. the county’s next coroner Nette Samuels-Cooper, who per defeated Coroner Bucky ing during which documents after this morning’s 9:30 merit won the race for Clarendon Mock for the position in the were presented by Mock’s at- SEE CORONER, PAGE A11 Raking in Item hires multimedia the cash, reporter character Danny Kelly will cover sports, news Youth Corps program FROM STAFF REPORTS The Sumter Item has added a teaches work ethics, new team member to its news- room. builds self-esteem Danny Kelly is a multimedia re- porter who covers both local BY ADRIENNE SARVIS sports and news and will be a [email protected] vital resource for The Sumter Item's vision moving While some students are kicking forward to continue their feet up this summer, about 40 to bring the Sumter local teens are earning cash and and surrounding building character as they partici- community innova- pate in Sumter Police Department's tive, unique and en- Youth Corps program. thralling forms of The whole experience is treated KELLY journalism and sto- like a real job, said Pete Schmid, lead rytelling. corporal with the police department The York native and resource officer at Bates and recently graduated from the Uni- Alice Drive middle schools. versity of South Carolina's Col- Schmid started working with the lege of Information and Commu- Youth Corps program in 1999. nications with a Bachelor of Arts The City of Sumter Community in Journalism and Mass Commu- Development Department organizes nications. the funding for the program each “Danny has a wide skill set that year through a Community Develop- will really benefit our staff and ment Block Grant from U.S. Depart- our print and video coverage ment of Housing and Urban Develop- across the region,” said Vince ment. Johnson, publisher of The Sumter Schmid said the program gives 14- Item. “We’re always looking for and 15-year-old kids from low- to the most talented people in media moderate-income households the op- to bring to Sumter, and Danny portunity to earn a little bit of money ADRIENNE SARVIS / THE SUMTER ITEM will be a great fit.” during the summer. It also builds A student participating in Sumter Police Department’s Youth Corps program uses a Kelly said he is a sports and weed trimmer to clear the grounds surrounding a park in the Alice Drive area on film fanatic and especially loves to SEE YOUTH CORPS, PAGE A11 Thursday morning. play basketball and lacrosse. "I love high school football and journalism, so why not get paid to talk about sports, which I've been doing for free my whole life," SANDRA SHIVERS GOODMAN • 1964 - 2018 Kelly said. Kelly worked at Student Game- cock Television (SGTV) while at SCDC director mourns Lee Correctional unit leader USC, where he was also a mem- ber of the Delta Upsilon Interna- Goodman was ‘instrumental’ don't call themselves inmates, have to to Health Tuomey. Her obituary that tional Fraternity. He is also fluent apply, are accepted and can stay in the ran in Sunday's paper said, "she will in Spanish. in implementing BLIC program program, which has sepa- be truly missed by all those she "Our newsroom is gaining a rate living and communal worked with faithfully until the time great asset in welcoming Danny BY KAYLA ROBINS quarters than the rest of of her sickness." Stirling did not ad- to the team. I'm excited about the [email protected] the maximum-security dress how she died, but he ended a ideas, the work ethic and the jour- prison for violent offend- tweet mourning her loss with a #cure- nalistic integrity he will add to A Sumter native who spent the sec- ers, based on good behav- cancer hashtag. what we already have at The Item, ond part of her professional career ior. Goodman graduated from Sumter all qualities we value here and helping state prisoners learn from "She ran that program GOODMAN High School in 1983 and worked for strive for in everything we do," their mistakes and improve their lives at Lee," South Carolina Bosch for a decade before beginning said Kayla Robins, executive edi- behind bars passed away last week. Department of Correc- her career at Lee Correctional. tor. "I encourage you to reach out Sandra Shivers Goodman was "in- tions Director Bryan Stirling said Stirling said he has been to "a lot of to Danny for stories and to wel- strumental" in creating and leading Wednesday. funerals" through his time at the De- come him to the Sumter commu- the Better Living Incentive Communi- Goodman, who was born on Dec. 22, partment of Corrections but that nity." ty at Lee Correctional Institution in 1964, to Raymond and Eva Shivers, Kelly can be reached at (803) Bishopville. BLIC residents, as they died on Wednesday, July 11, at Palmet- SEE GOODMAN, PAGE A11 774-1221 or [email protected]. VISIT US ONLINE AT DEATHS, B5 WEATHER, A12 INSIDE Darrell James Dorothy Clark Deas 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES MOSTLY CLOUDY VOL. 123, NO. 195 the .com Willie Polite Jr. Keith Jenkins Not quite as hot with a 55 The Rev. Carl Raymond Tobias Jr. Morgan E. Hodge percent chance of rain and a Clarendon A8 Opinion A10 Linda Reese Henderson Vernal Cousar thunderstorm. Classifieds B6 Television C4 Williamson Stacy Diane Logan Hall HIGH 87, LOW 71 Jervia Alston Jack Marvin Moore Comics C6 USA Today C1 Get Ready for Football Season! % Buying Gold off and Silver 50 Fri & Sat only Entire Carolina & Clemson Store A2 | FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] CLARIFICATION WHAT YOUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING: SUMTER CITY COUNCIL An online subhead for Thursday’s article about Manning City Council violat- Long-term city judge appointed at meeting ing the state Freedom of In- formation Act’s open meet- BY ADRIENNE SARVIS NORTH MAIN STREET AND MANNING ANNEXATION OF 7.12 ings law stated the first read- [email protected] AVENUE SEWER LINING PROJECT ACRES INTO THE CITY ing of an ordinance, which Reading: Resolution — one reading required Reading: Second and final eventually passed and gave Sumter City Council appointed a Agenda Item: A resolution to approve a purchase Agenda Item: A request to annex the Public Safety Committee long-term city judge after the former contract with Insituform Technologies LLC in Chesterfield, 7.12 acres on Old Field Road, the power to fire Blair Shaf- municipal judge was appointed to cir- Missouri, in the amount of $174,282.80 for the Manning approximately 1,000 feet east of fer from his position as chief cuit court, annexed property into the Avenue and North Main Street Sewer Lining Project. Stamey Livestock Road and just west of police, was read in execu- city limits and approved a bid for a Background: This is a sewer rehab project to restore the of Ruger Drive, into the city. tive session. City Administra- sewer rehab project during its meeting sewer lines for a service period of 40-plus years, said Al Background: The property, which is tor Scott Tanner said the or- on Tuesday. Harris, assistant manager of the city of Sumter and director surrounded by city land, is currently dinance was not read in exec- of city public works. vacant and is split-zoned general utive session. According to There were six bids for the project: the highest bid was residential and general commercial. the meeting minutes, an The applicant also owns two APPOINTMENT OF CITY JUDGE $341,382.40 from Associates Roofing & Construction Inc. amendment to Chapter 2, in Murrells Inlet, and the lowest bid was from Insituform adjacent parcels that are in the city Section 2-856 of the City of Reading: Appointment — one reading required Technologies. limits. Manning Code of Ordinances Agenda item: An appointment to designate Bryan Harris said the project will also help the city stay ahead of Sumter Planning Department staff was discussed in executive Keith Griffin as city of Sumter municipal court judge the upcoming revitalization project that will take place in recommends the request be session. It is an FOIA viola- Background: Griffin is currently serving a temporary the same area. approved. tion to discuss at all an ordi- appointment as interim granted by Mayor Joe Discussion: Galiano made a motion nance or change of law in ex- Insituform Technologies is a company the city has worked McElveen. with in the past, Harris said. to approve the request, and Hastie ecutive session.
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